Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel


WoW !! when the war was nearly over and the Nazis and Japs were all but totally defeated, these brave punks finally see which side to join with,

23 February 1945 – Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan.
24 February 1945 – Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan.
26 February 1945 – Syria declared war on Germany and Japan.
On 28 February 1945, Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany and Japan

what dedication towards freedom !! :lmao:

They were told declaring war was the price to enter this new UN the allies were forming that was supposed to be the bee's knees.

The point Bizarro Chick was trying to make was that the Islamic World sided with the Axis, when at worst, they stayed neutral and at best, they went along with what the Allies told them to do.

Fight had nothing to do with them, why get involved?
The Bible warns the destiny of the World is inseparable from Israel and Jerusalem. The Bible says God would one day re-gather the children of Israel back into their land from among many nations around the world ... the Bible says they would be re-gathered in unbelief ... God warns He is not re-gathering the children of Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His Name and His Word are at stake (see Ezekiel 36:17-23) ... and because He loves them ... and they are His chosen people. The Bible warns God would then make Jerusalem a world trouble spot ... the Bible says all nations of the world will turn against Israel ... the Bible warns that during this time 'Gaza will be forsaken' ... the Bible warns a coming world leader (the 'Antichrist') will rise out of 10 nations which once formed the Roman Empire and will enforce a peace plan (a covenant or treaty) upon Israel ('upon the many' - for many in Israel will be against it) ... and then, after a 3½ year false peace, God warns He will send the children of Israel (and all the nations of the world) through a fiery trial unlike anything in the history of the world, to separate the unfaithful unbelievers from the faithful believers (the coming 'Apocalypse') ... the Bible warns two-thirds of the people of Israel will be 'cut off and die' for their unbelief ... then, one day when the armies of the world will gather in and around nation Israel (the coming battle of Armageddon) and when all seems lost for the children of Israel, the Bible says a believing remnant will recognize their Messiah from Scripture (Messiah) and will call upon His Name (Messiah's return). The Bible then tells us 'after these things' the little nation of Israel and the children of Israel will rule over all nations on Earth in peace under her King and Messiah Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew). The Bible says all of the covenants, promises, curses, prophecies, and blessings God has made to the children and nation of Israel will be fulfilled

Bible Prophecy Israel and Jerusalem

Maybe we could amend the Constitution to require that all American foreign policy be structured to follow the prophecies of the Bible.
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Once you entice the Jews with the prospect of support for their own Homeland once again (Balfour, et al), it's a little difficult to get them to climb down from that prospect (subsequent contrary declarations), after waiting for 1900+ years since they (the Faith) last held Jerusalem and had it taken from them. The sense of urgency pressed upon them by the Holocaust firmed-up such intent and moved it into the realm of Reality.


Assuming that your are HISTORICALLY/FACTUALLY correct the Palestinian Arabs should be penalized because...?


They should be penalized for losing at least seven wars to Israel.

They didn't lose the war to Israel. They lost the war to the US.

The US began foreign aid to Israel in 1949. The first payment in 1949 was 200 Million dollars.

Did any country help the Palestinian farmers and natives fight the zionists?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?

The Bible warns the destiny of the World is inseparable from Israel and Jerusalem. The Bible says God would one day re-gather the children of Israel back into their land from among many nations around the world ... the Bible says they would be re-gathered in unbelief ... God warns He is not re-gathering the children of Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His Name and His Word are at stake (see Ezekiel 36:17-23) ... and because He loves them ... and they are His chosen people. The Bible warns God would then make Jerusalem a world trouble spot ... the Bible says all nations of the world will turn against Israel ... the Bible warns that during this time 'Gaza will be forsaken' ... the Bible warns a coming world leader (the 'Antichrist') will rise out of 10 nations which once formed the Roman Empire and will enforce a peace plan (a covenant or treaty) upon Israel ('upon the many' - for many in Israel will be against it) ... and then, after a 3½ year false peace, God warns He will send the children of Israel (and all the nations of the world) through a fiery trial unlike anything in the history of the world, to separate the unfaithful unbelievers from the faithful believers (the coming 'Apocalypse') ... the Bible warns two-thirds of the people of Israel will be 'cut off and die' for their unbelief ... then, one day when the armies of the world will gather in and around nation Israel (the coming battle of Armageddon) and when all seems lost for the children of Israel, the Bible says a believing remnant will recognize their Messiah from Scripture (Messiah) and will call upon His Name (Messiah's return). The Bible then tells us 'after these things' the little nation of Israel and the children of Israel will rule over all nations on Earth in peace under her King and Messiah Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew). The Bible says all of the covenants, promises, curses, prophecies, and blessings God has made to the children and nation of Israel will be fulfilled

Bible Prophecy Israel and Jerusalem

Maybe we could amend the Constitution to require that all American foreign policy be structured to follow the prophecies of the Bible.

