Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

Roudy is a zionist fifth columnist, not a real American by any stretch. If you are even from America.
...so said the neo Nazi ass-licker of IslamoNazis and America haters. Why do you guys always whine so much?

America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.
Roudy is a zionist fifth columnist, not a real American by any stretch. If you are even from America.
...so said the neo Nazi ass-licker of IslamoNazis and America haters. Why do you guys always whine so much?

America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.

1600s?? LOL that was when the americas were used as a PRISON COLONY----what
did your criminal ancestors do?
Hah? SHADAP will ya, you fucking idiot. No this is the tip of the iceberg. Go back and find out how Shariah law treats non Muslims, you ignorant douchebag. But then again, what can we expect from Neo Nazi Joe Blow.

1) Most of the Islamic World doesn't live under Shariah Law. Most of them have consitutions of some sort or another.

2) So totally not my problem. They're on the other side of the planet. They aren't our problem. If they wiped Israel off the map, STILL not my problem.
...so said the neo Nazi ass-licker of IslamoNazis and America haters. Why do you guys always whine so much?

America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.

1600s?? LOL that was when the americas were used as a PRISON COLONY----what
did your criminal ancestors do?

Stop watching Glenn Beck and get your history right. Australia was the penal colony, not the Thirteen Colonies. Also, stop shitting on those who founded America.

The only criminals here are the zionists in control of the government, media, and finance. An they aren't real Americans, they are the ancestors of levantine carpetbagger rejects from eastern europe that got kicked out and ended up here.
Hah? SHADAP will ya, you fucking idiot. No this is the tip of the iceberg. Go back and find out how Shariah law treats non Muslims, you ignorant douchebag. But then again, what can we expect from Neo Nazi Joe Blow.

1) Most of the Islamic World doesn't live under Shariah Law. Most of them have consitutions of some sort or another.

2) So totally not my problem. They're on the other side of the planet. They aren't our problem. If they wiped Israel off the map, STILL not my problem.

No apparently you are a neo-nazi or islamic terrorist if you don't think America should sacrifice all it's blood and treasure for some rogue middle eastern state.
America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.

1600s?? LOL that was when the americas were used as a PRISON COLONY----what
did your criminal ancestors do?

Stop watching Glenn Beck and get your history right. Australia was the penal colony, not the Thirteen Colonies. Also, stop shitting on those who founded America.

The only criminals here are the zionists in control of the government, media, and finance. An they aren't real Americans, they are the ancestors of levantine carpetbagger rejects from eastern europe that got kicked out and ended up here.

wrong again-----the americas were used as a penal colony too. learn some history
are are a disgusting criminal pig
Hah? SHADAP will ya, you fucking idiot. No this is the tip of the iceberg. Go back and find out how Shariah law treats non Muslims, you ignorant douchebag. But then again, what can we expect from Neo Nazi Joe Blow.

1) Most of the Islamic World doesn't live under Shariah Law. Most of them have consitutions of some sort or another.

2) So totally not my problem. They're on the other side of the planet. They aren't our problem. If they wiped Israel off the map, STILL not my problem.

No apparently you are a neo-nazi or islamic terrorist if you don't think America should sacrifice all it's blood and treasure for some rogue middle eastern state.

I think it has nothing to do with us, period. They wipe Israel off the map, what does that have to do with me?

Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Shit, they might even stop fucking with us on the price of oil, although for what we spend playing hall monitor over there we could probably develop alternative energy programs.

Iceman, sorry, I didn't realize you were being sardonic... yes, I agree.
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1600s?? LOL that was when the americas were used as a PRISON COLONY----what
did your criminal ancestors do?

Stop watching Glenn Beck and get your history right. Australia was the penal colony, not the Thirteen Colonies. Also, stop shitting on those who founded America.

The only criminals here are the zionists in control of the government, media, and finance. An they aren't real Americans, they are the ancestors of levantine carpetbagger rejects from eastern europe that got kicked out and ended up here.

wrong again-----the americas were used as a penal colony too. learn some history
are are a disgusting criminal pig
Who told you this?

Links please. If your position is so well established there ought to be links proving your position(since you know more about my family and those who founded this country than me).

If you hate those who founded America so much, and love Israel, why don't you move there?
Hah? SHADAP will ya, you fucking idiot. No this is the tip of the iceberg. Go back and find out how Shariah law treats non Muslims, you ignorant douchebag. But then again, what can we expect from Neo Nazi Joe Blow.

1) Most of the Islamic World doesn't live under Shariah Law. Most of them have consitutions of some sort or another.

