obama birth certificate: yes or no

obama birth certificate ?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • no

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters
Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (born 1901 in Java, Indonesia; died 1987) was an Indonesian spiritual leader who found the movement known as Subud. As a young man Muhammad Subuh received a series of intense experiences that he believed gave him contact with a spiritual energy from a higher power. By the 1930s, he believed that it was his task to transmit this energy - which he called latihan kejiwaan (Indonesian for "spiritual exercise") - to others, but that he was not to seek people out but simply to wait for those who asked for it.

In 1956, Pak Subuh, or "Bapak" as he was called by members of Subud (the word "Bapak" is Indonesian for male honorific, akin toMr.), was invited to England by J. G. Bennett, where many Westerners joined Subud. He was then asked to go to other countries such as the United States and Australia. In this way, Subud spread rapidly around the world.

When he died in 1987 he left many talks on tape, video and in print, which Subud uses to guide the organization he founded..

conspicuously absent from this article? "early life" so, did stanley ann ever hook up with subuh ? does he have any children that look like our president ? these are legitmate queries... if there is a connection, there is no stopping the birther train. actually there has been no stopping it before.

this is interesting... Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo: Revision history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hmmmm... i'm looking for eveything he wrote...was he in chicago ? did he know saul alinsky ?
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"The Slaughterhouse cases follows Elk and it states:
"The first observation we have to make on this clause is that it puts at rest both the questions which we stated to have been the subject of differences of opinion. It declares that persons may be citizens of the United States without regard to their citizenship of a particular State, and it overturns the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction citizens of the United States. That its main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the negro can admit of no doubt. The phrase, "subject to its jurisdiction" was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States."

"Matter of fact- Elk doesn't care about the citizenship of the person's parents at all."

YES, IT 100% DOES, when it says:
"By the thirteenth amendment of the constitution slavery was prohibited. The main object of the opening sentence of the fourteenth amendment was to settle the question, upon which there had been a difference of opinion throughout the country and in this court, as to the citizenship of free negroes, Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393 and to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside. Slaughter-House Cases, 16 Wall. 36, 73; Strauder v. West Virginia 100 U.S. 303 , 306"

Maybe you missed where it said: "all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens"

The ONLY way you can owe no allegiance to an alien power is to not a foreign parent to create that divided allegiance!

And Wong Kim Ark settled that question- you do realize that Wong Kim Ark supercedes Slaughterhouse- right?

As the Court recognized in Wong Kim Ark- reference to the statement from Slaughterhouse:
United States v. Wong Kim Ark US Law LII Legal Information Institute

Mr. Justice Miller, indeed, while discussing the causes which led to the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment, made this remark:

The phrase, "subject to its jurisdiction" was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.

16 Wall. 73.

This was wholly aside from the question in judgment and from the course of reasoning bearing upon that question. It was unsupported by any argument, or by any reference to authorities, and that it was not formulated with the same care and exactness as if the case before the court had called for an exact definition of the phrase is apparent from its classing foreign ministers and consuls together -- whereas it was then well settled law, as has since been recognized in a judgment of this court in which Mr. Justice Miller concurred, that consuls, as such, and unless expressly invested with a diplomatic character in addition to their ordinary powers, are not considered as entrusted with authority to represent their sovereign in his intercourse [p679] with foreign States or to vindicate his prerogatives, or entitled by the law of nations to the privileges and immunities of ambassadors or public ministers, but are subject to the jurisdiction, civil and criminal, of the courts of the country in which they reside. 1 Kent Com. 44; Story Conflict of Laws § 48; Wheaton International Law (8th ed.) § 249; The Anne (1818), 3 Wheat. 435, 445, 446; Gittings v. Crawford (1838), Taney 1, 10; In re Baiz (1890), 135 U.S. 403, 424.

That neither Mr. Justice Miller nor any of the justices who took part in the decision of The Slaughterhouse Cases understood the court to be committed to the view that all children born in the United States of citizens or subjects of foreign States were excluded from the operation of the first sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment is manifest from a unanimous judgment of the Court, delivered but two years later, while all those judges but Chief Justice Chase were still on the bench, in which

Chief Justice Waite said: "Allegiance and protection are, in this connection" (that is, in relation to citizenship),
reciprocal obligations.
The one is a compensation for the other: allegiance for protection, and protection for allegiance. . . . At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children, born in a country of [p680] parents who were its citizens, became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further, and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction, without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class, there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case, it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens.

