Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Right. Because illegal immigration is why our state has a big deficit.

Hey, Fuckos, if you don't live here, shut the fuck up, since you're just looking like idiots.

Wait, no, too late. Horse is outta the barn.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R62zcvQl4Nc&feature=player_detailpage]Jump! - YouTube[/ame]
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

Good, let them return to their country of origin and demonstrate their intent to follow the immigration laws that others comply with by applying to come here using the proper bureaucratic channels.

This is their country of origin, if they were born here, fucktard. And if they were brought here before the age of 3, they don't remember Mexico.

Don't worry, we'll be the heart of the country, you keep being the asshole.

So let me get this straight - because their parents were criminals who broke a very major law, they should be REWARDED while we punish the people who have abided by our laws and stood in line waiting for legal citizenship?

Yeah, who is being the "heart" of this country here and who is being the "asshole"? Sorry buddy, but anybody who advocates breaking the law and punishing law abiding people is the true asshole. Thanks for being the perfect visual for this illustration.
While I agree that this tactic is wrong- perhaps even illegal- I empathize with the intended outcome. This is to say that I cannot hold these young people responsible for the actions of their parents.

Careful! Use logic and reason like that and the whackjobs will jump all over you baby! Then again, who cares?

I agree with you. Some kid brought here when they were three, barely speaks Spanish anymore and graduated valedictorian in her high school was just on the news because she was brought here by illegal parents. Straight A student and college bound to become an engineer. I have a problem with her (as opposed to her parents) why?
I'm sure the whackjobs will come up with a reason to hate her.
I'll also bet they claim these people will be able to vote for Obama. :cuckoo:
Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act

Now bypass his ass on election day:clap2:

It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

No, it will be over for this Country

Enjoy your new condo........

View attachment 19562

I think the Democrats are going to be in for a shock, most LEGEL Latinos that went through the process of becoming a American citizen AREN'T for amnesty..but liberals will cheer against their own country if they think their party can win something
Except the President or the DHS has the authority to do this ....Unlike you I dont want to live in a fascist country.
Fascism would be rounding up all the brown people and booting them out of the country.

Deportations are done at the discretion of ICE and prosecutors, the laws state what the penalties may be, but they are not mandatory penalties.

No fascism is seizing power not granted to them by the constitution or legislation....

You don't think very often, do you.

What part of deportation is at the discretion of the prosecutors and the immigration courts do you fail to understand? This is no different than your local sheriff starting a community service program to punish people for minor crimes instead of throwing them in jail.
A year ago he said he could not do this. What happened in the interim except that his re election looms?

He's discovering that many "african-americans" are not in the bag, as he thought. Seems like there's some smart uns out there after all.
Fascism would be rounding up all the brown people and booting them out of the country.

Deportations are done at the discretion of ICE and prosecutors, the laws state what the penalties may be, but they are not mandatory penalties.

No fascism is seizing power not granted to them by the constitution or legislation....

You don't think very often, do you.

What part of deportation is at the discretion of the prosecutors and the immigration courts do you fail to understand? This is no different than your local sheriff starting a community service program to punish people for minor crimes instead of throwing them in jail.

Actually it is something overseen by congress......They ultimately have a say in if it has been doing its job....See thats how checks and balances work.
It's even worse than that....This is ruling by decree.

The president has the authority to direct his agencies how he sees fit, so long as he is not ordering them to engage in illegal activity. Not doing their job is not illegal, negligent and harmful yeah, but not illegal.

I beg to differ on this point. If they are being paid to do the job, and they fail to do that job but still accept their paychecks, they are stealing. Theft is illegal, last time I looked. Additionally, they are derelict in their duties.

And who decides what that "job" is? The DHS, headed by Janet Napolitano, who is a subordinate of Obama. Obama can change the entire aspect of what ICE's "job" is. You can't hold ICE employees guilty of doing what their boss tells to do. They're not failing to do anything, they are carrying out their current mission as stated from their boss.
Yay for the reporter who shouted the question "why do you favor foreign workers over Americans" he pissed that old obama off but good..

Neil Munroe from the Daily Caller :clap2::clap2:

Yes! Yay for clearly partisan attacks from reporters! Yay for pushing rhetoric into the story instead of maybe just asking why he's doing this.

I'll never understand why Conservatives are so upset by getting more people to pay into the system. Stupes.

he's doing this to buy votes, are you stupid or what?

