Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

John Kerry warns of third intifada if Israeli-Palestinian talks fail - Telegraph

"We are managing an open and prolonged conflict, which for the Palestinians does not end with the 1967 borders," Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said.

"There is no sign of compromise (from the Palestinians). We are therefore not about to solve this based on what we thought.

Let them Initiate a third one; Israel will do what should have been done before; Wipe them out like the Rodents they are :smiliehug:

And then there was this^

Ask and Pro Palestinian what suggestions, concessions, compromises the Palestinians have made there will be no response.

Ask any Pro Palestinian why Israel should agree to this which includes total withdrawl from their religious sites there will be no response

" Right of Return?"":lol: Forget that one !

Translation; No " palestinian state" :smiliehug:

The Arab League “Peace Plan”
Well I suggest you stop posting and start researching, AVG. Saying something isn't true doesn't make it untrue. You've yet to prove it untrue. Talk is cheap.

Kind of like the plans Ted Cruz is making to destroy New Jersey claim that you can't refute and I can't prove?

Like I said, this is getting fun.

You're being childish. You aren't doing anything to contradict PC. Please at least try to put your back into it.

There's nothing to contradict!

Step one is for he (or she) who makes such a claim to back it up.

Until that happens, there's nothing to discuss, as evident by the ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek claim I made about Ted that is currently NOT being discussed seriously.
Why am I being forced to buy weapons for the Israelis?
Not to worry. It all comes back to American weapons-makers anyway. Your contributions are greatly appreciated, I'm sure.
Why am I being forced to buy weapons for the Israelis?

How is it okay for the government to force me to buy a product I don't want to buy?


Why am I paying for weapons to give to the Egyptians, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda? Huh? What's that? Better than supporting your only ally in the Middle East, you say?

He doesn't mind the 20 Billion, yes BILLION that we've given to the Osama Bin Hiding Pakistanis since 2001 either.
Kind of like the plans Ted Cruz is making to destroy New Jersey claim that you can't refute and I can't prove?

Like I said, this is getting fun.

You're being childish. You aren't doing anything to contradict PC. Please at least try to put your back into it.

There's nothing to contradict!

Step one is for he (or she) who makes such a claim to back it up.

Until that happens, there's nothing to discuss, as evident by the ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek claim I made about Ted that is currently NOT being discussed seriously.

OK....now you're gonna get it!

Let's review some things to which you'd like to appear oblivious:

" 1. Obama’s humiliation of Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House
2. Engaging Iran when Tehran threatens a nuclear Holocaust against Israel
3. Drawing a parallel between Jewish suffering in the Holocaust with the current plight of the Palestinians
4. Obama’s attack on Israeli “occupation” in his speech to the United Nations
5. Obama’s accusation that Israel is the cause of instability in the Middle East
6. Obama administration has also sought to develop closer ties with the other main state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East, Syria, establishing diplomatic relations with Damascus in February. Syria remains a major backer of Hamas and Hizbollah,
7. Hillary Clinton’s 43-minute phone call berating Netanyahu
8. David Axelrod’s attack on Israeli settlements on "Meet the Press"
9. Hillary Clinton’s call on Israel to show "respect"
10. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs entered the fray in an interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace in Marchwhere he attacked the Israeli government
Barack Obama?s top ten insults against Israel ? Telegraph Blogs

And, you might recall this: I saw Obama bow to the King of Saudi Arabia....but missed where he did same toward Netanyahu.....

Judging by the above, and adding Kerry's threats, what sentient individual would not see the OP title as consistent with experience?
Oh...right...those who wish ill toward Israel.

I've seen your posts, and found them to be those of a sentient individual...one capable of connecting the dots I've laid out....
...but...if you stand firmly on feeble-mindedness as your defense....

....well, heck.....who am I to argue?
Kind of like the plans Ted Cruz is making to destroy New Jersey claim that you can't refute and I can't prove?

Like I said, this is getting fun.

You're being childish. You aren't doing anything to contradict PC. Please at least try to put your back into it.

There's nothing to contradict!

Step one is for he (or she) who makes such a claim to back it up.

Until that happens, there's nothing to discuss, as evident by the ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek claim I made about Ted that is currently NOT being discussed seriously.

