Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Much of the Jewish faith is also in Christianity yes. Jesus himself was an orthodox Jew. But posting the Ten Commandments is not Christian but symbolic of the JudeoChristian laws that formed the foundation of the American judicial and legal system, i.e. the laws we live by.

If you are sitting in a classroom in which the Ten Commandments are posted as the historical document that they are, tell me how you are coerced in any way, how you lose a single legal or unalienable right that you have, how it requires you to participate or contribute in anyway, how it requires you to change what you believe in any way, how it costs you or affects you in any way.
Great. So the Ten Commandments are in Christianity. Like I said. Thanks for clearing up that very complicated point there.

The Ten Commandments aren’t being pushed into classrooms for their historical relevance. They’re being pushed in order to promote religion. Even Trump himself said this. You’re lying to yourself if you think this is about anything other than pushing Christianity into the classroom. Trump is at least honest about it. You should give it a try.

I didn’t say that it would coerce me in any way. I just don’t believe any religion should hold any special privileges that others don’t. If you want the Ten Commandments in the classroom, fine, right along side the Quran, the Tenets of Satanism, and the Pastafarian Commandments. Surely these don’t coerce you in any way and you don’t lose any unalienable right by allowing the display of these next to your precious Ten Commandments. Again, this is not about teaching history, this is about promoting your religion while not allowing other religions the same privilege.
You got any proof of that statement? I looked and while the Magna Carta is definitely mentioned but the 10 Commandments are not. How could they be part of the Constitution since they have nothing to do with government or "We the people"?

The 10 Commandments are laws, the Constitution is the Foundational Framework to create a self-governing country.
I've already covered the relevance and why the Constitution is so difficult to change.
Since I never did that the first time, how can I do it again? The post you quoted neverr mentioned Republicans.
Pay attention everyone, I will be exposing Dragonlady as a lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit for the first time today.

All of the Republicans are breaking these commandments daily.

So, show us your data proving ALL REPUBLICANS break the 10 Commandments daily.

In this thread, you blithering moron.

You made the false claim that the establishment of a state religion by individual states is legal, because power not specifically given to the federal government automatically goes to the states.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

You claimed that because the feds have no power to establish a state religion, or limit speech this empowers the states to do so. It does not, and only a complete idiot would thing otherwise.

This is why you're Nostra Dumbass
You made the false claim that the establishment of a state religion by individual states is legal, because power not specifically given to the federal government automatically goes to the states.
No, I didn't. You are a lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit.

Tell all of us again how tens of millions of Republicans are murdering people every day, liar.
You made the false claim that the establishment of a state religion by individual states is legal,
Here, I will prove you are a liar for the second time this morning Dragonlady

I have posted in this thread that the posting of the 10 Commandments in classrooms DOES NOT establish a religion.

Keep lying, liar.

No stupid, it doesn't establish anything. Are LA students being forced to join a Christian church? Nope.

Another Trollwinger fail.
Pay attention everyone, I will be exposing Dragonlady as a lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit for the first time today.

So, show us your data proving ALL REPUBLICANS break the 10 Commandments daily.


I didn't say ALL Republican break the 10 Commandments daily. They break the Commandments daily - not all 10 of them. You cannot be a Republican and take a loyalty of oath to Trump unless you say the 2020 Election was stolen - thus breaking the #8. Lara Trump is cleansing the RNC of everyone who refuses to lie for the party so they are all liars right off the hop.

There are all of the faked videos of Biden's "freezes", and false claims of Biden's senility, Biden's on drugs, Biden's a criminal - all lies, all based on coveting Biden's job #10.

Every time the Republicans say in private that Donald Trump is a disaster, and then go out and endorse him and say the Election was stolen, they are lying. Every time they chose to lie to the American people about Trump to achieve government power, they are coveting that which they haven't earned.

Every time Republicans claim that Donald Trump is being "politically prosecuted" or that January 6th was "nothing" and they weren't running for their lives that day.

Every time a woman needlessly dies because she was refused a medical abortion it's a needless killing - #5 . Every time a refugee family drowns in the Rio Grande #5. Every time there's a mass shooting and Republicans refuse to pass laws to prevent this #5.

And don't get me started on "Thou shalt have no other gods before me", because even Trump is making himself out to be a god. #1

I don't need data or stats to prove Republicans are violating the commandments. They go on national television and openly brag about their hatred, their cruelty, and their lies.
I didn't say ALL Republican break the 10 Commandments daily. They break the Commandments daily - not all 10 of them. You cannot be a Republican and take a loyalty of oath to Trump unless you say the 2020 Election was stolen - thus breaking the #8. Lara Trump is cleansing the RNC of everyone who refuses to lie for the party so they are all liars right off the hop.

There are all of the faked videos of Biden's "freezes", and false claims of Biden's senility, Biden's on drugs, Biden's a criminal - all lies, all based on coveting Biden's job #10.

Every time the Republicans say in private that Donald Trump is a disaster, and then go out and endorse him and say the Election was stolen, they are lying. Every time they chose to lie to the American people about Trump to achieve government power, they are coveting that which they haven't earned.

Every time Republicans claim that Donald Trump is being "politically prosecuted" or that January 6th was "nothing" and they weren't running for their lives that day.

