Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

"...We shall never remain on topic..."
Thank you for your open admission that you are here to derail PC's thread.

It is quite rare that a poster will openly admit violations of Board and Forum guidelines.

Especially after a rational explanation has been given (and ignored) concerning the supposedly contentious nature of the thread title.

Remember this, the next time you protest that one of your own threads is being steered off-topic.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


None of this does anything to help us discuss whether the Obama Administration is presently engaging in foreign policy initiatives that may prove highly injurious or even ultimately fatal to Israel.
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"...We shall never remain on topic..."
Thank you for your open admission that you are here to derail PC's thread.

It is quite rare that a poster will openly admit violations of Board and Forum guidelines.

Especially after a rational explanation has been given (and ignored) concerning the supposedly contentious nature of the thread title.

Remember this, the next time you protest that one of your own threads is being steered off-topic.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

None of this does anything to help us discuss whether the Obama Administration is presently engaging in foreign policy initiatives that may prove highly injurious or even ultimately fatal to Israel.

I said no such thing, liar!

What I keep stating is the thread title is a lie backed up by no facts or news sources

Why are Zionists like you so addicted to lying?
"...We shall never remain on topic..."
Thank you for your open admission that you are here to derail PC's thread.

It is quite rare that a poster will openly admit violations of Board and Forum guidelines.

Especially after a rational explanation has been given (and ignored) concerning the supposedly contentious nature of the thread title.

Remember this, the next time you protest that one of your own threads is being steered off-topic.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

None of this does anything to help us discuss whether the Obama Administration is presently engaging in foreign policy initiatives that may prove highly injurious or even ultimately fatal to Israel.

I said no such thing, liar!

What I keep stating is the thread title is a lie backed up by no facts or news sources

Why are Zionists like you so addicted to lying?

The thread title is not a "LIE" sherri dear. It is something like an
inuendo ----the poster believes that the policy of Obama could be fatal
to Israel. The problem here is yours. You seem to have some
COGNITION issue. People of limited intellect or DAMAGED intellect
tend to think in what psychologists call "CONCRETE" terms. In fact
in examining a person's intellect----physicians often as the patient to
INTERPRET a proverb or a line of poetry. The reason for that is ----
persons with problems of cognition often interpret on CONCRETE TERMS.

The classic is "what does 'people in glass houses, should not throw
stones' mean" a really brain damaged person might answer
"the windows will break" Your comment does not place you in a
category of person THAT damaged------but you are getting there.
In fact----your level of cognitive disorder is that which causes you to
have problems reading the bible---------if you ever decide to do so
I said no such thing, liar! What I keep stating is the thread title is a lie backed up by no facts or news sources. Why are Zionists like you so addicted to lying?
You appear to be experiencing 'comprehension difficulties' this morning.

My comment...

"...Thank you for your open admission that you are here to derail PC's thread...."

...is the logical conclusion that any rational and sane person would draw from the following...

"...We shall never remain on topic..."

Or, perhaps, you are suffering from an acute case of Over-Reliance Upon Extreme Literalism.

I neither know nor care.

I do not lie. I serve-up my honest opinion and interpretation.

You may find that opinion to be right or wrong, but, if you find it to be wrong, that does not render it to be a 'lie', nor does that make me a 'liar', ipsi facto - for honest opinion that differs from your own.

All of your disingenuous and off-topic attempts to portray it as otherwise, notwithstanding.

But, as always, thank you for your feedback.

Also - please understand that your sidebar here does not help us to discuss the question of whether the US is presently engaging in foreign policy initiatives which are potentially injurious or fatal to Israel.
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good of you to mention EXTREME LITERALISM ----
people who examing patients for cognitive
disorders call that CONCRETE THINKING
Pat Buchanan isn't Jewish... idiot. You said American Jews don't support Israel..Like i said you're a nutjob and don't know what you're talking about :cuckoo:

You said only hardened leftists hate Israel.

Pat is a hardened rightist.

And no, most American Jews still voted for Obama, they don't give a fuck about Israel.

A lot of us are getting really tired of watching our kids come home in Body Bags so you can play, "The Magic Sky Man gave us this Land."
Doesn't matter who they voted for. I know hundreds of Jews who voted for Obama they are also very pro-Israel, they are just blinded by "hope and Change"

Why is there such silence from American Jews?

Because there are Jews, and then there are Jews.....

I believe one can find a large part of the answer here, in the cover Obama gets from American secular Jews, whose real religion is Liberalism:

 "In the meeting, Obama reportedly boasted about his knowledge of Judaism, telling the leaders that he thinks he knows more “about Judaism” than all past presidents. He said he gained this knowledge of Judaism from reading..... “I guess it’s Obama’s great knowledge of Judaism that spurs him to argue Jerusalem’s division is up for negotiation,” tweeted the National Review’s Jim Geraghty.

Do you know how much Obama knows about Judaism? He knows so much about Judaism that he commemorated Hanukka [hhttp://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/12/obama-celebrates-hanukkah-two-weeks-early-lights-all-the-candles-video/] two weeks too early. (Similar booboos did not occur with Islamic holidays.)

.... Do you know how much Obama knows about Judaism? He knows that Jews don’t care about Jerusalem.