That's a cop out. Nice try. If there was nothing to contradict, why are you trying to contradict it? That's a bit confusing.
You're being childish. You aren't doing anything to contradict PC. Please at least try to put your back into it.

There's nothing to contradict!

Step one is for he (or she) who makes such a claim to back it up.

Until that happens, there's nothing to discuss, as evident by the ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek claim I made about Ted that is currently NOT being discussed seriously.

OK....now you're gonna get it!

Let's review some things to which you'd like to appear oblivious:

" 1. Obama’s humiliation of Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House
2. Engaging Iran when Tehran threatens a nuclear Holocaust against Israel
3. Drawing a parallel between Jewish suffering in the Holocaust with the current plight of the Palestinians
4. Obama’s attack on Israeli “occupation” in his speech to the United Nations
5. Obama’s accusation that Israel is the cause of instability in the Middle East
6. Obama administration has also sought to develop closer ties with the other main state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East, Syria, establishing diplomatic relations with Damascus in February. Syria remains a major backer of Hamas and Hizbollah,
7. Hillary Clinton’s 43-minute phone call berating Netanyahu
8. David Axelrod’s attack on Israeli settlements on "Meet the Press"
9. Hillary Clinton’s call on Israel to show "respect"
10. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs entered the fray in an interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace in Marchwhere he attacked the Israeli government
Barack Obama?s top ten insults against Israel ? Telegraph Blogs

And, you might recall this: I saw Obama bow to the King of Saudi Arabia....but missed where he did same toward Netanyahu.....

Judging by the above, and adding Kerry's threats, what sentient individual would not see the OP title as consistent with experience?
Oh...right...those who wish ill toward Israel.

I've seen your posts, and found them to be those of a sentient individual...one capable of connecting the dots I've laid out....
...but...if you stand firmly on feeble-mindedness as your defense....

....well, heck.....who am I to argue?

And yet, with all of that, there is still NO VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE that The US Government, under the direction of the current commander in chief, is plotting and planning to destroy Israel.

The other option is for you to admit that your title is reactionary, partisan political bullshit designed to incite and titillate with no basis in document or quote.

Perhaps after that happens, we can discuss what you DO have ;)
Wrong most of the Arabs came in from the surrounding areas and there was was no country.. also a "small sliver"? you're an idiot.....


Yeah, for some reason, after tolerating their Jewish population for centuries, they didn't liek them so much when they started stealing their land.

Again, the world will be better off when these fuckers go back to Europe where they came from.

Translation; The Jews have no business in the Middle East. It should all belong to the Muslims/ Arabs. That will not happen. Ask Fuckers like you why they didn't create a " palestinian state" in 1948 or before 1967 there will be no response. Ask what the Palestinians have offered in the way of " negotiations" there will be no response.

No 67 Borders
No total withdrawl from E. Jerusalem
No " Right of Return" you Mother Fucker :cuckoo:

Actually, like any colonial state, Israel is ulitmately doomed.
I received an email yesterday to which I attributed a certain .....hyperbole.
But, upon research.....it's true.

Here is part of that email:
"I just wanted to write a post here outlining what Obama has been doing in the Middle East while America is rightfully preoccupied with the Obamacare tragedy. Yesterday, John Kerry went on Israeli TV and said that if Israel does not partition the country and create a" Palestinian state" (along borders that are indefensible) he will
1) make sure that Israel is isolated at the UN (that Israel will be declared an illegitimate state or a non state)
2) that he will work to ensure that Europe no longer trades with Israel, thereby strangling the Israeli economy and
3) he said that if "Israel does not comply, there will be violence against it".

1. "Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord....Kerry warned Israelis that the result would be a third intifada of terrorist attacks against Israel.
But that was just for starters.

2. In addition, Kerry said, Israel would be more internationally isolated, there would be increased calls for boycotts and divestment from Israel, and the advent of a Palestinian leadership committed to violence.

3. ....Kerry also denounced Jewish settlements in the West Bank as "illegitimate" and called for an end of the presence of "IDF soldiers perpetually in the West Bank."

