Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

The "Non-European" Jews are only a small sliver of the Zionist Entity's population. Most of them are Europeans. That makes them no different than the Afrikaners, who had been there for hundreds of years. It doesn't take away from the fact that Zionism is a form of apartheid- rendering the native people of the land as second class citizens in their own country.

Wrong most of the Arabs came in from the surrounding areas and there was was no country.. also a "small sliver"? you're an idiot.....


Yeah, for some reason, after tolerating their Jewish population for centuries, they didn't liek them so much when they started stealing their land.

Again, the world will be better off when these fuckers go back to Europe where they came from.
Listed below are statements made by Obama during a campaign, most likely to a Jewish audience (my bad). See how they reflect from the OP's actual happenings from the White House agenda to Israel...

• Barack Obama states that the only way for Israel to achieve peace with their neighbors is to "begin with a clear and strong commitment to the security of Israel".

• Obama contends that there is a need to preserve Israel as a Jewish state though it has its politicians and its security as well.

• With regard to the security of Israel Barack Obama stated, "you will not see, under my presidency, any slackening in commitment to Israel's security.".
Obama on Israel

How many Pinocchios would you give Obama on the USA - Israel relationship?
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In chapter six of "Terror and Liberalism," Paul Berman anticipates the tropes of rabid anti-Semites like you.....

1. Whatever declension of tropes were offered, they centered on some definition of Zionism that presented it as other than a program of national self-determination for Jews.

a. Zionism is racism, and held up in comparison with the white Republic of South Africa, both practitioners of apartheid. For this one, one must overlook the non-European Jews, and pretend that Israel’s European Jews were colonial settlers rather than refugees.

b. Yet, this trope fails to explain suicide terror in the trope, as even the worst white racism in South Africa, resistance never slipped into this lowest level of nihilism.

Actually, the anti-colonial violence in Africa got quite bad in the last stages, including "Necklacing", where they would tie a flaming tire around someone's neck.

The "Non-European" Jews are only a small sliver of the Zionist Entity's population. Most of them are Europeans. That makes them no different than the Afrikaners, who had been there for hundreds of years. It doesn't take away from the fact that Zionism is a form of apartheid- rendering the native people of the land as second class citizens in their own country.

2. It became necessary, then, to move to an angrier trope: Israel, a Nazi entity, so devoted to evil that suicide murder becomes an understandable reaction. Of course, one must overlook the fact that Arab nationalism favored Nazism well into the ‘60’s.

Not sure what you mean by "Favored Nazism". A few Arabs thought that getting rid of their colonial masters would mean independence, so they saw the Nazis as a good thing. But mostly, they signed up and fought for the allies, with the UNDERSTANDING that after the war, the British and French get the fuck out of their countries, finally.

Zionism was initially an attempt by the UK to maintain a toehold.

b. And, with the alacrity of a firehouse dog responding to a bell, there were folks all around the world leaping to conflate Jenin and Auschwitz, and the like.

And sure enough.....here you are.

Yawn, the point is, the Zionists are invaders. They don't belong there any more than the Afrikanners belonged in South Africa.

The whole world has really gotten sick and tired of the Zionists playing the HIlter Card to excuse their bad behavior.

But you know why I really want to see Israel expunged from the map?

Because then all these stupid people who talk about God will finally wake and realize there isn't one.

This can only be a positive development.

"Not sure what you mean by "Favored Nazism". A few Arabs thought that getting rid of their colonial masters would mean independence, so they saw the Nazis as a good thing. But mostly, they signed up and fought for the allies...":


So THIS is why you've earned the name ErroneousJoe!
You are not only clueless.....but you simply make up whatever you wish to advance!
A real time-saver.

1. Muslim’s other grand radical movement, Islamists, might seem, at first, to be an exception, free of the European virus of Hitler and Mussolini… as the Egyptian and Pakistani versions began as organs of peaceful political reform, i.e., the strictly religious Muslim Brotherhood, …but scratch the surface, and there is the sympathy for Nazism. The Young Egypt Society, the ‘Greenshirts,’ were openly Nazi, and Hassan al-Banna was not far behind.
The Brotherhood even had it’s units designated ‘kata’ib’ or phalanges, a la Franco.

