Obama Betrayed US in Iran Nuke Deal, Released Natl Security Risks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Not only did Obama violate the Constitution by agreeing to a parsonal TREATY with Iran and having it ratified by the UN while by-passing Congress, Obama also put US National Security at risk on his own - without Comgressional knowledge.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report

"President Obama’s controversial release last year of seven prisoners with ties to Iran was presented as a good will gesture linked to the larger nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, but a new report claims some of those released were deemed threats to national security.

The agreement which freed the U.S. prisoners was part of a flurry of related deals that unfroze more than $100 billion in Iranian assets and brought home five Americans held by Tehran. But Politico, in an exhaustive report, claims there was more to what President Obama presented as a “one-time gesture” of releasing prisoners described as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

“In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security,” Politico reported."

Obama not only put US National Security in jeopardy...he PAID IRAN $100 BILLION in order to do so.

This may be his biggest act of TREASON, and that is saying a lot considering he has aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and gave terrorists their own countries, sought to overthrow the governments of allies, conducted his own Watergate, spied on Americans, used the IRS as a weapon against them, enabled infiltration of the US by criminals and terrorists through his criminal pro-Illegal Immigration / Open Borders policy, and the fact that he and his loyalists recently perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine /overthrow the newly elected US Government.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report
Not only did Obama violate the Constitution by agreeing to a parsonal TREATY with Iran and having it ratified by the UN while by-passing Congress, Obama also put US National Security at risk on his own - without Comgressional knowledge.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report

"President Obama’s controversial release last year of seven prisoners with ties to Iran was presented as a good will gesture linked to the larger nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, but a new report claims some of those released were deemed threats to national security.

The agreement which freed the U.S. prisoners was part of a flurry of related deals that unfroze more than $100 billion in Iranian assets and brought home five Americans held by Tehran. But Politico, in an exhaustive report, claims there was more to what President Obama presented as a “one-time gesture” of releasing prisoners described as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

“In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security,” Politico reported."

Obama not only put US National Security in jeopardy...he PAID IRAN $100 BILLION in order to do so.

This may be his biggest act of TREASON, and that is saying a lot considering he has aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and gave terrorists their own countries, sought to overthrow the governments of allies, conducted his own Watergate, spied on Americans, used the IRS as a weapon against them, enabled infiltration of the US by criminals and terrorists through his criminal pro-Illegal Immigration / Open Borders policy, and the fact that he and his loyalists recently perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine /overthrow the newly elected US Government.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.


Not only did Obama violate the Constitution by agreeing to a parsonal TREATY with Iran and having it ratified by the UN while by-passing Congress, Obama also put US National Security at risk on his own - without Comgressional knowledge.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report

"President Obama’s controversial release last year of seven prisoners with ties to Iran was presented as a good will gesture linked to the larger nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, but a new report claims some of those released were deemed threats to national security.

The agreement which freed the U.S. prisoners was part of a flurry of related deals that unfroze more than $100 billion in Iranian assets and brought home five Americans held by Tehran. But Politico, in an exhaustive report, claims there was more to what President Obama presented as a “one-time gesture” of releasing prisoners described as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

“In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security,” Politico reported."

Obama not only put US National Security in jeopardy...he PAID IRAN $100 BILLION in order to do so.

This may be his biggest act of TREASON, and that is saying a lot considering he has aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and gave terrorists their own countries, sought to overthrow the governments of allies, conducted his own Watergate, spied on Americans, used the IRS as a weapon against them, enabled infiltration of the US by criminals and terrorists through his criminal pro-Illegal Immigration / Open Borders policy, and the fact that he and his loyalists recently perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine /overthrow the newly elected US Government.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.



Do you miss Hillary?
Not only did Obama violate the Constitution by agreeing to a parsonal TREATY with Iran and having it ratified by the UN while by-passing Congress, Obama also put US National Security at risk on his own - without Comgressional knowledge.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report

"President Obama’s controversial release last year of seven prisoners with ties to Iran was presented as a good will gesture linked to the larger nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, but a new report claims some of those released were deemed threats to national security.

The agreement which freed the U.S. prisoners was part of a flurry of related deals that unfroze more than $100 billion in Iranian assets and brought home five Americans held by Tehran. But Politico, in an exhaustive report, claims there was more to what President Obama presented as a “one-time gesture” of releasing prisoners described as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

“In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security,” Politico reported."