And then the court in Wong Kim Ark said that a person born in the United States of parents with foreign citizenship is born a United States citizen

The fact, therefore, that acts of Congress or treaties have not permitted Chinese persons born out of this country to become citizens by naturalization, cannot exclude Chinese persons born in this country from the operation of the broad and clear words of the Constitution, "All persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States."

VII. Upon the facts agreed in this case, the American citizenship which Wong Kim Ark acquired by birth within the United States has not been lost or taken away by anything happening since his birth. No doubt he might himself, after coming of age, renounce this citizenship and become a citizen of the country of his parents, or of any other country; for, by our law, as solemnly declared by Congress, "the right of expatriation is a natural and inherent right of all people," and

any declaration, instruction, opinion, order or direction of any officer of the United States which denies, restricts, impairs or questions the right of expatriation, is declared inconsistent with the fundamental principles of the Republic.

Rev.Stat. § 1999, reenacting act of July 7, 1868, c. 249, § 1; 15 Stat. 223, 224. Whether any act of himself or of his parents during his minority could have the same effect is at least doubtful. But it would be out of place to pursue that inquiry, inasmuch as it is expressly agreed that his residence has always been in the United States, and not elsewhere; that each of his temporary visits to China, the one for some months when he was about seventeen years old, and the other for something like a year about the time of his coming of age, was made with the intention of returning, and was followed by his actual return, to the United States, and

that said Wong Kim Ark has not, either by himself or his parents acting [p705] for him, ever renounced his allegiance to the United States, and that he has never done or committed any act or thing to exclude him therefrom.

The evident intention, and the necessary effect, of the submission of this case to the decision of the court upon the facts agreed by the parties were to present for determination the single question stated at the beginning of this opinion, namely, whether a child born in the United States, of parent of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States. For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative.

Every subsequent decision has cited Wong Kim Ark.

LOLOLOL, you posted the following paragraph and had NOT IDEA that you posted the definition of a natural born citizen.

"Chief Justice Waite said: "Allegiance and protection are, in this connection" (that is, in relation to citizenship),
reciprocal obligations. The one is a compensation for the other: allegiance for protection, and protection for allegiance. . . . At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children, born in a country of parents who were its citizens, became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further, and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction, without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class, there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case, it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens."

WOW, you really are an idiot, aren't you?
No, you are. There never was a doubt a citizen born with 2 parents being citizens are natural born. As to those born with one parent, some have doubts, others don't. And the doubt was never answered.

It remains unanswered.

And Obama remains president.
Nope, because we know what the law was at the time and what the courts had to follow and it clearly said a citizen was someone born and NOT SUBJECT TO ANY FOREIGN POWER. The only way to not be subject to a foreign power is to have 2 US citizen parents, then your allegiance is not divided and is FULL.

'we' being you and your nutty theory.

Wong Kim Ark says otherwise- very clearly.

As does Plyer v Doe.

As did the court in Ankeny.

No one agrees with your nutty theory.
hey, i heard wong mention on TV a while back. not running for president or vice... sorry amigo.
There is no controversy- Obama has been declared a natural born citizen by the State he was born in, was accepted onto the ballot by every Secretary of State of all 50 states, was declared a natural born citizen by several judges, and the voters, the Electoral College, Congress and Chief Justice Roberts all accepted Barack Obama as an eligible- and legally elected candidate.

There is no controversy- there is only the ranting of a few nutjobs.

Yes, we know what took place with the process. That has never been the issue.

The issue was the guy was not a natural born U.S. citizen and has illegally become our president.
The issue there are millions like you who love to be on the winning side no matter what irritating evidence says otherwise, but is so quickly buried. Put a label on us and end everything with LOL.
The issue is this president of ours is a phony, a coward, a scoundrel and a liar. And so are all the people surrounding him. And that does not bother you because you are a liberal and you will defend anything sent your way.
The issue is stupid people like me take the time to produce evidence and links and inexplicables and people like you come back and say "that never happened" or "that has been debunked" --- and that is all it takes for liberals and others to relax and say to themselves, "good I fell better now, I was worried for a minute there."
The issue is this nation ignores God or does not take Him seriously and they have completely misguided lives and priorities. Consequently we have a rotten govt, media, education system, and culture.