2. As soon as Hitler rose to power, parties that imitated National Socialism were founded in Arab countries, like the Social-Nationalist Party in Syria led by Anton Sa'ada, who openly and enthusiastically copied the Nazis. Sa'ada, who styled himself as the Fuhrer of the Syrian nation, stated in the party platform that the Syrians were the superior race by their very nature. Hitler was "Islamicized" and known by his new name Abu Ali (in Egypt, for some reason, it was Muhammed Haidar). Egyptian followers even "found" the house in which Hitler's mother was born in Tanta, Egypt and the place became a pilgrimage site.

The most influential Arab party to follow the Nazi model was Young Egypt, known also as the Green Shirts, in tribute to the Nazi Jung Deutschland and the Brown Shirts of the SA. The party was founded by Ahmed Hussein in October 1933, and followed the German model down to the raised hand greeting. There were stormtroopers, torch processions, Nazi slogans including a literal translation into Arabic of "one folk, one party, one leader" as well as "Egypt over all."

Bands of hooligans were formed for the suppression of opponents and, of course, Ahmed Hussein took the role of Fuhrer. Nazi anti-Semitism was emulated in every detail, from a boycott of Jewish businesses to physical attacks and anti-Semitic incitement. Indeed, Nazi anti-Semitic theory, practice and policy fitted the needs of Arab nationalism of the 1930s like a glove.

During the war, members of the Young Egypt spied on behalf of Rommel's Afrika Korps and a young lieutenant by the name of Anwar Sadat was tried and imprisoned. After the war, Gamal Abdul Nasser, another member of Young Egypt, was among the group of officers who led the July 1952 revolution in Egypt. The first step of the new regime after it had seized power--shades of Hitler--was to outlaw all the other political parties in Egypt. Sadat continued to express open admiration for Hitler in a letter he sent to the Egyptian daily Al Mussawar on September 18, 1953. This open bow to Hitler--despite the revelations of Nazi atrocities in the Nuremberg trials--is evidence of the depth of Sadat's identification with Nazism.

Nazi ceremonials continue to be used in today's Egypt. The President's ceremonial troops wear Wehrmacht helmets and receive heads of government at Cairo airport with a military parade which contains the famous goosestep. One of the most surrealistic sights during the negotiations surrounding the peace treaty with Egypt was the figure of Begin, survivor of the Holocaust, walking past the honor guard like someone in a trance.

Nostalgic admiration of Nazis has remained strong in Syria. Sami al-Joundi, a founder of the Syrian Ba'ath movement, writes: "We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books that were the source of the Nazi spirit...We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism."

Amazing how ignorant you are....isn't it?

3. The Farhud, in this case, means the June 1941 Nazi-style pogrom in Baghdad that set the stage for the devastation and expulsion of the Iraqi Jews and ultimately almost a million Jews across the Arab world. But it also means, in the larger sense, the Nazia-Arab alliance, the mutual attempts at genocide of the Jews.
Edwin Black , “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

a. When the pogrom did not accomplish the extermination of Iraq’s Jews, the Arabs joined with the Iranians. The name Iran means ‘Aryan,’ and was chosen to support a massive Nazi-dominated infrastructure which was ready to provide oil to the Nazis. By the early 1930s, Reza Pahlavi's close ties with Nazi Germany began worrying the Allied states.[8] Germany's modern state and economy highly impressed the Shah, and there were hundreds of Germans involved in every aspect of the state, from setting up factories to building roads, railroads and bridges.[9] Germany?Iran relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow....you're really coming across as a dumb guy, aren't you?

Good thing I'm here, huh.

One more thing?
What year did Egypt declare war on Nazi Germany?

23 February 1945 – Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan.
24 February 1945 – Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan.
26 February 1945 – Syria declared war on Germany and Japan.
On 28 February 1945, Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany and Japan
I remember when Obama was first elected the buzz was that he was going to be the president to finally bring peace the middle east. the great healer. never has there been more bullshit hype generated about a president who came nowhere close to meeting any of it
1. "Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord..
The U.S. has never been an honest broker in any peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

And was always squarely in the Israeli camp against the Palestinians. . :doubt:

In order to be an honest broker, one must see equal claims for supporting one's case, equal desire to reach a peaceful agreement and an equal pledge/promise by all parties to comply with the terms of that agreement.

All the Jews in Israel want is just to be left alone in the country that was granted to them by the United Nations.

Arabs and pretty much all Muslims want nothing less than kill (after appropriate amount of torture mandated by the "holy" Quoran") all Jews, all their kids, who were nothing but descendents of apes and pigs.

