Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

An artist in verbal vivisection who resorts to half truths?

Funny, I keep seeing people like you calling her a liar, but doing absolutely nothing to rebut her claims. I dare you, any of you, to disprove her. That, or I can completely embarrass you in front of your PLO loving friends. Your choice.

It is her claim and she cannot prove her fucking lies are true.

Here, let me help her.

She posted four links backing up her claims. What have you done?
An artist in verbal vivisection who resorts to half truths?

Funny, I keep seeing people like you calling her a liar, but doing absolutely nothing to rebut her claims. I dare you, any of you, to disprove her. That, or I can completely embarrass you in front of your PLO loving friends. Your choice.

It is her claim and she cannot prove her fucking lies are true.
You mean your colleague's 'disputable assertions', right?
Nah....it's totally true.
Work on the concept.
I see you're one of those milk-people.....2% intelligent.

Just a warning: You're dealing with an artist in verbal vivisection.

Hater, your thread title remains a fucking lie.

Still waiting for you to prove it, shill.

Not up to me to make a case for lying posters who cannot back up their claims with facts and sources.

There is no Obama announcement of a plan to destroy Israel.
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Hater, your thread title remains a fucking lie.

Still waiting for you to prove it, shill.

Not up to me to make a case for lying posters who cannot back up their claims with facts and sources.

And you cannot rebut a so-called lie with another lie. Either YOU have proof to contradict her or you don't. And since you don't, you would be wise to keep quiet, to avoid making a bigger fool of yourself.
An artist in verbal vivisection who resorts to half truths?

Funny, I keep seeing people like you calling her a liar, but doing absolutely nothing to rebut her claims. I dare you, any of you, to disprove her. That, or I can completely embarrass you in front of your PLO loving friends. Your choice.

It is her claim and she cannot prove her fucking lies are true.

She backed up her claims few times in the OP.

What did you bring to prove she's lying?
Posting an article asserting that the current President is presently engaging in policy manifestations which could have a detrimental or even fatal impact upon the State of Israel is hardly 'lying', nor is it prima facie evidence of being 'hate-filled' nor is it prima facie evidence of being a 'Zionist' in any commonly-accepted sense of the phrase.

You, on the other hand, have long-since developed a nasty habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with your own positions regarding Israel and Palestine to be 'hate-filled' and 'Zionists' and 'liars', and, much worse, and you exercise every possible opportunity of saying as much and denigrating and attempting (and failing) to discredit your opponents utilizing non-factual, subjective and emotion-based invective.

Your own use of 'articles' and 'facts' are so frequently so one-sided or lop-sided or subjective and partisan and narrow in nature so as to preclude their acceptance by most sane and objective readers.

I submit that your aggressive (obsessive) pursuit of pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli propaganda activities and your bitter invective which you sling like hash at anyone who substantively and persistently disagrees with your position does no good service to the Palestinian cause on which you so obviously base so much of your online existence.

Translation: You have no room to talk, lady.

Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Prove it. I'm already licking my chops. I have three years worth of study and many books regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. I spent two years on another forum debating an anti-Semitic woman, and as a result I wound up educating myself.

Come on, come at me!

I hate to burst your bubble there Bud, but a claim has been made and it is up to PC (and anyone who cares to help her) to find a credible link showing evidence of current plans being formulated by the American Government to "Destroy Israel".
Funny, I keep seeing people like you calling her a liar, but doing absolutely nothing to rebut her claims. I dare you, any of you, to disprove her. That, or I can completely embarrass you in front of your PLO loving friends. Your choice.

It is her claim and she cannot prove her fucking lies are true.
You mean your colleague's 'disputable assertions', right?

The title of the thread has not been estabished to be true.

Nor have a posters claims about Israels ties to the land been established to be true.
Not up to me to make a case for lying posters who cannot back up their claims with facts and sources.
Again, these nasty personal attacks... tsk, tsk, tsk.

The OP clearly delineates the assertion made in the title as speculative in nature; predicting likely injurious or fatal effects upon the State of Israel, regarding current US foreign policy initiatives and declarations.

Future speculation, so long as it is accompanied by rational arguments supporting it, is not subject to the same rigorous 'factual' proofing standards that an interpretation of past events is subject to.

That's why they call it 'speculation'.

Some posters have the courage to engage in rational speculation rather than just playing the Useful Tool Functionary and hiding behind a shield of preexisting sources and fact, real or perceived, which requires far less imagination, talent and intellectual capacity and courage.

The OP is a stereotypical example of such useful and courageous speculation.
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And this would be a bad thing, Why?

The Day the Zionist Entity is wiped off the map, the world will be better off for it.

