Obama, Bush, McCain bash Trump during John McCain funeral


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John McCain was eulogized by two former presidents, along with members of his family at a memorial service at Washington National Cathedral on Saturday.

The stirring tributes to the Arizona senator, who died last week at 81, balanced remembrances of his life and legacy as a statesman, father and husband.

Video: Obama, Bush, Meghan McCain Bash Trump During John McCain Funeral

Obama's face in the picture speaks volume, this is one arrogant stuck of pos filth if I ever saw one. And not once did this pos liar help ANYBODY IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY........ he helped the weak minded assholes creat division and divide in ways this country has never seen and the prick isn't done yet either.

Oh look three pos losers who spew bs at the wrong place and time. What kind of respect does this show even to a fake republican prick to spew bs about Trump. I mean really , really . You all just keep proving yourselves as huge assholes. Even other real old fashioned, true liberals are turned off by the discusting fake ass democratic losers you pretend to be.

YOUR ALL FAKES , your ignorant and really, really helping to pave the way of more ppl not wanting anything to do with being a scum bag democrat or some fake as republican like Bush and McCain.

Bash someone at funerall my gawd how much lower can you fk face pos bastards go GAWD YOU ARE ALL SO SICKENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, they did!!! And, they did it with class to a shit stain President aggressively despised by over 60% of the nation. Look at recent polling. Dumpf is in the dumpster, where he spends his sorry days and nights being a world class POS!!!!!!!! BIGLY!!! COVFEFE!!!!!!!

YOu got one hell of a dream going on there.

Why you did built that somebody else did loser......bhahahahaha
Fast forward 20 years and Trump's fake courting of the stupid, under-educated rednecks gets him into the Oval Office. Everybody inside the Beltway was at that the Capital dome yesterday and the funeral today.

Fast forward 20 years and the Democrat's fake courting of the absolutely brain-dead, racially guilty, naive, and pompous asses of the nation gets Obumma into the Oval Office thinking he would actually be transparent and bring the nation together in unity. You actually believe that the POTUS couldn't have gone to that funeral had he wanted to be there? The whole thing with Trump has been totally blown out of the water just for political fuel for idiots like you. Trump would rather get raped up the ass by a delirious leper than to have appeared there. McCain was a flaming asshole who envied Trump for doing with an arm tied behind his back what he couldn't get done with a lifetime in the Senate, plain and simple. And he spent the last year of his life so obsessed with TDS that he hurt the nation voting down every effort to repeal Obamacare with his diseased mind then planned his own funeral as a last stab at Trump out from the grave much like Khan from Star Trek II. McCain is worm food.
Pimping the sanctity of laying the dead to rest is pretty low but consider the operatives. McCain's Team America exit was the perfect cover for political sniping but everyone saw it coming. Trump can't even go to the can without someone having an aneurysm now.
The worst part of this fiasco is McCain set it up himself. What a self righteous asshat. But after today he becomes irrelevant again and forgotten.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Attacking a sitting President from a funeral is like suicide, if not totally creepy!
  2. The daughter then the swamp.
  3. It exposes the Democrats as pitiless, and unrespectful for the dead.
  4. This blows the lid off the Democratic Party.
  5. Using a dead cold corpse to attack a sitting President.
  6. This is just about as low as a political party can get.
  7. The Democratic Party will regret this day, its a shame that they can't even see this for what it is.
  8. Here we come on Nov. 6th 2018, its going to be like a funeral for the Democrats.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well McCain's body isn't even in the ground and the swampers at his funeral start attacking the President.
  2. Liberal Media loves it!
  3. Liberals love stepping over McCains dead body to attack the President.
  4. Pathetic.
  5. Never let a dead body stop your political attacks on the President.
  6. McCain tributes echo with criticism of Trump

Here's the bottom line:
Trump spent years trying to get into the inner circle elite of Manhattan.
They never let him in because he's a slimy grifter.
Fast forward 20 years and Trump's fake courting of the stupid, under-educated rednecks gets him into the Oval Office.
He's spent 3 years trying to get into the inner circle of the elite inside the Beltway.
They won't let him in because he's a slimy grifter, even by D.C. standards.

Everybody inside the Beltway was at that the Capital dome yesterday and the funeral today.
Except the slimy grifter from Queens.

  1. So you attack the President even more than they did today in that church, where McCains cold corpse lies in state, where his daughter ranted about the President, the swamp ranted about the President, now you; have you no shame, you barge right in here and attack the President in a thread I created that straight way points to the FACT that McCain's daughter and the swamp critters spoke out today about the President?
  2. You got a lot of gall: or you are real fucking stupid!
  3. Which is it, we want to know, gall, or stupid?
Can you believe Michael Obama and Dubya were eating fucking candy-- at McCains FUNERAL!!! What heartless scum to enjoy themselves on the saddest in the history of the Progressive Jihad on America. Well, ok, the Trump victory is the saddest, so this is the second saddest day
Sorry bout that,

  1. It would of been right if the President was never referred too, wasn't he told not to be there?
  2. They bringing up ANY reference of the President really hurt their cause.
  3. I don't think this can be patched up in any meaningful way, they can't undo this, or try again another day.
  4. Its in the history books now and the Democratic Party really screwed the pooch on this one, and they will suffer come this next election, voters won't forget, mainly the independents won't let this go, huge mistake they bury people too!
"He betrayed this country! He played on our fears!"