How can anyone with any human decency be an honest broker with Arabs and Muslims.

So THIS is why you've earned the name ErroneousJoe!
You are not only clueless.....but you simply make up whatever you wish to advance!
A real time-saver.

Again,I've got a degree in history.

Not ONE Islamic nation joined the Axis.

Not. One.

Wow....you're really coming across as a dumb guy, aren't you?

Good thing I'm here, huh.

One more thing?
What year did Egypt declare war on Nazi Germany?

23 February 1945 – Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan.
24 February 1945 – Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan.
26 February 1945 – Syria declared war on Germany and Japan.
On 28 February 1945, Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany and Japan

Yup. They declared war on the axis. They didn't fight for them.

Should also point out that Egypt was effectively a client of the UK, and Syria was a colony of France at the time.
Yet another reason why Jewish community as a whole should support both obama and dimocraps as they have been always :cuckoo:
Yet another reason why Jewish community as a whole should support both obama and dimocraps as they have been always :cuckoo:

Here's the thing. The Jewish Community is America is embarrassed as shit about what the Zionists are doing.

Zionism new friend are the Funditarded Christians who think Israel needs to be there so Jay-zus can come back.
Yet another reason why Jewish community as a whole should support both obama and dimocraps as they have been always :cuckoo:

Here's the thing. The Jewish Community is America is embarrassed as shit about what the Zionists are doing.

Zionism new friend are the Funditarded Christians who think Israel needs to be there so Jay-zus can come back.

The jewish community of America is mostly brainless. Only the newcomers actually realize where their own interest lie and it is NOT with today's' dimocraps and obama.

are you sure you are American? you sound like typical lecturer in soviet ideology circa 1980 all those mantra about zionism :lol:
And this would be a bad thing, Why?

The Day the Zionist Entity is wiped off the map, the world will be better off for it.

In the short term, Israel's destruction would be a terrible thing as so many innocent people will die.
However, in the long term, it'll save so many more lives than would be lost.
The best action would be, Israel withdraw to the 67 borders and stop its racist policies, the latter being much as South Africa was forced to do.

As for Obama destroying Israel, hardly likely but Israel may well push so hard, middle eastern countries get together and force change.
Edit - they could start by holding up all oil deliveries to America until U.S. support for Israel stopped.
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Yet another reason why Jewish community as a whole should support both obama and dimocraps as they have been always :cuckoo:

Here's the thing. The Jewish Community is America is embarrassed as shit about what the Zionists are doing.

Zionism new friend are the Funditarded Christians who think Israel needs to be there so Jay-zus can come back.

Funny I haven't met any :confused:

Chapter 5: Connection With and Attitudes Toward Israel | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project
And this would be a bad thing, Why?

The Day the Zionist Entity is wiped off the map, the world will be better off for it.

In the short term, Israel's destruction would be a terrible thing as so many innocent people will die.
However, in the long term, it'll save so many more lives than would be lost.
The best action would be, Israel withdraw to the 67 borders and stop its racist policies, the latter being much as South Africa was forced to do.

As for Obama destroying Israel, hardly likely but Israel may well push so hard, middle eastern countries get together and force change.
Edit - they could start by holding up all oil deliveries to America until U.S. support for Israel stopped.

here you have a typical mindset of those opposing Israel. Evil delusion :cuckoo:
Yet another reason why Jewish community as a whole should support both obama and dimocraps as they have been always :cuckoo:

Here's the thing. The Jewish Community is America is embarrassed as shit about what the Zionists are doing.

Zionism new friend are the Funditarded Christians who think Israel needs to be there so Jay-zus can come back.

Funny I haven't met any :confused:

Chapter 5: Connection With and Attitudes Toward Israel | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project

c'mon, that is an absolute delusional mantra of an ideologue. Since Joe claims he has a degree in history and his viewpoints are utterly similar to the angle of history perception by Soviet propaganda I tend to think that was also were he obtained it ;)

So THIS is why you've earned the name ErroneousJoe!
You are not only clueless.....but you simply make up whatever you wish to advance!
A real time-saver.

Again,I've got a degree in history.

Not ONE Islamic nation joined the Axis.

Not. One.

Wow....you're really coming across as a dumb guy, aren't you?

Good thing I'm here, huh.

One more thing?
What year did Egypt declare war on Nazi Germany?

