Obama/Biden or Romney/Ryan: Who would best protect women's rights?

Romney's Mormon religion makes women subordinate to men!

Ryan's legislative history makes women subordinate to men!

Therefore, why would any woman want Romney in the White House and Ryan a heartbeat away?

While Obama's Marxism makes all of mankind subordinate to a dictator!

Also, Romney is not able to rule the land by his religion, so that is the most pathetic excuse I have heard. You can tell you're a liberal because the entire concept of checks & balances and constitutional government goes right over your head and you assume (just like Obama does) that being president means u limited power to enforce your will/beliefs on the people.

Its too bad both you & Obama don't understand that the president answers to us, we do not answer to him. Since you will be Mitt Romney's boss Lakhota, I don't think you need to worry about Romney's religion.

The wording by liberal's on issues they care about is absolutely hysterical. The first paragraph alone uses these hilarious phrases - " reproductive healthcare", "right to choose", and "reproductive health services".

First, since when is MURDER a "service"? You're killing a baby, but because it's so awful, you can't even refer to it as what it is. If something is so awful, you have to avoid what it is and give it a code word (like "service" :lol), maybe you shouldn't be doing it. Can you imagine if if the GOP legalized the rape of women and then started referring to rape as "sexual services"? The liberals would go fucking ape shit. But take a human life, call it "reproductive services" and in the very flawed "logic" of a liberal, that's ok.

Second, I just looked up the word "reproductive" and it says "Producing New Life Or Offspring". Since abortion is the exact opposite of that definition, how can liberals refer to this issue as "reproductive rights" or "reproductive services"?!? You are not producing new life, you are taking a life! You are preventing a life. There is nothing "reproductive" about it you wingnuts!

This is how disingenuous, unhinged, and radical the left has become. They can't even call it what it is (murder, aborting life, etc.) and have an honest discussion about the issue. Does anyone really wonder why there is gridlock in Washington? Who the fuck can work with and compromise with a party that calls killing babies "reproductive healthcare services"????
Its too bad both you & Obama don't understand that the president answers to us, we do not answer to him. Since you will be Mitt Romney's boss Lakhota, I don't think you need to worry about Romney's religion.

Lakinghota is obsessed with Romney's religion.
let's see.. we have the

Diletante / Mildly Retarded


Technocrat/ Wonky Hunk

I'll take the technocrat/wonky hunk ticket!!

The wording by liberal's on issues they care about is absolutely hysterical. The first paragraph alone uses these hilarious phrases - " reproductive healthcare", "right to choose", and "reproductive health services".

First, since when is MURDER a "service"? You're killing a baby, but because it's so awful, you can't even refer to it as what it is. If something is so awful, you have to avoid what it is and give it a code word (like "service" :lol), maybe you shouldn't be doing it. Can you imagine if if the GOP legalized the rape of women and then started referring to rape as "sexual services"? The liberals would go fucking ape shit. But take a human life, call it "reproductive services" and in the very flawed "logic" of a liberal, that's ok.

Second, I just looked up the word "reproductive" and it says "Producing New Life Or Offspring". Since abortion is the exact opposite of that definition, how can liberals refer to this issue as "reproductive rights" or "reproductive services"?!? You are not producing new life, you are taking a life! You are preventing a life. There is nothing "reproductive" about it you wingnuts!

This is how disingenuous, unhinged, and radical the left has become. They can't even call it what it is (murder, aborting life, etc.) and have an honest discussion about the issue. Does anyone really wonder why there is gridlock in Washington? Who the fuck can work with and compromise with a party that calls killing babies "reproductive healthcare services"????

One thing that always stands out about you anti-choice psychos - you rarely, if ever, mention anything about the mental/physical/financial welfare of the mother. To you zealots, the mother is just an expendable incubator - a pod.
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One thing that always stands out about you anti-choice psychos - you rarely, if ever, mention anything about the mental/physical/financial welfare of the mother. To you zealots, the mother is just an expendible incubator.


Anti-choice ?

When a woman decided to get it on...she's made her choice.

Rape is not what you pro-choice jerkwads care about. You just need your sister not to get knocked up so she can keep supporting you.
You are right. She made the choice to have sex, and then she gets to make the choice to have an abortion or not. :)
You are right. She made the choice to have sex, and then she gets to make the choice to have an abortion or not. :)

Yes, in this country we have gotten good at allowing people to get away with following a bad decision with a worse one.
You are right. She made the choice to have sex, and then she gets to make the choice to have an abortion or not. :)

Yes, in this country we have gotten good at allowing people to get away with following a bad decision with a worse one.

