Obama Banned From Entering Russia. Hahaha

A valid reply. And referencing Obama as a “Negro” is ignorant on a whole other level anyway.

Lots of folks couldn’t stand Obama as President but making it a matter of race rather than a matter of policy is just fucking disgraceful.

I didn't vote for him his first term, but I like Obama... I think he was an excellent president and a good man.
I didn't vote for him his first term, but I like Obama... I think he was an excellent president and a good man.
I don’t think he was even slightly a good President. And he seems like a nice enough person relative to his own family.
I didn't vote for him his first term, but I like Obama... I think he was an excellent president and a good man.
Oops. You're supposed to post this in the jokes and humor section. Obama was a pansy queer; a rabble-rousing race baiter; and a Communist who pushed his Socialist “Obamacare” on a gullible public. He was and is an asshat.
I don’t think he was even slightly a good President. And he seems like a nice enough person relative to his own family.

Turning the economy around was a huge deal considering it took 8 years and two wars, the dotcom crisis and the push for universal homeownership to make a mess of it. He was also respected in the world and had no corruption scandals.

The Trump presidency was spiteful .... Cruder and more chaotic than a Jerry Springer show.
Oops. You're supposed to post this in the jokes and humor section. Obama was a pansy queer; a rabble-rousing race baiter; and a Communist who pushed his Socialist “Obamacare” on a gullible public. He was and is an asshat.

Obama is neither queer nor Communist. You don't know anything about healthcare over the past 30 years.. You were a racist long before Obama was elected.
Obama is neither queer nor Communist. You don't know anything about healthcare over the past 30 years.. You were a racist long before Obama was elected.
Ummm ... have you ever seen his husband?


Turning the economy around was a huge deal considering it took 8 years and two wars, the dotcom crisis and the push for universal homeownership to make a mess of it. He was also respected in the world and had no corruption scandals.

The Trump presidency was spiteful .... Cruder and more chaotic than a Jerry Springer show.
The Russian military is, in fact, still there and the obvious fact that Ukraine has some terrific troops doesn’t change things.

Putin still didn’t dare behave as he did once Potato got installed.
Putin was not leery of Trump. Trump himself has always been scared of the Russians. His crooked business deals with them, and the Russian mafia in his Tower...
I find it amusing that Obama, Stephen Colbert, and another 488 Americans have been banned from entering Russia. Good for Putin! Now, if we could just ban the same group from entering America, we'd all be better off.

"In response to a new round of U.S. sanctions, Russia announced Friday that it was banning 500 Americans from entering the country, including former President Barack Obama and comedian Stephen Colbert.

The list released by the Russian Foreign Ministry did not specify complaints against each individual.

However, the ministry said the offenses included people who spread Russophobia, supplied Ukraine with arms and were “directly involved in the persecution of dissidents in the wake of the so-called ‘storm of the Capitol.'”
Putin's plant in the W.H. on the list? Nope.
Sure it telling indeed.

It shows that President Trump knows how to properly conduct himself in public situations or when visiting abroad. Now that the story about Trump has been proven false, it makes me wonder who actually DID hire hoes to ruin the mattresses in 5 Star hotels. Could it actually have been B. Hussein O instead?
Putin hired them as a favor to his ass friend Trump.
When given a choice of trusting US intelligence or trusting Putin……Trump chose Putin

While the world showed outrage at Putin for invading Ukraine, Trump called him a Genius and called NATO weak

When Sean Hannity gave Trump a chance to redeem himself and condemn Putin……he refused to do it
Hannity knows Trump is up Putins ass but he still supports him.

Birds of a feather.

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