Obama not only put US National Security in jeopardy...he PAID IRAN $100 BILLION in order to do so.

This may be his biggest act of TREASON, and that is saying a lot considering he has aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and gave terrorists their own countries, sought to overthrow the governments of allies, conducted his own Watergate, spied on Americans, used the IRS as a weapon against them, enabled infiltration of the US by criminals and terrorists through his criminal pro-Illegal Immigration / Open Borders policy, and the fact that he and his loyalists recently perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine /overthrow the newly elected US Government.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.


That might carry any weight at all if you weren't always refusing to acknowlede very specific cases / issues based on fact and instead always making the same ol' generic all-encompassing excuses / justifications of Obama crimes / violations of Constutution and law.
Not only did Obama violate the Constitution by agreeing to a parsonal TREATY with Iran and having it ratified by the UN while by-passing Congress, Obama also put US National Security at risk on his own - without Comgressional knowledge.

Iranians freed in Obama's nuclear deal posed national security threat, says report

"President Obama’s controversial release last year of seven prisoners with ties to Iran was presented as a good will gesture linked to the larger nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, but a new report claims some of those released were deemed threats to national security.

The agreement which freed the U.S. prisoners was part of a flurry of related deals that unfroze more than $100 billion in Iranian assets and brought home five Americans held by Tehran. But Politico, in an exhaustive report, claims there was more to what President Obama presented as a “one-time gesture” of releasing prisoners described as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

“In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security,” Politico reported."

Obama not only put US National Security in jeopardy...he PAID IRAN $100 BILLION in order to do so.

This may be his biggest act of TREASON, and that is saying a lot considering he has aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and gave terrorists their own countries, sought to overthrow the governments of allies, conducted his own Watergate, spied on Americans, used the IRS as a weapon against them, enabled infiltration of the US by criminals and terrorists through his criminal pro-Illegal Immigration / Open Borders policy, and the fact that he and his loyalists recently perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine /overthrow the newly elected US Government.

You elected a National Security risk so STFU
Hey Dave, learn to work the 'Quotes' feature...until then 'STFU'. :p
Obama thwarted GOP attempts at a full scale war against Iran. Little did he know he Trump and the GOP had North Korea as a backup plan.
The GOP did not want a war - it wanted to keep the sanctions in place, wanted to keep the $100 billion out of Iran's hands, wanted to wanted to keep the National Security threats Obama released kept behind bars, and wanted the President of the United States to adhere to the US Constitution rather than violate the Constitution rather than illegally forge his own treaty with our enemy and have that treaty ratified by the UN before Congress was ever allowed to see it.

The traitorous Ex-President had other plans...
Obama thwarted GOP attempts at a full scale war against Iran. Little did he know he Trump and the GOP had North Korea as a backup plan.
The GOP did not want a war - it wanted to keep the sanctions in place, wanted to keep the $100 billion out of Iran's hands, wanted to wanted to keep the National Security threats Obama released kept behind bars, and wanted the President of the United States to adhere to the US Constitution rather than violate the Constitution rather than illegally forge his own treaty with our enemy and have that treaty ratified by the UN before Congress was ever allowed to see it.

The traitorous Ex-President had other plans...
Iran gave up their uranium and advanced centrifuges. A few days ago, Trump was forced to admit that Iran is following the terms of the deal. The multiple other countries involved don't care that American chickenhawks are tantrumming about not being able to blow up Tehran.
Obama thwarted GOP attempts at a full scale war against Iran. Little did he know he Trump and the GOP had North Korea as a backup plan.
The GOP did not want a war - it wanted to keep the sanctions in place, wanted to keep the $100 billion out of Iran's hands, wanted to wanted to keep the National Security threats Obama released kept behind bars, and wanted the President of the United States to adhere to the US Constitution rather than violate the Constitution rather than illegally forge his own treaty with our enemy and have that treaty ratified by the UN before Congress was ever allowed to see it.

The traitorous Ex-President had other plans...
:bsflag: on the WAR party not wanting to attack Iran. I am shocked they never did under that bumbling jackass Bush.
Obama Lied, Americans Died: Released Iranians Tied to Terror, Nuclear Proliferation

'Former President Barack Obama lied to the American people about the infamous prisoner swap that was part of the Iran deal in 2016, and released fugitives who were considered major national security threats, according to an investigative report by Politico.

