Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

All nutcase Netanyahu is is a baby killing land stealing Zionist war criminal!

Scum of the earth!

i wonder if obama supports abortion?

What does that have to do with anything?

some people refer to persons who do not oppose abortion as
"baby killers" Some scum who support the blowing of the
brains out of the heads of jewish children---refer to jews who oppose
them as "baby killers" see the connection??? are you friends
using nail bombs to blow the brains out of syrian children or are they
just hacking them to death for the entertainment of the ummah sluts?
I received an email yesterday to which I attributed a certain .....hyperbole.
But, upon research.....it's true.

Here is part of that email:
"I just wanted to write a post here outlining what Obama has been doing in the Middle East while America is rightfully preoccupied with the Obamacare tragedy. Yesterday, John Kerry went on Israeli TV and said that if Israel does not partition the country and create a" Palestinian state" (along borders that are indefensible) he will
1) make sure that Israel is isolated at the UN (that Israel will be declared an illegitimate state or a non state)
2) that he will work to ensure that Europe no longer trades with Israel, thereby strangling the Israeli economy and
3) he said that if "Israel does not comply, there will be violence against it".

1. "Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord....Kerry warned Israelis that the result would be a third intifada of terrorist attacks against Israel.
But that was just for starters.

2. In addition, Kerry said, Israel would be more internationally isolated, there would be increased calls for boycotts and divestment from Israel, and the advent of a Palestinian leadership committed to violence.

3. ....Kerry also denounced Jewish settlements in the West Bank as "illegitimate" and called for an end of the presence of "IDF soldiers perpetually in the West Bank."

4. ....Kerry's remarks fit perfectly with the Palestinian playbook. His anti-Israel outbursts were bound to play well in Ramallah and Amman."
Blog: Kerry Threatens Israel

5. "US Secretary of State John Kerry, using the bully tactics of his boss Barack Obama, warned Israel that if Israeli-Palestinian talks break down, there might be a third intifada. Kerry’s one-sided warning was even more astounding when this fact is thrown in the mix: two days before he shot off his mouth, a poll conducted by the Arab World For Research & Development showed that only 29% of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians would be in favor of a third intifada, even though 60% believe it could happen."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada - Townhall.com Staff 11/8/2013 9:05 AM

6. ".... despicable action by Kerry means is that Kerry has now tacitly given a green light for Palestinian terrorists to wage a third intifada against Israel....
Kerry’s threat came during a joint interview with Channel 2's Udi Segal and Maher Shalabi of Palestine TV.... said:

...I believe that if we do not resolve the issues between Palestinians and Israelis, if we do not find a way to find peace, there will be an increasing isolation of Israel, three will be an increasing campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel that has been taking place on an international basis..."

a. Of course, Kerry never mentions the Israelis’ aspirations to simply live in peace without the constant existential threat, but then, the same man who lied about Vietnam atrocities can’t exactly be someone who wants the truth."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada

7. "...the Obama administration is working behind the scenes in tandem with the EU’s boycott of Israeli settlements, tying the seriousness of the EU’s future ban to Israel’s actions during current U.S.-brokered talks with the Palestinians, according to a senior Palestinian negotiator....Kerry is using the EU sanctions to blackmail Israel into complying with talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state that would include the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.....cause incalculable damage to the Israeli economy.”

a. In July, the EU published guidelines that deny EU funds in the form of grants, prizes and financial instruments from going toward any Jewish entities in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights or eastern Jerusalem.
Report: Kerry threatening Israel with sanctions

Are there still folks who question where Obama's interests lie?

Very well done, Political Chick. As always you give an excellent presentation. Good job on your investigation of the truth and sharing your findings with others. - Jeri

John "Lurch" Kerry is a paid apparatchik of Barack Hussein Obama (Peace be on him)

Hey....who'd ya' vote for.....(giggle, giggle....)
Surprise me.

Senator/War Hero John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!

As I knew he would.

So....you've decided that Lurch was a war hero??

