Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

And this would be a bad thing, Why?

The Day the Zionist Entity is wiped off the map, the world will be better off for it.

In the short term, Israel's destruction would be a terrible thing as so many innocent people will die.
However, in the long term, it'll save so many more lives than would be lost.
The best action would be, Israel withdraw to the 67 borders and stop its racist policies, the latter being much as South Africa was forced to do.

As for Obama destroying Israel, hardly likely but Israel may well push so hard, middle eastern countries get together and force change.
Edit - they could start by holding up all oil deliveries to America until U.S. support for Israel stopped.

Once Israel is wiped off the map, its enemies will be free to turn their full attention to the Great Satan, America.

So many people hate America because America attacked them, assists the people who attack them or interfere in their politics, removing elected governments in favour of dictators.
America, bringer of democracy...unless they remove elected governments they don't like; then they overthrow it and install a dictator.
If this is true, than this is one thing I support Soetoro on. Good on him.
Israel is an ally. palestine is a fictional country.

But fear not, Obama's ties to islam will change all that.
Pres. Obama is the first U.S. president to challenge Israel's draconian policies toward Palestine.

And to put America's interests 1st and Israel's a distant second place. ... :thup:

That is simply not true. From the beginning it has been very clear that obama is either a closet muslim or a muslim sympathizer.

Only far right wing nutters see it that way. Everyone else sees him for what he is, a Christian. Just because he doesn't "hate" Muslims like you do doesn't make him a sympathizer.
I find it hard that anyone who is Jewish in America would remain a supporting democrat after this. I need to check with my daughter in law and see how her mother and father feel about obama now.

I hope you don't take the word of this commie nutjob? Most all American Jews support Israel and the Zionist movement. Joe probably never met a Jew in his life. only the very hardened leftist would be against Israel Joe's a joke :cuckoo:

Pat Buchanan is a hardened leftist?

Yes, the Zionists have done a very good job of buying off public opinion in this country.

The rest of the world pretty much despises them, though.

Still, their attempt to get us to take out Assad for them fell through, so maybe Amerians are finally getting wise to the fact we are being played for suckers.
Maybe Israel can show strength where Obama is weak



Could you please point out in the blog quoted where Obama is verifiably quoted as saying anything about formulating any "Plans to Destroy Israel"?

:dunno: I'm drawing a complete blank twice through the article now. Your title is misleading.


In the opening of the OP you will find this:

" said that if Israel does not partition the country and create a" Palestinian state" (along borders that are indefensible)..."

You may find this dispositive:
"Abbas has insisted that Israel recognize the 1949 Armistice Line as a designated border for any future PA state. Israel refuses, as the pre-1967 borders are indefensible and withdrawing back to these borders would guarantee its destruction."
Ever Optimistic Kerry Returns to the Middle East - Middle East - News - Israel National News

And that is certainly the way I read it.

In your post you ask ".... point out in the blog quoted where Obama is verifiably quoted blah blah blah....."

From that, I'll bet you deny that the destruction of Israel is at the heart of Obama/Kerry's threat.

You probably claim that Death Panels aren't at the heart of ObamaCare as well.

"Your title is misleading."

Only to those who would defend the snake in the White House by pretending that they can never connect the dots that would incriminate the Leftist.


So what we have here is an opinionated blogger and a difference of opinion. Obama has NOT been quoted as stating anything about making plans to destroy Israel, and the thread title is indeed reactionary and purposefully misleading for political purposes.

"PoliticalChic" appears to be the perfect handle for you.
:thup: Carry on.​

You blew it, boy, when you didn't start out with this:

"Why....Obama would never do such a thing!"

Means you know the truth.

I hope you don't take the word of this commie nutjob? Most all American Jews support Israel and the Zionist movement. Joe probably never met a Jew in his life. only the very hardened leftist would be against Israel Joe's a joke :cuckoo:

Pat Buchanan is a hardened leftist?

Yes, the Zionists have done a very good job of buying off public opinion in this country.

The rest of the world pretty much despises them, though.