Wow, I thought this idiotic birther movement died out.

not yet, it's still early.

Yes. And I thought this idiotic movement "evolution w/o an I.D." would have died out before it ever got started.

But there are just as many pompous phonies promoting that as is your group of know-it-alls. You see, I am sure Obama was never born in Hawaii based on facts, documented papers and a host of contemporary witnesses. You, on the other hand, allegedly are content to listen to CBS and CNN and your favorite newspaper as the gospels. Not to mention the "great American hope" in the White House himself. That's surely enough to make you an expert. Especially because none of those aforementioned sources could ever have a reason to want to promote their favored position.

Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts. Also realize, everyone backs away from pursuing the truth because they become ridiculed by the pompous LEFT media and govt sources and liberals all around us. Cannot win. And the clueless all around us just join in as though they are sure of something they really have no education on.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:
There is no controversy- Obama has been declared a natural born citizen by the State he was born in, was accepted onto the ballot by every Secretary of State of all 50 states, was declared a natural born citizen by several judges, and the voters, the Electoral College, Congress and Chief Justice Roberts all accepted Barack Obama as an eligible- and legally elected candidate.

There is no controversy- there is only the ranting of a few nutjobs.

Yes, we know what took place with the process. That has never been the issue.

The issue was the guy was not a natural born U.S. citizen and has illegally become our president.
The issue there are millions like you who love to be on the winning side no matter what irritating evidence says otherwise, but is so quickly buried. Put a label on us and end everything with LOL.
The issue is this president of ours is a phony, a coward, a scoundrel and a liar. And so are all the people surrounding him. And that does not bother you because you are a liberal and you will defend anything sent your way.
The issue is stupid people like me take the time to produce evidence and links and inexplicables and people like you come back and say "that never happened" or "that has been debunked" --- and that is all it takes for liberals and others to relax and say to themselves, "good I fell better now, I was worried for a minute there."
The issue is this nation ignores God or does not take Him seriously and they have completely misguided lives and priorities. Consequently we have a rotten govt, media, education system, and culture.

Wow, I thought this idiotic birther movement died out.

not yet, it's still early.

Yes. And I thought this idiotic movement "evolution w/o an I.D." would have died out before it ever got started.

But there are just as many pompous phonies promoting that as is your group of know-it-alls. You see, I am sure Obama was never born in Hawaii based on facts, documented papers and a host of contemporary witnesses. You, on the other hand, allegedly are content to listen to CBS and CNN and your favorite newspaper as the gospels. Not to mention the "great American hope" in the White House himself. That's surely enough to make you an expert. Especially because none of those aforementioned sources could ever have a reason to want to promote their favored position.

Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts. Also realize, everyone backs away from pursuing the truth because they become ridiculed by the pompous LEFT media and govt sources and liberals all around us. Cannot win. And the clueless all around us just join in as though they are sure of something they really have no education on.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
There is no controversy- Obama has been declared a natural born citizen by the State he was born in, was accepted onto the ballot by every Secretary of State of all 50 states, was declared a natural born citizen by several judges, and the voters, the Electoral College, Congress and Chief Justice Roberts all accepted Barack Obama as an eligible- and legally elected candidate.

There is no controversy- there is only the ranting of a few nutjobs.

Yes, we know what took place with the process. That has never been the issue.

The issue was the guy was not a natural born U.S. citizen and has illegally become our president.
The issue there are millions like you who love to be on the winning side no matter what irritating evidence says otherwise, but is so quickly buried. Put a label on us and end everything with LOL.
The issue is this president of ours is a phony, a coward, a scoundrel and a liar. And so are all the people surrounding him. And that does not bother you because you are a liberal and you will defend anything sent your way.
The issue is stupid people like me take the time to produce evidence and links and inexplicables and people like you come back and say "that never happened" or "that has been debunked" --- and that is all it takes for liberals and others to relax and say to themselves, "good I fell better now, I was worried for a minute there."
The issue is this nation ignores God or does not take Him seriously and they have completely misguided lives and priorities. Consequently we have a rotten govt, media, education system, and culture.

Wow, I thought this idiotic birther movement died out.

not yet, it's still early.

Yes. And I thought this idiotic movement "evolution w/o an I.D." would have died out before it ever got started.

