Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

Where did the name come from?

A. The Romans!

B. In an effort to rid Judea of its Jewishness, the Romans renamed the area Filistia (Palestine) in the mid-130s CE. They were tired of pesky Jewish uprisings and so decided to deport the Jews and change the name. The name came from the ancient Philistines (who have no connection to present day Arabs. The Philistines were wiped out in 1200 BCE).

C. It was a region not a nation. There has never been a president of Palestine (before Arafat), or a government of Palestine! It could be compared to New England, which is a region in America and has no government.
Palestine was NOT an Arab nation that the Jews came in and took over after the UN vote in 1947.

A. Great Britain in fact controlled that region of the Middle East until she grew tired of governing the volatile area and asked the UN to decide what to do with it.

B. Before Great Britain won the land in WWI, the Turks had controlled it since the early 1500s. Turks are not Arabs.

C. In fact, Palestine has never been the name of any country!
The UN Vote did not merely give Israel authority to create a state, but granted to the Arabs living on the West side of the Jordan river to also create an independent country.

A. The Arabs rejected it. They could have had their own nation in 1948, but they said no.

B. The Jews accepted it and on May 14th, 1948 Israel was re-birthed.

C. The Arabs became part of Jordan.
Truman wrote in his memoirs, "The question of Palestine as a Jewish homeland goes back to the solemn promise that had been made to them [the Jews] by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 -.

Again , bullshit. No such promises were made.

Truman had to make it look romantic and noble. He wasn't about to admit that he recognized Israel because the Zionists and Ben Gurion gave him a $2 million gift


What, exactly, is your point vis-a-vis the nation of Israel?

That there was no resolution adopted by the UN?

That the resolution was not adopted due to the attack on the nascent state?

That the adoption of the resolution wasn't solved by the war itself?


Are you claiming that the Jewish folks simply sneaked in at night and put up "Welcome to Israel" signs?


Simply that you hate Jews?
Got it.

No fear....stupidity is allowed.

Well, let a historian who is a Jew and the son of a holocaust survivor respond to you:

An Introduction to the Israel–Palestine Conflict


"The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.

When the PLO was created Jordan controlled the West Bank.

A. The goal of the PLO was to liberate Palestine. However the West Bank was already in Arab hands.

B. They wanted Israel.

C. In other words, if their goal was to create an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank, they should’ve been fighting Jordan, not Israel!

D. Of course, their goal was Israel’s demise.
When the PLO was created Jordan controlled the West Bank.

A. The goal of the PLO was to liberate Palestine. However the West Bank was already in Arab hands.

B. They wanted Israel.

C. In other words, if their goal was to create an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank, they should’ve been fighting Jordan, not Israel!

D. Of course, their goal was Israel’s demise.

Minor detail, right?

Good catch, and well-presented.
I received an email yesterday to which I attributed a certain .....hyperbole.
But, upon research.....it's true.

Here is part of that email:
"I just wanted to write a post here outlining what Obama has been doing in the Middle East while America is rightfully preoccupied with the Obamacare tragedy. Yesterday, John Kerry went on Israeli TV and said that if Israel does not partition the country and create a" Palestinian state" (along borders that are indefensible) he will
1) make sure that Israel is isolated at the UN (that Israel will be declared an illegitimate state or a non state)
2) that he will work to ensure that Europe no longer trades with Israel, thereby strangling the Israeli economy and
3) he said that if "Israel does not comply, there will be violence against it".

1. "Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord....Kerry warned Israelis that the result would be a third intifada of terrorist attacks against Israel.
But that was just for starters.

2. In addition, Kerry said, Israel would be more internationally isolated, there would be increased calls for boycotts and divestment from Israel, and the advent of a Palestinian leadership committed to violence.

3. ....Kerry also denounced Jewish settlements in the West Bank as "illegitimate" and called for an end of the presence of "IDF soldiers perpetually in the West Bank."