2) So totally not my problem. They're on the other side of the planet. They aren't our problem. If they wiped Israel off the map, STILL not my problem.
Actually dipshit, most of the Islamic world lives under one form or another of Shariah Law. In essence you cannot be "Islamic" and not have one form or another of Shariah Law written into the code of your legal system. :cuckoo:
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Roudy is a zionist fifth columnist, not a real American by any stretch. If you are even from America.
...so said the neo Nazi ass-licker of IslamoNazis and America haters. Why do you guys always whine so much?

America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.
Does it matter when your family got here? You're still a Jew hating ass-licker of IslamoNazi America haters.
...so said the neo Nazi ass-licker of IslamoNazis and America haters. Why do you guys always whine so much?

America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.
Does it matter when your family got here? You're still a Jew hating ass-licker of IslamoNazi America haters.

Yea it does matter, jewish zionists and their lackeys aren't real Americans, I am a real American. You aren't a real American
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Hah? SHADAP will ya, you fucking idiot. No this is the tip of the iceberg. Go back and find out how Shariah law treats non Muslims, you ignorant douchebag. But then again, what can we expect from Neo Nazi Joe Blow.

1) Most of the Islamic World doesn't live under Shariah Law. Most of them have consitutions of some sort or another.

2) So totally not my problem. They're on the other side of the planet. They aren't our problem. If they wiped Israel off the map, STILL not my problem.
Actually dipshit, most of the Islamic world lives under one form or another of Shariah Law. In essence you cannot be "Islamic" and not have one form or another of Shariah Law written into the code of your legal system. :cuckoo:

That's kind of like saying that most countries have some form of Christian Law, but I don't see people stoning their adulterous wives like the Bible Tells them to.

America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.
Does it matter when your family got here? You're still a Jew hating ass-licker of IslamoNazi America haters.

Yea it does matter, jewish zionists and their lackeys aren't real Americans, I am a real American. You aren't a real American
That's not what my US Passport says, donkey breath Nazi. If you're going by ancestry then the Native American Indian tribes can only be considered "American". A naturalized citizen can be sworn into citizenship an hour ago and still be a better American than an enemy within IslamoNazi ass-licker than you. :clap:
America hater? My family has been here since the 1600s. They fought to build this country in the American Revolution. So because I oppose the levantine immigrants who co-opted the nation my ancestors built I am anti american? Get real buddy. You are anti american for support fifth columnist zionists.
Does it matter when your family got here? You're still a Jew hating ass-licker of IslamoNazi America haters.

Yea it does matter, jewish zionists and their lackeys aren't real Americans, I am a real American. You aren't a real American

Another Stormfront reject:cuckoo:
Does it matter when your family got here? You're still a Jew hating ass-licker of IslamoNazi America haters.

Yea it does matter, jewish zionists and their lackeys aren't real Americans, I am a real American. You aren't a real American
That's not what my US Passport says, donkey breath Nazi. If you're going by ancestry then the Native American Indian tribes can only be considered "American". A naturalized citizen can be sworn into citizenship an hour ago and still be a better American than an enemy within IslamoNazi ass-licker than you. :clap:

You may have the piece of paper. But you are an Israeli fifth columnist.
1) Most of the Islamic World doesn't live under Shariah Law. Most of them have consitutions of some sort or another.

2) So totally not my problem. They're on the other side of the planet. They aren't our problem. If they wiped Israel off the map, STILL not my problem.
Actually dipshit, most of the Islamic world lives under one form or another of Shariah Law. In essence you cannot be "Islamic" and not have one form or another of Shariah Law written into the code of your legal system. :cuckoo:

That's kind of like saying that most countries have some form of Christian Law, but I don't see people stoning their adulterous wives like the Bible Tells them to.

No it's not. You are even more ignorant and illiterate than I thought. Have you ever traveled far from your trailer park? I wonder.

The only "Christian" country today would be the Vatican, and even the Vatican doesn't exhibit the state sanctioned intolerance and hatred towards non Christians that Muslims do to others. The rest of the Western countries are all secular countries who's laws and constitutions have very little to do with Christianity.
And most of the Islamic world are countries with secular constitutions, as well.

The biggest Islamic nation in the world? Indonesia. Secular constitution that garuntees rights to its non-Muslim minorities.

The Indonesian constitution provides for freedom of religion. The government generally respects religious freedom for the six officially recognized religions: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism.

Freedom of religion in Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okay. Second biggest. Pakistan.

Freedom of religion in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Freedom of religion in Pakistan is guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan for individuals and religious sects. However this freedom is declared subject to "reasonable restrictions".[1]

Whoops, sorry, wrong again.

Hey, let's try Egypt..

Freedom of religion in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Egyptian constitution provides for freedom of belief and the practice of religious rites, although the Government places restrictions on these rights in practice. Islam is the official state religion, and Shari'a (Islamic law) is the primary source of legislation.

Now, are these countries wonderful examples of religious pluralism? Of course not.

But your statement that a 'constitution" promises religious freedom has been discredited....

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