But there are just as many pompous phonies promoting that as is your group of know-it-alls. You see, I am sure Obama was never born in Hawaii based on facts, documented papers and a host of contemporary witnesses. You, on the other hand, allegedly are content to listen to CBS and CNN and your favorite newspaper as the gospels. Not to mention the "great American hope" in the White House himself. That's surely enough to make you an expert. Especially because none of those aforementioned sources could ever have a reason to want to promote their favored position.

Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts. Also realize, everyone backs away from pursuing the truth because they become ridiculed by the pompous LEFT media and govt sources and liberals all around us. Cannot win. And the clueless all around us just join in as though they are sure of something they really have no education on.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?
Yes, we know what took place with the process. That has never been the issue.

The issue was the guy was not a natural born U.S. citizen and has illegally become our president.
The issue there are millions like you who love to be on the winning side no matter what irritating evidence says otherwise, but is so quickly buried. Put a label on us and end everything with LOL.
The issue is this president of ours is a phony, a coward, a scoundrel and a liar. And so are all the people surrounding him. And that does not bother you because you are a liberal and you will defend anything sent your way.
The issue is stupid people like me take the time to produce evidence and links and inexplicables and people like you come back and say "that never happened" or "that has been debunked" --- and that is all it takes for liberals and others to relax and say to themselves, "good I fell better now, I was worried for a minute there."
The issue is this nation ignores God or does not take Him seriously and they have completely misguided lives and priorities. Consequently we have a rotten govt, media, education system, and culture.

Wow, I thought this idiotic birther movement died out.

not yet, it's still early.

Yes. And I thought this idiotic movement "evolution w/o an I.D." would have died out before it ever got started.

But there are just as many pompous phonies promoting that as is your group of know-it-alls. You see, I am sure Obama was never born in Hawaii based on facts, documented papers and a host of contemporary witnesses. You, on the other hand, allegedly are content to listen to CBS and CNN and your favorite newspaper as the gospels. Not to mention the "great American hope" in the White House himself. That's surely enough to make you an expert. Especially because none of those aforementioned sources could ever have a reason to want to promote their favored position.

Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts. Also realize, everyone backs away from pursuing the truth because they become ridiculed by the pompous LEFT media and govt sources and liberals all around us. Cannot win. And the clueless all around us just join in as though they are sure of something they really have no education on.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Wow, I thought this idiotic birther movement died out.

not yet, it's still early.

Yes. And I thought this idiotic movement "evolution w/o an I.D." would have died out before it ever got started.

But there are just as many pompous phonies promoting that as is your group of know-it-alls. You see, I am sure Obama was never born in Hawaii based on facts, documented papers and a host of contemporary witnesses. You, on the other hand, allegedly are content to listen to CBS and CNN and your favorite newspaper as the gospels. Not to mention the "great American hope" in the White House himself. That's surely enough to make you an expert. Especially because none of those aforementioned sources could ever have a reason to want to promote their favored position.

Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts. Also realize, everyone backs away from pursuing the truth because they become ridiculed by the pompous LEFT media and govt sources and liberals all around us. Cannot win. And the clueless all around us just join in as though they are sure of something they really have no education on.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?
Yes. And I thought this idiotic movement "evolution w/o an I.D." would have died out before it ever got started.

But there are just as many pompous phonies promoting that as is your group of know-it-alls. You see, I am sure Obama was never born in Hawaii based on facts, documented papers and a host of contemporary witnesses. You, on the other hand, allegedly are content to listen to CBS and CNN and your favorite newspaper as the gospels. Not to mention the "great American hope" in the White House himself. That's surely enough to make you an expert. Especially because none of those aforementioned sources could ever have a reason to want to promote their favored position.

Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts. Also realize, everyone backs away from pursuing the truth because they become ridiculed by the pompous LEFT media and govt sources and liberals all around us. Cannot win. And the clueless all around us just join in as though they are sure of something they really have no education on.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike three!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike four!

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike five!

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike six!

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike seven!

How many outs do you need to back up the check you wrote but can't seem to cash?

Since you've already fled from what you said, let me remind you ...

"Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts."

And still ... not a shred of evidence to indicate you're not a brain-dead birfer. :dunno:
Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike three!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike four!

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike five!

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike six!

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike seven!

How many outs do you need to back up the check you wrote but can't seem to cash?

Since you've already fled from what you said, let me remind you ...

"Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts."