“Obama, the senior official and other administration representatives weren’t telling the whole story on Jan. 17, 2016, in their highly choreographed rollout of the prisoner swap and simultaneous implementation of the six-party nuclear deal,” Politico’s Josh Meyer reports.

The seven men released on that day as a “humanitarian” gesture were deeply tied to Iran’s nuclear arms efforts, and one was connected with procurement for improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that killed American soldiers in Iraq.

“They didn’t just dismiss a bunch of innocent business guys,” a former federal law enforcement supervisor who was centrally involved in the hunt for Iranian arms traffickers and nuclear smugglers told Politico. “And then they didn’t give a full story of it.”

Obama Lied, Americans Died: Released Iranians Tied to Terror, Nuclear Proliferation - Breitbart

Obama, like his daddy, is an anti-American POS who betrayed his country while violating the Constitution and aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States.
Obama thwarted GOP attempts at a full scale war against Iran. Little did he know he Trump and the GOP had North Korea as a backup plan.
The GOP did not want a war - it wanted to keep the sanctions in place, wanted to keep the $100 billion out of Iran's hands, wanted to wanted to keep the National Security threats Obama released kept behind bars, and wanted the President of the United States to adhere to the US Constitution rather than violate the Constitution rather than illegally forge his own treaty with our enemy and have that treaty ratified by the UN before Congress was ever allowed to see it.

The traitorous Ex-President had other plans...
Iran gave up their uranium and advanced centrifuges. A few days ago, Trump was forced to admit that Iran is following the terms of the deal. The multiple other countries involved don't care that American chickenhawks are tantrumming about not being able to blow up Tehran.

More snowflake LIES! Everything that comes out of their mouths these days, like the accusations against Trump have proven, are LIES.
Even Trump said that the damn middle eastern wars were a mistake and a waste of resources...He better keep us out of fucking Iran or he'll be known as a liar.
Perhaps, as with the ACA, his hand was somewhat 'forced' by the previous Nobel Peace Prize winning Traitor and Chief. Obama created this shite / threat, dumped it in Trump's lap, and walked... :p
Obama thwarted GOP attempts at a full scale war against Iran. Little did he know he Trump and the GOP had North Korea as a backup plan.
The GOP did not want a war - it wanted to keep the sanctions in place, wanted to keep the $100 billion out of Iran's hands, wanted to wanted to keep the National Security threats Obama released kept behind bars, and wanted the President of the United States to adhere to the US Constitution rather than violate the Constitution rather than illegally forge his own treaty with our enemy and have that treaty ratified by the UN before Congress was ever allowed to see it.

The traitorous Ex-President had other plans...
Iran gave up their uranium and advanced centrifuges. A few days ago, Trump was forced to admit that Iran is following the terms of the deal. The multiple other countries involved don't care that American chickenhawks are tantrumming about not being able to blow up Tehran.

More snowflake LIES! Everything that comes out of their mouths these days, like the accusations against Trump have proven, are LIES.
What part was a lie?
Obama Lied, Americans Died: Released Iranians Tied to Terror, Nuclear Proliferation - Breitbart

"Three allegedly were part of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for $10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from Tehran.

But that was not all.

Politico also noted that “in a series of unpublicized court filings, the Justice Department dropped charges and international arrest warrants against 14 other men, all of them fugitives.”

Those fugitives had allegedly sought to lease Boeing aircraft for an Iranian airline that authorities believe supported Hezbollah, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

Another, Behrouz Dolatzadeh, was reportedly charged with conspiring to buy thousands of U.S.-made assault rifles and illegally import them into Iran.

Amin Ravan was charged with smuggling U.S. military antennas to Hong Kong and Singapore for use in Iran. According to Politico, he was also responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans. “U.S. authorities also believe he was part of a procurement network providing Iran with high-tech components for an especially deadly type of IED used by Shiite militias to kill hundreds of American troops in Iraq,” Politico wrote.

The report also found that Obama’s Iran deal destroyed counter-proliferation efforts that ultimately made Iran’s path to nuclear arms easier."

Iran asked for - AND WAS GRANTED - the release of these 7 criminal / National Security THREATS ... and Obama WOULD NOT EVEN ASK for the release of US hostages held by Iran. No - instead he preferred to pay a RANSOM to Iran for them later.

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