Obama approval rating at 57%...how did Hillary lose?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
She spent $2 billion, has the entire media in her pocket, has the incumbent President with a 57% approval rating, and that President CAMPAIGNED HEAVILY FOR HER.

...AND SHE LOST!!! What an absolute PIECE OF SHIT CANDIDATE she was.

For the first time in the past 8 years, I am proud of my country!
She thought he would be a good luck charm. Hillary and Obama were like the opposite poles on the same magnet. Might be part of the same magnet, but both were equally capable of acting as repellents.
The GOP has had the Clintons in their cross hairs since Arkansas.....why on God's green earth would anyone think for a second they wouldn't go full force on her only God knows. She was boring, she was greedy, she took minority and women for granted and she was a horrible candidate. You can not run on a record of being in politics for 200 years and have the same shit concerning women, children and minorities still issues in this country. Combine that with the fact, she couldn't counter Trumps anti women headlines because her husband was a cheatin dog, she couldn't tackle his foundation lies, cause they had the same shit going on, so what could this mop do.....not a damn thing but hope voters would denounce Trump and vote for her, which never happened.

But never ever think for a second, Obama will follow in her footsteps, the man did good and history will record this.......and people like you, will praise him someday very soon and wish for a return of the good ol days....let it be said, so it is written!!
Because the same people who gave us the biased Hillary landslide poll numbers give us the biased Obama approval rating poll numbers.
Yeah, facts mean nothing to white ingrates, what the fuck was we thinkin....carry on, dumb white mf
According to the polls Hillary won.
You know, the same polls that have Obama at a 57% Approval rating.
Seriously, I'd love to hear and comprehend how Obama is plus percentage on approval. Sure he's a great talker, but I can't think of a single success outside approving Bin Ladin's death.
Because the same people who gave us the biased Hillary landslide poll numbers give us the biased Obama approval rating poll numbers.
Yeah, facts mean nothing to white ingrates, what the fuck was we thinkin....carry on, dumb white mf

FACT, the poll numbers were biased. No ifs, ands or buts about it, they did not reflect the actual reality.

A rational person makes the correlation, if THESE poll numbers are biased, it is reasonable to assume these other poll numbers released by the same pollsters that also do not reflect the actual reality are also biased.

The racist reactionary leftist, on the other hand, with no regard for critical thinking skills, lashes out irrationally with insults.
She spent $2 billion, has the entire media in her pocket, has the incumbent President with a 57% approval rating, and that President CAMPAIGNED HEAVILY FOR HER.

...AND SHE LOST!!! What an absolute PIECE OF SHIT CANDIDATE she was.

For the first time in the past 8 years, I am proud of my country!
Because the same people who gave us the biased Hillary landslide poll numbers give us the biased Obama approval rating poll numbers.

She spent $2 billion, has the entire media in her pocket, has the incumbent President with a 57% approval rating, and that President CAMPAIGNED HEAVILY FOR HER.

...AND SHE LOST!!! What an absolute PIECE OF SHIT CANDIDATE she was.

For the first time in the past 8 years, I am proud of my country!

I can't get enough of that video!
She spent $2 billion, has the entire media in her pocket, has the incumbent President with a 57% approval rating, and that President CAMPAIGNED HEAVILY FOR HER.

...AND SHE LOST!!! What an absolute PIECE OF SHIT CANDIDATE she was.

For the first time in the past 8 years, I am proud of my country!

I can't get enough of that video!

It is a great video, especially the fools it made of the progressives on the video…
Elections have consequences
She spent $2 billion, has the entire media in her pocket, has the incumbent President with a 57% approval rating, and that President CAMPAIGNED HEAVILY FOR HER.

...AND SHE LOST!!! What an absolute PIECE OF SHIT CANDIDATE she was.

For the first time in the past 8 years, I am proud of my country!

I think she actually won. but the result was rigged by the FBI. This is a covert totalitarian. The election doesn't depend on votes but depend on people who counter the ballots.
She spent $2 billion, has the entire media in her pocket, has the incumbent President with a 57% approval rating, and that President CAMPAIGNED HEAVILY FOR HER.

...AND SHE LOST!!! What an absolute PIECE OF SHIT CANDIDATE she was.

For the first time in the past 8 years, I am proud of my country!

I think she actually won. but the result was rigged by the FBI. This is a covert totalitarian. The election doesn't depend on votes but depend on people who counter the ballots.

Yes, that is exactly what happened.
White libtards want to show they love a black, charming, clean on himself, trandgender model, non threatening social worker. Makes them feel good about themselves....and they can ignore any talk of reparations.
She spent $2 billion, has the entire media in her pocket, has the incumbent President with a 57% approval rating, and that President CAMPAIGNED HEAVILY FOR HER.

...AND SHE LOST!!! What an absolute PIECE OF SHIT CANDIDATE she was.

For the first time in the past 8 years, I am proud of my country!
You might notice Obama's approval ratings went up as the end of his administration got closer. While he was mostly personally popular, his policies were mostly unpopular, so perhaps people were happy to see him go while they could still feel good about electing America's first black president.

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