Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Yeah. I hate when people buy elections.


Um, who exactly have the Koch brother paid to vote for conservative candidates? Can you really give me ONE single name of a person who was going to vote for a liberal, but instead voted for a conservative because the Koch brothers paid them to?

Donating to a candidate (you know, like George Clooney, Anna Wintour, Jessica Sarah Parker, and the rest of the billionaire Hollywood elites do with liberal candidates) is a FAR fucking cry from illegal kickbacks in legislation and forgiving the debts of American's in hopes of buying their allegiance. You're a liberal tool who can't face reality. You're comparing apples to oranges because you're getting your ass kicked by the facts.

true, the kids a sheep...the Unions gave Obama 200 million dollars for his first election, but I guess that isn't considered, buying someone

What happened to Obama's threatened $1BILLION warchest?
It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

No, it will be over for this Country

Enjoy your new condo........

View attachment 19562

I think the Democrats are going to be in for a shock, most LEGEL Latinos that went through the process of becoming a American citizen AREN'T for amnesty..but liberals will cheer against their own country if they think their party can win something

I bet most of them DO support this though. They have to have arrived here before 16 and be under 40 and have graduated HS or served in the military. It takes a special kind of asshole to be opposed. You might not like how it came about, but the idea itself is sound.
Um, who exactly have the Koch brother paid to vote for conservative candidates? Can you really give me ONE single name of a person who was going to vote for a liberal, but instead voted for a conservative because the Koch brothers paid them to?

Donating to a candidate (you know, like George Clooney, Anna Wintour, Jessica Sarah Parker, and the rest of the billionaire Hollywood elites do with liberal candidates) is a FAR fucking cry from illegal kickbacks in legislation and forgiving the debts of American's in hopes of buying their allegiance. You're a liberal tool who can't face reality. You're comparing apples to oranges because you're getting your ass kicked by the facts.

true, the kids a sheep...the Unions gave Obama 200 million dollars for his first election, but I guess that isn't considered, buying someone

What happened to Obama's threatened $1BILLION warchest?

Reality smacked the donors upside the head.
Right. Because illegal immigration is why our state has a big deficit.

Hey, Fuckos, if you don't live here, shut the fuck up, since you're just looking like idiots.

Wait, no, too late. Horse is outta the barn.

You're right - illegal immigration is NOT why your state has a big deficit. It's because idiot liberals have elected idiot liberals who have implemented idiot liberal policy (ie tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and spend more, then keep spending to buy allegiance so you can maintain power in a cushy job).

California is by far and away the most liberal state in the union, and it's not coincidence that it is also the biggest failure of a state in the union.

Illegal aliens break into our country illegally, and liberals want to give them housing, food, and healthcare in hopes of buying their allegiance. Worthless people who would rather get high than hold a job are unemployed, and idiot liberals want to give them housing, food, and healthcare in hopes of buying their allegiance. You're policies create failure. The funny thing is, your representatives know it and are laughing their asses off at you tools who keep supporting the failure and in turn, keep them in power.

Thank you. Is there anything illegal about him issuing such an executive order? Is issuing an Executive Order "unConstitutional"?

Obama favors foreign workers over Americans. It's just that simple. He could give a shit about the 8.2% unemployment figures in the USA. I'll remember that on my way to the polls.

That's only because obama expects foreign illegals to vote for him. Otherwise, it would be under the bus for them.
Thank you. Is there anything illegal about him issuing such an executive order? Is issuing an Executive Order "unConstitutional"?

Obama favors foreign workers over Americans. It's just that simple. He could give a shit about the 8.2% unemployment figures in the USA. I'll remember that on my way to the polls.

That's only because obama expects foreign illegals to vote for him. Otherwise, it would be under the bus for them.

Yep. He's sealing his doom...I'm sure UNIONS will love this latest DERP from Obama...
Anything that comes from the House on this Dingy Harry Reid will sit on like normal and the blame will be placed on Republican Obstructionism...

You're right. Reid needs to GO.

Dingy would have been gone if the Nevada Repubs had not put up that idiot Sharon Angle. Oh, and if the Dems had not bussed in all the casino union members to the polls on election day.

I know...and here's the kicker about Reid and the left?

