Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

Your thread title claims Obama announces plan to destroy Israel.

Why do you lie like this?

I never lie.

.....as the thread proves.


"Kerry is using the EU sanctions to blackmail Israel into complying with talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state that would include the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.
The newspaper claimed that Kerry “told the prime minister that he heard from his European friends … that if the negotiations fail, Israel can forget about participating in the European research and development program ‘Horizon 2020.’"
Report: Kerry threatening Israel with sanctions

Yet this is the same administration that removed sanctions from the greatest threat to world peace, Iran:


.... the Daily Beast’s Eli Lake and Josh Rogin write that “began quietly and modestly five months ago.”
Lake and Rogin continue:

“A review of Treasury Department notices reveals that the U.S. government has all but stopped the financial blacklisting of entities and people that help Iran evade international sanctions since the election of its president, Hassan Rouhani, in June
United States Has Been Secretly Lifting Iranian Sanctions, Explosive Report Says | TheBlaze.com

Now....for you:

If I ever needed a brain transplant I’d want yours….’cause I’d want one that had never been used.

Write soon, y'hear?
Doesn't matter who they voted for. I know hundreds of Jews who voted for Obama they are also very pro-Israel, they are just blinded by "hope and Change"

Or they j ust realize Israel can't survive in a state of perpetual war and apartheid.

Didn't work for South Africa, after all.

But really, here's the thing. A lot of AMerican Jews watch theZionists levelling homes and running over peace activists with bulldozers and shooting children in the street and just say they want no part of that.

So the Zionists have switched their marketing program to appeal to the dumb, inbred Christian Redneck like Katz who thinks that Israel needs to be there so Jesus can come back.

Wrong, Israel gets lots of money from American Jews:cool:
The U.S. has never been an honest broker in any peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

And was always squarely in the Israeli camp against the Palestinians. . :doubt:

Israel is an ally. palestine is a fictional country.

But fear not, Obama's ties to islam will change all that.

That is the goal of the Imposter in Chief and this man has known it all along.

As a young soldier fighting for Israel:

And today, he fears for his country, as he knows Israel is the target of the radical in the White House:

interesting comparison of leaders. one fought and gave all for his country. the other was a community organizer and made his career from government handouts
Your thread title claims Obama announces plan to destroy Israel. Why do you lie like this?
Literary license, to draw-in conversation.

In truth, it could be translated as: 'The Obama Administration is now beginning to engage in foreign policy initiatives which could very well prove highly injurious or even ultimately fatal to Israel"

But a thread title reading: "Obama Announces Plan to Destroy Israel" is a much better draw, and is an adequate and permissible substitute for the more accurate translation above.

It suckered YOU in here to piss and moan over the thing, didn't it?

And it gave PC a chance to showcase the main thrust of her intent - foreign policy changes on the part of the Obama Administration that may prove dangerous to Israel.

No worse than the outrageous 'Sucker Titles' and embedded commentaries used by pro-Palestinian propagandists from time to time in order to draw attention to their own agenda points.

The actual construction of the Title is a minor, picayune, pissant issue.

The REAL substance is whether or not the Obama Administration is presently engaging in foreign policy manifestations which may produce highly injurious or even ultimately fatal consequences for Israel.

It's truly amazing how quickly ankle-biters can derail a thread, isn't it?

Of course, that was the thinly-disguised intention all along, wasn't it?

And isn't it interesting, how some of those ankle-biters will squeal and moan and groan over posts which they perceive as off-topic or attempts to derail their own threads or those advancing their views, while doing the same goddamned thing that they accuse others of, in the threads of their debating adversaries?!!!
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your thread title claims obama announces plan to destroy israel. Why do you lie like this?
literary license, to draw-in conversation.

In truth, it could be translated as: 'the obama administration is now beginning to engage in foreign policy initiatives which could very well prove highly injurious or even ultimately fatal to israel"

but a thread title reading: "obama announces plan to destroy israel" is a much better draw, and is an adequate and permissible substitute for the more accurate translation above.

It suckered you in here to piss and moan over the thing, didn't it?

And it gave pc a chance to showcase the main thrust of her intent - foreign policy changes on the part of the obama administration that may prove dangerous to israel.

No worse than the outrageous 'sucker titles' and embedded commentaries used by pro-palestinian propagandists from time to time in order to draw attention to their own agenda points.

The actual construction of the title is a minor, picayune, pissant issue.

The real substance is whether or not the obama administration is presently engaging in foreign policy manifestations which may produce highly injurious or even ultimately fatal consequences for israel.

It's truly amazing how quickly ankle-biters can derail a thread, isn't it?

Of course, that was the thinly-disguised intention all along, wasn't it?

And isn't it interesting, how some of those ankle-biters will squeal and moan and groan over posts which they perceive as off-topic or attempts to derail their own threads or those advancing their views, while doing the same goddamned thing that they accuse others of, in the threads of their debating adversaries?!!!

The thread is a lie!
Incorrect. The Obama Administration has, indeed, begun to engage in foreign policy initiatives that may prove highly injurious (even potentially fatal in the long term) to Israel.

Thread title lyingly and deceitfully alleges Obama announces plans to destroy Israel.

We are tired of your Zionist lies and Americans are tired of shedding blood of the innocent for Zionists !
All nutcase Netanyahu is is a baby killing land stealing Zionist war criminal!

Scum of the earth!

Judging by your posts, I'm bettin' you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.


Here's a plan: being so ugly, they should pay you to stand in front of drugstores to make people sick.

Just tryin' to help you out.....
"...video: Netanyahu should be hung for war-crimes"

The thread title remains a lie.

The thread title defines the thread and it is a lie.

What is the topic when the thread title is a lie?

We shall never remain on topic and get past discussing the fact the thread title is a lie.

And, as the thread title remains a lie, BABY KILLER netanyahu remains a war criminal and lying scum of the earth!
Thread title lyingly and deceitfully alleges Obama announces plans to destroy Israel...

Already adequately addressed in #289...

"...Literary license, to draw-in conversation..."

We are tired of your Zionist lies and Americans are tired of shedding blood of the innocent for Zionists !
Non sequitur.


No, the thread title remains a lie.

You never established it as true.

Obama made no annnouncement he was planning to destroy Israel.

Stop lying.

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