I had no idea you were in agreement with Hitler and the Nazis, Joe. It is very disappointing to read these words and learn you are no different in your desires than Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Islam who was his good friend. May God have mercy upon your soul for desiring such evil things upon innocent human lives and the Sovereign Nation of Israel. I am sure it will grieve all who know you to read the words you have written here today. Surely it would grieve anyone with a conscience.

- Jeri
An artist in verbal vivisection who resorts to half truths?

Still waitin' for that apology for claiming that I wanted any to die because of their religion.

It was a question, same as yours http://www.usmessageboard.com/middl...-the-middle-east-and-obama-3.html#post8124184

This was the post:

"If the Iranians were cold blooded assassins there wouldn't be any Jews left in Iran?

By your omission you'd like Iranian men, women and children to be annihilated simply because of their religious beliefs. ?"

Perhaps you'd elucidate.
You blew it, boy, when you didn't start out with this:

"Why....Obama would never do such a thing!"

Means you know the truth.

MY opinion of the blog hasn't been put on the table for discussion.

My question to you remains unanswered: How do you defend your title?

There is NO evidence, physical or in print, that indicates plans on the part of the American Government to destroy Israel.


John "Lurch" Kerry is a paid apparatchik of Barack Hussein Obama (Peace be on him)

Hey....who'd ya' vote for.....(giggle, giggle....)
Surprise me.

Deflect all you want to, Kiddo...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAGgGKMnD6k]Irma Thomas - Time Is On My Side - YouTube[/ame]
And this would be a bad thing, Why?

The Day the Zionist Entity is wiped off the map, the world will be better off for it.

I had no idea you were in agreement with Hitler and the Nazis, Joe. It is very disappointing to read these words and learn you are no different in your desires than Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Islam who was his good friend. May God have mercy upon your soul for desiring such evil things upon innocent human lives and the Sovereign Nation of Israel. I am sure it will grieve all who know you to read the words you have written here today. Surely it would grieve anyone with a conscience.

- Jeri
They been in agreement and in love with SHITLER from the beginning.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Prove it. I'm already licking my chops. I have three years worth of study and many books regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. I spent two years on another forum debating an anti-Semitic woman, and as a result I wound up educating myself.

Come on, come at me!

I hate to burst your bubble there Bud, but a claim has been made and it is up to PC (and anyone who cares to help her) to find a credible link showing evidence of current plans being formulated by the American Government to "Destroy Israel".

Did the Iranian nuclear talks that just wrapped up tell you anything? Israel didn't even get a say so in the matter. They saw the prospect of a deal with Iran to be a threat to their national security. Over explicit objections, they were completely ignored nearly every world power, except France. His demand that Israel revert to it's pre-1967 borders is more evidence. His willingness to fund Israel's enemies is even more. You must be kidding when you say Obama isn't trying to destroy them.





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Prove it. I'm already licking my chops. I have three years worth of study and many books regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. I spent two years on another forum debating an anti-Semitic woman, and as a result I wound up educating myself.

Come on, come at me!

I hate to burst your bubble there Bud, but a claim has been made and it is up to PC (and anyone who cares to help her) to find a credible link showing evidence of current plans being formulated by the American Government to "Destroy Israel".

Did the Iranian nuclear talks that just wrapped up tell you anything? Israel didn't even get a say so in the matter. They saw the prospect of a deal with Iran to be a threat to their national security. Over explicit objections, they were completely ignored nearly every world power, except France. His demand that Israel revert to it's pre-1967 borders is more evidence. His willingness to fund Israel's enemies is even more. You must be kidding when you say Obama isn't trying to destroy them.

Israel boosts attack on Iran nuclear deal after ?productive? Geneva talks ? RT News
It ain't over yet. I heard France (of all countries) is claiming the Iranians cannot be trusted and walking out on the deal.
An artist in verbal vivisection who resorts to half truths?

Funny, I keep seeing people like you calling her a liar, but doing absolutely nothing to rebut her claims. I dare you, any of you, to disprove her. That, or I can completely embarrass you in front of your PLO loving friends. Your choice.

So if I say that Ted Cruz is making plans to "Destroy New Jersey", it's up to y'all to prove me wrong? :disbelief:

This could get fun...

Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Nah....it's totally true.
Work on the concept.
I see you're one of those milk-people.....2% intelligent.

Just a warning: You're dealing with an artist in verbal vivisection.

Hater, your thread title remains a fucking lie.

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

Nothing smacks of a 'white flag' more satisfyingly than reducing an opponent to vulgarity.

As I just did.

Some folks have an 'ignore' list. I have an 'abuse' list. Congrats....you've made it.

So very glad you found your way to this thread.....hope you left breadcrumbs so you can find your way back.

Forum List