That's true, we live in a country that allows you to make your own decisions, even if you or other people think they are the wrong ones.
You are right. She made the choice to have sex, and then she gets to make the choice to have an abortion or not. :)

Yes, in this country we have gotten good at allowing people to get away with following a bad decision with a worse one.

That's true, we live in a country that allows you to make your own decisions, even if you or other people think they are the wrong ones.

Sorry, but you don't.

You didn't get to make the decision for 200 years in this country so quit with the tripe.

What got you that choice was an overstepping of authority on the part off Harry Blackmunn, who is an arrogant asshole.

Rest assured that such "rights" don't last forever. They have been slowly constricted in most states and that trend is not reversing.
Righties don't yet have the muscle to tackle Roe v. Wade head on, so they try to erode it by sneaking through the back door. Eventually - women will SLAM that door closed.
I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think you will ever take that choice away again. Which is why I and I'd bet most others, never give much consideration a to if the candidate we are voting for is pro-life or pro-choice, because there's not much he or she can do about it.
With the GOP’s war on women, we all knew this was coming: the return of the horror stories from women who are forced to take measures into their own hands to terminate a pregnancy because clinics are no longer available.

Note to the GOP: just because you’re trying to outlaw abortion, that isn’t going to stop them from happening and the only thing you’ve accomplished in attempting to do so, is endangering women’s lives.

More: Thought Back Alley Abortions Were in the Past? Think Again | Veracity Stew
With the GOP’s war on women, we all knew this was coming: the return of the horror stories from women who are forced to take measures into their own hands to terminate a pregnancy because clinics are no longer available.

Note to the GOP: just because you’re trying to outlaw abortion, that isn’t going to stop them from happening and the only thing you’ve accomplished in attempting to do so, is endangering women’s lives.

More: Thought Back Alley Abortions Were in the Past? Think Again | Veracity Stew

Good, do the dirty work yourself.
How many women do you think would have multiple abortions if they were forced to smother the life out of their own child themself?
The poll numbers are worse for Romney among women. In Pennsylvania, Obama leads him among females by a 59 to 35 percent margin; in Florida, 51 to 44; and in Ohio, 58 to 37.

Poll: Obama leads Romney among women voters in key swing states - Yahoo! News

Most eye-popping are the 20-plus-point leads he holds in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Fifty-eight percent of women choose Obama in Ohio, compared with 37 percent for Romney. In Pennsylvania, the 59-35 margin is even greater. And a 7-point lead in Florida is significant, as well.

Women Prefer Obama Over Romney At Staggering Rates - Business Insider

how can we be equal if we're concerned over ones genders rights over another? You left and ur hyprocieses are to confusing.
You are right. She made the choice to have sex, and then she gets to make the choice to have an abortion or not. :)

Yes, in this country we have gotten good at allowing people to get away with following a bad decision with a worse one.

That's true, we live in a country that allows you to make your own decisions, even if you or other people think they are the wrong ones.

we do i have the decision to speak as i wish, but there are hate laws that stop that, and some laws that make me buy health care, where do my decisions come into play?
Righties don't yet have the muscle to tackle Roe v. Wade head on, so they try to erode it by sneaking through the back door. Eventually - women will SLAM that door closed.

WOMEN--don't you worry about 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment at 11% if you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits. Don't you worry your little heads about 1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level. Don't worry about 46 MILLION Americans on food stamps.
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center

And PLEASE don't concern yourself with that 16 trillion dollars in red ink--with another 5 trillion to be added to that just for the interest on this debt over the next 10 years. Your kids and grandchildren won't mind being put in an outrageous tax bracket regardless of their income to pay this tab. They won't mind living in shacks--their opportunities in life demolished--because they are left with nothing to show for their labor. Don't mind that at all--they will handle it.
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

Instead BE worried about who is going to pay for your birth control pills.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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I've always loved progressive logic. One second they will be crying about a "republican war on woman" and the next second they will be defending Sharia Law.... Of course the next second they will be defending abortion while condemning the death penalty....

It really goes to show progressives have absolutely ZERO morals and have absolutely no foundation to their ideas....

Apparently they have no problem with minorities stoning woman or just killing them for not cooking their slave owner dinner - yet they have a big problem when people oppose them sticking a blender up their yahoo and killing a living being....... Maybe they just appreciate murder???

Sick twisted progressive fucks....

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