4. ....Kerry's remarks fit perfectly with the Palestinian playbook. His anti-Israel outbursts were bound to play well in Ramallah and Amman."
Blog: Kerry Threatens Israel

5. "US Secretary of State John Kerry, using the bully tactics of his boss Barack Obama, warned Israel that if Israeli-Palestinian talks break down, there might be a third intifada. Kerry’s one-sided warning was even more astounding when this fact is thrown in the mix: two days before he shot off his mouth, a poll conducted by the Arab World For Research & Development showed that only 29% of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians would be in favor of a third intifada, even though 60% believe it could happen."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada - Townhall.com Staff 11/8/2013 9:05 AM

6. ".... despicable action by Kerry means is that Kerry has now tacitly given a green light for Palestinian terrorists to wage a third intifada against Israel....
Kerry’s threat came during a joint interview with Channel 2's Udi Segal and Maher Shalabi of Palestine TV.... said:

...I believe that if we do not resolve the issues between Palestinians and Israelis, if we do not find a way to find peace, there will be an increasing isolation of Israel, three will be an increasing campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel that has been taking place on an international basis..."

a. Of course, Kerry never mentions the Israelis’ aspirations to simply live in peace without the constant existential threat, but then, the same man who lied about Vietnam atrocities can’t exactly be someone who wants the truth."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada

7. "...the Obama administration is working behind the scenes in tandem with the EU’s boycott of Israeli settlements, tying the seriousness of the EU’s future ban to Israel’s actions during current U.S.-brokered talks with the Palestinians, according to a senior Palestinian negotiator....Kerry is using the EU sanctions to blackmail Israel into complying with talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state that would include the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.....cause incalculable damage to the Israeli economy.”

a. In July, the EU published guidelines that deny EU funds in the form of grants, prizes and financial instruments from going toward any Jewish entities in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights or eastern Jerusalem.
Report: Kerry threatening Israel with sanctions

Are there still folks who question where Obama's interests lie?

the EU thing would have to be confirmed by more than a "Palestinian" negotiator it wouldn't surprise me though

John Kerry warns of third intifada if Israeli-Palestinian talks fail - Telegraph

"We are managing an open and prolonged conflict, which for the Palestinians does not end with the 1967 borders," Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said.

"There is no sign of compromise (from the Palestinians). We are therefore not about to solve this based on what we thought.

Let them Initiate a third one; Israel will do what should have been done before; Wipe them out like the Rodents they are :smiliehug:

"There is no sign of compromise (from the Palestinians)..."

And this is overlooked and/or acceptable to those not in Israel's corner.....

See what history shows:

1. In 2000, during Clinton’s last year, he offered to create a Palestinian state. The Israeli prime minister, Barak, was pressured to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, part of Jerusalem, and all but a small portion of the West Bank. Clinton made his offer to Yasser Arafat.
The offer was refused.
Clearly there was no compromise, no desire for solution.

2. The Left, of course, immediately decided that Arafat had acted sagely.
It was widely believed that Clinton’s offer would have left the new Palestinian state as merely a group of ‘islands,’ unable to project an authentic national Palestinian identity.
Never....never....is Israel given the same consideration as the Palestinians.

a. Clinton’s negotiator, Dennis Ross, explained how this was not the case: the new Palestinian state was entirely contiguous, except for the Gaza Strip. And even Gaza would be connected to the West Bank by an elevated highway and railroad across Israel, thus avoiding Israeli checkpoints.

Ross: “And to connect Gaza with the West Bank, there would have been an elevated highway, an elevated railroad, to ensure that there would be not just safe passage for the Palestinians, but free passage.”
Dennis Ross on Fox News Sunday | Fox News

3. The result? Hamas and Islamic Jihad came to dominate the Palestinian political scene, the suicide terror campaign began to display popular support, chanting crowds, wailing mothers calling on their children to die, masked young men pledging to do as their mothers asked. There was a suicide bombing of a teenagers’ disco in Tel Aviv in 2001. Weekly random mass murders. Female suicide bombers posthumously celebrated as role models.