Still, their attempt to get us to take out Assad for them fell through, so maybe Amerians are finally getting wise to the fact we are being played for suckers.
Which is it?
Do you know what you are talking about or you think you know what you are talking about?
I think it's the latter
Hitler would be so proud of you.
You mean the sell-outs who stayed on their side of the 1967 borders are kind of worried what happens when the Zionists go back to Europe....


Maybe these Quislings can get tickets to Europe, too.

I mean the very folks who you ascribed as the underdogs of Apartheid.....

....and now you're scurrying away from that description because when polled they make you look like a fool.

Let's review:

You compared them to folks living under untenable conditions.

But when polled as to their opinion, they, in effect, said "No way! We like it where we are....and we're not going to move to the lawless impoverished oppressive 'Palestinian' enclaves!"

So....you change your tune....and now those folks are 'Quislings'.

Truth, Joey.....bet you started to call 'em the same as any who don't agree with Obama....'racists'.....

Didya'? Huh? Didya'?

Sister, every unwanted occupation has Quislings who sell out their own...

And, yeah, they know there's a shit sandwich in store for them when they lose.

I have nothing but contempt for those Palestinians who've sold out. Neither will the Palestinians WHEN (not if) they inevitably win.

And you know that's where history is going, right?

Young Jews in Israel are moving to America and Europe because this whole, "Let's start a Zionist State to stick it in Hitler's eye" shit doesn't mean that much to them.

Never have respect for a Quisling.

"Sister, every unwanted occupation has Quislings who sell out their own..."

So you support of the thug dictator in the White House.....?

"...Sister, every unwanted occupation has Quislings who sell out their own... "

Yeah....I see what you're sayin,' bro.....

You can keep your doctor and all......

"Never have respect for a Quisling."

Pretty honest of you...I'm mean under the circumstances and all, Vidkun......
The Bible warns the destiny of the World is inseparable from Israel and Jerusalem. The Bible says God would one day re-gather the children of Israel back into their land from among many nations around the world ... the Bible says they would be re-gathered in unbelief ... God warns He is not re-gathering the children of Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His Name and His Word are at stake (see Ezekiel 36:17-23) ... and because He loves them ... and they are His chosen people. The Bible warns God would then make Jerusalem a world trouble spot ... the Bible says all nations of the world will turn against Israel ... the Bible warns that during this time 'Gaza will be forsaken' ... the Bible warns a coming world leader (the 'Antichrist') will rise out of 10 nations which once formed the Roman Empire and will enforce a peace plan (a covenant or treaty) upon Israel ('upon the many' - for many in Israel will be against it) ... and then, after a 3½ year false peace, God warns He will send the children of Israel (and all the nations of the world) through a fiery trial unlike anything in the history of the world, to separate the unfaithful unbelievers from the faithful believers (the coming 'Apocalypse') ... the Bible warns two-thirds of the people of Israel will be 'cut off and die' for their unbelief ... then, one day when the armies of the world will gather in and around nation Israel (the coming battle of Armageddon) and when all seems lost for the children of Israel, the Bible says a believing remnant will recognize their Messiah from Scripture (Messiah) and will call upon His Name (Messiah's return). The Bible then tells us 'after these things' the little nation of Israel and the children of Israel will rule over all nations on Earth in peace under her King and Messiah Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew). The Bible says all of the covenants, promises, curses, prophecies, and blessings God has made to the children and nation of Israel will be fulfilled

Bible Prophecy Israel and Jerusalem
23 February 1945 – Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan.
24 February 1945 – Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan.
26 February 1945 – Syria declared war on Germany and Japan.
On 28 February 1945, Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany and Japan

Yup. They declared war on the axis. They didn't fight for them.

Should also point out that Egypt was effectively a client of the UK, and Syria was a colony of France at the time.[/QUOTE]

WoW !! when the war was nearly over and the Nazis and Japs were all but totally defeated, these brave punks finally see which side to join with,

23 February 1945 – Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan.
24 February 1945 – Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan.
26 February 1945 – Syria declared war on Germany and Japan.
On 28 February 1945, Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany and Japan

what dedication towards freedom !! :lmao:
"Never have respect for a Quisling."

