Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

He already had the Latino vote, dumbass. It seems that, to blacks and mexicans, the promise of giveaways really works to secure votes.

He actually lost some support among Latino, and Blacks when he pulled his New Gay Marriage Stance.

Both Demographics while Traditionally Democrat, are much more Conservative on Social Issues than your Typical Obama style Liberal.

And they both still vote Democrat in overwhelming numbers. If you look at the elevated rates of virtually every social problem with both demographics, and how Democrats address them (with handouts) and how Republicans address them (with the understanding that those ills are solved by individuals), its easy to see why. Mo money mo money mo money will win out every time over "clean your house".
Why aren't you righties opposed to saving money? It costs the taxpayers $12,500 to deport a single illegal - and then they just come right back! With the economy down, shouldn't we be looking at programs which promote fiscal restraint? Or is your only motivation in anything your hatred for Obama?
Another stupid statement. Illegals cost this country more than that. Stupid argument.
If by drugs you mean pot I'll do a jig of joy and then smoke a bowl to celebrate.

Because pot's not a drug. Not like coke and heroin.

Or have your grandkids not told you that?

I have step grandchildren that are drug using welfare suckups so I have nothing to do with them.
Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act

Now bypass his ass on election day:clap2:

It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

He already had the Latino vote, dumbass. It seems that, to blacks and mexicans, the promise of giveaways really works to secure votes.

Now he has it even more dumb fuck. What Black or Mexican in their right mind would want to side with a bunch of people who harbor your fucked up thoughts.............ASSHOLE.
Why aren't you righties opposed to saving money? It costs the taxpayers $12,500 to deport a single illegal - and then they just come right back! With the economy down, shouldn't we be looking at programs which promote fiscal restraint? Or is your only motivation in anything your hatred for Obama?
Another stupid statement. Illegals cost this country more than that. Stupid argument.

How much more?
What is the unemployment rate for teens? Isn't it around 25%?

obama has nothing to say to the country. He is carving out special interests to pander to them hoping he can get enough special interests together to reelect him. The one's he's REALLY tossing out in the trash are blacks. He traded black Christians for gay money. Now he's so convinced that he can do anything and blacks will still vote for him. What is the unemployment rate among black teenagers? Is there a chance this will go unnoticed. He's taking black Americans for granted, and they know it.

That's a silly assertion, it's not going to work. That "divide and conquer" shit may work for a very few, but once the "other ones" realize what you guys are really about, they will tell you and your party to go POUND SAND. I wish I could show EVERY Black and Latino person what you guys really think about them on this forum and hannitard's forum.

You would be showing them what you think we think about them. All you guys do is make assumptions, We say we don't like some Liberal Policy and you scream Racist.

Fucking losers.

No, I would be showing them the ACTUAL POSTS from your comrades. No assumptions, just facts and reality.
Why aren't you righties opposed to saving money? It costs the taxpayers $12,500 to deport a single illegal - and then they just come right back! With the economy down, shouldn't we be looking at programs which promote fiscal restraint? Or is your only motivation in anything your hatred for Obama?

So you think it will cost less than 12,500 to let them stay? ROFLMAO you know most New Immigrants take advantage of Welfare right. It costs States Far more than that just supporting Illegals.

And by the way it was Liberal assholes that have drove up the cost of Deporting them, Your the ones that insist they get endless Hearing, and Public Defenders. It's silly.

If you guys really think it's a winning political Move to give 1 Million Illegals Work Permits when 14 Million Citizens can't find a job. Go for it. Other than Among Hispanics I tend to think it will be a net Negative for you.

Just the Way he is doing it alone makes it a Negative. People are sick and tired of him Acting like a king, Whether it's just perception or Reality that is exactly what this looks like.

Dude had near super Majorities for 2 years, could not get anything productive done other than an Unconstitutional health Care law, So now he has decided he is King.
It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

He already had the Latino vote, dumbass. It seems that, to blacks and mexicans, the promise of giveaways really works to secure votes.

He actually lost some support among Latino, and Blacks when he pulled his New Gay Marriage Stance.

Both Demographics while Traditionally Democrat, are much more Conservative on Social Issues than your Typical Obama style Liberal.

LOL, all that "lost support" will be regained once those folks get a "taste' of the true sentiments of you and your comrades. :lol:
That's a silly assertion, it's not going to work. That "divide and conquer" shit may work for a very few, but once the "other ones" realize what you guys are really about, they will tell you and your party to go POUND SAND. I wish I could show EVERY Black and Latino person what you guys really think about them on this forum and hannitard's forum.

You would be showing them what you think we think about them. All you guys do is make assumptions, We say we don't like some Liberal Policy and you scream Racist.

Fucking losers.

No, I would be showing them the ACTUAL POSTS from your comrades. No assumptions, just facts and reality.

If they actually said something overtly Racists in a post here, Then they are not my Comrades my friend.

Care to provide a few? I ask because I have been accused of being racist in here, when I said Absolutely NOTHING that a Rational Person could interpret as Racists. I am betting you are making assumptions about what you think people mean, and not what they actually said.