I vote for stupid.
The president has the authority to direct his agencies how he sees fit, so long as he is not ordering them to engage in illegal activity. Not doing their job is not illegal, negligent and harmful yeah, but not illegal.

I beg to differ on this point. If they are being paid to do the job, and they fail to do that job but still accept their paychecks, they are stealing. Theft is illegal, last time I looked. Additionally, they are derelict in their duties.

And who decides what that "job" is? The DHS, headed by Janet Napolitano, who is a subordinate of Obama. Obama can change the entire aspect of what ICE's "job" is. You can't hold ICE employees guilty of doing what their boss tells to do. They're not failing to do anything, they are carrying out their current mission as stated from their boss.
The Job is decided by the joint oversight committee.....Didnt you take civics?
I predict if Obama continues to bleed in the polls, the next announcement will be to forgive the student loans. It's looking more and more like Obama will pander to whatever group he has to, to get them energized for November.

Obviously he has the black vote, but he needs to get them to the polls. If he senses many may stay home he'll probably announce he's for reparations.

This is how the Marxist operates. He purchases votes with US tax payer dollars (hence the nearly $6 trillion in debt he has racked up in only 3.5 years).

He bought votes for Obamacare with the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase" and now that he sees he has no chance of being re-elected, he is desperately trying to purchase the votes of the American people. You are dead-on, next will be student loans and after that, it will be mortgages. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. The electoral college elects the President, not the people, at the electoral college is owned by the GOP. Sorry Barry, you get to go home now and dream about what your Marxist utopia could have been...

Yeah. I hate when people buy elections.


Um, who exactly have the Koch brother paid to vote for conservative candidates? Can you really give me ONE single name of a person who was going to vote for a liberal, but instead voted for a conservative because the Koch brothers paid them to?

Donating to a candidate (you know, like George Clooney, Anna Wintour, Jessica Sarah Parker, and the rest of the billionaire Hollywood elites do with liberal candidates) is a FAR fucking cry from illegal kickbacks in legislation and forgiving the debts of American's in hopes of buying their allegiance. You're a liberal tool who can't face reality. You're comparing apples to oranges because you're getting your ass kicked by the facts.
By seizing power not granted him

What "power" did he "seize"? Was Ronaldus Magmus "seizing power not given to him" with these executive orders:
President Ronald Reagan Executive Orders

Was he (Reagan) a "fascist"?

The difference is all those orders where in the powers of the executive branch this is not. Amazing how retarded you are.

No, YOU are the fucking retard. Where do you get you "information" from the Hannitards?
Is this executive order "within the powers of the Executive Branch?

"12582 - Naturalization requirements exceptions for aliens and non-citizen nationals of the United States who served in the Grenada campaign"
"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including Section 1440 of Title 8, United States Code, and in order to provide expedited naturalization for aliens and non-citizens who served in the Armed Forces in the Grenada campaign, it is hereby ordered as follows:"
So they haven't dumped a shit load of money on Conservative candidates to pay for ad time to convince swing voters (it's not about those who vote down party lines, Genius) to vote for their candidates? Or did they do all that? I forget.
This is how the Marxist operates. He purchases votes with US tax payer dollars (hence the nearly $6 trillion in debt he has racked up in only 3.5 years).

He bought votes for Obamacare with the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase" and now that he sees he has no chance of being re-elected, he is desperately trying to purchase the votes of the American people. You are dead-on, next will be student loans and after that, it will be mortgages. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. The electoral college elects the President, not the people, at the electoral college is owned by the GOP. Sorry Barry, you get to go home now and dream about what your Marxist utopia could have been...

Yeah. I hate when people buy elections.


Um, who exactly have the Koch brother paid to vote for conservative candidates? Can you really give me ONE single name of a person who was going to vote for a liberal, but instead voted for a conservative because the Koch brothers paid them to?

Donating to a candidate (you know, like George Clooney, Anna Wintour, Jessica Sarah Parker, and the rest of the billionaire Hollywood elites do with liberal candidates) is a FAR fucking cry from illegal kickbacks in legislation and forgiving the debts of American's in hopes of buying their allegiance. You're a liberal tool who can't face reality. You're comparing apples to oranges because you're getting your ass kicked by the facts.

true, the kids a sheep...the Unions gave Obama 200 million dollars for his first election, but I guess that isn't considered, buying someone

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