They have a HUGE problem with Mitt Romney and HIS Mormon ties...but think Reid is the Bee's knees.

Mormon theocracy they fear?

How does that work? :dunno:

Freakin' Reid represents a primarily Mormon state. But he manages to coerce illegals and low-income workers (union members) into voting for him every time.
Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act

Now bypass his ass on election day:clap2:

It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

No, it will be over for this Country

Enjoy your new condo........

View attachment 19562

No it won't be. I wish those folks the best and once they come out from the "underground economy" and contribute the real economy, the tax revenues will increase and things will be better for everyone. God Bless America!!!
Dingy would have been gone if the Nevada Repubs had not put up that idiot Sharon Angle. Oh, and if the Dems had not bussed in all the casino union members to the polls on election day.

I know...and here's the kicker about Reid and the left?

They have a HUGE problem with Mitt Romney and HIS Mormon ties...but think Reid is the Bee's knees.

Mormon theocracy they fear?

How does that work? :dunno:

Freakin' Reid represents a primarily Mormon state. But he manages to coerce illegals and low-income workers (union members) into voting for him every time.

But aren't WE told by the left that Mitt Romney's Mormonism is a threat of theocracy?

They FEAR it.

Here we have a MORMON as the leader of the US Senate...but nary a word...of his brand of theocracy/obstructionism.

Logic dictates something is wrong here...:eusa_whistle:
No fascism is seizing power not granted to them by the constitution or legislation....

You don't think very often, do you.

What part of deportation is at the discretion of the prosecutors and the immigration courts do you fail to understand? This is no different than your local sheriff starting a community service program to punish people for minor crimes instead of throwing them in jail.

Actually it is something overseen by congress......They ultimately have a say in if it has been doing its job....See thats how checks and balances work.
Thank you for proving me right.
Liberals, Independents and Conservatives alike of non-hispanic dissent agree that illegal immigration is bad, yet our spinless President enacts amnesty by bypassing Congress. Why, because he wants to BUY a swing vote in Latino.

This coward President is doing EVERYTHING to avoid the economic discussion! Fucking loser!
It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

No, it will be over for this Country

Enjoy your new condo........

View attachment 19562

I think the Democrats are going to be in for a shock, most LEGEL Latinos that went through the process of becoming a American citizen AREN'T for amnesty..but liberals will cheer against their own country if they think their party can win something

My wife's family are all Mexican and 2nd - 4th generation American. While they're divided on anmnesty (about 1/4 are against it), 100% of them feel that children who were brought here shouldn't be held culpable for the acts of their parents.
By limiting it to this one segment, Obama has definiteyl gained favor with Latinos and those of us who simple humanity ahead of political ideology.
I refer back to the girl in the news who was brought here at 3 by illegal parents, got straight A's, graduated Valedictorian and is off to college for an engineering degree. She knows no one in Mexico and what could be a great American citizen would have her life ruined if she were deported.
But I'm sure those who put politics ahead of common sense will find a way for that to make sense to them.
No, it will be over for this Country

Enjoy your new condo........

View attachment 19562

I think the Democrats are going to be in for a shock, most LEGEL Latinos that went through the process of becoming a American citizen AREN'T for amnesty..but liberals will cheer against their own country if they think their party can win something

I bet most of them DO support this though. They have to have arrived here before 16 and be under 40 and have graduated HS or served in the military. It takes a special kind of asshole to be opposed. You might not like how it came about, but the idea itself is sound.

democrats using children......this is nothing new under the sun....

democrats ESPECIALLY want the under-16 latinos so they can stick them in the schools which then get more money because they have more students.....and then the education unions supply the democrat politicians with more campaign money.....:evil:

now they are using them again for votes....:evil:

who are the real assholes....?
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It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

No, it will be over for this Country

Enjoy your new condo........

View attachment 19562

No it won't be. I wish those folks the best and once they come out from the "underground economy" and contribute the real economy, the tax revenues will increase and things will be better for everyone. God Bless America!!!

well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America
No, it will be over for this Country

Enjoy your new condo........

View attachment 19562

No it won't be. I wish those folks the best and once they come out from the "underground economy" and contribute the real economy, the tax revenues will increase and things will be better for everyone. God Bless America!!!

well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Sphincter OPS is an idiot.

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