Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

No Apartheid in Israel Joe Blow, and it appears the Islamists and Palestinian supporters have successfully marketed the ignorant, mentally insane, illiterate, convicts in and out of prison, and Neo nazi skinhead assholes as their foot soldiers.

When the people who are NATIVE to the land are forced to live behind fences, crowded into slums and treated like second class citizens in their own country...

that's Apartheid.

Didn't last in South Africa, won't last in Palestine.
Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the hugest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow the ignoramus.

joe has said hat he wants to see Israel gone wiped off the face of the earth.
When the people who are NATIVE to the land are forced to live behind fences, crowded into slums and treated like second class citizens in their own country...

that's Apartheid.

Didn't last in South Africa, won't last in Palestine.
Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the hugest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow the ignoramus.

joe has said hat he wants to see Israel gone wiped off the face of the earth.
Anti Zionism = modern anti Semetism.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr eloquently said.
Obama’s Leaks & Sabotaging Israel’s Defense

Israel has established a clear-cut red line when it comes to preventing the transfer of advanced arms from Syria to Hezbollah. And unlike the Obama administration, Israel means what it says. Israel has conducted military strikes to destroy advanced Iranian and Russian weapons in the Syrian regime’s hands before they could be added to Hezbollah’s growing stockpile of offensive arms aimed at Israeli population centers or used to thwart Israeli defense systems.

Instead of providing covert support for Israeli operations, or at least staying out of Israel’s way, the Obama administration is deliberately compromising Israel’s security by leaking sensitive information on Israeli attacks against the Syrian weapons targets.

The latest episode of Obama administration betrayal of America’s closest ally in the Middle East came last week when an Obama administration official leaked to CNN that Israeli warplanes had attacked a Syrian base, targeting “missiles and related equipment” to prevent their delivery to Hezbollah. The Israeli Air Force attack targeted Russian-made SA-8 Gecko Dgreen mobile missiles in the Syrian port of Latakia. Israel reportedly also struck a similar shipment in Damascus. The latest leaks continue a disturbing pattern, including the U.S. intelligence community’s public disclosure last summer of an Israeli air and naval strike on a shipment of highly advanced Russian anti-ship missiles.

Obama?s Leaks & Sabotaging Israel?s Defense | FrontPage Magazine
Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the hugest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow the ignoramus.

joe has said hat he wants to see Israel gone wiped off the face of the earth.
Anti Zionism = modern anti Semetism.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr eloquently said.
Joe must have been hitlers love child. because hitlers agenda lives through people like Joe.
Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides, Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the highest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow, the ignoramus.

Actually, it's more like 1 million... not counting the five million Palestinians who live behind barbed wire in slums in the "occuppied territories" and strap bombs onto their kids trying to kill Zionists.

Seriously. Fuck Israel. The day it's driven into the sea. the world will celebrate.
Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the hugest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow the ignoramus.

joe has said hat he wants to see Israel gone wiped off the face of the earth.
Anti Zionism = modern anti Semetism.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr eloquently said.

Zionism = Apartheid....
Now, the hate sites roll out more garbage.

Just thought you might like some reading matter while dining on offal.....

"The political perspective of this new left is vehemently anti—Israel, and the power and reach of this movement represent a real threat to Israel, and by extension to Jews who support Israel.

I believe there are several reasons:
1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.
2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.
3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.
4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.
5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.
6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.
7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists.

It is not surprising that Israel seems unable to get a fair shake from college professors, the BBC, Reuters, NPR, or liberal churches. Being anti—Israel has become part of their religion.
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?
Why would I be interested in reading articles in hate sites of low life hating scum of the earth like pc?

Still that thread title remains a lie, I cannot really get past that.

When a thread title is a lie like this one is, what is there to discuss?

It would be like a poster starting a thread entitled The World Is Flat, there is nowhere to go with that but to keep pointing out it is false.
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Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides, Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the highest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow, the ignoramus.

Actually, it's more like 1 million... not counting the five million Palestinians who live behind barbed wire in slums in the "occuppied territories" and strap bombs onto their kids trying to kill Zionists.

Seriously. Fuck Israel. The day it's driven into the sea. the world will celebrate.

Just one thing you said you are wrong about, Palestinians are not strapping suicide bombs on their children.

That is another Zionist lie.

And killing your children seens to be a Hebrew thing, just reading about a Hebrew in Judges who killed his own daughter as a sacrifice to God.
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Why would I be interested in reading articles in hate sites of low life hating scum of the earth like pc?

Still that thread title remains a lie, I cannot really get past that.

When a thread title is a lie like this one is, what is there to discuss?

It would be like a poster starting a thread entitled The World Is Flat, there is nowhere to go with that but to keep pointing out it is false.

Oh....finished breakfast????

Well....here's something else to chew on:

Why would I be interested in reading articles in hate sites of low life hating scum of the earth like pc?

Still that thread title remains a lie, I cannot really get past that.

When a thread title is a lie like this one is, what is there to discuss?

