Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

No it won't be. I wish those folks the best and once they come out from the "underground economy" and contribute the real economy, the tax revenues will increase and things will be better for everyone. God Bless America!!!

well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


too bad you all don't feel the same about aborted babies, as it is now you all look as phony as you are
What exactly IS the 'latino' vote?

Whatever happened to AMERICAN Vote?


Ask your republican comrades IDIOT! :lol: :lol: :lol:



Whoops: RNC Latino Site Uses Picture Of Asian Children

GOP Expands National Latino Effort

What were you saying fucking IDIOT? You dolts are tooooo easy!!!!

Means SQUAT.

Anything else to front Sphincter?

No it means that you and your party are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. I'm glad I am able to demonstrate that!!!! :)

Here's you: "Hey a duh pheonix
What exactly IS the 'latino' vote?

Whatever happened to AMERICAN Vote??"

I demonstrate that your party goes for the Latino vote and then you act like a fucking idiot. :)
well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


can any children from any country come to America and automatically be citizens.....?

Rut -Roh Rorge!

Ask your republican comrades IDIOT! :lol: :lol: :lol:



Whoops: RNC Latino Site Uses Picture Of Asian Children

GOP Expands National Latino Effort

What were you saying fucking IDIOT? You dolts are tooooo easy!!!!

Means SQUAT.

Anything else to front Sphincter?

No it means that you and your party are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. I'm glad I am able to demonstrate that!!!! :)

Here's you: "Hey a duh pheonix
What exactly IS the 'latino' vote?

Whatever happened to AMERICAN Vote??"

I demonstrate that your party goes for the Latino vote and then you act like a fucking idiot. :)

"Latino" over AMERICAN...got ya.

Obama didn't "bypass" congress. Congress (Rs) Do Nothing. President Obama waited more than three years for congress to do their job. They did not and have even SAID REPEATEDLY that they would not do their job he really had no choice.

Hell, if it were up to the Rs, bin laden would still be watching porn and ordering hits on US citizens.

Its not "impeachable" and, in FACT, ReaganBushBush all three passed similar legislation.

This will force mitt to finally take a real stand. I'd bet that someone is telling him what he thinks right now.

If you want to whine, feel sorry for poor Marco Rubio. He had planned to announce the very same thing in order to get Latinos to vote for the worthless etch a sketch.

we have a divided Congress......the House stops the Senate.....and the Senate stops the House....this is nothing new in history....

Obama....instead of providing LEADERSHIP....runs off and makes his own rules......:evil:

how can making an end run around the Constitution be good for America....?

It isn't good at all. But it facilitates the goal of being reelected, by any means.
because I know how to play the game. dude.

LOL, thanks for proving my point!! :)

why do you favor foreign workers over American workers?

Why do you prefer questions of rhetoric over questions of substance?

You want a real answer, fuckwad? How about this: We're all human beings. I know that's hard for Jingoistic Xenophobe to understand, but this isn't about AMURKIA LURV R LEEV IT. It's about humanity. It's about decency. It's about seeing a real-world problem and FIXING it.

Why don't you shut the fuck up, give the policy some time and see if it works. We gave Bushonomics four years, and since it's built on Reaganomics, we really gave it like 28 years. So shut the fuck up, stop being a nationalist douchebag and let the smart people run the country for awhile.

Oh, and to reiterate: shut the fuck up.
What exactly IS the 'latino' vote?

Whatever happened to AMERICAN Vote?


Ask your republican comrades IDIOT! :lol: :lol: :lol:



Whoops: RNC Latino Site Uses Picture Of Asian Children

GOP Expands National Latino Effort

What were you saying fucking IDIOT? You dolts are tooooo easy!!!!

you really are a nasty little person.
all they did was ask you a question

You are selective in your vision, I guess that you didn't see who called who the idiot initially. Look above to get a clue.
well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


too bad you all don't feel the same about aborted babies, as it is now you all look as phony as you are

What the fuck does this have to do with abortion? Shut up and go worship your sci-fi character of choice. This isn't about abortion.

Obama thinks this is important at this time with 8.2 % umemployment is a slap in your alls face..

elections in November
I think the Democrats are going to be in for a shock, most LEGEL Latinos that went through the process of becoming a American citizen AREN'T for amnesty..but liberals will cheer against their own country if they think their party can win something

My wife's family are all Mexican and 2nd - 4th generation American. While they're divided on anmnesty (about 1/4 are against it), 100% of them feel that children who were brought here shouldn't be held culpable for the acts of their parents.
By limiting it to this one segment, Obama has definiteyl gained favor with Latinos and those of us who simple humanity ahead of political ideology.
I refer back to the girl in the news who was brought here at 3 by illegal parents, got straight A's, graduated Valedictorian and is off to college for an engineering degree. She knows no one in Mexico and what could be a great American citizen would have her life ruined if she were deported.
But I'm sure those who put politics ahead of common sense will find a way for that to make sense to them.

Allow me to counter with another true story that will illustrate the absuridity of that statement...

