Obama...best thing to happen to America

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Pres. Obama shown the American people just how bad things could really get. Bad government, bad economy, terrible foreign policy, pitiful job market, the list goes on and on.

Obama encouraged the lefties, commies, Black lives racists, Social justice idiots, and other assorted loons, to come out of the shadows and expose their twisted agendas for everyone to see.

Finally, the American people said, "enough is enough", and elected a real leader, with a realistic solution oriented agenda.

Thank you Mr Trump for standing up to lead our nation as president. ..... :thup: ...... :cool:
Pres. Obama shown the American people just how bad things could really get. Bad government, bad economy, terrible foreign policy, pitiful job market, the list goes on and on.

Obama encouraged the lefties, commies, Black lives racists, Social justice idiots, and other assorted loons, to come out of the shadows and expose their twisted agendas for everyone to see.

Finally, the American people said, "enough is enough", and elected a real leader, with a realistic solution oriented agenda.

Thank you Mr Trump for standing up to lead our nation as president. ..... :thup: ...... :cool:
Holy shit. I agree with Sunni Man. Didn't see that coming.
Pres. Obama shown the American people just how bad things could really get. Bad government, bad economy, terrible foreign policy, pitiful job market, the list goes on and on.

Obama encouraged the lefties, commies, Black lives racists, Social justice idiots, and other assorted loons, to come out of the shadows and expose their twisted agendas for everyone to see.

Finally, the American people said, "enough is enough", and elected a real leader, with a realistic solution oriented agenda.

Thank you Mr Trump for standing up to lead our nation as president. ..... :thup: ...... :cool:

Sunni Man, so happy to see you back again !

I totally agree!! :)
Obama took divisiveness sp? first coffee to the max. What he didn't count on was that Americans would and always bleed as Americans.

America came together this election cycle and rejected the divide and ran to a hope of a new world based in "together we win".
One of the worst traits of American conservatives is political lethargy. They will set back and let the loony left run roughshod over them again and again.

Conservatives don't get out and protest. (maybe because they have jobs and families?) So the media focus's on the liberal / progressive trouble makers marching, rioting, and looting. Makes for great video news.

But with Trump at the helm, the script has been flipped. Conservatism has become cool and main stream. Large and in charge. ...... :thup: .... :cool:
I don't think that Obama himself had as much to do with this incredible backlash as the "progressive movement" as a whole did.

There was huge - far more than I realized - frustration with the constant barrage of PC and Identity Politics being pushed on the country in virtually every part of our society, not to mention a palpable hatred of "the rubes", and this was the result.

This was a self-inflicted wound, but "progressives" are too full of themselves and their ideology to see it.
The Obama administration gave the green light to every crazy lefty group to spout their insane agenda, and the freedom to riot and loot unfettered by law enforcement.

The media was just as complicit by supporting and enabling every anti-american insane agenda under the sun. And then presenting it as normal, rational, and somehow good for the country.

I'm soo glad the Obama national nightmare is over. ..... :thup: .... :cool:
Pres. Obama shown the American people just how bad things could really get. Bad government, bad economy, terrible foreign policy, pitiful job market, the list goes on and on.

Obama encouraged the lefties, commies, Black lives racists, Social justice idiots, and other assorted loons, to come out of the shadows and expose their twisted agendas for everyone to see.

Finally, the American people said, "enough is enough", and elected a real leader, with a realistic solution oriented agenda.

Thank you Mr Trump for standing up to lead our nation as president. ..... :thup: ...... :cool:
So Oblama was running for a third term!
Obama took divisiveness sp? first coffee to the max. What he didn't count on was that Americans would and always bleed as Americans.

America came together this election cycle and rejected the divide and ran to a hope of a new world based in "together we win".
Nah, it was still split almost evenly..
America came together this election cycle and rejected the divide and ran to a hope of a new world based in "together we win".
Nah, it was still split almost evenly..
Not if you toss out the fake votes, the illegal voters, etc.

Some ballot boxes were tallied and sealed as being 150+ votes nearly all for Hillary, and when they reopened them for the recount, they had less than 50.

Our voter rolls are so corrupted and so fudged up by urban Democrat machines, no on really knows any more what the real vote counts are any more.
America came together this election cycle and rejected the divide and ran to a hope of a new world based in "together we win".
Nah, it was still split almost evenly..
Not if you toss out the fake votes, the illegal voters, etc.

Some ballot boxes were tallied and sealed as being 150+ votes nearly all for Hillary, and when they reopened them for the recount, they had less than 50.

Our voter rolls are so corrupted and so fudged up by urban Democrat machines, no on really knows any more what the real vote counts are any more.
So 49% is not almost half?
So 49% is not almost half?

I am simply saying we dont know what the final percentages actually are of the real vote as opposed to the tallied vote.

The Two Party system is set up for the two parties to pull at least around 40%.

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