And still ... not a shred of evidence to indicate you're not a brain-dead birfer. :dunno:

Oh my. I did not realize I was talking to an 11 year old? I had better end this or someone may think I am trying to be your friend.
Strike two.

Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike three!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike four!

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike five!

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike six!

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.
Says nothing about "Hillary" or her "camp" .... strike seven!

How many outs do you need to back up the check you wrote but can't seem to cash?

Since you've already fled from what you said, let me remind you ...

"Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts."

And still ... not a shred of evidence to indicate you're not a brain-dead birfer. :dunno:

Oh my. I did not realize I was talking to an 11 year old? I had better end this or someone may think I am trying to be your friend.
^^^ above ^^^ is what it looks like when someone runs away from their own statements when they can't back them up. :thup:

"Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts."

Still wondering why everyone laughs at you dumbshit birfers?
Apparently Ted Cruz is eligible to run for president, so it doesn't matter.
Looks like turzovka can't prove his obviously ridiculous idiocy that "Hillary's camp" was first to start it.

Strikes eight and nine.

Side retired. :mm:
Looks like turzovka can't prove his obviously ridiculous idiocy that "Hillary's camp" was first to start it.

Strikes eight and nine.

Side retired. :mm:
nobody knows for sure, AP had him born in kenya way before the election. nobody knows who the first birther was. and never will. probably.
snopes.com: AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'
snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate
snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

remember, snopes and factcheck.org were created i believe, jus for the birther controversy.
i would bet my bottom dollar that this dreck. was written by a fogbot.

Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit

even if he didn't bail, how come the obots push to sell him as an expert, when nobody else is ??

another source is expert maybe obot... john woodman

there is a lot of inherent conflict with the experts and stories. http://www.amazon.com/Barack-Obamas-Birth-Certificate-Fraud/dp/0983759251&tag=ff0d01-20

these glowing reviews: Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Is Barack Obama's Birth Certificate a Fraud?: A Computer Guy Examines The Evidence For Forgery

  • Jean-Claude Tremblay is an Adobe Certified Expert in Illustrator CS4/CS5 / Indesign CS4/CS5 / Photoshop CS4/CS5 / Acrobat Pro 9/X. He told Fox News on April 29, 2011:
    • He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. “I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.
    • Tremblay explained that the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text. He said the layers cited by the doubters shows that software at work – and nothing more.
    • “When you open it in Illustrator it looks like layers, but it doesn’t look like someone built it from scratch. If someone made a fake it wouldn’t look like this,” he said.“Some scanning software is trying to separate the background and the text and splitting element into layers and parts of layers.”
  • The PDF file was created using Mac OSX 10.6.7.Quartz PDFContext. Nowhere in the Arpaio report is this mentioned, and there is no evidence that any Apple products were used in their attempts to recreate the PDF. Here are the properties of the file: (Note: the PDF is stamped with UTC time, but the displayed time shown here is that UTC time in your time zone. The PDF was created early in the morning on the day it was posted, not at 1:09 pm.)
But that's not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. "I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings — and it looks exactly like this," he said.

Tremblay explained that the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text. He said the layers cited by the doubters shows that software at work — and nothing more.

"When you open it in Illustrator it looks like layers, but it doesn't look like someone built it from scratch. If someone made a fake it wouldn't look like this," he said. "Some scanning software is trying to separate the background and the text and splitting element into layers and parts of layers."

Tremblay also said that during the scanning process, instances where the software was unable to separate text fully from background led to the creation of a separate layer within the document. This could be places where a signature runs over the line of background, or typed characters touch the internal border of the document.

"I know that you can scan a document from a scanner [and] most of the time it will appear as one piece, but that doesn’t mean that there's no software that's doing this kind of stuff," he said, adding that it's really quite common.
Read more at snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate


“As far as I am concerned, Fox News is not trustworthy,” Tremblay said. “I would not watch Fox News or read the Fox News [website] because they have never replied to me or allowed me to post my corrections to their report of my comments and views.”

In the technical note Tremblay wrote on his website, he explained, “In my humble opinion, what I see about how the PDF is built does not prove any falsification. If there was tampering, we must look elsewhere and not how the PDF was created.”

Tremblay refused to comment on WND reports by scanner expert Doug Vogt or by typography expert Paul Irey that the Obama birth certificate is a forgery.

“I have no idea why the White House would provide a scan of a document that had been run through OCR software,” he said, “and I’m not an expert on the image modification or typography arguments other experts have made.”

