Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

No it won't be. I wish those folks the best and once they come out from the "underground economy" and contribute the real economy, the tax revenues will increase and things will be better for everyone. God Bless America!!!

well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


yes, those children did break the law. Last time I checked, alien stauts has nothing to do with age.
so exactly why do libtards favor illegals over Americans?
Because they tell them they will get everything for free if they vote Democrat.

Instead of using fair play, Democrats scrounge millions of votes by importing illegals and indoctrinating them to follow their redistribution of wealth campaign of chaos at the expense of voters who are Republicans.

Now that Republicans are taking measures to prevent hardcore Dems from voting 30x each, it's cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat to get votes any which way they can.

Did you notice that obama raised the age of "child" to 30? What a disgusting POS.
Obama thinks this is important at this time with 8.2 % umemployment is a slap in your alls face..

elections in November

What is the unemployment rate for teens? Isn't it around 25%?

obama has nothing to say to the country. He is carving out special interests to pander to them hoping he can get enough special interests together to reelect him. The one's he's REALLY tossing out in the trash are blacks. He traded black Christians for gay money. Now he's so convinced that he can do anything and blacks will still vote for him. What is the unemployment rate among black teenagers? Is there a chance this will go unnoticed. He's taking black Americans for granted, and they know it.

That's a silly assertion, it's not going to work. That "divide and conquer" shit may work for a very few, but once the "other ones" realize what you guys are really about, they will tell you and your party to go POUND SAND. I wish I could show EVERY Black and Latino person what you guys really think about them on this forum and hannitard's forum.
Obama thinks this is important at this time with 8.2 % umemployment is a slap in your alls face..

elections in November

What is the unemployment rate for teens? Isn't it around 25%?

obama has nothing to say to the country. He is carving out special interests to pander to them hoping he can get enough special interests together to reelect him. The one's he's REALLY tossing out in the trash are blacks. He traded black Christians for gay money. Now he's so convinced that he can do anything and blacks will still vote for him. What is the unemployment rate among black teenagers? Is there a chance this will go unnoticed. He's taking black Americans for granted, and they know it.

That's a silly assertion, it's not going to work. That "divide and conquer" shit may work for a very few, but once the "other ones" realize what you guys are really about, they will tell you and your party to go POUND SAND. I wish I could show EVERY Black and Latino person what you guys really think about them on this forum and hannitard's forum.

You would be showing them what you think we think about them. All you guys do is make assumptions, We say we don't like some Liberal Policy and you scream Racist.

Fucking losers.
Rut -Roh Rorge!


man stop scarffing up the popcorn or libs say you'll get FAT.....:eek:

since libs are so smart....i'm sure this one will answer the question real soon....and not just with another question......:D

looks like the libturd couldn't/wouldn't answer the question.....and ran away.....

so breakout that popcorn again...

Looks like you can't read very well. You were asked if this directive by the Obama Administration cited specific countries. Somehow you "missed" that reply.
'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.

There's no dictation happening, the executive branch has always had administrative authority to determine much of the process of getting work permits. Most of these people aren't even liable for the crime of illegal entry. They were taken here in the custody of their parents and had no real choice in the matter.
You wouldn't be pumping that bilge if the dictator in question had an (R) by his name...And don't try to deny it.

Yeah right. My step-father lived in this country for 20 years illegally before he married my mother - but I'd be opposed to immigration reform by a Republican just because I hate Republicans. Sure.

That's the #1 problem with you righties - you think everyone is just like you. Just because your only motivation in politics is to obstruct the other side and roll over them as hard as possible doesn't mean everyone is like that.

And the #2 problem is that you forget history - even RECENT history. George W. Bush's (R) immigration reform proposal's were SUPPORTED by the Democrats. It was Republicans who defeated the bill. So you;re a fucking moron, now shut up.
Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act

Now bypass his ass on election day:clap2:

It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

He already had the Latino vote, dumbass. It seems that, to blacks and mexicans, the promise of giveaways really works to secure votes.

He actually lost some support among Latino, and Blacks when he pulled his New Gay Marriage Stance.

Both Demographics while Traditionally Democrat, are much more Conservative on Social Issues than your Typical Obama style Liberal.
Why aren't you righties opposed to saving money? It costs the taxpayers $12,500 to deport a single illegal - and then they just come right back! With the economy down, shouldn't we be looking at programs which promote fiscal restraint? Or is your only motivation in anything your hatred for Obama?
If by drugs you mean pot I'll do a jig of joy and then smoke a bowl to celebrate.

Because pot's not a drug. Not like coke and heroin.

Or have your grandkids not told you that?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8lecl7E6OA&feature=player_detailpage]How Cannabis Effects the Body - YouTube[/ame]
well hell ya, lets just give the AOK to more illegal invaders that you break our laws it means absolutely nothing

and you have the nerve to say God Bless America

Did those children break the laws when they were probably bought over here by their parents? I don't "have the nerve" to say God Bless America, I have the JOY to say it. This is a GREAT day for America!


yes, those children did break the law. Last time I checked, alien stauts has nothing to do with age.

Oh really, where did you "check" that? How many children have been tried and prosecuted for being illegal aliens?
You better talk to your republican homies about that ese'!!!!!! They have all of those twitter, and RNC Latino "outreach" sites. IDIOT!!!!
You are just another libtard IDIOT!!! Idiot.

Oh wow, another "genius" calling me an "idiot"! This is what happens when the dullards, dolts, and dumb fucks lose the argument. Thank you!!! :lol:
We didn't lose the argument, we are just pointing out the obvious, you are an idiot. Idiot.
There's no dictation happening, the executive branch has always had administrative authority to determine much of the process of getting work permits.

Yes, But what it does not have is the Power to Decide the Laws on the Books do not have to be enforced. Obama himself said that in 2011 when people pressured to grant amnesty.

he said he could not do it, he was bound by the law and constitution and could not just do it himself.

Now he has done it, all by himself. So was he lying then, or is he Violation the Constitution now?

Last time I read it, I saw it say the President enforces the laws, He does not write then, OR interpret them. However Obama has assumed that as a new Power. Now not only is he the Head Law Enforcement officer, He is acting as a Defacto Supreme Court as well. Deciding on his own whether he thinks laws should even be enforced.


If he was anything but a Liberal Democrat, the Left would be up in arms over this Clear Abuse of Executive Power.

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