The savagery and barbarism was never questioned, much less condemned.

a. Yet, throughout the world, scholars, intellectuals, folks in the most sophisticated urban areas, endorsed the Palestinian cause- at its most violent moment. Nail bombs and mutilated bodies in Israel, and yet there were folks rallying for some sort of mass pathology.

b. How to explain movements in which utopia blends with the morgue? How, if we maintain that the world is a rational place, can this be? Rather, there must be a way to conceive of suicide as a rational response to real-life conditions.
From "Terror and Liberalism," Paul Berman

Even here, today, seemingly "Normal" folks pretend we are starting from square one, with each side wishing for peace.
It's a lie.
There's nothing to contradict!

Step one is for he (or she) who makes such a claim to back it up.

Until that happens, there's nothing to discuss, as evident by the ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek claim I made about Ted that is currently NOT being discussed seriously.

OK....now you're gonna get it!

Let's review some things to which you'd like to appear oblivious:

" 1. Obama’s humiliation of Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House
2. Engaging Iran when Tehran threatens a nuclear Holocaust against Israel
3. Drawing a parallel between Jewish suffering in the Holocaust with the current plight of the Palestinians
4. Obama’s attack on Israeli “occupation” in his speech to the United Nations
5. Obama’s accusation that Israel is the cause of instability in the Middle East
6. Obama administration has also sought to develop closer ties with the other main state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East, Syria, establishing diplomatic relations with Damascus in February. Syria remains a major backer of Hamas and Hizbollah,
7. Hillary Clinton’s 43-minute phone call berating Netanyahu
8. David Axelrod’s attack on Israeli settlements on "Meet the Press"
9. Hillary Clinton’s call on Israel to show "respect"
10. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs entered the fray in an interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace in Marchwhere he attacked the Israeli government
Barack Obama?s top ten insults against Israel ? Telegraph Blogs

And, you might recall this: I saw Obama bow to the King of Saudi Arabia....but missed where he did same toward Netanyahu.....

Judging by the above, and adding Kerry's threats, what sentient individual would not see the OP title as consistent with experience?
Oh...right...those who wish ill toward Israel.

I've seen your posts, and found them to be those of a sentient individual...one capable of connecting the dots I've laid out....
...but...if you stand firmly on feeble-mindedness as your defense....

....well, heck.....who am I to argue?

And yet, with all of that, there is still NO VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE that The US Government, under the direction of the current commander in chief, is plotting and planning to destroy Israel.

The other option is for you to admit that your title is reactionary, partisan political bullshit designed to incite and titillate with no basis in document or quote.

Perhaps after that happens, we can discuss what you DO have ;)



1. Which of the items I presented are not true?

Oh....all true?

2. Taken singly or all together, do they show an administration with the best interests of both sides equally?

No....they clearly show a prejudice against Israel.

3. Do the articles that are quoted in the OP state threats to Israel if the state does not bend to Obama's commands?

Absolutely so.

You have been less than honest, and I'm disappointed in you.

There's really nothing else to say, is there.
I've been less than honest?!? :disbelief:

And which of the items listed actually describes a plot afoot to "Destroy Israel"?

19 pages and 3 sacks o' corn later: NADA.

If you had said "Obama policies will destroy Israel", that would be your opinion, which I will defend your right to express to my dying breath.

When you titled this thread "Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel", you hung your argument on fabricated, reactionary political spin. There can be no honest discussion of the policies as long as chicken little is free to run around screaming that the sky is falling.
You're being childish. You aren't doing anything to contradict PC. Please at least try to put your back into it.

There's nothing to contradict!

Step one is for he (or she) who makes such a claim to back it up.

Until that happens, there's nothing to discuss, as evident by the ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek claim I made about Ted that is currently NOT being discussed seriously.

OK....now you're gonna get it!

Let's review some things to which you'd like to appear oblivious:

" 1. Obama’s humiliation of Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House
2. Engaging Iran when Tehran threatens a nuclear Holocaust against Israel
3. Drawing a parallel between Jewish suffering in the Holocaust with the current plight of the Palestinians
4. Obama’s attack on Israeli “occupation” in his speech to the United Nations
5. Obama’s accusation that Israel is the cause of instability in the Middle East
6. Obama administration has also sought to develop closer ties with the other main state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East, Syria, establishing diplomatic relations with Damascus in February. Syria remains a major backer of Hamas and Hizbollah,
7. Hillary Clinton’s 43-minute phone call berating Netanyahu
8. David Axelrod’s attack on Israeli settlements on "Meet the Press"
9. Hillary Clinton’s call on Israel to show "respect"
10. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs entered the fray in an interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace in Marchwhere he attacked the Israeli government
Barack Obama?s top ten insults against Israel ? Telegraph Blogs

And, you might recall this: I saw Obama bow to the King of Saudi Arabia....but missed where he did same toward Netanyahu.....

