obama birth certificate: yes or no

obama birth certificate ?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • no

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters
Strike two.

Care to swing again and risk striking out or are you going to just sulk away from the plate like the loser you are, birfer?

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.
I knew OP was a birfer

No I don't care. You look for the smallest incongruity and claim victory. Meanwhile a thousand questions you cannot account for. They've been raised and have gone unanswered except for calling everyone a liar. A nation that demands Obama deserves Obama. We've been sulking for 7 years in awe how stupid you voters are.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...

Youtube and WND?

I should trust your reporting of the truth instead?
You think your "acumen" mounts to even 1/100th of what WND has provided to our brainwashed public?

Face it... you can never admit you are wrong. So what good are you?

What the poster known as “kenyanbornobama” posted on page 23 of this thread is more than enough for you to get skittish about. So many liars and so many so-called “typos” by Obama’s own people. But of course.

Youtube and WND?

I should trust your reporting of the truth instead?
You think your "acumen" mounts to even 1/100th of what WND has provided to our brainwashed public?

Face it... you can never admit you are wrong. So what good are you?

LOL when someone shows me that I am wrong I am glad to admit it.

That is unlikely to ever happen from you.

After all- you believe WND..........and probably whatever Conspiracy Tooth Fairy there is.
Translation: your idiotic claim was ludicrous and you know it. You can't prove it, so you flee from the challenge to even attempt to prove something you know you can't.

See why everyone laughs at you dumbass birfers?

Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


If WND made an error or two, I can accept that. What I can accept is a barrage of cover-ups and lies from the Obama Administration and a lap dog media letting him get away with it.

Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL
Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


If WND made an error or two, I can accept that. What I can accept is a barrage of cover-ups and lies from the Obama Administration and a lap dog media letting him get away with it.

Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL
Claiming (and repeating) Al-qaeda had already smuggled nukes into the U.S. and was about to blow us up is your idea of a mistake? One that you can just overlook?


You sure do have much lower standards than myself. There was a time I read truthout.org. That ended the day they falsely reported that Rove was going to be frog marched out of the White House. Why on Earth would I ever trust an untrustworthy resource? Why would you?

Oh, and WND scrubbing their own article where they admitted they found Obama's COLB to be authentic isn't mistake. It's intentionally deceptive, which is yet another reason WND has zero credibility. When a trusted site makes a mistake, they leave the mistake in print and append a correction. When an incredulous rag like worldnutdaily stumbles upon inconvenient pesky details they decide interfere with their agenda, they try to make it just disappear.

That you bank on them only serves to corroborate the stereotype that has evolved that birfers are batshit crazy. :confused:

I also note, you made a claim you have still not proven. You said, "recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts," and despite numerous challenges, you have refused to prove it.

Why should anyone bother arguing you over any of your other WND facts when it appears you just make shit up out of whole cloth?
Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


If WND made an error or two, I can accept that. What I can accept is a barrage of cover-ups and lies from L

WND and Birthers?

All you Birthers have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

Not a solid fact to support your anti-American fantasies.
Flee from what challenge? Trying to get a die hard liberal to answer a direct question? No, I give up, I do not flee. You people are small minded and that is where the greatest challenge lies. I never thought I had a chance to conquer your egos.

And everybody else is a liar ---- at least to keep your hopes alive.

It's a Miracle!! Barack Obama born in two different hospitals!

Kenyans know Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OirvxsUsxb0

Kenyans and Sarah Obama testify Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH4GX3Otf14

Kenyan U.S. ambassador is very proud Obama was born in Kenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlFc4wCpvSo

A tale of two birth certificates. The Nordyke Twins and Barack.

Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?
Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?
benghazi and the birth certificate, nothing has changed in my approach. nefarious to the big max.
Youtube and WND?


WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?

Why don’t you and faun go have a beer together and join in your mutual revelry? It reminds me of drunk teenage boys around a keggar and fire yelling out “pearls of wisdom” and acting as though they have solved major worldly issues and laughing at all the naïve adults.

You see, no matter if WND made an error or two, or a wrong assumption, they still stand on factual incongruities that cause real strong suspicions about the Obama camps claims. In order for Obama to have to have been born in Hawaii then that means all his publishers from many different articles and news accounts gave out incorrect facts. Some say he was born in Kenya, some say he was born at Queens hospital in Honolulu --- and now years later we all know those had to be totally wrong --- Right?? Right, everybody lied or everybody close to Barack did not know what they were talking about. Even Barack himself who is quoted as saying he was born at Queens hospital years ago. (Of course it does not cause you any pause that Snopes had to back track or scrub some its reports.)

Not to mention all his relatives who attest to him being born in Kenya. Some even remembering the day and being present. Oh, they all lied too or their memories have become diseased.

And WND has almost a hundred articles pointing all this out and so much more. They even present the likely scenario which took place back in 1961 and the motives for his mother registering him as a natural born U.S. citizen. Note: It has nothing to do with him maybe one day running for the office of the presidency.