It would be like a poster starting a thread entitled The World Is Flat, there is nowhere to go with that but to keep pointing out it is false.

What made you believe that you and I had anything to discuss?

I was merely providing insight and truth.....

.....you don't have to agree with me....after all, I can't force you to be right.
Now, the hate sites roll out more garbage.

You really need to start avoiding those pro-Palestinian militant websites...

You're gonna go blind...

She already is. No one who learned the news of the Fogel family infant beheaded in its crib and called an enemy combatant by the Palestinian advocates would defend such barbarism with their eyes wide open, Kondor. You'd have to be a monster. That Jewish settler family were slaughtered in their pajamas.

I don't think Sherri is a monster. I just believe she is spiritually blind. You'd have to be to defend such barbarism.
Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides, Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the highest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow, the ignoramus.

Actually, it's more like 1 million... not counting the five million Palestinians who live behind barbed wire in slums in the "occuppied territories" and strap bombs onto their kids trying to kill Zionists.

Seriously. Fuck Israel. The day it's driven into the sea. the world will celebrate.

Just one thing you said you are wrong about, Palestinians are not strapping suicide bombs on their children.

That is another Zionist lie.

And killing your children seens to be a Hebrew thing, just reading about a Hebrew in Judges who killed his own daughter as a sacrifice to God.

That is because they are no longer paid $15,000 dollar for each child that straps on the suicide vest. That was the going rate when Saddam Hussein was finally captured and the cash flow was cut off. The families were each paid $15,000.00 for a suicide bomber that followed through. Once the money was cut off they were not so interested in doing the job for free. The suicide bombing stopped at the same time the money stopped coming in. Parents that sell their children's lives for any price are not parents, Sherri. They may have produced children but that is not what mothers and fathers do with their children. They protect them. With their very own lives.


According to this article the families were paid $25,000.00 per child for suicide bombing missions but the Palestinian mothers claim they were only paid $15,000.00 so perhaps the middle man took the other $10,000.00. Selling the life of your child at any price is unthinkable. There is no excuse for doing such a thing. Ever.

p.s. they said in the article the going rate was originally $10,000.00 per suicide bomber and Saddam raised it to $25,000.00. Despicable.

Another reason why the House of Esau will be destroyed according to biblical prophecy. It is their recompense for troubling the House of Jacob. Obadiah 1. ( whole chapter )
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"Last week, the Senate Banking Committee was poised to begin marking up a bill that would pass a further round of economic sanctions on Iran to continue to increase the international and financial pressure on them to stay their nuclear program, including measures passed with resounding approval by the House over the summer.

In the wake of this weekend’s almost-done-deal and with more negotiations on deck for November 20th, however, President Obama has been making personal appeals to lawmakers to at least hold off..."
The White House really wants Congress to take a beat on more sanctions for Iran « Hot Air
So? If negotiations can settle the matter, than it is better than the rwer's actions called for on USMB.

"....the White House looked pretty darn happy over the weekend to submit to a deal that gave Iran a lot of relief in return for empty promises. Via NRO : “In other words, it takes away our leverage and it gives them a free ride.”

"....it takes away our leverage...."

So....Obama's not stupid.....is he?

Sounds more and more like a design to destroy Israel......
MY opinion of the blog hasn't been put on the table for discussion.

My question to you remains unanswered: How do you defend your title?

There is NO evidence, physical or in print, that indicates plans on the part of the American Government to destroy Israel.


John "Lurch" Kerry is a paid apparatchik of Barack Hussein Obama (Peace be on him)

Hey....who'd ya' vote for.....(giggle, giggle....)
Surprise me.

Senator/War Hero John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!

As I knew he would.

"...John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!"

It has become redundant to show what a moron you are....

....but it is fun:

1". ...Kerry has personally exacerbated tensions between Israel and the Palestinians that were already complicated ... He stabbed both Israel and the moderate Arab states in the back by publicly accepting the terms of a weak nuclear deal with Iran that would have likely started the collapse of sanctions against Tehran and put in motion a process that would have made it possible for the Islamist state to reach their nuclear goal.

2. He then added to that folly by rushing to Geneva to sign that agreement only to be embarrassed by the insistence of the French—of all countries—that there at least be a fig leaf of accountability for the arrangement. That blew up the P5+1 talks and left Kerry trying to explain both his appeasement and the failure while also obviously fibbing about the last-minute conditions being his idea rather than the brainchild of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.

3. It must be admitted that to have done so much damage to American interests in so little time is quite an accomplishment. Though he has plenty of competition for the title, John Kerry may have already become America’s worst secretary of state in history.

4. Yes, folks, that’s your international “one-two punch”, [Obama and Kerry] the two who represent our best interests as a nation abroad."
Europe Loses Trust in Obama - WSJ.com


"John Kerry may have already become America’s worst secretary of state in history.."

Who was the dolt who said "...John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!"????
Isn't it amusing how many of the things you fervently believe, actually have no basis in fact?

How can I possibly be a great poster with gnats like you as my opposition. I need a higher quality of opposition!

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