Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Pecisely Charles. He doesn't have the power to run roughshod over the Congress and bypass the law at his time of choosing.

CONGRESS needs grow a SPINE and step up.

he does have the power and ability, just like repub presidents that have used it.

Oh he CAN circumvent the Constitution? Really?

CITE the premise or shut your basement dwelling high-school wet-behind the ears ass up.

I don't have to do shit for you. But in a sense of reality the prsident has the power to enact decrees, oh dear God were you born just yesterday or today?
he does have the power and ability, just like repub presidents that have used it.

Oh he CAN circumvent the Constitution? Really?

CITE the premise or shut your basement dwelling high-school wet-behind the ears ass up.

I don't have to do shit for you. But in a sense of reality the prsident has the power to enact decrees, oh dear God were you born just yesterday or today?

So in your estimation? He may Do as he wishes regardless of a sitting Congress...about sum it up?
He already had the Latino vote, dumbass. It seems that, to blacks and mexicans, the promise of giveaways really works to secure votes.

Now he has it even more dumb fuck. What Black or Mexican in their right mind would want to side with a bunch of people who harbor your fucked up thoughts.............ASSHOLE.

The ones that want to take care of themselves......pussyboy.

No, just the ones who want to demean themselves by kissing the asses of a bunch of cocksuckers like you.
he does have the power and ability, just like repub presidents that have used it.

Oh he CAN circumvent the Constitution? Really?

CITE the premise or shut your basement dwelling high-school wet-behind the ears ass up.

I don't have to do shit for you. But in a sense of reality the prsident has the power to enact decrees, oh dear God were you born just yesterday or today?

Maybe if the Supremes strike down Obamacare he should turn around and decree that Obamacare is a right and declare that it's now the law of the land.
Long live King Obongo.
Election Year Pandering, Nothing More, This Country is Screwed

Agreed, if he truly felt this way in his heart he would have done this a couple years ago.

Oh wait, let me guess, he has been "evolving".
Oh he CAN circumvent the Constitution? Really?

CITE the premise or shut your basement dwelling high-school wet-behind the ears ass up.

I don't have to do shit for you. But in a sense of reality the prsident has the power to enact decrees, oh dear God were you born just yesterday or today?

Maybe if the Supremes strike down Obamacare he should turn around and decree that Obamacare is a right and declare that it's now the law of the land.
Long live King Obongo.
He might just do that. If he does, I say they should impeach him.
My parents snuck into the US from Hungary via Canada and I have been leaching off America for years, being an anchor baby is not a bad life really, so long as you have no standards

At least you're not asking for everything to be printed in your language, and you're willing to become part of the American culture instead of forcing you culture on us and raisng your flag in our cities.
Oh he CAN circumvent the Constitution? Really?

CITE the premise or shut your basement dwelling high-school wet-behind the ears ass up.

I don't have to do shit for you. But in a sense of reality the prsident has the power to enact decrees, oh dear God were you born just yesterday or today?

So in your estimation? He may Do as he wishes regardless of a sitting Congress...about sum it up?

How about it? Obama can Do what he wants against the law and a sitting Congress?


Where are you Son?

I demand a citation where Obama can Do as he wishes as you fronted.

Where's your answer?
MoonGlow doesn't understand that Obama is walking the edge of Impeachment...

ur the dumb son of a bitch that never knows what he is spouting off.

US presidents have issued executive orders since 1789. Although there is no Constitutional provision or statute that explicitly permits executive orders, there is a vague grant of "executive power" given in Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution,
Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

stupid bastard does not even know US history or Constitutional law.
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If they actually said something overtly Racists in a post here, Then they are not my Comrades my friend.

Care to provide a few? I ask because I have been accused of being racist in here, when I said Absolutely NOTHING that a Rational Person could interpret as Racists. I am betting you are making assumptions about what you think people mean, and not what they actually said.

Like Most of the lefties in here.

Have you been reading the last 7 or 8 pages?

No sorry, I have to admit I rarely go through and read Posts line by Line. If it came before my comment responding to the OP I probably did not read it.

No denying there are Racists on the Right, But not all of us. Like I said, I am for the Dream act, It makes sense, I just don't think the way Obama wants to achieve it is Frankly Legal. and no I do not believe the ends Justify the Means, Like I said next time it could be a right wing loon President deciding which laws to ignore. I am sure you would not like that.

If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.
I don't have to do shit for you. But in a sense of reality the prsident has the power to enact decrees, oh dear God were you born just yesterday or today?

Maybe if the Supremes strike down Obamacare he should turn around and decree that Obamacare is a right and declare that it's now the law of the land.
Long live King Obongo.
He might just do that. If he does, I say they should impeach him.

He should be impeached for his arrogance today...

Where is the Congress?
There you go again, You don't know a god damn thing about my Sentiments fuck head.

I am actually for the Dream Act. Just not for Obama thinking he does not need the Congress or SCOTUS, and he can pick and choose which laws to enforce.

Oh really fuckhead? You seem to be pretty "cozy" with those other fuckheads. Did you disapprove of Reagan's executive orders? What do you think was "unconstitutional" about what happened today? Maybe you can be the sole person to answer the question. :)

Specifically what I believe is Unconstitutional About today is that Obama is saying he will no longer Enforce a law on the books. Current law says they should be deported. By not Deporting them, and instead giving them Work Permits. He is Failing to Enforce standing law. By announcing he will not enforce it, he is in effect saying he can choose to Ignore our laws. Do you see him granted the power to Ignore laws, and selectively enforce laws in the Constitution? Cause I don't.