The betrayal becomes clear at minute 7. God repealed and replaced McCain.

To most people McCain being called a "maverick" seems like a compliment for him.

I think he's been called maverick because he was a stubborn asshole.

He was campaigning on "repeal and replace" just to do the same thing Democrats were doing to all of us, stubbing us in the back.

Second, his funeral has been going for a week now. Pretty sure even the pope didn't have a funeral this long. I think there is a reason for that. Democrats don't have a lot of heroes. They have to milk what they've got for all its worth. They just had to put one of their best traitors to rest today so they demand from all of us to show some respect for old songbird.

He hated Trump and he voted against clean repeal. Now left and their media are praising him for it and they're going to milk his funeral for as long they can, and until something else more important come along, McCain is gonna need to die again, and again to perpetuate it.

At one point I was kinda hoping Trump just crashes the funeral for pure shits and giggles.
Sorry bout that,

Can you believe Michael Obama and Dubya were eating fucking candy-- at McCains FUNERAL!!! What heartless scum to enjoy themselves on the saddest in the history of the Progressive Jihad on America. Well, ok, the Trump victory is the saddest, so this is the second saddest day
  1. They ate food or sweets in a church during a funeral?
  2. If they were like three years old that would be ok, but then again if they were three then the mother should haul them out to eat sweets or milk bottles.
  3. They should of known better.
  4. That is reprehensible.
  5. An Ex- President, and a partner of a President doing such snacking is unforgivable for which being inside a church when a funerals taking place is so disrespectful!.
  6. Its like they stood up and started flinging candy all around the church like a marti gra pageant in New Orleans.
  7. Shameless.
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Sorry bout that,

  1. Well McCain's body isn't even in the ground and the swampers at his funeral start attacking the President.
  2. Liberal Media loves it!
  3. Liberals love stepping over McCains dead body to attack the President.
  4. Pathetic.
  5. Never let a dead body stop your political attacks on the President.
  6. McCain tributes echo with criticism of Trump

Let me use the "logic of Trump" (=the logic of irrealism and bad taste) for an answer: "The problem is this is not the funeral of Donald Trump! Then everyone would be happy."

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"Obama, Bush, McCain bash Trump during John McCain funeral"


They recognized McCain as a patriot and man of honor.

That you and others in the right would infer that Trump is devoid of honor is telling.
Na, not really
John McCain was eulogized by two former presidents, along with members of his family at a memorial service at Washington National Cathedral on Saturday.

The stirring tributes to the Arizona senator, who died last week at 81, balanced remembrances of his life and legacy as a statesman, father and husband.

Video: Obama, Bush, Meghan McCain Bash Trump During John McCain Funeral

Obama's face in the picture speaks volume, this is one arrogant stuck of pos filth if I ever saw one. And not once did this pos liar help ANYBODY IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY........ he helped the weak minded assholes creat division and divide in ways this country has never seen and the prick isn't done yet either.

Oh look three pos losers who spew bs at the wrong place and time. What kind of respect does this show even to a fake republican prick to spew bs about Trump. I mean really , really . You all just keep proving yourselves as huge assholes. Even other real old fashioned, true liberals are turned off by the discusting fake ass democratic losers you pretend to be.

YOUR ALL FAKES , your ignorant and really, really helping to pave the way of more ppl not wanting anything to do with being a scum bag democrat or some fake as republican like Bush and McCain.

Bash someone at funerall my gawd how much lower can you fk face pos bastards go GAWD YOU ARE ALL SO SICKENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Respect is reciprocal. Trump gets the respect he gives. He is a lout and that must be pointed out at every opportunity.
They are being exposed and they don't even know it...or maybe they do....
Three days of laying to rest a liar and corrupt senator on national TV with all of the swampers fawning makes me sick.....Keating five scumbag....
Yes, they did!!! And, they did it with class to a shit stain President aggressively despised by over 60% of the nation. Look at recent polling. Dumpf is in the dumpster, where he spends his sorry days and nights being a world class POS!!!!!!!! BIGLY!!! COVFEFE!!!!!!!

Not surprised to see you demonstrating the "class" you mention.

Why too do you persist in lying? Does it help your self-esteem?


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Before you whine about Rasmussen Reports, I'll wager that you've only gotten your information concerning polls from George Soros. Rasmussen was one of two polling companies that hit the 2016 election on the head.

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