Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

The thread title is a lie of a hate filled Zionist, supported by no article and no facts whatsoever.
Posting an article asserting that the current President is presently engaging in policy manifestations which could have a detrimental or even fatal impact upon the State of Israel is hardly 'lying', nor is it prima facie evidence of being 'hate-filled' nor is it prima facie evidence of being a 'Zionist' in any commonly-accepted sense of the phrase.

You, on the other hand, have long-since developed a nasty habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with your own positions regarding Israel and Palestine to be 'hate-filled' and 'Zionists' and 'liars', and, much worse, and you exercise every possible opportunity of saying as much and denigrating and attempting (and failing) to discredit your opponents utilizing non-factual, subjective and emotion-based invective.

Your own use of 'articles' and 'facts' are so frequently so one-sided or lop-sided or subjective and partisan and narrow in nature so as to preclude their acceptance by most sane and objective readers.

I submit that your aggressive (obsessive) pursuit of pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli propaganda activities and your bitter invective which you sling like hash at anyone who substantively and persistently disagrees with your position does no good service to the Palestinian cause on which you so obviously base so much of your online existence.

Translation: You have no room to talk, lady.

Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Prove it. I'm already licking my chops. I have three years worth of study and many books regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. I spent two years on another forum debating an anti-Semitic woman, and as a result I wound up educating myself.

Come on, come at me!
"...And what do Arabs / Muslims bring? Let's see: Oppression, persecution, corruption, hatred, violence, terror, intolerance, to name a few."
Along with...
  • Operative, medieval canon law
  • Mentality that canon law supersedes secular law
  • Misogyny
  • Potato sacks (burqas)
  • Beheadings
  • Limb-severing
  • Honor killings
  • Religious wars
  • Intolerance
  • Faux superiority complex
  • The 7th Century
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Posting an article asserting that the current President is presently engaging in policy manifestations which could have a detrimental or even fatal impact upon the State of Israel is hardly 'lying', nor is it prima facie evidence of being 'hate-filled' nor is it prima facie evidence of being a 'Zionist' in any commonly-accepted sense of the phrase.

You, on the other hand, have long-since developed a nasty habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with your own positions regarding Israel and Palestine to be 'hate-filled' and 'Zionists' and 'liars', and, much worse, and you exercise every possible opportunity of saying as much and denigrating and attempting (and failing) to discredit your opponents utilizing non-factual, subjective and emotion-based invective.

Your own use of 'articles' and 'facts' are so frequently so one-sided or lop-sided or subjective and partisan and narrow in nature so as to preclude their acceptance by most sane and objective readers.

I submit that your aggressive (obsessive) pursuit of pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli propaganda activities and your bitter invective which you sling like hash at anyone who substantively and persistently disagrees with your position does no good service to the Palestinian cause on which you so obviously base so much of your online existence.

Translation: You have no room to talk, lady.

Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Prove it. I'm already licking my chops. I have three years worth of study and many books regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. I spent two years on another forum debating an anti-Semitic woman, and as a result I wound up educating myself.

Come on, come at me!

You seem really stupid

You make a claim, you prove it is true.
Eminently supported by experience with the current administration.

now we know who signs your checks.

Now, Drop-Draws....don't be jealous....but, being independently wealthy....I don't require any checks.

When necessary, I simply have one of the servants break chunk off of one of the many gold bars in the vault.


Surely being posh is no crime?
"...Can you read English? Read the thread title. It is a lie."

It is a summary-level interpretation of current events and policy manifestions which holds that such events and manifestations may prove injurious or fatal to the State of Israel.

Like all summations of likely future impact it is speculative in nature and its facts and assertions are subject to different filters and perspectives and interpretations depending upon the political inclinations of the interpreter.

It is also protected by the 'Literary License' factor by which so many of us, when creating a thread, present a case, and create a defensible if somewhat dramatic title, in order to draw-in a crowd for discussion. An entirely acceptable gambit, given that you have appear to have employed that very same tactic so often in what I jokingly perceive to be your own self-appointed role as Resident Palestinian Propaganda Deputy Minister.

