Obama bin Spyin'

Not too complicated folks...

Corrupt Chicago Thuggery (Hussein Obama) + the Clintons = Treason

Nuff said.

Just a coincidence that shortly after Susan Rice got named to the Netflix board of directors, Barry and Mike get a big propaganda films gig.
The corruption follows them like flies on shit
Further, there is absolutely ZERO evidence of anything done improperly by FBI, plenty of evidence of Trump and his stooges improperly interfering in the investigation.

Like I said...we know where the russian collusion buck stopped....

Ignoramus, Putin hated Obama because when Russians got frisky in Ukrane Obama put a boot up their ass with steep economic sanctions that sent his country into a recession and personally hit his oligarchs.

Don't take my word for it:

I wouldn't take your word that the sun sets in the west...you're so ideated and brain-dead to what's going on it's almost impossible to believe. Putin got his American uranium from Barry and the fat old hag you thought should be president and in return for millions to her foundation, Barry did nothing about russian "election interference" or anything else...he was terrified of Putin.

Russia didnt get any uranium from USA.

Obama did nothing about russian election interference? You guys keep asking about one vote that russia changed to trump, and then blame obama for the influence you claimed never occurred. You get a mostly false on that one.

You guys are really getting desperate repeating same old lies. WHERE IS THE PROOF?
Further, there is absolutely ZERO evidence of anything done improperly by FBI, plenty of evidence of Trump and his stooges improperly interfering in the investigation.

Like I said...we know where the russian collusion buck stopped....

Ignoramus, Putin hated Obama because when Russians got frisky in Ukrane Obama put a boot up their ass

Where does Obama wear such a boot, over his lips? Is that why the Russians are still there?
Love how all the trumpanzees will fall for anything that John Miller will shovel their way, Mal.

Who's Mal you deluded , fruitloop? Just because you got caught using your "Pete" sock deosn't mean we're all corrupt like a demoquack.

Stop your damn stalking, dude, it's old and tiresome.

As for your big Eared Shit Stain? He is, was and always will be a jackass, corrupt disaster
Remember, that rubber-armed boy wanted to "know everything" his intel/traitor agencies were doing to Trump.

where he could personally confront Putin.

Personally confront Putin. Is that Democratese now for pissing oneself down one's leg?

Anything non-idiotic to say?

"So in early September when I saw President Putin in China, I felt that the most effective way to ensure that that didn't happen was to talk to him directly and tell him to cut it out and there were going to be serious consequences if he didn't. And in fact, we did not see further tampering of the election process—but the leaks... had already occurred," Mr Obama said.

Obama Says He Told Putin: ‘Cut It Out’ on Hacking
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