Obama/Biden or Romney/Ryan: Who would best protect women's rights?

No sane person would deny that abortion is ugly and traumatic, and I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion. However, I know lots of folks who are pro-choice.

Who has priority: Mother or fetus? Roe v. Wade gives the mother priority. Anti-choice zealots want to give the fetus priority.

What say you?
The poll numbers are worse for Romney among women. In Pennsylvania, Obama leads him among females by a 59 to 35 percent margin; in Florida, 51 to 44; and in Ohio, 58 to 37.

Poll: Obama leads Romney among women voters in key swing states - Yahoo! News

Most eye-popping are the 20-plus-point leads he holds in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Fifty-eight percent of women choose Obama in Ohio, compared with 37 percent for Romney. In Pennsylvania, the 59-35 margin is even greater. And a 7-point lead in Florida is significant, as well.

Women Prefer Obama Over Romney At Staggering Rates - Business Insider

how can we be equal if we're concerned over ones genders rights over another? You left and ur hyprocieses are to confusing.

How does allowing women control of their reproductive rights take anything away from the gender rights of another?
No sane person would deny that abortion is ugly and traumatic, and I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion. However, I know lots of folks who are pro-choice.

Who has priority: Mother or fetus? Roe v. Wade gives the mother priority. Anti-choice zealots want to give the fetus priority.

What say you?

Roe v Wade has been around for 50 years now. It's not going to change. Romney/Ryan have much more important issues on their minds versus birth control pills and what you do with your uterus.

In fact ROMNEY has stated that:

During a 2007 debate, Romney was asked if he would sign legislation to ban “all abortion” — assuming, hypothetically, that Roe v. Wade had been overturned. He said he’d be “delighted to sign it,” if there was a national consensus for it. But, he said, “that’s not where America is today.” Meanwhile, Romney made clear — both before and after that debate — that his fuller position was that he opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
FactCheck.org : Twisting Romney’s Abortion Stance

Now--I really don't care what women do with their own bodies. I have no intention of paying for your face lift--your boob lift--your liposucktion--or your choice to have an abortion.

I understand the need for an abortion in the instance of rape, incest or the life of the mother--but when you make a choice to have an abortion--I figure it's because you did not make the CHOICE to use birth control contraceptives that prevent pregnancy--and I don't want to pay for your mistakes.


"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
No sane person would deny that abortion is ugly and traumatic, and I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion. However, I know lots of folks who are pro-choice.

Who has priority: Mother or fetus? Roe v. Wade gives the mother priority. Anti-choice zealots want to give the fetus priority.

What say you?


I know a few bitches who treat abortion as a hobby - by brothers ex-girlfriend's sister only had 7 abortions....

If you think for a second there aren't females out there who fuck around and think to themselves "oh its ok I can just get an abortion" then you're fucking batshit crazy...

Also, in what universe are most abortions procedures conducted due to the mother being in a lifer or death situation???????? Honestly the strong majority are performed out of convenience..

You also need to realize that a fetus/baby are their own individual - they aren't organs - they're humans....

I have to say it is quite odd arguing with progressives over human life given the fact you portray yourselves as protectors of life and liberty..... Naw, you're just evil people with absolutely zero morals... Cant say I'm shocked considering that is what you were programed to be...
No sane person would deny that abortion is ugly and traumatic, and I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion. However, I know lots of folks who are pro-choice.

Who has priority: Mother or fetus? Roe v. Wade gives the mother priority. Anti-choice zealots want to give the fetus priority.

What say you?


I know a few bitches who treat abortion as a hobby - by brothers ex-girlfriend's sister only had 7 abortions....

If you think for a second there aren't females out there who fuck around and think to themselves "oh its ok I can just get an abortion" then you're fucking batshit crazy...

Also, in what universe are most abortions procedures conducted due to the mother being in a lifer or death situation???????? Honestly the strong majority are performed out of convenience..

You also need to realize that a fetus/baby are their own individual - they aren't organs - they're humans....

I have to say it is quite odd arguing with progressives over human life given the fact you portray yourselves as protectors of life and liberty..... Naw, you're just evil people with absolutely zero morals... Cant say I'm shocked considering that is what you were programed to be...

Fucking yikes already!
Hopefully in her eighth "procedure" they'll kill the source.
It depends.

How about within our innercities it's legal? Or how about leaving it up to the states? The consitution never gave this kind of powers to the federal government in the first place.
It depends.

How about within our innercities it's legal? Or how about leaving it up to the states? The consitution never gave this kind of powers to the federal government in the first place.

The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court said differently.
No sane person would deny that abortion is ugly and traumatic, and I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion. However, I know lots of folks who are pro-choice.

Who has priority: Mother or fetus? Roe v. Wade gives the mother priority. Anti-choice zealots want to give the fetus priority.

What say you?


I know a few bitches who treat abortion as a hobby - by brothers ex-girlfriend's sister only had 7 abortions....

If you think for a second there aren't females out there who fuck around and think to themselves "oh its ok I can just get an abortion" then you're fucking batshit crazy...

Also, in what universe are most abortions procedures conducted due to the mother being in a lifer or death situation???????? Honestly the strong majority are performed out of convenience..

You also need to realize that a fetus/baby are their own individual - they aren't organs - they're humans....

I have to say it is quite odd arguing with progressives over human life given the fact you portray yourselves as protectors of life and liberty..... Naw, you're just evil people with absolutely zero morals... Cant say I'm shocked considering that is what you were programed to be...