That's interesting that you think this has anything to do with the constitution. :eusa_whistle:
The Bible warns the destiny of the World is inseparable from Israel and Jerusalem. The Bible says God would one day re-gather the children of Israel back into their land from among many nations around the world ... the Bible says they would be re-gathered in unbelief ... God warns He is not re-gathering the children of Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His Name and His Word are at stake (see Ezekiel 36:17-23) ... and because He loves them ... and they are His chosen people. The Bible warns God would then make Jerusalem a world trouble spot ... the Bible says all nations of the world will turn against Israel ... the Bible warns that during this time 'Gaza will be forsaken' ... the Bible warns a coming world leader (the 'Antichrist') will rise out of 10 nations which once formed the Roman Empire and will enforce a peace plan (a covenant or treaty) upon Israel ('upon the many' - for many in Israel will be against it) ... and then, after a 3½ year false peace, God warns He will send the children of Israel (and all the nations of the world) through a fiery trial unlike anything in the history of the world, to separate the unfaithful unbelievers from the faithful believers (the coming 'Apocalypse') ... the Bible warns two-thirds of the people of Israel will be 'cut off and die' for their unbelief ... then, one day when the armies of the world will gather in and around nation Israel (the coming battle of Armageddon) and when all seems lost for the children of Israel, the Bible says a believing remnant will recognize their Messiah from Scripture (Messiah) and will call upon His Name (Messiah's return). The Bible then tells us 'after these things' the little nation of Israel and the children of Israel will rule over all nations on Earth in peace under her King and Messiah Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew). The Bible says all of the covenants, promises, curses, prophecies, and blessings God has made to the children and nation of Israel will be fulfilled

Bible Prophecy Israel and Jerusalem

Maybe we could amend the Constitution to require that all American foreign policy be structured to follow the prophecies of the Bible.

It seems that American foreign policy is following the prophecies of the Bible. I just wish it wasn't.

"Sister, every unwanted occupation has Quislings who sell out their own..."

So you support of the thug dictator in the White House.....?

"...Sister, every unwanted occupation has Quislings who sell out their own... "

Yeah....I see what you're sayin,' bro.....

You can keep your doctor and all......

"Never have respect for a Quisling."

Pretty honest of you...I'm mean under the circumstances and all, Vidkun......

I still have the same doctor and the same plan.

And I don't blame Obama because the Insurance industry are a bunch of shitheads. I knew that going in.

If Obama were a "thug", he'd have gotten rid of private insurance and we'd all be better off.

Keep in mind the Right wants the private insurance companies to get control of all of Medicare.
The Bible warns the destiny of the World is inseparable from Israel and Jerusalem. The Bible says God would one day re-gather the children of Israel back into their land from among many nations around the world ... the Bible says they would be re-gathered in unbelief ... God warns He is not re-gathering the children of Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His Name and His Word are at stake (see Ezekiel 36:17-23) ... and because He loves them ... and they are His chosen people. The Bible warns God would then make Jerusalem a world trouble spot ... the Bible says all nations of the world will turn against Israel ... the Bible warns that during this time 'Gaza will be forsaken' ... the Bible warns a coming world leader (the 'Antichrist') will rise out of 10 nations which once formed the Roman Empire and will enforce a peace plan (a covenant or treaty) upon Israel ('upon the many' - for many in Israel will be against it) ... and then, after a 3½ year false peace, God warns He will send the children of Israel (and all the nations of the world) through a fiery trial unlike anything in the history of the world, to separate the unfaithful unbelievers from the faithful believers (the coming 'Apocalypse') ... the Bible warns two-thirds of the people of Israel will be 'cut off and die' for their unbelief ... then, one day when the armies of the world will gather in and around nation Israel (the coming battle of Armageddon) and when all seems lost for the children of Israel, the Bible says a believing remnant will recognize their Messiah from Scripture (Messiah) and will call upon His Name (Messiah's return). The Bible then tells us 'after these things' the little nation of Israel and the children of Israel will rule over all nations on Earth in peace under her King and Messiah Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew). The Bible says all of the covenants, promises, curses, prophecies, and blessings God has made to the children and nation of Israel will be fulfilled

Bible Prophecy Israel and Jerusalem

Maybe we could amend the Constitution to require that all American foreign policy be structured to follow the prophecies of the Bible.

That's interesting that you think this has anything to do with the constitution. :eusa_whistle:

If all nations of the world are supposed to turn against Israel, isn't it contrary to God's plan for us to be their henchmen?

Shouldn't we be bombing them and stuff???