Specifically regarding Vogt and Irey, Tremblay said, “I have no explanation why some of the text in the document may have been changed and why other parts of the text may not have been changed.”

Read more at Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit

again i ask, why is this canadian an expert ?
Last edited:
Looks like turzovka can't prove his obviously ridiculous idiocy that "Hillary's camp" was first to start it.

Strikes eight and nine.

Side retired. :mm:
nobody knows for sure, AP had him born in kenya way before the election. nobody knows who the first birther was. and never will. probably.
snopes.com: AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'
snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate
snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

remember, snopes and factcheck.org were created i believe, jus for the birther controversy.
i would bet my bottom dollar that this dreck. was written by a fogbot.

Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit

even if he didn't bail, how come the obots push to sell him as an expert, when nobody else is ??

another source is expert maybe obot... john woodman

there is a lot of inherent conflict with the experts and stories. http://www.amazon.com/Barack-Obamas-Birth-Certificate-Fraud/dp/0983759251&tag=ff0d01-20

these glowing reviews: Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Is Barack Obama's Birth Certificate a Fraud?: A Computer Guy Examines The Evidence For Forgery

  • Jean-Claude Tremblay is an Adobe Certified Expert in Illustrator CS4/CS5 / Indesign CS4/CS5 / Photoshop CS4/CS5 / Acrobat Pro 9/X. He told Fox News on April 29, 2011:
    • He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. “I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.
    • Tremblay explained that the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text. He said the layers cited by the doubters shows that software at work – and nothing more.
    • “When you open it in Illustrator it looks like layers, but it doesn’t look like someone built it from scratch. If someone made a fake it wouldn’t look like this,” he said.“Some scanning software is trying to separate the background and the text and splitting element into layers and parts of layers.”
  • The PDF file was created using Mac OSX 10.6.7.Quartz PDFContext. Nowhere in the Arpaio report is this mentioned, and there is no evidence that any Apple products were used in their attempts to recreate the PDF. Here are the properties of the file: (Note: the PDF is stamped with UTC time, but the displayed time shown here is that UTC time in your time zone. The PDF was created early in the morning on the day it was posted, not at 1:09 pm.)
But that's not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. "I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings — and it looks exactly like this," he said.

Tremblay explained that the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text. He said the layers cited by the doubters shows that software at work — and nothing more.

"When you open it in Illustrator it looks like layers, but it doesn't look like someone built it from scratch. If someone made a fake it wouldn't look like this," he said. "Some scanning software is trying to separate the background and the text and splitting element into layers and parts of layers."

Tremblay also said that during the scanning process, instances where the software was unable to separate text fully from background led to the creation of a separate layer within the document. This could be places where a signature runs over the line of background, or typed characters touch the internal border of the document.

"I know that you can scan a document from a scanner [and] most of the time it will appear as one piece, but that doesn’t mean that there's no software that's doing this kind of stuff," he said, adding that it's really quite common.
Read more at snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate


“As far as I am concerned, Fox News is not trustworthy,” Tremblay said. “I would not watch Fox News or read the Fox News [website] because they have never replied to me or allowed me to post my corrections to their report of my comments and views.”

In the technical note Tremblay wrote on his website, he explained, “In my humble opinion, what I see about how the PDF is built does not prove any falsification. If there was tampering, we must look elsewhere and not how the PDF was created.”

Tremblay refused to comment on WND reports by scanner expert Doug Vogt or by typography expert Paul Irey that the Obama birth certificate is a forgery.

“I have no idea why the White House would provide a scan of a document that had been run through OCR software,” he said, “and I’m not an expert on the image modification or typography arguments other experts have made.”

Specifically regarding Vogt and Irey, Tremblay said, “I have no explanation why some of the text in the document may have been changed and why other parts of the text may not have been changed.”

Read more at Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit

again i ask, why is this canadian an expert ?
In typical birther fashion, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You claim the AP put out an article stating he was born in Kenya, but then you post a link indicating the AP did no such thing.

You say you believe snopes.com and factcheck.org were created just for the birther conspiracy, but here in planet reality, they were created in 1997 and 2003 respectively.

You post some links about Obama's BC being a forgery, but Obama didn't release his short form certificate until about June, 2008, 3 months after rumors surfaced on a Conservative forum that he was born in Kenya.