Fucking yikes already!
Hopefully in her eighth "procedure" they'll kill the source.

My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

I know a few bitches who treat abortion as a hobby - by brothers ex-girlfriend's sister only had 7 abortions....

If you think for a second there aren't females out there who fuck around and think to themselves "oh its ok I can just get an abortion" then you're fucking batshit crazy...

Also, in what universe are most abortions procedures conducted due to the mother being in a lifer or death situation???????? Honestly the strong majority are performed out of convenience..

You also need to realize that a fetus/baby are their own individual - they aren't organs - they're humans....

I have to say it is quite odd arguing with progressives over human life given the fact you portray yourselves as protectors of life and liberty..... Naw, you're just evil people with absolutely zero morals... Cant say I'm shocked considering that is what you were programed to be...

Fucking yikes already!
Hopefully in her eighth "procedure" they'll kill the source.

My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.
Fucking yikes already!
Hopefully in her eighth "procedure" they'll kill the source.

My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

It's sad on both parts. What a sick society I live in.:eusa_silenced:
My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

It's sad on both parts. What a sick society I live in.:eusa_silenced:

Unfortunately it's also part of the reason we have a 50% divorce rate in this country. People having babies first--marriage later--then divorce.
Fucking yikes already!
Hopefully in her eighth "procedure" they'll kill the source.

My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

Really? Do you have "credible" facts to support that claim?
My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

Really? Do you have "credible" facts to support that claim?

My daughter is a nurse practitioner--delivering babies--and the number of very young single women are astounding that are having babies. And their story is always the same--no boyfriend--no husband--but I got pregnant anyway. The other half end up in abortion clinics. You'll note that married women don't get abortions--not unless there is a threat to the mothers life.
Fucking yikes already!
Hopefully in her eighth "procedure" they'll kill the source.

My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

As far as I know she never had an abortion with my brother - at the same time I'm sure she did...

Besides, that stupid doped out bitch wasn't capable of being a mother. If they did conceive a child my pro-life parents would have taken the child....
My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

As far as I know she never had an abortion with my brother - at the same time I'm sure she did...

Besides, that stupid doped out bitch wasn't capable of being a mother. If they did conceive a child my pro-life parents would have taken the child....

See this is a good reason for Birth control. Some people shouldn't have children.:eusa_shhh:
My brothers ex-girlfriend was just as bad....... 10-years ago the told my sister that it was ok to fuck around because she could "always get an abortion.".... I just learned that recently.

Oh, and I only had to live with this bitch for about 5 years.. She is gone now and I'm happy.. I never want to see her mug ever again...

Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

As far as I know she never had an abortion with my brother - at the same time I'm sure she did...

Besides, that stupid doped out bitch wasn't capable of being a mother. If they did conceive a child my pro-life parents would have taken the child....

That happens a lot too. Grandparents becoming parents again--because of their loser kids bringing home babies they're incapable of taking care of themselves.
Yeah--this happens all of the time. Women in order to snag a boyfriend for life will purposefully "forget" --cough-cough on purpose-to take contraceptives-in order to get pregnant. When the boyfriend cuts out and or tells her there is no way he wants the baby--it's time to run in and get an abortion.

This happens more often that NOT. Planned Parenthood was started to council those PLANNING a family--but it has turned into an abortion clinic for these type women.

As far as I know she never had an abortion with my brother - at the same time I'm sure she did...

Besides, that stupid doped out bitch wasn't capable of being a mother. If they did conceive a child my pro-life parents would have taken the child....

See this is a good reason for Birth control. Some people shouldn't have children.:eusa_shhh:

I think my son-in-law has the best idea. Sterilize everyone at birth--until they go through examinations of being an adult--financially secure--dope free--and emotionally stable before you unsterilize them to have a baby.
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No sane person would deny that abortion is ugly and traumatic, and I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion. However, I know lots of folks who are pro-choice.

Who has priority: Mother or fetus? Roe v. Wade gives the mother priority. Anti-choice zealots want to give the fetus priority.

What say you?

Roe v Wade has been around for 50 years now. It's not going to change. Romney/Ryan have much more important issues on their minds versus birth control pills and what you do with your uterus.

In fact ROMNEY has stated that:

During a 2007 debate, Romney was asked if he would sign legislation to ban “all abortion” — assuming, hypothetically, that Roe v. Wade had been overturned. He said he’d be “delighted to sign it,” if there was a national consensus for it. But, he said, “that’s not where America is today.” Meanwhile, Romney made clear — both before and after that debate — that his fuller position was that he opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
FactCheck.org : Twisting Romney’s Abortion Stance

Now--I really don't care what women do with their own bodies. I have no intention of paying for your face lift--your boob lift--your liposucktion--or your choice to have an abortion.

I understand the need for an abortion in the instance of rape, incest or the life of the mother--but when you make a choice to have an abortion--I figure it's because you did not make the CHOICE to use birth control contraceptives that prevent pregnancy--and I don't want to pay for your mistakes.


"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

Just to be clear, what you're saying is your stance on murdering babies is: it's not OK to murder some babies but-----but murdering other babies is A-OK, did I get that right?
hmmm, that's so Romneyesque of you.
Contraceptives are much cheaper and less traumatic than abortions or unwanted births.

Contraceptives should be FREE to any woman who wants them!

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