Go Back and watch his Interview in 2011, He himself says he is Bound by law and the Constitution and can not pick and choose laws to enforce. Now he is doing exactly that, On more than 1 front.

No way around that my friend.

and sorry for the Fuck head comments, Get pretty sick of people assuming they know my sentiments.

LOL, we probably got started off on the wrong foot! My apologies as well!
My parents snuck into the US from Hungary via Canada and I have been leaching off America for years, being an anchor baby is not a bad life really, so long as you have no standards

Does anyone else smell a sock...?
We didn't lose the argument, we are just pointing out the obvious, you are an idiot. Idiot.

Yeah, the "idiot" who stomped a mudhole is your asses and exposed you people for what you really are, you dumbfuck. :)
Name calling like you only proves what you are, pull your head out of obamaturds a%$. You are so stupid you think that you are smart. What obamaturd did today was for nothing but votes because the idiot can't win without illegal votes and minority votes.

Take your own advice:
"We didn't lose the argument, we are just pointing out the obvious, you are an idiot. Idiot."

illegal aliens can't vote.
Have you been reading the last 7 or 8 pages?

No sorry, I have to admit I rarely go through and read Posts line by Line. If it came before my comment responding to the OP I probably did not read it.

No denying there are Racists on the Right, But not all of us. Like I said, I am for the Dream act, It makes sense, I just don't think the way Obama wants to achieve it is Frankly Legal. and no I do not believe the ends Justify the Means, Like I said next time it could be a right wing loon President deciding which laws to ignore. I am sure you would not like that.

If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.

most of the posters here are blind to the truth.Most just act like little kids that yell, scream and cuss because they're not getting their way.
Have you been reading the last 7 or 8 pages?

No sorry, I have to admit I rarely go through and read Posts line by Line. If it came before my comment responding to the OP I probably did not read it.

No denying there are Racists on the Right, But not all of us. Like I said, I am for the Dream act, It makes sense, I just don't think the way Obama wants to achieve it is Frankly Legal. and no I do not believe the ends Justify the Means, Like I said next time it could be a right wing loon President deciding which laws to ignore. I am sure you would not like that.

If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.

It's not the Executive Order I find Unconstitutional. It's what the Order Implies. He suggests the Executive has the power to Simply not Enforce law. He does not. To me it's that simple, and clearly violates at the very Least the Spirit of the Constitution. Which in Now way Envisions or Creates an Executive with the Power to Interpret, or Selectively Enforce the Law.

As far as Peoples Hippocracy on Display. we have been seeing a lot of that from Both Sides lately. I mean Come on dude. If Bush had said he is no longer going to enforce a law that is on the books. Are you going to tell me you would have said that was ok?

Finally I have no problem with Either Side Pandering to Groups for Votes, That's the Nature of Politics. My Comment on that Subject was simply that I don't think it will be all that Effective for him, and in fact could be a Net negative in the Current Economy with so many people out of work, and wondering if they now have to Compete with An Extra Million people with new Work Permits for what Jobs there are.

It's all about Perception. I just don't see the majority Of American's Being Happy with this Move, Either because they are against the Idea itself or if they are like me, and have no Problem with the Dream Act, and simply see this as another Example of Obama abusing his Power, and ignoring the Law.
Maybe if the Supremes strike down Obamacare he should turn around and decree that Obamacare is a right and declare that it's now the law of the land.
Long live King Obongo.
He might just do that. If he does, I say they should impeach him.

He should be impeached for his arrogance today...

Where is the Congress?

If arrogance was an impeachable offense they'd have impeached Bush II, thrown him out of office, and then impeached Cheney right behind him.

Guess we're all lucky that arrogance isn't something people living in reality can be impeached for, huh Dumbfuck?

Boy, you really are a DUMB FUCK. Aren't you?

Does someone want to educate him about what impeachment actually is?
He might just do that. If he does, I say they should impeach him.

He should be impeached for his arrogance today...

Where is the Congress?

If arrogance was an impeachable offense they'd have impeached Bush II, thrown him out of office, and then impeached Cheney right behind him.

Guess we're all lucky that arrogance isn't something people living in reality can be impeached for, huh Dumbfuck?

Boy, you really are a DUMB FUCK. Aren't you?

Does someone want to educate him about what impeachment actually is?

Yep, Good thing he may well have actually Committed an Impeachable Offense with the Leaks. :)

To Bad it will take so long to Find out he would be well out of office after a second Term before we knew what happened.

IMO I think they came right from the Top, But who knows.
He might just do that. If he does, I say they should impeach him.

He should be impeached for his arrogance today...

Where is the Congress?

If arrogance was an impeachable offense they'd have impeached Bush II, thrown him out of office, and then impeached Cheney right behind him.

Guess we're all lucky that arrogance isn't something people living in reality can be impeached for, huh Dumbfuck?

Boy, you really are a DUMB FUCK. Aren't you?

Does someone want to educate him about what impeachment actually is?
It would be a waste of time, effort and energy.

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