Judging by the above, and adding Kerry's threats, what sentient individual would not see the OP title as consistent with experience?
Oh...right...those who wish ill toward Israel.

I've seen your posts, and found them to be those of a sentient individual...one capable of connecting the dots I've laid out....
...but...if you stand firmly on feeble-mindedness as your defense....

....well, heck.....who am I to argue?
I don't understand what the debate is even about here. It's really not rocket science that Obama has issues with Israel. It fits in with his ideology of America being an "interfering", oppressive and abusive superpower that needs to be reigned in. And by default, Israel is just an extension of this interfering, oppressive power abusing the "good" people of the Middle East.

The samples you listed are just a very short list of the symptoms of Obama's warped ideology.
Then they are condemned in perpetuity to doing the same things they've been doing for decades,

while foolishly expecting different results.

When you know for a certainty that what you've been doing cannot work, then you either resign yourself to unending repeated failure,

or you try something different.

You're clueless:cuckoo:


Did you have an argument to make as to why the Palestinians at this point would ever end their resistance to the Israeli occupiers?

Just pointing out for clueless idiots like yourself, that the goal is no Israel.. Understand?
Pat Buchanan is a hardened leftist?

Yes, the Zionists have done a very good job of buying off public opinion in this country.

The rest of the world pretty much despises them, though.

Still, their attempt to get us to take out Assad for them fell through, so maybe Amerians are finally getting wise to the fact we are being played for suckers.

Pat Buchanan isn't Jewish... idiot. You said American Jews don't support Israel..Like i said you're a nutjob and don't know what you're talking about :cuckoo:

You said only hardened leftists hate Israel.

Pat is a hardened rightist.

And no, most American Jews still voted for Obama, they don't give a fuck about Israel.

A lot of us are getting really tired of watching our kids come home in Body Bags so you can play, "The Magic Sky Man gave us this Land."
Doesn't matter who they voted for. I know hundreds of Jews who voted for Obama they are also very pro-Israel, they are just blinded by "hope and Change"
Doesn't matter who they voted for. I know hundreds of Jews who voted for Obama they are also very pro-Israel, they are just blinded by "hope and Change"

Or they j ust realize Israel can't survive in a state of perpetual war and apartheid.

Didn't work for South Africa, after all.

But really, here's the thing. A lot of AMerican Jews watch theZionists levelling homes and running over peace activists with bulldozers and shooting children in the street and just say they want no part of that.

So the Zionists have switched their marketing program to appeal to the dumb, inbred Christian Redneck like Katz who thinks that Israel needs to be there so Jesus can come back.
Israel is an ally. palestine is a fictional country.

But fear not, Obama's ties to islam will change all that.

Israel is an ally because of all of the money the US gives them. They constantly speak condescendingly to and about us. Some ally!!!!

Israel gets money from us because they are a Trade Partner- a friendly reliable Trade Partner- A friendly reliable Trade Partner in a region where we need friends you fricking idiot!

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative

If you really believed this, you would not have to be insulting in your reply. You are not very clever, girl.
I've been less than honest?!? :disbelief:

And which of the items listed actually describes a plot afoot to "Destroy Israel"?

19 pages and 3 sacks o' corn later: NADA.


"which of the items listed actually describes a plot afoot to "Destroy Israel"?

The sum total.
If you had said "Obama policies will destroy Israel", that would be your opinion, which I will defend your right to express to my dying breath.

When you titled this thread "Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel", you hung your argument on fabricated, reactionary political spin. There can be no honest discussion of the policies as long as chicken little is free to run around screaming that the sky is falling.

make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention.

a thing intended; an aim or plan.
"she was full of good intentions"

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