Obama Approval Rating up 6% to 53% (Gallup)

Yet you think he is better than Bush. Oh how your intelligence astounds me.

During his first day in office Obama could have shat in the Oval Office, felt up his secretary and ran naked down Pennsylvania avenue and he still would have been better than Bush. Obama, while not your best president, is certainly better than Bush.

Which reminds me, do you wish me to direct you to threads on this site saying how crap a president Obama was the day after his inauguration?

Obama's Green Jobs Lie. - It is strange how the Bush administration created all these green jobs & the Obama administration is destroying them. There is no chance of investors trusting the government enough to put their money into green energy after this fleecing. Retarded Democrats keep singing Obama praises. So oblivious.

Calling people "Retarded" is socially unacceptable for Conservatives. I think you should resign from this board for such a statement
BTW - I disagree with H.R.3200 Page 16-20 for starters. It takes away my access to private insurance.
Really re private insurance? Are you sure about that?

Yes, When implemented people can no longer take out private insurance. Only those who already have it can keep it untill it lapses for any reason & then you are forced into the government plan. This means all private insurance pools will shrink until that company finally goes under forcing all of their insured into the SEIU government plan. There is no "Public Option" but only mandated government insurance. The fact that H.R.3200 is a bill to benefit SEIU & not the general public. Obama does not work for US citizens, only SEIU & ACORN

Obama told SEIU "The question I do want SEIU to ask yourselves is not who is talking about your agenda, but who can change our politics in Washington so that we can actually make your agenda a reality & I believe I can do that."..."together we had fought to raise wages of home care workers in Illinois"..."you had seen that I was willin to stand by your side even when it wasn't politically convenient. Your agenda has been my agenda in the United States Senate. Before debating health care I talk to Andy Stern & SEIU members."..."So we worked together over these last few years. I am proud of what we done. I am just not satisfied. Because I know how much more we can accomplish in an Obama administration. Just imagine, just imagine what we could do together. Just imagine what we could do together. Imagine having a president who's life's work was your work." [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ1NJaCtIkM&feature=related"]Obama told SEIU[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcBaSP31Be8&feature=PlayList&p=BC0E4180CE7322B4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=49"]TRUTH about Health Care Bill H.R.3200[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5alq_p7RaA&feature=related"]You will loose your Health Care[/ame]
Its because he ordered a battle to happen which drove his approval rating up which is why I question the need to attack this taliban stronghold.

Are you saying he sent American soldiers into harms way for "political reasons"?
[The Obama administration has even had the advantage of hindsight from Katrina & Rita, yet he still screwed Haiti up.

Did anyone ever explain to you that Haiti is a foreign country? Maybe your homeschooling didn't focus much on such trivia. Too much Bible to cover.:lol::lol::lol:
[The Obama administration has even had the advantage of hindsight from Katrina & Rita, yet he still screwed Haiti up.

Did anyone ever explain to you that Haiti is a foreign country? Maybe your homeschooling didn't focus much on such trivia. Too much Bible to cover.:lol::lol::lol:

Covered the Bible in about a month as it was only half the size of the Obamacare bill something else you did not read because of your public schoolin. You & rdean tie for the dumbest retards on USMB.
You & rdean tie for the dumbest retards on USMB.

Wow! Profound observation here

Sixth grade playground bullies have nothing on you!
Russia Blames US for Haiti Earthquake

Russian TV reports Hugo Chavez also blames US for Haiti Earthquake. 2
I have talked with rescuers on the ground in Haiti & have sent 200 tarps via Catholic Church groups to Haiti. The US led effort is nothing more than a money grabbing scheme. The government only buys tarps & supplies from companies who donated to Obamacrats campaigns. They over pay for these items. That is why they do not want commodity donations from others like me, they only want money to pay-off their contributors. Your head is up your ass if you can't see this. They keep showing the same pictures over & over on TV. There is little actual help from US.

You know the government isn't accepting money for Haiti relief, right? The Red Cross is.
Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

53% Approval Rating, 40% Disapprove.


If accurate, this represents a very, very sad time for America. Nobody in their right mind would approve of the job Obama has been doing.

The 0bamanoids will always approve of him...

Barry could be caught in uncompromising situations with their family dog and they'd feel "pride" that Barry picked their pooch to "play with"...
[The Obama administration has even had the advantage of hindsight from Katrina & Rita, yet he still screwed Haiti up.

Did anyone ever explain to you that Haiti is a foreign country? Maybe your homeschooling didn't focus much on such trivia. Too much Bible to cover.:lol::lol::lol:

Covered the Bible in about a month as it was only half the size of the Obamacare bill something else you did not read because of your public schoolin. You & rdean tie for the dumbest retards on USMB.

Do you believe the earth is 6000 years old? Do you concede now that Haiti is not the 51st state?
In your opinion, sure.

But that's the thing about opinions, isn't it?

Perhaps you can enlighten the rest of us just exactly how Obama is doing a good job.

I didn't say he was.

So who are these people? I understand why the black community is so enamored with him. I can also understand the fringe left and the self-loathing whites who don't want to be considered racist. But I didn't think they represented the majority.
Perhaps you can enlighten the rest of us just exactly how Obama is doing a good job.

I didn't say he was.

So who are these people? I understand why the black community is so enamored with him. I can also understand the fringe left and the self-loathing whites who don't want to be considered racist. But I didn't think they represented the majority.

People who have a different political ideal than you. Are you such an elitist that you can't except that perhaps informed people disagree with you?
Enlighten oh wise one, what exactly was the point of this thread?

To see the responses it would get from the rabid right, such as yourself. And as I predicted to a certain member of USMB who is welcome to come forward, it would be hilarious.

People who have a different political ideal than you. Are you such an elitist that you can't except that perhaps informed people disagree with you?

Xsited is a troll to the highest level. He knows exactly what he's doing when he makes purposefully dishonest comments like that. He's looking to provoke a reaction.
Once again, I think this is GREAT NEWS!!!! Go Obama!! Head Left young man

You fucking Dems have a lot of nerve for even thinking of abandoning Obama now that he's so so so so so so popular!!

Stick with the Ossiah!!

OIC, so you're just the run of the mill, attention seeking TROLL....

At least you're honest about SOMETHING. :clap2:

Nope, I decided to have some fun and troll for once.

Again, you're a ignorant newbie who has no idea about my history on here or anyone else's. Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant as it has no basis except your own biased opinion on what you think of me and your pals on the rabid right.

Do I need to remind you that you proved my experiment right by acting like a complete wingnut? :thup:

Edit: You haven't been here a complete month yet. I've been here over a year and a half. Just remember that.
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