Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Don't get pissy with me because I quoted you to make a point. You're the stupid ass who was too dense to realize that telling someone to sacrifice a chicken is kind of weird. Noooo, my response must mean that I don't know what voodoo is. Fucking idiot.
Yeah, I'm the pissy one. LOL. Like I said before if you want to have an actual intelligent discussion, I'm in. If you want to throw feces at people on the internet you can do that with someone else. I think we both know what you are interested in.
He never said that, liar.

Quote him saying he is trying to influence people into "practicing Christianity"

Anything short of those exact words won't be enough to convince you.

It's amazing how the Maga crowd wants to post ancient Jewish law in all the schools, but have no interest in Christian teachings.

If they were Christians, they'd want to post the Beatitudes in all schools.

I guess that Jesus was too liberal for them:

It's amazing how the Maga crowd wants to post ancient Jewish law in all the schools, but have no interest in Christian teachings.

If they were Christians, they'd want to post the Beatitudes in all schools.

I guess that Jesus was too liberal for them:

B.S, post em, you know you would cry!
Constitutionally, does any of that matter?

This is what you said:
"I do not care what any individual says or how they regard it. I look to the Constitution. You yourself said those ten commandment in the classroom require no agreement, participation, contribution of ANY kind from you. Therefore constitutionally they are legal."
Thanks for quoting me. I am pleased to see how accurate I was.
there are HINDUS in our schools------rama not moses
Hindus have had very VERY little influence on our values, customs, culture or laws and absolutely no influence on the establishment of the USA. Therein is the difference.

I am not advocating pushing Judaism or Christianity in the public schools. I am advocating allowing honest history in our school and that honest history cannot ignore the JudeoChristian influence that is the single largest influence on our collective history, values, customs, culture.

When it comes to history, a specific person's religion now has no bearing on that history. Perhaps later on it will have. But the only measurable religious influence on American values, customs, culture, laws is the JudeoChristian influence that came with the first Pilgrims and was entrenched in the Founders psyche regardless of their individual religious background or beliefs.
Thanks for quoting me. I am pleased to see how accurate I was.
I'm quoting you to show the inconsistency in your reasoning.

Your argument that the Quran, the Tenets of Satanism, and the Pastafarian Commandments have had no influence in American values and therefore do not belong in the classroom. Constitutionally, why does this matter? They are just as legally allowed according to you, are they not?

I'm putting the two quotes of yours right next to each other so you can work out the inconsistency in your argument:

"I do not care what any individual says or how they regard it. I look to the Constitution. You yourself said those ten commandment in the classroom require no agreement, participation, contribution of ANY kind from you. Therefore constitutionally they are legal."

"The Quran, the Tenets of Satanism and the Pastafarian Commandments have had and now have no influence of American values, customs, culture or laws. The JudeoChristian concept including what are referred to as 'the Law of Moses' have been critical to the development and evolvement of those values, customs, culture and law."
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B.S, post em, you know you would cry!

Posting a link wasn't enough?

Is it that you're for posting ancient Jewish law or you're against the Beatitudes?

Just to save your lazy ass a mouse click here they are:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake."

The hypocrisy of the MAGA Minions is endless!!!!
Hindus have had very VERY little influence on our values, customs, culture or laws and absolutely no influence on the establishment of the USA. Therein is the difference.

I am not advocating pushing Judaism or Christianity in the public schools. I am advocating allowing honest history in our school and that honest history cannot ignore the JudeoChristian influence that is the single largest influence on our collective history, values, customs, culture.

When it comes to history, a specific person's religion now has no bearing on that history. Perhaps later on it will have. But the only measurable religious influence on American values, customs, culture, laws is the JudeoChristian influence that came with the first Pilgrims and was entrenched in the Founders psyche regardless of their individual religious background or beliefs.
nope----little kids do not have to deal with the DIFFERENCES on
the playground. Differences on the playground are NO DAMN

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