Obama Bankrupting US so Bad, S&P may lower Bond Rating even with Debt Increase

Obama Bankrupting US so Bad, S&P may lower Bond Rating even with Debt Increase

You mean that same ratings agency that rated junk mortgage bonds at AA rating?

Then we have nothing to worry about
We started with a surplus in 2001.

Or are you forgetting that?

We also started with the collapse of the tech bubble. Spending was restrained during the Clinton Administration only because the Republicans in congress refused to pass all his spending requests and because the peace dividend allowed vast decreases in military spending.

Clinton and the Democrat party fought spending cuts every step of the way.

Democrats are literally an obstacle to progress.

They also forget that Bush Tax cuts
worked faster, cost less and lowered unemployment
than anything Papa Obama has done

Jobless recovery ring a bell?

A 50 percent likelihood that the U.S. will lose its top credit rating from Standard & Poor’s even if Congress reaches agreement on raising the debt ceiling left markets little changed.

...The U.S. will lose the AAA credit rating it has held since 1941 if New York-based S&P finds that a “credible solution” to the nation’s rising debt burden isn’t likely for the foreseeable future, the firm said yesterday. Borrowing will continue to rise unless a $4 trillion fiscal consolidation plan is agreed on, S&P said.

TIP: Ace of Spades
Liberals treat raising the debt limit as if, with the stroke of a pen, we can simply authorize ourselves to spend and spend and spend more money than we have.

Doug Ross
Let's liken the United States to the following household -- we'll call it the Obama family.

• The household brings in $100,000 a year.
• The household's annual spending, however, is $160,000, so it's been forced to borrow heavily to cover those bill
• When Daddy Obama began running the household in 2009, it had accumulated about $300,000 in debt.
• But only two-and-a-half short years later, the Obamas are now in debt for $520,000.

Now, in the real world, would any banker loan the Obamas money with a $60,000-a-year budget shortfall?

What would its FICO score (credit rating) be?

It's true: under Barack Obama, we're a subprime country. He and the Democrats built an unaffordable, failed "Stimulus" program into the baseline budget. And he is bankrupting the U.S., debt ceiling or no.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.

Regardless of what is done, the ramifications of a poor rating will happen. It's not as if our federal finances are unknown to the world.
We also started with the collapse of the tech bubble. Spending was restrained during the Clinton Administration only because the Republicans in congress refused to pass all his spending requests and because the peace dividend allowed vast decreases in military spending.

Clinton and the Democrat party fought spending cuts every step of the way.

Democrats are literally an obstacle to progress.

They also forget that Bush Tax cuts
worked faster, cost less and lowered unemployment
than anything Papa Obama has done

Jobless recovery ring a bell?

Avg unemployment of 5.2 does

A 50 percent likelihood that the U.S. will lose its top credit rating from Standard & Poor’s even if Congress reaches agreement on raising the debt ceiling left markets little changed.

...The U.S. will lose the AAA credit rating it has held since 1941 if New York-based S&P finds that a “credible solution” to the nation’s rising debt burden isn’t likely for the foreseeable future, the firm said yesterday. Borrowing will continue to rise unless a $4 trillion fiscal consolidation plan is agreed on, S&P said.

TIP: Ace of Spades
Liberals treat raising the debt limit as if, with the stroke of a pen, we can simply authorize ourselves to spend and spend and spend more money than we have.

Doug Ross
Let's liken the United States to the following household -- we'll call it the Obama family.

• The household brings in $100,000 a year.
• The household's annual spending, however, is $160,000, so it's been forced to borrow heavily to cover those bill
• When Daddy Obama began running the household in 2009, it had accumulated about $300,000 in debt.
• But only two-and-a-half short years later, the Obamas are now in debt for $520,000.

Now, in the real world, would any banker loan the Obamas money with a $60,000-a-year budget shortfall?

What would its FICO score (credit rating) be?

It's true: under Barack Obama, we're a subprime country. He and the Democrats built an unaffordable, failed "Stimulus" program into the baseline budget. And he is bankrupting the U.S., debt ceiling or no.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.

Regardless of what is done, the ramifications of a poor rating will happen. It's not as if our federal finances are unknown to the world.

I am sure if Papa Obama wins a 2nd election, he will try his best
Obama Bankrupting US so Bad, S&P may lower Bond Rating even with Debt Increase

You mean that same ratings agency that rated junk mortgage bonds at AA rating?

So their judgment is gospel when Obama's using it to demagogue for a higher debt limit and increasing taxes, but it's horse manure otherwise?

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