No, the Navy did, and does. I just agree with them. :)

Doesn't matter who they voted for. I know hundreds of Jews who voted for Obama they are also very pro-Israel, they are just blinded by "hope and Change"

Or they j ust realize Israel can't survive in a state of perpetual war and apartheid.

Didn't work for South Africa, after all.

But really, here's the thing. A lot of AMerican Jews watch theZionists levelling homes and running over peace activists with bulldozers and shooting children in the street and just say they want no part of that.

So the Zionists have switched their marketing program to appeal to the dumb, inbred Christian Redneck like Katz who thinks that Israel needs to be there so Jesus can come back.

Wrong, Israel gets lots of money from American Jews:cool:

Oh, does that mean we can stop sending them foreign aid to prop up their economy?

Works for me.
No Apartheid in Israel Joe Blow, and it appears the Islamists and Palestinian supporters have successfully marketed the ignorant, mentally insane, illiterate, convicts in and out of prison, and Neo nazi skinhead assholes as their foot soldiers.

When the people who are NATIVE to the land are forced to live behind fences, crowded into slums and treated like second class citizens in their own country...

that's Apartheid.

Didn't last in South Africa, won't last in Palestine.
What does that have to do with anything?

I heard you're so ugly when you looked in the mirror your reflection walked away.


You don't want to play anymore?
^^^ When conservatives finally realize they are losing the argument, they begin with the personal attacks.

If, in your sophomoric view, that is supposed to make me even hesitate from revealing what a dunce you are....

OMG! I almost said "you better think again"!!!

Isn't that funny...that would have suggested that you ever thought in the first place!

Nah....it's a guilty pleasure of mine pointing out your foibles in whatever manner is most embarrassing to you....

But....if you were jealous of the treatment that the other dope was getting....

I didn't forget about you: you're so ugly, robbers give you their masks to wear.
...and an effective Secretary of State?

Chemical Weapons have been removed by the U.N. without a shot fired.

How much did that victory cost us, in blood and treasure? No blood, negligible treasure.

Thank you, Secretary Kerry and President Obama (praise be unto Him!)!

You're soooooo stupid....you must be a Liberal?

"Syria has moved 20 trucks worth of equipment and material used for the manufacturing of chemical weapons into neighboring Iraq, the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal reported on Sunday.
Last week, the head of the Free Syrian Army told CNN that opposition intelligence indicated Assad was moving chemical arms out of the country.

“Today, we have information that the regime began to move chemical materials and chemical weapons to Lebanon and to Iraq,” General Salim Idriss told CNN.

“We have told our friends that the regime has begun moving a part of its chemical weapons arsenal to Lebanon and Iraq. We told them do not be fooled,” Idris told reporters in Istanbul."
Syria Hiding Saddam?s WMDs Back in Iraq | FrontPage Magazine

Now try this:
If you say ‘gullible’ very slowly it sounds like ‘oranges.’

How long before Obama says to Israel: "if you like your religion and your nation...you can keep 'em."
And it would be the truth.

They have to keep their own nation. It's not our job.

Wait.....did you say "truth" in a reference to Obama???????

You're soooooo stupid you must be.....

...you know the rest.
Hiya, PC...

Looks like you drew-in a lot of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli colleagues...

Mostly for purposes of derailing the thread and engaging in a lot of off-topic tangents, at first glance...

Tough break...

Good luck on getting it back on track again...
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Hiya, PC...

Looks like you drew-in a lot of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli colleagues...

Mostly for purposes of derailing the thread and engaging in a lot of off-topic tangents...

Tough break...

Good luck on getting it back on track again...

It is and has always been right where I want it.....

....they just don't realize it.
No Apartheid in Israel Joe Blow, and it appears the Islamists and Palestinian supporters have successfully marketed the ignorant, mentally insane, illiterate, convicts in and out of prison, and Neo nazi skinhead assholes as their foot soldiers.

When the people who are NATIVE to the land are forced to live behind fences, crowded into slums and treated like second class citizens in their own country...

that's Apartheid.

Didn't last in South Africa, won't last in Palestine.
Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides, Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the highest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow, the ignoramus.
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