4. ....Kerry's remarks fit perfectly with the Palestinian playbook. His anti-Israel outbursts were bound to play well in Ramallah and Amman."
Blog: Kerry Threatens Israel

5. "US Secretary of State John Kerry, using the bully tactics of his boss Barack Obama, warned Israel that if Israeli-Palestinian talks break down, there might be a third intifada. Kerry’s one-sided warning was even more astounding when this fact is thrown in the mix: two days before he shot off his mouth, a poll conducted by the Arab World For Research & Development showed that only 29% of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians would be in favor of a third intifada, even though 60% believe it could happen."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada - Townhall.com Staff 11/8/2013 9:05 AM

6. ".... despicable action by Kerry means is that Kerry has now tacitly given a green light for Palestinian terrorists to wage a third intifada against Israel....
Kerry’s threat came during a joint interview with Channel 2's Udi Segal and Maher Shalabi of Palestine TV.... said:

...I believe that if we do not resolve the issues between Palestinians and Israelis, if we do not find a way to find peace, there will be an increasing isolation of Israel, three will be an increasing campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel that has been taking place on an international basis..."

a. Of course, Kerry never mentions the Israelis’ aspirations to simply live in peace without the constant existential threat, but then, the same man who lied about Vietnam atrocities can’t exactly be someone who wants the truth."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada

7. "...the Obama administration is working behind the scenes in tandem with the EU’s boycott of Israeli settlements, tying the seriousness of the EU’s future ban to Israel’s actions during current U.S.-brokered talks with the Palestinians, according to a senior Palestinian negotiator....Kerry is using the EU sanctions to blackmail Israel into complying with talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state that would include the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.....cause incalculable damage to the Israeli economy.”

a. In July, the EU published guidelines that deny EU funds in the form of grants, prizes and financial instruments from going toward any Jewish entities in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights or eastern Jerusalem.
Report: Kerry threatening Israel with sanctions

Are there still folks who question where Obama's interests lie?

Since Obama's first plan of heavily arming enemies of Israel isn't working fast enough to annihilate them, it's time to move on to plan B. While Israel gets threats, the administration still refuses to condemn terrorists. The U.N. is more than just a joke, they have a sinister agenda when it comes to the U.S. and our allies. For centuries, the radical Islamists, communists and others who hate America have been waiting for a president like Obama to assist them in destroying us.

It's bad enough that Obama is keeping to his word to stand with radical Muslims against Israel, but he'll stand with them when they go against all infidels.
Again , bullshit. No such promises were made.

Truman had to make it look romantic and noble. He wasn't about to admit that he recognized Israel because the Zionists and Ben Gurion gave him a $2 million gift


What, exactly, is your point vis-a-vis the nation of Israel?

That there was no resolution adopted by the UN?

That the resolution was not adopted due to the attack on the nascent state?

That the adoption of the resolution wasn't solved by the war itself?


Are you claiming that the Jewish folks simply sneaked in at night and put up "Welcome to Israel" signs?


Simply that you hate Jews?
Got it.

No fear....stupidity is allowed.

Well, let a historian who is a Jew and the son of a holocaust survivor respond to you:

An Introduction to the Israel–Palestine Conflict


"The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.


You dishonest creep.
Let me make you feel at home, I’ll speak to you in the language you are most familiar with: sit-stay-roll over.

1. "Professor Finkelstein is a disciple of the discredited historian and Holocaust denier David Irving, whom he considers an authoritative scholar. Finkelstein refers to the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis as the “Six Million” in quotation marks, and says that nearly every self-identified Holocaust survivor is a fake, a thief, and a liar. In an interview with the German paper, Die Welt, he said: “Not only does the 'Six Million' figure become more untenable but the numbers of the Holocaust industry are rapidly approaching those of Holocaust deniers. . . . Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense if not sheer fraud.”
Norman Finkelstein - Discover the Networks

2. Your perspective was clear from the start.
Why so afraid to state your sociopathic view on the subject.....

....it's not as if any normal person could have a lower opinion of you.....
...so, what have you got to lose?
Of course, their goal was Israel’s demise.

Historical facts show that the zionists came into Palestiine in the mid 1920's determined to create a Jewish State and disappear the natives.

But the Palestinian's Arabs were simply to rollover and play dead. Is that right?


But....Jewish folk were the 'natives.'

From “The Oxford History of the Biblical World,” edited by Dr. Michael D. Coogan, director of publications for the Harvard Semitic Museum and expert in Near Eastern languages and literatures. The book is excellent on Syria-Palestinian archeology.
The following pretty much puts you back in the booby hatch.....