Pretty honest of you...I'm mean under the circumstances and all, Vidkun......

Unlike the dishonest thread title about Obama's plan for the destruction of Israel.

That is like comparing Watergate to "White Water."

It's only a viable comparison if you have absolutely no regard, whatsoever for truth and instead are driven by partisanship ~

I hope you don't take the word of this commie nutjob? Most all American Jews support Israel and the Zionist movement. Joe probably never met a Jew in his life. only the very hardened leftist would be against Israel Joe's a joke :cuckoo:

Pat Buchanan is a hardened leftist?

Yes, the Zionists have done a very good job of buying off public opinion in this country.

The rest of the world pretty much despises them, though.

Still, their attempt to get us to take out Assad for them fell through, so maybe Amerians are finally getting wise to the fact we are being played for suckers.

Pat Buchanan isn't Jewish... idiot. You said American Jews don't support Israel..Like i said you're a nutjob and don't know what you're talking about :cuckoo:
"Never have respect for a Quisling."

Pretty honest of you...I'm mean under the circumstances and all, Vidkun......

Unlike the dishonest thread title about Obama's plan for the destruction of Israel.

That is like comparing Watergate to "White Water."

It's only a viable comparison if you have absolutely no regard, whatsoever for truth and instead are driven by partisanship ~

You're a fool.

But the extra evidence you've provided wasn't necessary.
"Never have respect for a Quisling."

Pretty honest of you...I'm mean under the circumstances and all, Vidkun......

Unlike the dishonest thread title about Obama's plan for the destruction of Israel.

That is like comparing Watergate to "White Water."

It's only a viable comparison if you have absolutely no regard, whatsoever for truth and instead are driven by partisanship ~

You're a fool.

But the extra evidence you've provided wasn't necessary.

Thank you, some admonishments are actually complements depending upon who issues them - and why.

Methinks the trouble is, the Israelis have been burned with Land-for-Peace deals before, and, with National Survival at-stake, I don't think they're inclined to risk the same mistake again. Can't say as I blame 'em.

Then they are condemned in perpetuity to doing the same things they've been doing for decades,

while foolishly expecting different results.

When you know for a certainty that what you've been doing cannot work, then you either resign yourself to unending repeated failure,

or you try something different.

You're clueless:cuckoo:


Did you have an argument to make as to why the Palestinians at this point would ever end their resistance to the Israeli occupiers?

"Sister, every unwanted occupation has Quislings who sell out their own..."

So you support of the thug dictator in the White House.....?

"...Sister, every unwanted occupation has Quislings who sell out their own... "

Yeah....I see what you're sayin,' bro.....

You can keep your doctor and all......

"Never have respect for a Quisling."

Pretty honest of you...I'm mean under the circumstances and all, Vidkun......

I still have the same doctor and the same plan.

And I don't blame Obama because the Insurance industry are a bunch of shitheads. I knew that going in.

If Obama were a "thug", he'd have gotten rid of private insurance and we'd all be better off.

I hope you don't take the word of this commie nutjob? Most all American Jews support Israel and the Zionist movement. Joe probably never met a Jew in his life. only the very hardened leftist would be against Israel Joe's a joke :cuckoo:

Pat Buchanan is a hardened leftist?

Yes, the Zionists have done a very good job of buying off public opinion in this country.

The rest of the world pretty much despises them, though.

Still, their attempt to get us to take out Assad for them fell through, so maybe Amerians are finally getting wise to the fact we are being played for suckers.

Pat Buchanan isn't Jewish... idiot. You said American Jews don't support Israel..Like i said you're a nutjob and don't know what you're talking about :cuckoo:

You said only hardened leftists hate Israel.

Pat is a hardened rightist.

And no, most American Jews still voted for Obama, they don't give a fuck about Israel.

A lot of us are getting really tired of watching our kids come home in Body Bags so you can play, "The Magic Sky Man gave us this Land."

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