Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

I'm happy with what I have. What's wrong with that?


you are not going to be happy, I can guarantee you

Of course, not now since the socialist parties screwed up for the perceived good of the many

Now they screwed up my good thing


they did screw it partially due to your indifference as well.

You were not alone - people who have had insurance and weren't sick ( the last part is EXTREMELY important) did not want to hear that the system which existed was screwed as well. "Because it is not their problem".
Would it be more pressure, it might have been addressed in a different manner.
BTW, the main problem was/is not uninsured - they actually were taken care of after they hit the ER door, but the ones insured if they got chronically ill.
THEN they were royally screwed by the insurance companies.

Now we will either have to hope that the Congress will have the balls ( which I doubt) or we will all eventually become worse than UK.
you are not going to be happy, I can guarantee you

Of course, not now since the socialist parties screwed up for the perceived good of the many

Now they screwed up my good thing


they did screw it partially due to your indifference as well.

You were not alone - people who have had insurance and weren't sick ( the last part is EXTREMELY important) did not want to hear that the system which existed was screwed as well. "Because it is not their problem".
Would it be more pressure, it might have been addressed in a different manner.
BTW, the main problem was/is not uninsured - they actually were taken care of after they hit the ER door, but the ones insured if they got chronically ill.
THEN they were royally screwed by the insurance companies.

Now we will either have to hope that the Congress will have the balls ( which I doubt) or we will all eventually become worse than UK.

Congress won't do squat. They are Obama enablers

You have no clue...seriously. YOU are full of it and delusion boy.:cuckoo:
Oh really?

Most conservatives:
  • are for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
  • think Bradley Manning committed treason
  • support the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts
  • don't think the former Administration should be prosecuted for ordering the torture of detainees
The reason we even have the Constitution, is because the Founding Fathers wanted to make sure this country would be based on the rule of law. And anyone claiming to support the Constitution, believes (and embraces) the rule of law, not all the violations of it listed above.

Hmm... things are pretty murky in defining 'conservative' these days. Especially when you consider that libertarians - who are are all-too-often pegged as 'hard right' - are opposed to all of the above. The list of positions you cite here are statist and authoritarian in nature, and supported by establishment Republicans as well as establishment Democrats. Obama falls in line with this list nicely, eh?
Hmm... things are pretty murky in defining 'conservative' these days. Especially when you consider that libertarians - who are are all-too-often pegged as 'hard right' - are opposed to all of the above. The list of positions you cite here are statist and authoritarian in nature, and supported by establishment Republicans as well as establishment Democrats. Obama falls in line with this list nicely, eh?
You are right on all counts.

mmmmm................maybe that's not the best way to say that?

I agree with you on all counts!

That's better...
Most conservatives:
  • are for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars

The PNAC, is not a liberal organization.

  • think Bradley Manning committed treason

    He DID commit treason
Reporting a war crime, is not treason.

  • support the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts

    those are the libtards - they jump out their pants in obama's to justify extension of the patriot act and NSA spying on American people
Both of those bills was signed into law by a republican President and enacted by a Republican Congress.

  • don't think the former Administration should be prosecuted for ordering the torture of detainees

    there was NO TORTURE of detainees. there were intense interrogation methods applied to THREE (sic!!!!!) chief commanders of Al Quaeda.

    ONLY THREE - and because of those methods Ben Laden was found.
If it wasn't torture, then why did 3 Texas sherriffs get sent to prison by the Reagan DOJ for doing it to a prisoner?
they are NOT performing government functions at all. they WORK FOR the government and are being payed by it ( our tax dollars, to be precise).

you really do not understand the difference? :eek:
So they "WORK FOR the government" and get "payed by it", but are "private businesses", that are "full of government workers"?

businesses who get government contracts are not government, though they are full of government workers family members.

But de jure they are private businesses.
Are you on crack?
they are NOT performing government functions at all. they WORK FOR the government and are being payed by it ( our tax dollars, to be precise).

you really do not understand the difference? :eek:
So they "WORK FOR the government" and get "payed by it", but are "private businesses", that are "full of government workers"?

businesses who get government contracts are not government, though they are full of government workers family members.

But de jure they are private businesses.
Are you on crack?

looks like it is YOU who are on crack if you do not distinguish between contracted private businesses and government:rolleyes:
You have no clue...seriously. YOU are full of it and delusion boy.:cuckoo:
Oh really?

Most conservatives:
  • are for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
  • think Bradley Manning committed treason
  • support the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts
  • don't think the former Administration should be prosecuted for ordering the torture of detainees
The reason we even have the Constitution, is because the Founding Fathers wanted to make sure this country would be based on the rule of law. And anyone claiming to support the Constitution, believes (and embraces) the rule of law, not all the violations of it listed above.

No, Iraq and afghanistan were stupid wastes of american lives and money

He did

The patriot act may have saved YOUR LIFE. properly implemented, it is a good act

waterboarding is not torture.
Most conservatives:
  • are for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars

The PNAC, is not a liberal organization.

  • think Bradley Manning committed treason

    He DID commit treason
Reporting a war crime, is not treason.

