Obama Announces Plan to Forgive All Student Loans


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
President Obama announced a plan today to forgive 100 percent of all federal student loans in the country

In a speech in Scranton, PA the president told an assembled crowd that it was unfair to hold college graduates to promises they made as students and outlined his vision for ending all student loan payments by the end of the year.

"Just because someone borrowed a bunch of money doesn't mean they have to pay it back," he explained to a friendly crowd at Scranton University. "This isn't 19th century England. This is America. And in America we've always believed in second chances.

Obama Announces Plan to Forgive All Student Loans - The Daily Currant

Unfucking believeable.

Fuck this cracka ass.
You can't make this shit up...this is what a welfare conditioned nigga would say.

Thats it morons...attack the Messenger.

I just posted what Prez Nigga said...and he said it as a Welfare trained monkey would say it.

Like clockwork every few months - someone who's really looking to get "outraged" misreads a satirical website as truth, and gets all hot and bothered about it.

At least it's not the Onion this time...
Thats it morons...attack the Messenger.

I just posted what Prez Nigga said...and he said it as a Welfare trained monkey would say it.

Attack the messenger when they are dumb enough to not recognize a satire piece.
Thats it morons...attack the Messenger.

I just posted what Prez Nigga said...and he said it as a Welfare trained monkey would say it.

You think the sidebar might have given you guys some hints that it was a joke.
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