Every time a woman needlessly dies because she was refused a medical abortion it's a needless killing - #5 . Every time a refugee family drowns in the Rio Grande #5. Every time there's a mass shooting and Republicans refuse to pass laws to prevent this #5.

And don't get me started on "Thou shalt have no other gods before me", because even Trump is making himself out to be a god. #1

I don't need data or stats to prove Republicans are violating the commandments. They go on national television and openly brag about their hatred, their cruelty, and their lies.
Seriously this little rant is about as inline with reality as your assertion that no Dem President has gotten the US embroiled in a foreign war..
You got any proof of that statement? I looked and while the Magna Carta is definitely mentioned but the 10 Commandments are not. How could they be part of the Constitution since they have nothing to do with government or "We the people"?

The 10 Commandments are laws, the Constitution is the Foundational Framework to create a self-governing country.
Rule of law which applies to everyone regardless of their status was the foundation to common law and the underpinnings of the Constitution.
I didn't say ALL Republican break the 10 Commandments daily. They break the Commandments daily - not all 10 of them.
Ok, let's run with your pathetic spin trying to cover your bullshit.

Which of the 10 Commandments do ALL REPUBLICANS break daily. Bring your data proving your claim.

Why do I think you can't?
There are all of the faked videos of Biden's "freezes", and false claims of Biden's senility, Biden's on drugs, Biden's a criminal - all lies, all based on coveting Biden's job #10.

Every time the Republicans say in private that Donald Trump is a disaster, and then go out and endorse him and say the Election was stolen, they are lying. Every time they chose to lie to the American people about Trump to achieve government power, they are coveting that which they haven't earned.

Every time Republicans claim that Donald Trump is being "politically prosecuted" or that January 6th was "nothing" and they weren't running for their lives that day.

Every time a woman needlessly dies because she was refused a medical abortion it's a needless killing - #5 . Every time a refugee family drowns in the Rio Grande #5. Every time there's a mass shooting and Republicans refuse to pass laws to prevent this #5.

And don't get me started on "Thou shalt have no other gods before me", because even Trump is making himself out to be a god. #1

I don't need data or stats to prove Republicans are violating the commandments. They go on national television and openly brag about their hatred, their cruelty, and their lies.
You're telling us not to believe our eyes and ears, but to believe you.
Seriously this little rant is about as inline with reality as your assertion that no Dem President has gotten the US embroiled in a foreign war..

She has also claimed no fentanyl is coming across the US Southern border, and 20 acres of prime waterfront Palm Beach property has "no value".

Great. So the Ten Commandments are in Christianity. Like I said. Thanks for clearing up that very complicated point there.

The Ten Commandments aren’t being pushed into classrooms for their historical relevance. They’re being pushed in order to promote religion. Even Trump himself said this. You’re lying to yourself if you think this is about anything other than pushing Christianity into the classroom. Trump is at least honest about it. You should give it a try.

I didn’t say that it would coerce me in any way. I just don’t believe any religion should hold any special privileges that others don’t. If you want the Ten Commandments in the classroom, fine, right along side the Quran, the Tenets of Satanism, and the Pastafarian Commandments. Surely these don’t coerce you in any way and you don’t lose any unalienable right by allowing the display of these next to your precious Ten Commandments. Again, this is not about teaching history, this is about promoting your religion while not allowing other religions the same privilege.
Religion acknowledged for its profound effect and influence over a nation's creation, culture, values, laws, customs is not being given any special privilege. It is being acknowledged for the historical reality that it is. To acknowledge that reality in no way violates the Constitution by either letter or intent. To deny, dismiss, ignore that reality is dishonest.

We only violate the Constitution when the government by law does give preference to those of a particular faith while discriminating against those of particular faith. It is far more a violation of the First Amendment to say schools can't have CHRISTMAS concerts or Christmas trees or celebrate Christmas in home rooms. than is posting a historical document like the Ten Commandments in a classroom.
Much of the Jewish faith is also in Christianity yes. Jesus himself was an orthodox Jew. But posting the Ten Commandments is not Christian but symbolic of the JudeoChristian laws that formed the foundation of the American judicial and legal system, i.e. the laws we live by.

If you are sitting in a classroom in which the Ten Commandments are posted as the historical document that they are, tell me how you are coerced in any way, how you lose a single legal or unalienable right that you have, how it requires you to participate or contribute in anyway, how it requires you to change what you believe in any way, how it costs you or affects you in any way.

The move has already sparked criticism and legal challenges. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said it plans to file a lawsuit challenging the Louisiana law because it is “blatantly unconstitutional” and violates the “separation of church and state.”

Landry pushed back on the criticism, telling Smith that he “didn’t know that living the Ten Commandments is a bad way to live life.”

“I mean, look, this country was founded on Judeo Christian principles and every time we steer away from that, we have problems in our nation,”
he said.

This is from the person who signed the bill. They're not using it to teach history. They're using it to influence people into practicing Christianity.
Religion acknowledged for its profound effect and influence over a nation's creation, culture, values, laws, customs is not being given any special privilege. It is being acknowledged for the historical reality that it is.
This has nothing to do with teaching history.

I've posted quotes from Donald Trump and the governor who signed the bill. You're wrong. You're lying to yourself if you think this is about anything other than promoting Christianity in the classroom. You're welcome to address those quotes any day now.

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