But, please, do not let me spoil your fun. You, too, must feel you are on a victory tour across the country. You have found a kink in the conservatives armor and this means total victory for all of your insanity. Not about Barack’s birth but about all his other lies and cover-ups and the whole left agenda. And I am sure God stands in approval, too. You people are doing this nation and your souls so much good. I feel bad I may have disrupted the party.
WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?

Why don’t you and faun go have a beer together and join in your mutual revelry? It reminds me of drunk teenage boys around a keggar and fire yelling out “pearls of wisdom” and acting as though they have solved major worldly issues and laughing at all the naïve adults.

You see, no matter if WND made an error or two, or a wrong assumption, they still stand on factual incongruities that cause real strong suspicions about the Obama camps claims. In order for Obama to have to have been born in Hawaii then that means all his publishers from many different articles and news accounts gave out incorrect facts. Some say he was born in Kenya, some say he was born at Queens hospital in Honolulu --- and now years later we all know those had to be totally wrong --- Right?? Right, everybody lied or everybody close to Barack did not know what they were talking about. Even Barack himself who is quoted as saying he was born at Queens hospital years ago. (Of course it does not cause you any pause that Snopes had to back track or scrub some its reports.)

Not to mention all his relatives who attest to him being born in Kenya. Some even remembering the day and being present. Oh, they all lied too or their memories have become diseased.

And WND has almost a hundred articles pointing all this out and so much more. They even present the likely scenario which took place back in 1961 and the motives for his mother registering him as a natural born U.S. citizen. Note: It has nothing to do with him maybe one day running for the office of the presidency.

But, please, do not let me spoil your fun. You, too, must feel you are on a victory tour across the country. You have found a kink in the conservatives armor and this means total victory for all of your insanity. Not about Barack’s birth but about all his other lies and cover-ups and the whole left agenda. And I am sure God stands in approval, too. You people are doing this nation and your souls so much good. I feel bad I may have disrupted the party.
It's cute how you think an organization which gets caught hiding inconvenient facts is still trustworthy because you like the message they put out anyway.

Regardless of your gullibility ... where's your evidence that your claim, "recall it was Hillary's camp, not ours, who were first quite leery of the facts," is true?

Why should anyone believe you when you post shit you can't back up?
WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?

Why don’t you and faun go have a beer together and join in your mutual revelry? It reminds me of drunk teenage boys around a keggar and fire yelling out “pearls of wisdom” and acting as though they have solved major worldly issues and laughing at all the naïve adults.

You see, no matter if WND made an error or two, or a wrong assumption, they still stand on factual incongruities that cause real strong suspicions about the Obama camps claims..

LOL- WND still stands on its platform of fear mongering and making money off of gullible birther's like yourself using lies, speculation and innuendo as fodder for you.

Birthers had 'strong suspicions' before Obama was even elected- they read WND like others read the gossip rags- to read someone who agrees that there must be something wrong with this particular President.

Like all Birthers- you don't care that WND has proven itself willing to lie or mislead- because you don't give a damn about the facts- all you want to hear is more malicious gossip about President Obama.
LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?

Why don’t you and faun go have a beer together and join in your mutual revelry? It reminds me of drunk teenage boys around a keggar and fire yelling out “pearls of wisdom” and acting as though they have solved major worldly issues and laughing at all the naïve adults.

You see, no matter if WND made an error or two, or a wrong assumption, they still stand on factual incongruities that cause real strong suspicions about the Obama camps claims..

LOL- WND still stands on its platform of fear mongering and making money off of gullible birther's like yourself using lies, speculation and innuendo as fodder for you.

Birthers had 'strong suspicions' before Obama was even elected- they read WND like others read the gossip rags- to read someone who agrees that there must be something wrong with this particular President.

Like all Birthers- you don't care that WND has proven itself willing to lie or mislead- because you don't give a damn about the facts- all you want to hear is more malicious gossip about President Obama.

You and faun are beyond remedy. Self deceived. YAWN.
WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?

Not to mention all his relatives who attest to him being born in Kenya. Some even remembering the day and being present. Oh, they all lied too or their memories have become diseased.

Really- who are those relatives? See I have been following the lies of Birther assholes since 2009, so I have seen them all. This is just another Birther lie.

One of my favorites- simply because it shows what despicable people Birthers are- is the "Kenyan Relative' scam.
The backstory to the scam is fascinating- an American anti-abortion activist/minister- Ron McRae called the home of Barack Obama's paternal step grandmother- recorded the conversation without informing her- and then misleads her and her family as to the intent of his call- and then tries to get her to say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya.

Instead- she actually specifically says that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. Ron McCrae- being the good Christian that he is- edited the transcript to make it appear that Obama's step grandmother had said that Obama Jr. was born in Kenya.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

The truth came out because the full recording and transcript were revealed in a law suit.

Sarah Obama Speaks! - Obama Conspiracy Theories

Obama's Grandmother says he was born... - Obama Conspiracy Theories

These links will take you to among other things- a full transcript of the translated dialogue, links to interviews with Obama's uncle saying that Obama came to Kenya for the first time in 1978, other links to videos where his step grandmother says she first met him when Obama was in college.