  • support the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts

    those are the libtards - they jump out their pants in obama's to justify extension of the patriot act and NSA spying on American people
Both of those bills was signed into law by a republican President and enacted by a Republican Congress.

  • don't think the former Administration should be prosecuted for ordering the torture of detainees

    there was NO TORTURE of detainees. there were intense interrogation methods applied to THREE (sic!!!!!) chief commanders of Al Quaeda.

    ONLY THREE - and because of those methods Ben Laden was found.
If it wasn't torture, then why did 3 Texas sherriffs get sent to prison by the Reagan DOJ for doing it to a prisoner?

do not divert the subject.
The House GOP majority is due to gerrymandering and vote suppression supported by a shriveling, dying rural and suburban white majority. It's a deeply illegitimate institution, and when it's finally done away with for good, the Left is not going to be very nice to conservatives for what they've done to this country.
The House GOP majority is due to gerrymandering and vote suppression supported by a shriveling, dying rural and suburban white majority. It's a deeply illegitimate institution, and when it's finally done away with for good, the Left is not going to be very nice to conservatives for what they've done to this country.

you are an idiot, velveeta. :cuckoo:

the reality is that the country is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism.
The House GOP majority is due to gerrymandering and vote suppression supported by a shriveling, dying rural and suburban white majority. It's a deeply illegitimate institution, and when it's finally done away with for good, the Left is not going to be very nice to conservatives for what they've done to this country.
I'm on the left and have no intention of punishing conservatives after the "republican purges" are over. It's quite the opposite.

I want them to join forces with liberals so we can begin the "democrat purges" and rid government of those fuckers as well.

As long as we have "one man, one vote", we can take back this country from the corporate oligarchy that is running it now.
You have no clue...seriously. YOU are full of it and delusion boy.:cuckoo:
Oh really?

Most conservatives:
  • are for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
  • think Bradley Manning committed treason
  • support the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts
  • don't think the former Administration should be prosecuted for ordering the torture of detainees
The reason we even have the Constitution, is because the Founding Fathers wanted to make sure this country would be based on the rule of law. And anyone claiming to support the Constitution, believes (and embraces) the rule of law, not all the violations of it listed above.

What kind of asshat are you? Bush just water boarded folks and brought Sadam to court Obozo just kills people, Bin Laden and the drones
So I'm reading the Sunday Boston Globe and one of their front page stories is about how the Democratic Party has employed a political strategy of backing extreme Tea Party candidates leading up to the primaries because they feel they stand a better chance of beating someone with "extreme" conservative views than they do a moderate. The piece went on to describe how this has been successful with races such as the one Todd Akin was in with Claire McCaskill in Missouri. What it ALSO points out is that by doing everything they can to eliminate moderate candidates, the Democrats have totally polarized the political landscape.

So when the President whines about "Tea Party Conservatives" holding up his agenda...he should make a phone call to Howard Dean and tell the Democrats pushing this political strategy that while the end result was the Democrats holding onto a slim majority in the Senate...that they have in fact helped elect people who will never in a million years compromise with a progressive.

This is one of those "Doh!!!!" moments in politics...
So I'm reading the Sunday Boston Globe and one of their front page stories is about how the Democratic Party has employed a political strategy of backing extreme Tea Party candidates leading up to the primaries because they feel they stand a better chance of beating someone with "extreme" conservative views than they do a moderate. The piece went on to describe how this has been successful with races such as the one Todd Akin was in with Claire McCaskill in Missouri. What it ALSO points out is that by doing everything they can to eliminate moderate candidates, the Democrats have totally polarized the political landscape.

So when the President whines about "Tea Party Conservatives" holding up his agenda...he should make a phone call to Howard Dean and tell the Democrats pushing this political strategy that while the end result was the Democrats holding onto a slim majority in the Senate...that they have in fact helped elect people who will never in a million years compromise with a progressive.

This is one of those "Doh!!!!" moments in politics...

come on, the Democrats don't play DIRTY to win...now any of their cult members will they you they are the Party of SAINTS

I've read what you posted before....

I also read where Democrat activist are going to invade and disrupt town halls so the tea Party gets BLAMED...but how can saints think up such things?
you are an idiot, velveeta. :cuckoo:

the reality is that the country is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism.
I am not a fraud, I am a human being.

It's time for you to see the elephant in the room.

Yes, Billo...you ARE a human being! The problem is that you're a naive human being. You actually think that monied interests would care one iota if the Republican Party and the Democratic Party ceased to exist? You could form the "Unicorn Party of California" and they would pump cash into that just as they pump money into our political parties now.
Libtard crying over all those illegal warns in Iraq and Afghanistan will soon be demanding a really illegal war in Syria!

It will be interesting to see how the gyrations will go over that one.
you are an idiot, velveeta. :cuckoo:

the reality is that the country is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism.
I am not a fraud, I am a human being.

It's time for you to see the elephant in the room.

Oh, I see the elephant just fine------his name is liberalism.

You need to wake up and grasp the reality that we cannot remove the dems or the pubs, but what we can do is elect constitutionalists to replace the traitors that occupy DC today.

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