It's OK when YOU do it, but NOT OK when OTHERS with opposing views do it? I don't think so. Smacks of an embarrassing degree of hypocrisy.

The OP is no more specious nor disingenuous nor subjective nor partisan than a great many of your own endless list of spawned pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli propaganda threads, and, given that the OP actually calls into question the veracity of the interpretations in the very first sentences rather than simply trying to pawn-off the material as Gospel Truth (as may be seen so frequently in your own 'contributions'), implictly (damned-near explicitly) holding that viewers should make up their own minds, while sharing her own interpretation, I would say that the OP does a better job of presenting rather subjective material in an objective light than you do so many of your own similar efforts while so fervently working the other side of the fence.

When was the last time that you spawned a thread with an OP that contained words to the effect: "Frankly, I had trouble believing some of this myself at first, until..." in such a manner so as to call your own material into question and invite a closer and more objective look which could end-up being interpreted in a manner unfavorable to your cause?

People who live in glass Propaganda Houses should not throw stones.

Your attack upon both the OP and your colleague are dismissed, with prejudice.

Court is adjourned.
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In the opening of the OP you will find this:

" said that if Israel does not partition the country and create a" Palestinian state" (along borders that are indefensible)..."

You may find this dispositive:
"Abbas has insisted that Israel recognize the 1949 Armistice Line as a designated border for any future PA state. Israel refuses, as the pre-1967 borders are indefensible and withdrawing back to these borders would guarantee its destruction."
Ever Optimistic Kerry Returns to the Middle East - Middle East - News - Israel National News

And that is certainly the way I read it.

In your post you ask ".... point out in the blog quoted where Obama is verifiably quoted blah blah blah....."

From that, I'll bet you deny that the destruction of Israel is at the heart of Obama/Kerry's threat.

You probably claim that Death Panels aren't at the heart of ObamaCare as well.

"Your title is misleading."

Only to those who would defend the snake in the White House by pretending that they can never connect the dots that would incriminate the Leftist.


So what we have here is an opinionated blogger and a difference of opinion. Obama has NOT been quoted as stating anything about making plans to destroy Israel, and the thread title is indeed reactionary and purposefully misleading for political purposes.

"PoliticalChic" appears to be the perfect handle for you.
:thup: Carry on.​

You blew it, boy, when you didn't start out with this:

"Why....Obama would never do such a thing!"

Means you know the truth.

MY opinion of the blog hasn't been put on the table for discussion.

My question to you remains unanswered: How do you defend your title?

There is NO evidence, physical or in print, that indicates plans on the part of the American Government to destroy Israel.
The thread title is a lie of a hate filled Zionist, supported by no article and no facts whatsoever.
Posting an article asserting that the current President is presently engaging in policy manifestations which could have a detrimental or even fatal impact upon the State of Israel is hardly 'lying', nor is it prima facie evidence of being 'hate-filled' nor is it prima facie evidence of being a 'Zionist' in any commonly-accepted sense of the phrase.

You, on the other hand, have long-since developed a nasty habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with your own positions regarding Israel and Palestine to be 'hate-filled' and 'Zionists' and 'liars', and, much worse, and you exercise every possible opportunity of saying as much and denigrating and attempting (and failing) to discredit your opponents utilizing non-factual, subjective and emotion-based invective.

Your own use of 'articles' and 'facts' are so frequently so one-sided or lop-sided or subjective and partisan and narrow in nature so as to preclude their acceptance by most sane and objective readers.

I submit that your aggressive (obsessive) pursuit of pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli propaganda activities and your bitter invective which you sling like hash at anyone who substantively and persistently disagrees with your position does no good service to the Palestinian cause on which you so obviously base so much of your online existence.

Translation: You have no room to talk, lady.

Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Nah....it's totally true.
Work on the concept.
I see you're one of those milk-people.....2% intelligent.

Just a warning: You're dealing with an artist in verbal vivisection.

So what we have here is an opinionated blogger and a difference of opinion. Obama has NOT been quoted as stating anything about making plans to destroy Israel, and the thread title is indeed reactionary and purposefully misleading for political purposes.