But Birthers like yourself prefer to believe charlatans like Ron McRae- just so long as they are saying the lies you want to hear.
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?

Why don’t you and faun go have a beer together and join in your mutual revelry? It reminds me of drunk teenage boys around a keggar and fire yelling out “pearls of wisdom” and acting as though they have solved major worldly issues and laughing at all the naïve adults.

You see, no matter if WND made an error or two, or a wrong assumption, they still stand on factual incongruities that cause real strong suspicions about the Obama camps claims..

LOL- WND still stands on its platform of fear mongering and making money off of gullible birther's like yourself using lies, speculation and innuendo as fodder for you.

Birthers had 'strong suspicions' before Obama was even elected- they read WND like others read the gossip rags- to read someone who agrees that there must be something wrong with this particular President.

Like all Birthers- you don't care that WND has proven itself willing to lie or mislead- because you don't give a damn about the facts- all you want to hear is more malicious gossip about President Obama.

You and faun are beyond remedy. Self deceived. YAWN.

You are a Birther.

'nuff said.
WND makes you look the ass (donkey) you obviously are. .

LOL- you actually admit to reading WND.......that is the right wing equivalent to old school Pravda.....
Not just reading worldnutdaily -- believing it. :ack-1:

Here's a classic...


Incidentally, one your heroes SNOPES had to do a scrub on the hospital Obama was “allegedly” and changed it some time later to another Hawaiian hospital. Doesn’t anybody know where this guy was born? No, not even Obama himself who used to say he was born at Queens hospital. But after this got hot and heavier it must have become apparent to him it would be easier if he tried to stage this at the Kapi’olani Medical Center --- which is now the running script... or is it running joke?

Obama's Birth: Kapi'olani? Queen's? Officials Won't Confirm, Press Confused

Yes, even in 2004 the article in the link boasts about Obama was born at Queens Hospital. Doggone if his handlers got it wrong on here another occasion??!! Well of course, because even Barack himself was quoted as saying Queens hospital is where he was born. Do you want me to find you that link? No, of course not. Anyway you will find another way to patch your story to keep it plausible. LOL

And all of that speculation, innuendo- and lies means what exactly?

Just the usual Conspiracy theorists looking for anything that they can't understand- and speculating about what it must mean.

Where was Barack Obama born?

It says right on his Birth Certificate.

I have been dealing with Birther idiotic claims since 2009. I can remember when WND was telling you that the birth certificate Obama showed us in 2008 wasn't a real birth certificate- even though the State of Hawaii said it was.

I can remember when idiots at WND said that a 'real birth certificate' would have the name of the hospital and the signature of the attending doctor- and they would only believe it when they say the 'real birth certificate'.

Fast forward to 2011 and President Obama asking the State of Hawaii to make a special exception to their policy, and issue certified copies of his original birth ceritifcate- you know- showing the name of the hospital, signed by a doctor.

WND to their credit initially said that settled it- until they realized that there was more milk they could get out of that Birther cow- and decided to cash in on calling it a fake.

Again- even though the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

As the Director of Health of Hawaii said- 'it doesn't matter what we release- they are nuts and will never believe it'(I am paraphrasing).

You are sad, sad Birthers.

Will you still be birthin after Obama is out of the office? Or will you be circling back to Vince Foster by then?

Why don’t you and faun go have a beer together and join in your mutual revelry? It reminds me of drunk teenage boys around a keggar and fire yelling out “pearls of wisdom” and acting as though they have solved major worldly issues and laughing at all the naïve adults.

You see, no matter if WND made an error or two, or a wrong assumption, they still stand on factual incongruities that cause real strong suspicions about the Obama camps claims. In order for Obama to have to have been born in Hawaii then that means all his publishers from many different articles and news accounts gave out incorrect facts. Some say he was born in Kenya, some say he was born at Queens hospital in Honolulu --- and now years later we all know those had to be totally wrong --- Right?? Right, everybody lied or everybody close to Barack did not know what they were talking about. Even Barack himself who is quoted as saying he was born at Queens hospital years ago. (Of course it does not cause you any pause that Snopes had to back track or scrub some its reports.)

Not to mention all his relatives who attest to him being born in Kenya. Some even remembering the day and being present. Oh, they all lied too or their memories have become diseased.

And WND has almost a hundred articles pointing all this out and so much more. They even present the likely scenario which took place back in 1961 and the motives for his mother registering him as a natural born U.S. citizen. Note: It has nothing to do with him maybe one day running for the office of the presidency.

But, please, do not let me spoil your fun. You, too, must feel you are on a victory tour across the country. You have found a kink in the conservatives armor and this means total victory for all of your insanity. Not about Barack’s birth but about all his other lies and cover-ups and the whole left agenda. And I am sure God stands in approval, too. You people are doing this nation and your souls so much good. I feel bad I may have disrupted the party.

wow... you can write ! Thank You !! :) as a collective, the obots are running out of alinsky...
they hate smart people who argue well.

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