Obama, Biden and Harris are headed to Pa to save Fetterman.

Sweet, that's the suicide squad worked like a charm for Youngkin in Virginia. Come on down! Hey bring Schoomer and Pelosi too while you're at it. :113:
No shit....Stacy "the gap" Abrams showed up in the Hampton Roads area tying to get out the black vote....Only 300 votes were cast that day and most were in a white working class enclave. :laughing0301:
Not going to happen, and that's from my position on the ground in Pennsylvania.

Here in Mercer County- that went for Walter Fucking Mondale over Reagan for goodness sakes- there is hardly any support for Uncle Festerman.

We aren't stupid, at least in the civilized part of the state, and won't be supporting this doofus.
Not going to happen, and that's from my position on the ground in Pennsylvania.

Here in Mercer County- that went for Walter Fucking Mondale over Reagan for goodness sakes- there is hardly any support for Uncle Festerman.

We aren't stupid, at least in the civilized part of the state, and won't be supporting this doofus.
Always like to hear from someone with local knowledge, thanks!
The day Obama, Biden and Harris head into Pa., our border will officially become more dangerous than the Texas-Mexico border based on the quality of people crashing it. It'll be a miracle if those three lowlifes don't start another race riot here, like they usually do.
Biden has been sent back to the basement in his house. The Dems know that having a dementia patient say that a brain-damaged stroke patient is A-OK will do more harm than good,

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