The end of the thirteenth century BCE saw major disruptions in the civilizations of the Near East, Cyprus and Greece for unclear reasons (possible major droughts). “Many populations appear to have migrated….Egypt was attacked by groups called ‘Sea Peoples.’ They were repelled from Egypt, but the Egyptians could not stop them from taking over the Canaan coast. The Philistines …were among the Sea Peoples.”
“…the Philistines did not occupy the coast of Canaan until the twelfth century BCE…”

“Not long before, another group had appeared in the land of Canaan…This group called itself Israel…The Egyptians maintained some control over parts of Canaan until just after the death of Rameses III in 1153 BCE….[including] Canaanites, Egyptians, Israelites, and the mysterious ‘Sea Peoples,’ of whom the Philistines are the best known. The settlement process in highland Israel began a generation or two before the Sea Peoples arrived on the coast…The displacement and migration of the tribe of Dan from the central coast to the far north is symptomatic of …this event.”

“This movement is documented by a variety of written sources in Akkadian, Ugaritic, Egyptian, and Hebrew, by Egyptian wall reliefs and by archeology.”
“The Philistines bequeathed their own name to Philistia (and later to all of Palestine).”
“Cypriot archaeologists invoke the Achaeans or Danaoi of Homeric epic as the agents of culture change in Cyprus; in the Levant, the same change is ascribed to the Sea Peoples. Both agents participated in the event recorded by Rameses III and should be related to the same confederacy of Sea Peoples, or Mycenaean Greeks, who invaded the coastlands of (Cyprus) around 1185-1175.”

Further evidence of the origin of the Philistines can be seen in biblical texts, which indicate expert bowman, “chariot-warriors,” and “chariots of iron,” (I Samuel 31.3, Judg. 1.18-19) and pottery which show warriors armed like the Mycenaean warriors depicted on the famous “Warrior Vase” found in Mycenae. The description fits Goliatath, as in I Samuel 17.5-6.
Under King David, first quarter of the tenth century, the Philistines were driven back to their original coastal cities.

So...an actual study of history removes any hope your might have that your hatred is based on reality....

Welcome to OuchTown, bro......population: you.
What, exactly, is your point vis-a-vis the nation of Israel?

That there was no resolution adopted by the UN?

That the resolution was not adopted due to the attack on the nascent state?

That the adoption of the resolution wasn't solved by the war itself?


Are you claiming that the Jewish folks simply sneaked in at night and put up "Welcome to Israel" signs?


Simply that you hate Jews?
Got it.

No fear....stupidity is allowed.

Well, let a historian who is a Jew and the son of a holocaust survivor respond to you:

An Introduction to the Israel–Palestine Conflict


"The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.


You dishonest creep.
Let me make you feel at home, I’ll speak to you in the language you are most familiar with: sit-stay-roll over.

1. "Professor Finkelstein is a disciple of the discredited historian and Holocaust denier David Irving, whom he considers an authoritative scholar. Finkelstein refers to the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis as the “Six Million” in quotation marks, and says that nearly every self-identified Holocaust survivor is a fake, a thief, and a liar. In an interview with the German paper, Die Welt, he said: “Not only does the 'Six Million' figure become more untenable but the numbers of the Holocaust industry are rapidly approaching those of Holocaust deniers. . . . Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense if not sheer fraud.”
Norman Finkelstein - Discover the Networks

2. Your perspective was clear from the start.
Why so afraid to state your sociopathic view on the subject.....

....it's not as if any normal person could have a lower opinion of you.....
...so, what have you got to lose?

You retarded slut

His mother, Maryla Husyt Finkelstein, grew up in Warsaw, Poland, survived the Warsaw Ghetto, the Majdanek concentration camp, and two slave labor camps. Her first husband died in the war.

She considered the day of her liberation as the most horrible day of her life, as she realized that she was alone, her parents and siblings gone.

Norman's father, Zacharias Finkelstein, was a survivor of both the Warsaw Ghetto and the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Well, let a historian who is a Jew and the son of a holocaust survivor respond to you:

An Introduction to the Israel–Palestine Conflict


"The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.


You dishonest creep.
Let me make you feel at home, I’ll speak to you in the language you are most familiar with: sit-stay-roll over.