"PoliticalChic" appears to be the perfect handle for you.
:thup: Carry on.​

You blew it, boy, when you didn't start out with this:

"Why....Obama would never do such a thing!"

Means you know the truth.

MY opinion of the blog hasn't been put on the table for discussion.

My question to you remains unanswered: How do you defend your title?

There is NO evidence, physical or in print, that indicates plans on the part of the American Government to destroy Israel.


John "Lurch" Kerry is a paid apparatchik of Barack Hussein Obama (Peace be on him)

Hey....who'd ya' vote for.....(giggle, giggle....)
Surprise me.
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Nah....it's totally true.
Work on the concept.
I see you're one of those milk-people.....2% intelligent.

Just a warning: You're dealing with an artist in verbal vivisection.

Art is a rather subjective medium - I suppose one could conceive anything created as "art."

Would anyone who ever picked up a brush and honked out a ghastly watercolor, earn the title of "artist?"

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"...And what do Arabs / Muslims bring? Let's see: Oppression, persecution, corruption, hatred, violence, terror, intolerance, to name a few."
Along with...
  • Operative, medieval canon law
  • Mentality that canon law supersedes secular law
  • Misogyny
  • Potato sacks (burqas)
  • Beheadings
  • Limb-severing
  • Honor killings
  • Religious wars
  • Intolerance
  • Faux superiority complex
  • The 7th Century
You missed the best part. Those 72 virgin Virginians in heaven that are enough to drive any Muslim man to a premature detonation.
An artist in verbal vivisection who resorts to half truths?

Funny, I keep seeing people like you calling her a liar, but doing absolutely nothing to rebut her claims. I dare you, any of you, to disprove her. That, or I can completely embarrass you in front of your PLO loving friends. Your choice.
"...You missed the best part. Those 72 virgin Virginians in heaven that are enough to drive any Muslim man to a premature detonation."
ARE there 72 virgin Virginians to be had? Gotta be far from the Beltway! If they DO exist, my money is on them NOT coming from Liberal homes...

Oh, and... 'premature detonation'?... ya'll CAN be a rascal sometimes. Just too friggin' funny.
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Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Prove it. I'm already licking my chops. I have three years worth of study and many books regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. I spent two years on another forum debating an anti-Semitic woman, and as a result I wound up educating myself.

Come on, come at me!

You seem really stupid

You make a claim, you prove it is true.

I know it's true. I've been studying the Arab-Israeli conflict for way longer than you. Those are the most basic facts about Israel that you would do well not to forget.
Posting an article asserting that the current President is presently engaging in policy manifestations which could have a detrimental or even fatal impact upon the State of Israel is hardly 'lying', nor is it prima facie evidence of being 'hate-filled' nor is it prima facie evidence of being a 'Zionist' in any commonly-accepted sense of the phrase.

You, on the other hand, have long-since developed a nasty habit of labeling anyone who disagrees with your own positions regarding Israel and Palestine to be 'hate-filled' and 'Zionists' and 'liars', and, much worse, and you exercise every possible opportunity of saying as much and denigrating and attempting (and failing) to discredit your opponents utilizing non-factual, subjective and emotion-based invective.

Your own use of 'articles' and 'facts' are so frequently so one-sided or lop-sided or subjective and partisan and narrow in nature so as to preclude their acceptance by most sane and objective readers.

I submit that your aggressive (obsessive) pursuit of pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli propaganda activities and your bitter invective which you sling like hash at anyone who substantively and persistently disagrees with your position does no good service to the Palestinian cause on which you so obviously base so much of your online existence.

Translation: You have no room to talk, lady.

Can you read English?

Read the thread title.

It is a lie.

Nah....it's totally true.
Work on the concept.
I see you're one of those milk-people.....2% intelligent.

Just a warning: You're dealing with an artist in verbal vivisection.

Hater, your thread title remains a fucking lie.
An artist in verbal vivisection who resorts to half truths?

Funny, I keep seeing people like you calling her a liar, but doing absolutely nothing to rebut her claims. I dare you, any of you, to disprove her. That, or I can completely embarrass you in front of your PLO loving friends. Your choice.

It is her claim and she cannot prove her fucking lies are true.

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