23 February 1945 – Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan.
24 February 1945 – Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan.
26 February 1945 – Syria declared war on Germany and Japan.
On 28 February 1945, Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany and Japan

Yup. They declared war on the axis. They didn't fight for them.

Should also point out that Egypt was effectively a client of the UK, and Syria was a colony of France at the time.

"They declared war on the axis."

AFTER the war was over, you dope.

"Again,I've got a degree in history."

Who ya' kiddin'?
Here's the thing. The Jewish Community is America is embarrassed as shit about what the Zionists are doing.

Zionism new friend are the Funditarded Christians who think Israel needs to be there so Jay-zus can come back.

Funny I haven't met any :confused:

Chapter 5: Connection With and Attitudes Toward Israel | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project

c'mon, that is an absolute delusional mantra of an ideologue. Since Joe claims he has a degree in history and his viewpoints are utterly similar to the angle of history perception by Soviet propaganda I tend to think that was also were he obtained it ;)

Some people are miserable and want to find someone to blame for their misery Joe is one of those :cuckoo:
And this would be a bad thing, Why?

The Day the Zionist Entity is wiped off the map, the world will be better off for it.

In the short term, Israel's destruction would be a terrible thing as so many innocent people will die.
However, in the long term, it'll save so many more lives than would be lost.
The best action would be, Israel withdraw to the 67 borders and stop its racist policies, the latter being much as South Africa was forced to do.

As for Obama destroying Israel, hardly likely but Israel may well push so hard, middle eastern countries get together and force change.
Edit - they could start by holding up all oil deliveries to America until U.S. support for Israel stopped.

here you have a typical mindset of those opposing Israel. Evil delusion :cuckoo:

What's evil about an analysis of a situation?
I drew no conclusions and said nothing that could even be considered evil; just suggested possibilities.
You display the typical mindset of the extremists in the Zionist camp; if it doesn't support Israel, it must be anti Israeli and probably anti Semitic.
Israel is an ally. palestine is a fictional country.

But fear not, Obama's ties to islam will change all that.
Pres. Obama is the first U.S. president to challenge Israel's draconian policies toward Palestine.

And to put America's interests 1st and Israel's a distant second place. ... :thup:

That is simply not true. From the beginning it has been very clear that obama is either a closet muslim or a muslim sympathizer.
And how long did he spend in Indonesian schools as a young lad? it quite clear to me he's a sympathizer and means to make us vulnerable. By design.
Yet another reason why Jewish community as a whole should support both obama and dimocraps as they have been always :cuckoo:

Here's the thing. The Jewish Community is America is embarrassed as shit about what the Zionists are doing.

Zionism new friend are the Funditarded Christians who think Israel needs to be there so Jay-zus can come back.

The jewish community of America is mostly brainless. Only the newcomers actually realize where their own interest lie and it is NOT with today's' dimocraps and obama.

are you sure you are American? you sound like typical lecturer in soviet ideology circa 1980 all those mantra about zionism :lol:

Democrat president (physical and mental cripple and morally challenged) Franklin Delano Roosevelt refused permission to boats carrying desperate Jews to dock on American shores, thereby condemning their passengers to certain death.

Republican president Abraham Lincoln gave his life in a conflict against slavery of black people, against those who were supporting slavery, the Democrats.

Democrat George Wallace and his Democrat cronies did their level best to kill civil rights.
Was it a Republican who locked the doors of a university, blocking blacks to enter.

The myopia of blacks and Jews are beyond the comprehension of normal people.
  • Thanks
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So THIS is why you've earned the name ErroneousJoe!
You are not only clueless.....but you simply make up whatever you wish to advance!
A real time-saver.

Again,I've got a degree in history.

Not ONE Islamic nation joined the Axis.

Not. One.

Wow....you're really coming across as a dumb guy, aren't you?

Good thing I'm here, huh.

One more thing?
What year did Egypt declare war on Nazi Germany?

23 February 1945 – Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan.
24 February 1945 – Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan.
26 February 1945 – Syria declared war on Germany and Japan.
On 28 February 1945, Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany and Japan

Yup. They declared war on the axis. They didn't fight for them.

Should also point out that Egypt was effectively a client of the UK, and Syria was a colony of France at the time.

"They declared war on the axis."

AFTER the war was over, you dope.

"Again,I've got a degree in history."

Who ya' kiddin'?
If he said revisionist history to quell the masses, then I'd belive him. ;)

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