1. "Professor Finkelstein is a disciple of the discredited historian and Holocaust denier David Irving, whom he considers an authoritative scholar. Finkelstein refers to the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis as the “Six Million” in quotation marks, and says that nearly every self-identified Holocaust survivor is a fake, a thief, and a liar. In an interview with the German paper, Die Welt, he said: “Not only does the 'Six Million' figure become more untenable but the numbers of the Holocaust industry are rapidly approaching those of Holocaust deniers. . . . Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense if not sheer fraud.”
Norman Finkelstein - Discover the Networks

2. Your perspective was clear from the start.
Why so afraid to state your sociopathic view on the subject.....

....it's not as if any normal person could have a lower opinion of you.....
...so, what have you got to lose?

You retarded slut

His mother, Maryla Husyt Finkelstein, grew up in Warsaw, Poland, survived the Warsaw Ghetto, the Majdanek concentration camp, and two slave labor camps. Her first husband died in the war.

She considered the day of her liberation as the most horrible day of her life, as she realized that she was alone, her parents and siblings gone.

Norman's father, Zacharias Finkelstein, was a survivor of both the Warsaw Ghetto and the Auschwitz concentration camp.


He's insane, and you're a dumpster-diving, mouth-breathing, hater yearning for the eradication of millions of human being.

There is an old joke that says every Arabic word has four meanings: the first is the common usage, the second is the exact opposite of the first, the third is something pertaining to a camel, and the fourth is so unspeakably vulgar that no one will tell you what it is.
I can’t decide whether you fit the third or fourth.

Do you actually believe that large font makes you any less despicable?
That would be another sign of your mental condition.
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In the short term, Israel's destruction would be a terrible thing as so many innocent people will die.
However, in the long term, it'll save so many more lives than would be lost.
The best action would be, Israel withdraw to the 67 borders and stop its racist policies, the latter being much as South Africa was forced to do.

As for Obama destroying Israel, hardly likely but Israel may well push so hard, middle eastern countries get together and force change.
Edit - they could start by holding up all oil deliveries to America until U.S. support for Israel stopped.

here you have a typical mindset of those opposing Israel. Evil delusion :cuckoo:

What's evil about an analysis of a situation?
I drew no conclusions and said nothing that could even be considered evil; just suggested possibilities.
You display the typical mindset of the extremists in the Zionist camp; if it doesn't support Israel, it must be anti Israeli and probably anti Semitic.

Anti-semitism is the card they play when they don't have a cogent substantive argument. It's just the race card of another color.
Of course, their goal was Israel’s demise.

Historical facts show that the zionists came into Palestiine in the mid 1920's determined to create a Jewish State and disappear the natives.

But the Palestinian's Arabs were simply to rollover and play dead. Is that right?


But....Jewish folk were the 'natives.'.


British White Paper of June 1922

Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab deegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine.

The U.S. has never been an honest broker in any peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

And was always squarely in the Israeli camp against the Palestinians. . :doubt:

Israel is an ally. palestine is a fictional country.

But fear not, Obama's ties to islam will change all that.

Israel is an ally because of all of the money the US gives them. They constantly speak condescendingly to and about us. Some ally!!!!

France has shed more blood on our behalf than Israel.

Israel needs to get off the occupied territory, period. If only to be able to say they tried.
"...Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine..."
Trouble is, once the genie is out of the bottle, it's damned hard to stuff him back into it. And, of course, sometimes the damned djinn just won't sit still for it, regardless of what you say or do afterwards.
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Historical facts show that the zionists came into Palestiine in the mid 1920's determined to create a Jewish State and disappear the natives.

But the Palestinian's Arabs were simply to rollover and play dead. Is that right?


But....Jewish folk were the 'natives.'.


British White Paper of June 1922

Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab deegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine.

Dude? Even larger font isn't helping your case...
"...Israel needs to get off the occupied territory, period. If only to be able to say they tried."
Methinks the trouble is, the Israelis have been burned with Land-for-Peace deals before, and, with National Survival at-stake, I don't think they're inclined to risk the same mistake again. Can't say as I blame 'em.
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"...Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine..."
Trouble is, once the genie is out of the bottle, it's damned hard to stuff him back into it. And, of course, sometimes the damned djinn just won't sit still for it, regardless of what you say or do afterwards.

That is true.

Menachem Begin and his terrorist cohorts undertook to terrorize the native Palestians and the British.

Poor Palestinian farmers were no match.

So those unfortunate people became foreigners in their own land.


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