Like Most of the lefties in here.
He already had the Latino vote, dumbass. It seems that, to blacks and mexicans, the promise of giveaways really works to secure votes.

He actually lost some support among Latino, and Blacks when he pulled his New Gay Marriage Stance.

Both Demographics while Traditionally Democrat, are much more Conservative on Social Issues than your Typical Obama style Liberal.

LOL, all that "lost support" will be regained once those folks get a "taste' of the true sentiments of you and your comrades. :lol:

There you go again, You don't know a god damn thing about my Sentiments fuck head.

I am actually for the Dream Act. Just not for Obama thinking he does not need the Congress or SCOTUS, and he can pick and choose which laws to enforce.
You are just another libtard IDIOT!!! Idiot.

Oh wow, another "genius" calling me an "idiot"! This is what happens when the dullards, dolts, and dumb fucks lose the argument. Thank you!!! :lol:
We didn't lose the argument, we are just pointing out the obvious, you are an idiot. Idiot.

Yeah, the "idiot" who stomped a mudhole is your asses and exposed you people for what you really are, you dumbfuck. :)
'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.

More and more, Obama is going around congress. He seems to feel that elected representatives are irrelevant. He is in charge and doesn't care what congress or the people they answer to think.

I guess he also thinks Americans are all as stupid as his devoted followers. We know these grateful illegals will vote because there is no system in place to stop them or catch them after the fact. Holder continues to fight states, like Florida, who want to update their voter rolls and purge the names of illegals. The feds should be helping all states to do that, not suing them for trying.

This another show of desperation by Obama. These people have already taken jobs from Americans and will continue to do so.

It is illegal to enter this country without advising the Immigration Dept.
Obtaining a Social Security by fraudulent means is a crime.

My father came to this country legally. At the age of 30 he was drafted into the US Army.
Before shipping over seas, he took advantage of a program granting him US Citizenship. becoming a citizen. He told me, that if he died in the war, he would as American.
Why aren't you righties opposed to saving money? It costs the taxpayers $12,500 to deport a single illegal - and then they just come right back! With the economy down, shouldn't we be looking at programs which promote fiscal restraint? Or is your only motivation in anything your hatred for Obama?

So you think it will cost less than 12,500 to let them stay?
How much will it cost for them to stay?
Rut -Roh Rorge!


man stop scarffing up the popcorn or libs say you'll get FAT.....:eek:

since libs are so smart....i'm sure this one will answer the question real soon....and not just with another question......:D
SphincterOPS ain't got the smarts.

So says the DUMBFUCK who got owned on this thread. What say you dumbfuck about your party doing their fake assed "outreach" to "the Latinos"? You were so incensed about the Democrats but what about your republican homies ese'? :lol:
It ain't gonna happen now, when he gets the Latino vote, it will be all over for the republicans.

He already had the Latino vote, dumbass. It seems that, to blacks and mexicans, the promise of giveaways really works to secure votes.

Now he has it even more dumb fuck. What Black or Mexican in their right mind would want to side with a bunch of people who harbor your fucked up thoughts.............ASSHOLE.

The ones that want to take care of themselves......pussyboy.
Why aren't you righties opposed to saving money? It costs the taxpayers $12,500 to deport a single illegal - and then they just come right back! With the economy down, shouldn't we be looking at programs which promote fiscal restraint? Or is your only motivation in anything your hatred for Obama?

So you think it will cost less than 12,500 to let them stay?
How much will it cost for them to stay?

Poor, Uneducated Immigrants tend to use a lot of Welfare, and state Aid Programs.

Just ask California how much they spend on Illegal Immigrants every year. Last year it was roughly the same as their Massive Deficit.
So you think it will cost less than 12,500 to let them stay?
How much will it cost for them to stay?

Poor, Uneducated Immigrants tend to use a lot of Welfare, and state Aid Programs.

Just ask California how much they spend on Illegal Immigrants every year. Last year it was roughly the same as their Massive Deficit.

They also tend to have lots of kids and live in single-parent households.
Gotta love you libs though. Here I am a guy who is Pro Dream act, Pro Gay marriage, and simply has a problem with the Way Obama want's to go about it. Choosing to Ignore laws is not with in the power of the President. He said it himself in 2011. He is Bound by Law to Enforce the laws on the books. He is does not have the Power to Decide he does not like a law, and just not Enforce it. Period.

You Libs do realize sooner or Later a Republican will be in the WH house again. Do you really want them to follow in Obama's Foot steps, and Pick and Choose which laws they think are worth Enforcing?

No I am sure you will be screaming to high hell that he can't do that. It's only ok with you because you like what he is Doing, You forget that he is setting a standard every President here after is sure to follow. Fuck the Congress, Fuck the Scotus, Just rule by edict.
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So you think it will cost less than 12,500 to let them stay?
How much will it cost for them to stay?

Poor, Uneducated Immigrants tend to use a lot of Welfare, and state Aid Programs.

Just ask California how much they spend on Illegal Immigrants every year. Last year it was roughly the same as their Massive Deficit.

I'm asking you. How much will it cost for them to stay? Do you know?

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