Watching one of those "48 Hour Mystery" type of shows (don't recall which one) and it's a cold case file. A high school girl is raped and brutally murdered in the early 70's while closing the store she was working at. Years go buy, and nobody can crack this case. One strange piece of evidence is this very oddly shapped "foam" that is lying near the body. Nobody can figure out what it is, where it came from, or why it is there. It doesn't match any material in the store and they can't match it to the victim, so they just assume it has something to do with the unsub. To make a long story short, the case heats up and they end up on the door step of the chief of a fire department (I want to say in Phoenix, but not certain). Inside, while talking to their suspect, one of the detectives notices that his boots have a "foam" hanging out of them. It seems this guy would take the toes on one foot, and kick off the heel of his boots with the other foot. Over time, this would wear down the boots and the inner padding would start to come out.

The man was found guilty and sent to prison. But by your logic, because he had turned his life around and become chief of the fire department, he should be absolved of all crimes and sent on his marry way.

The entire "it's not the child's fault" argument is so assinine. Guess what, it's not MY fault either! It's also not the fault of the people who are LEGALLY standing in line. I don't give a good gosh damn that it's "not the child's fault". It's her parents fault, she entered the country illegally with them, she should have her ass sent back with them. If she's such a bright and talented person, she'll have no problem being a success in Mexico and then she can apply - LEGALLY - for citizenship here. Stop with the "not their fault" bullshit. You're punishing those waiting in line to gain citizenship legally, and it sure as hell isn't their fault!

LOL! THAT'S your counter? An episode of Cold Case???
So did the guys' PARENTS kill those people?
Oh wait. No, that wasn't the case.
So don't address the point I brought up.

This girl didn't kill ayone.
As a matter of fact, technically, she was the victim of a kidnapping as it was illegal by Mexican law for her parents to take her with her.
Straight A Student.
Never took an American job.
Future engineer.
Where is the probalem here?

I suppose next, you'll tell about about an episode of 24?
He's discovering that many "african-americans" are not in the bag, as he thought. Seems like there's some smart uns out there after all.

Only the self hating dumb fucks would side with you and the sentiments that you expressed above. If you think that more than 5% of American Americans would go over to your side, you are delusional.

so according to you Dems....that means 95% of the "dumb fucks" are "in the bag".....:eusa_whistle:

hmm....if i were a lib i'd cry racist.....!

Only a fucking lying retard could come up with the above "analysis"! Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
Obama thinks this is important at this time with 8.2 % umemployment is a slap in your alls face..

elections in November

Lady, Obama could come out tomorrow and appoint the reanimated corpse of Ronald Fuckface Reagan as his new Secretary of Making All This Shit Better and you'd still shit all over him.

You're a brainwashed boob. And you suck at the Internet.
Please tell me why we should keep paying expenses for and salaries to senators and representatives when they have been rendered useless through our having an all-powerful dictator. Think of the money that could be saved for redistribution to the deserving (read "unwilling to work Democrat voters").
Obama thinks this is important at this time with 8.2 % umemployment is a slap in your alls face..

elections in November

What is the unemployment rate for teens? Isn't it around 25%?

obama has nothing to say to the country. He is carving out special interests to pander to them hoping he can get enough special interests together to reelect him. The one's he's REALLY tossing out in the trash are blacks. He traded black Christians for gay money. Now he's so convinced that he can do anything and blacks will still vote for him. What is the unemployment rate among black teenagers? Is there a chance this will go unnoticed. He's taking black Americans for granted, and they know it.
well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


can any children from any country come to America and automatically be citizens.....?

Did this directive state specific countries?
LOL, thanks for proving my point!! :)

why do you favor foreign workers over American workers?

Why do you prefer questions of rhetoric over questions of substance?

You want a real answer, fuckwad? How about this: We're all human beings. I know that's hard for Jingoistic Xenophobe to understand, but this isn't about AMURKIA LURV R LEEV IT. It's about humanity. It's about decency. It's about seeing a real-world problem and FIXING it.

Why don't you shut the fuck up, give the policy some time and see if it works. We gave Bushonomics four years, and since it's built on Reaganomics, we really gave it like 28 years. So shut the fuck up, stop being a nationalist douchebag and let the smart people run the country for awhile.

Oh, and to reiterate: shut the fuck up.

so putting foreign workers to work while Americans go without is humanity? Is that right?
well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


Yes, right. when the one person who SWORE to uphold the constitution and the laws of the United States stand right up in our faces and breaks those laws is a really great day for America,,, errrrr illegals..

What are you referring to? This Executive order by Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12582 - Naturalization Requirements Exceptions for Aliens and Non-Citizen Nationals of the United States Who Served in the Grenada Campaign
Obama thinks this is important at this time with 8.2 % umemployment is a slap in your alls face..

elections in November

Lady, Obama could come out tomorrow and appoint the reanimated corpse of Ronald Fuckface Reagan as his new Secretary of Making All This Shit Better and you'd still shit all over him.

You're a brainwashed boob. And you suck at the Internet.

shut your ugly mouth and go outside and play..adults are having a conversation
Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


Yes, right. when the one person who SWORE to uphold the constitution and the laws of the United States stand right up in our faces and breaks those laws is a really great day for America,,, errrrr illegals..

What are you referring to? This Executive order by Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12582 - Naturalization Requirements Exceptions for Aliens and Non-Citizen Nationals of the United States Who Served in the Grenada Campaign

he's dead of course.. I'm referring to the new burrito in town.

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