And the article you posted about Fox News is hysterical. Fox News wasn't the only rightwing organization to initially hire investigators to evaluate Obama's COLB ... worldnet daily did as well ...

A separate WND investigation into Obama’s birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren’t originally there.


Don't bother clicking on the link .... worldnet daily, in their wasted efforts to prove Obama was born in Kenya, has taken down that article.

They're like you -- ignore the reality showing Obama wasn't born in Kenya; while deluding yourself into believing he was.

Wow, I thought this idiotic birther movement died out.

not yet, it's still early.

Yes. And I thought this idiotic movement "evolution w/o an I.D." would have died out before it ever got started.

But there are just as many pompous phonies promoting that as is your group of know-it-alls. You see, I am sure Obama was never born in Hawaii based on facts, documented papers and a host of contemporary witnesses. You, on the other hand, allegedly are content to listen to CBS and CNN and your favorite newspaper as the gospels. Not to mention the "great American hope" in the White House himself. That's surely enough to make you an expert. Especially because none of those aforementioned sources could ever have a reason to want to promote their favored position.

Recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts. Also realize, everyone backs away from pursuing the truth because they become ridiculed by the pompous LEFT media and govt sources and liberals all around us. Cannot win. And the clueless all around us just join in as though they are sure of something they really have no education on.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.

LOL....'the smallest incongruity'

The State of Hawaii has consistently since 2008 been confirming that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. You have been shown his birth certificate- both the legal issued in 2007 one, and the certified photocopy issued in 2011. You have seen his birth announcements which were in the newspaper.

Of course you don't believe any of that- because you look for the smallest incongruity to support you pre-ordained conclusion.
Funny how you think others get their information from CBS or CNN; meanwhile, who knows what loony right-wing sites you peruse to think "Hillary's camp," not yours, "who were first quite leery of the facts." :cuckoo:

No wonder you're a birfer. Dumb as a stump and proud of it. :thup:

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?

Close enough. It was ardent Hillary supporters who started it where it got media coverage. And Hillary's "camp" did nothing to squelch the rumors it came from them. In other words, they were all for taking it as far as it would go.
Strike two.

Irrespective of that, I have no interest in laying out all the facts for you or any other know it all. They all lead to multiple incongruities, inexplicables, coverups and witnesses at the Hawaii state offices and Kenyan relatives all have to be liars or bad memory people as well. Feel vindicated, it means nothing to me. The truth rarely prevails in a poisoned mainstream media.
Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. You are a sychophant for Obama and everything liberal. Of course you will never admit you are wrong. Show me someone who mocks the source of the information as their defense, and I will show you someone who has no defense. This nation is in peril because fools like you who vote for zeros and cowards and liars and phonies like Obama who are obviously enemies of the state and the common good. Continue to march comrade.
Strike two.

Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. You are a sychophant for Obama and everything liberal. Of course you will never admit you are wrong. Show me someone who mocks the source of the information as their defense, and I will show you someone who has no defense. This nation is in peril because fools like you who vote for zeros and cowards and liars and phonies like Obama who are obviously enemies of the state and the common good. Continue to march comrade.
WND makes a mockery of themselves. Early in birtherism, they posted an article stating their own investigation found Obama's COLB to be authentic. Since that hurts the birther movement, of which they placed themselves at the forefront, they took at article down. That's who you rely on -- a source that tries to hide evidence that gets in the way of their conspiracy theories. :eusa_doh:
No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. You are a sychophant for Obama and everything liberal. Of course you will never admit you are wrong. Show me someone who mocks the source of the information as their defense, and I will show you someone who has no defense. This nation is in peril because fools like you who vote for zeros and cowards and liars and phonies like Obama who are obviously enemies of the state and the common good. Continue to march comrade.
WND makes a mockery of themselves. Early in birtherism, they posted an article stating their own investigation found Obama's COLB to be authentic. Since that hurts the birther movement, of which they placed themselves at the forefront, they took at article down. That's who you rely on -- a source that tries to hide evidence that gets in the way of their conspiracy theories. :eusa_doh:

so is that a yes or a no. hey check this out, it's pretty funny...

A Kenyan “Certificate of Live Birth” supposedly belonging to President Barack Obama was reportedly taken down by eBay yesterday, claims eBay member cocolrnado_naranja.

Obama's 'real' birth certificate on eBay for $1 million

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