Peter Beinart has become the clown prince of the Anti-Israel left....." Obama does know more about American Jewishness. This is a man, after all, who has read Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, Leon Uris and David Grossman (an Israeli writer popular among American Jews) and was influenced by Saul Alinsky and Abraham Joshua Heschel."

So to sum up, Obama understands Jewish liberals who dress up their liberalism in a religious mask because he is a liberal who dresses up his liberalism in a Jewish mask.
Rather than understanding Jews… Obama understands liberals." Obama, the first gay president who knows everything about Judaism ? Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
"...We shall never remain on topic..."
Thank you for your open admission that you are here to derail PC's thread.

It is quite rare that a poster will openly admit violations of Board and Forum guidelines.

Especially after a rational explanation has been given (and ignored) concerning the supposedly contentious nature of the thread title.

Remember this, the next time you protest that one of your own threads is being steered off-topic.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

None of this does anything to help us discuss whether the Obama Administration is presently engaging in foreign policy initiatives that may prove highly injurious or even ultimately fatal to Israel.

I said no such thing, liar!

What I keep stating is the thread title is a lie backed up by no facts or news sources

Why are Zionists like you so addicted to lying?

Calm down!

Here...this may help:

Don't be sad, don't feel blue...
Frankenstein was ugly too!
jihado nazi>>>
Bloodrock irosie91 MHunterB rhodescholar Roudy Sweet_Caroline toastman

You are on my ignore list because 99% of your posts are personal attacks that are not a response to thread topics.

Jihado nazis are SOOOOO .... sensitive. In jihado cesspits------a negative
comment upon anything JIHADO-----including any jihado----by a non jihado----
can actually be a capital crime..... hubby---who was born in a jihado
cesspit------told me------"they can kill a person for a word" We all have to be
careful ---to avoid stinging the very sensitive jihadette
"...people who examing patients for cognitive disorders call that CONCRETE THINKING..."
I was trying to avoid the dragging-out the DSM-IV Code Book...

Not wanting to take our eye off the gist of the OP.
"...people who examing patients for cognitive disorders call that CONCRETE THINKING..."
I was trying to avoid the dragging-out the DSM-IV Code Book...

Not wanting to take our eye off the gist of the OP.

uhm-----I have been thinking -----perhaps some additions for DSM-V could
be determined wisely----to accomodate some of the pathology presented here.
"...people who examing patients for cognitive disorders call that CONCRETE THINKING..."
I was trying to avoid the dragging-out the DSM-IV Code Book...

Not wanting to take our eye off the gist of the OP.

uhm-----I have been thinking -----perhaps some additions for DSM-V could
be determined wisely----to accomodate some of the pathology presented here.
Hey... I'm an Information Systems and IT guy... accustomed to designing and deploying and sustaining supportive systems and subsystems for such...

I'll leave the pathology to folks with clinical credentials...

You code 'em... I'll capture the coding and pump it up the line to the State Medicaid Billing servers...

Although, from a layman's perspective, methinks you're on to something there about new DSM-IV codes...
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You blew it, boy, when you didn't start out with this:

"Why....Obama would never do such a thing!"

Means you know the truth.

MY opinion of the blog hasn't been put on the table for discussion.

My question to you remains unanswered: How do you defend your title?

There is NO evidence, physical or in print, that indicates plans on the part of the American Government to destroy Israel.


John "Lurch" Kerry is a paid apparatchik of Barack Hussein Obama (Peace be on him)

Hey....who'd ya' vote for.....(giggle, giggle....)
Surprise me.

Senator/War Hero John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!

As I knew he would.
Doesn't matter who they voted for. I know hundreds of Jews who voted for Obama they are also very pro-Israel, they are just blinded by "hope and Change"

Or they j ust realize Israel can't survive in a state of perpetual war and apartheid.

Didn't work for South Africa, after all.

But really, here's the thing. A lot of AMerican Jews watch theZionists levelling homes and running over peace activists with bulldozers and shooting children in the street and just say they want no part of that.

So the Zionists have switched their marketing program to appeal to the dumb, inbred Christian Redneck like Katz who thinks that Israel needs to be there so Jesus can come back.
No Apartheid in Israel Joe Blow, and it appears the Islamists and Palestinian supporters have successfully marketed the ignorant, mentally insane, illiterate, convicts in and out of prison, and Neo nazi skinhead assholes as their foot soldiers.
MY opinion of the blog hasn't been put on the table for discussion.

My question to you remains unanswered: How do you defend your title?

There is NO evidence, physical or in print, that indicates plans on the part of the American Government to destroy Israel.


John "Lurch" Kerry is a paid apparatchik of Barack Hussein Obama (Peace be on him)

Hey....who'd ya' vote for.....(giggle, giggle....)
Surprise me.

Senator/War Hero John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!

As I knew he would.

So....you've decided that Lurch was a war hero??
"“Kerry carried a home movie camera to record his exploits for later viewing,” ... “Kerry would revisit ambush locations for reenacting combat scenes where he would portray the hero, catching it all on film." Did Kerry Stage War Footage?

...and an effective Secretary of State?

No wonder you were awarded "The ‘Ricky Ray Rector Deep Thinker" award….for those who confuse ‘execution’ with ‘intermission.’
the year kerry ran for president------I DID NOT VOTE I could not bear to see the
name of that idiot

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