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The Bible warns the destiny of the World is inseparable from Israel and Jerusalem. The Bible says God would one day re-gather the children of Israel back into their land from among many nations around the world ... the Bible says they would be re-gathered in unbelief ... God warns He is not re-gathering the children of Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His Name and His Word are at stake (see Ezekiel 36:17-23) ... and because He loves them ... and they are His chosen people. The Bible warns God would then make Jerusalem a world trouble spot ... the Bible says all nations of the world will turn against Israel ... the Bible warns that during this time 'Gaza will be forsaken' ... the Bible warns a coming world leader (the 'Antichrist') will rise out of 10 nations which once formed the Roman Empire and will enforce a peace plan (a covenant or treaty) upon Israel ('upon the many' - for many in Israel will be against it) ... and then, after a 3½ year false peace, God warns He will send the children of Israel (and all the nations of the world) through a fiery trial unlike anything in the history of the world, to separate the unfaithful unbelievers from the faithful believers (the coming 'Apocalypse') ... the Bible warns two-thirds of the people of Israel will be 'cut off and die' for their unbelief ... then, one day when the armies of the world will gather in and around nation Israel (the coming battle of Armageddon) and when all seems lost for the children of Israel, the Bible says a believing remnant will recognize their Messiah from Scripture (Messiah) and will call upon His Name (Messiah's return). The Bible then tells us 'after these things' the little nation of Israel and the children of Israel will rule over all nations on Earth in peace under her King and Messiah Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew). The Bible says all of the covenants, promises, curses, prophecies, and blessings God has made to the children and nation of Israel will be fulfilled

Bible Prophecy Israel and Jerusalem

Maybe we could amend the Constitution to require that all American foreign policy be structured to follow the prophecies of the Bible.

That's interesting that you think this has anything to do with the constitution. :eusa_whistle:

What was the point of your post?
1. "Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord..
The U.S. has never been an honest broker in any peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

And was always squarely in the Israeli camp against the Palestinians. . :doubt:

Israel is an ally. palestine is a fictional country.

But fear not, Obama's ties to islam will change all that.

That is the goal of the Imposter in Chief and this man has known it all along.

As a young soldier fighting for Israel:

And today, he fears for his country, as he knows Israel is the target of the radical in the White House:

Israel is an ally because of all of the money the US gives them. They constantly speak condescendingly to and about us. Some ally!!!!

France has shed more blood on our behalf than Israel.

Israel needs to get off the occupied territory, period. If only to be able to say they tried.

I'd love to hear more about how this territory is 'occupied' Carbine. What would you have them do?Roam the world looking for a home?
Too bad, they already have one. I will dispatch any pro Palestine argument you have, anything related to 'right of return' or genetics and etc.


Theodore Herzl and the Zionist congress was considering Argentina as the site for the Jewish State.

But I guess they concluded that it would be easier to remove the Palestinian Arabs from their homeland.

Maybe we could amend the Constitution to require that all American foreign policy be structured to follow the prophecies of the Bible.

That's interesting that you think this has anything to do with the constitution. :eusa_whistle:

If all nations of the world are supposed to turn against Israel, isn't it contrary to God's plan for us to be their henchmen?

Shouldn't we be bombing them and stuff???


Knock yourself out Israel will not be destroyed
America could always repent
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Nothing for the Jews to worry about since their is no accord in Geneva. In fact it was just the first meeting to find out the differences in what an accord may look like.
All you super Jews can go back to your castle and wait to save the day.
Unlike the dishonest thread title about Obama's plan for the destruction of Israel.

That is like comparing Watergate to "White Water."

It's only a viable comparison if you have absolutely no regard, whatsoever for truth and instead are driven by partisanship ~

You're a fool.

But the extra evidence you've provided wasn't necessary.

Thank you, some admonishments are actually complements depending upon who issues them - and why.


No prob.

Come again when you can't stay quite so long.
Nothing for the Jews to worry about since their is no accord in Geneva. In fact it was just the first meeting to find out the differences in what an accord may look like.
All you super Jews can go back to your castle and wait to save the day.

thanks---I am in my castle right now-----I have been here all weekend----its
cold outside------the moat is frozen over and the draw bridge is stuck. I could
travel via the helicopter port------but----TOO DAMNED COLD Not easy being
confined in this tiny 350,000 square foot living space. I will have to build UP
The "Non-European" Jews are only a small sliver of the Zionist Entity's population. Most of them are Europeans. That makes them no different than the Afrikaners, who had been there for hundreds of years. It doesn't take away from the fact that Zionism is a form of apartheid- rendering the native people of the land as second class citizens in their own country.

Wrong most of the Arabs came in from the surrounding areas and there was was no country.. also a "small sliver"? you're an idiot.....


Yeah, for some reason, after tolerating their Jewish population for centuries, they didn't liek them so much when they started stealing their land.

Again, the world will be better off when these fuckers go back to Europe where they came from.

Translation; The Jews have no business in the Middle East. It should all belong to the Muslims/ Arabs. That will not happen. Ask Fuckers like you why they didn't create a " palestinian state" in 1948 or before 1967 there will be no response. Ask what the Palestinians have offered in the way of " negotiations" there will be no response.

No 67 Borders
No total withdrawl from E. Jerusalem
No " Right of Return" you Mother Fucker :cuckoo:
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I remember when Obama was first elected the buzz was that he was going to be the president to finally bring peace the middle east. the great healer. never has there been more bullshit hype generated about a president who came nowhere close to meeting any of it
I remember before the bullshit artist got elected to the presidency, he went in front of AIPAC and stated "Jerusalem will be the undivided capital of Israel!" y.

Palestine does not belong to the US.

Maybe he meant to divide Arizona in to two states. One Jewish the other one gentile. And Phoenix, the undivided capital of Israel!


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