Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

You're the typical dumbfuck Obamination supporter, so it's not shocking you don't have a clue.

Uh, telling illegals "here now" they get a pass, kinda sends up a red flag to others on the other side of the border that it can happen again so just come over. This is too deep for your idiot brain.

As for blacks voting for Obamination, those that did are idiots. Only intelligent blacks vote for Republicans.

Most whites didn't vote for him based on skin color like minorities did.

Any liberal that supports him is a dumbfuck.

He will throw blacks under the bus for the hispanic vote. Hell, he turned his back on blacks by openly supporting the gay agenda, something most blacks oppose.

He is the perfect example of a spineless politician trying a new tactic when he is losing in the polls. Sellout to the hispanic vote to see if they can save his ass.

Let's put one of your assertions in the garbage where it belongs. What percentage of Black people voted for Obama, Kerry, Gore, and Clinton? How many more percentage points did Obama get compared to the other Democrats?

He didn't turn his back on "the Blacks", that's just some stupid White right wing propaganda that WILL NOT WORK. "They" still know what they are all about. :lol:

How is this directive "inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages."? Do you even know the terms of the directive?

like the Log Cabiners?
If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.
I have to agree with you on that. I think they should make the executive order a thing of the past. Doesn't matter which side uses it, I think it is wrong to bypass congress. Sorry for the name calling, I just get fired up.

My apologies to you too, it's all in good fun for me. I was laughing and showing my wife the posts while she looks at me like I'm crazy. :)

I will add that my normally sweet wife does get a little fired up when some folks call me names. :lol:
Tell your wife I am harmless, I just love my country and wish I could fix it:)
Only a dumbfuck like you would equate gays with illegals. :cuckoo:

You're the typical dumbfuck Obamination supporter, so it's not shocking you don't have a clue.

Uh, telling illegals "here now" they get a pass, kinda sends up a red flag to others on the other side of the border that it can happen again so just come over. This is too deep for your idiot brain.

As for blacks voting for Obamination, those that did are idiots. Only intelligent blacks vote for Republicans.

Let's put one of your assertions in the garbage where it belongs. What percentage of Black people voted for Obama, Kerry, Gore, and Clinton? How many more percentage points did Obama get compared to the other Democrats?

He didn't turn his back on "the Blacks", that's just some stupid White right wing propaganda that WILL NOT WORK. "They" still know what they are all about. :lol:

How is this directive "inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages."? Do you even know the terms of the directive?

like the Log Cabiners?
'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.

Good for him. He had the guts to do what Bush and McCain talked about for years.
I hope idiots that support the illegal invasion become a victim of a crime by an illegal......nothing like reality waking you up.
The excuse to not harm the "innocent children" of illegals is bullshit.

So Jose gets to stay here through high school and college, so what about his parents that are illegal and paying for his living expenses. Oh, they get to stay here too?

What about when Jose takes a job at McDonalds and Gerome the black guy can't find a job in town as a teen? Is that fucking fair? An American can't get a job because the kid of an illegal takes it away from him?

That's called the "Free Market", I thought you guys were into that sort of thing?
So you think it will cost less than 12,500 to let them stay?
How much will it cost for them to stay?

Poor, Uneducated Immigrants tend to use a lot of Welfare, and state Aid Programs.

Just ask California how much they spend on Illegal Immigrants every year. Last year it was roughly the same as their Massive Deficit.
Based on estimates compiled by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), the Immigration Policy Center reported that the $11.2 billion in taxes paid by illegal immigrants in 2010 included $8.4 billion in sales taxes, $1.6 billion in property taxes and $1.2 billion in state personal income taxes.

"In spite of the fact that they lack legal status, these immigrants -- and their family members -- are adding value to the U.S. economy; not only as taxpayers, but as workers, consumers, and entrepreneurs as well," states the Immigration Policy Center in a press release.
Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes – Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes, Too, Says Immigration Policy Center
The FREE market should be under the law too. If some guy burned down his competition's business, I guess you'll claim that is a free market.

If Jose wasn't here, then Gerome could get that job.

Mexico arrests illegals from south of their border to protect their worker's jobs, but of course we can't enforce Mexico's policy here with Mexicans and other illegals. :cuckoo:

Importing low skilled and uneducated workers that many times don't want to assimilate into our culture is a recipe to destroy this country from within. It's like letting cock-roaches live in your kitchen, eventually they eat your food and make you ill.

The excuse to not harm the "innocent children" of illegals is bullshit.

So Jose gets to stay here through high school and college, so what about his parents that are illegal and paying for his living expenses. Oh, they get to stay here too?

What about when Jose takes a job at McDonalds and Gerome the black guy can't find a job in town as a teen? Is that fucking fair? An American can't get a job because the kid of an illegal takes it away from him?

That's called the "Free Market", I thought you guys were into that sort of thing?
Studies show illegals take more out of the system than they pay into the system. Many border hospitals are in financial trouble because illegals invade them for FREE healthcare.

Illegals have claimed Federal tax refunds, many times using their children dependents for tax purposes.

Many illegals work in the black market and don't report their earnings, so that is millions lost too especially since they are working in place of an American that would file taxes out of real fear.

How much will it cost for them to stay?

Poor, Uneducated Immigrants tend to use a lot of Welfare, and state Aid Programs.

Just ask California how much they spend on Illegal Immigrants every year. Last year it was roughly the same as their Massive Deficit.
Based on estimates compiled by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), the Immigration Policy Center reported that the $11.2 billion in taxes paid by illegal immigrants in 2010 included $8.4 billion in sales taxes, $1.6 billion in property taxes and $1.2 billion in state personal income taxes.

"In spite of the fact that they lack legal status, these immigrants -- and their family members -- are adding value to the U.S. economy; not only as taxpayers, but as workers, consumers, and entrepreneurs as well," states the Immigration Policy Center in a press release.
Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes – Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes, Too, Says Immigration Policy Center
I hope idiots that support the illegal invasion become a victim of a crime by an illegal......nothing like reality waking you up.

Quite right. Nothing does.

I used to be conservative until my last boss let me go from my nice job because I ran up too many medical bills.

Now I know better.

Now I know the illegal bullshit and the aboriton bullshit and the gay bullshit and the gun bullshit is just a way of keeping stupid people like you angry while the Plutocrats rip us off.
I hope idiots that support the illegal invasion become a victim of a crime by an illegal......nothing like reality waking you up.

Reality biting them in the proverbial ASS won't wake them up...they'll FIND a way to blame Repubs/Conservatives and treat the perp as a VICTIM.

The executive order was never supposed to replace legislation. obama is using it to legislate because the doesn't like our political process.
If you weren't taking it up the ass in New Joisey turnpike rest rooms then you wouldn't have your medical problems that forced you to put a square peg in a round hole for a living.

I hope idiots that support the illegal invasion become a victim of a crime by an illegal......nothing like reality waking you up.

Quite right. Nothing does.

I used to be conservative until my last boss let me go from my nice job because I ran up too many medical bills.

Now I know better.

Now I know the illegal bullshit and the aboriton bullshit and the gay bullshit and the gun bullshit is just a way of keeping stupid people like you angry while the Plutocrats rip us off.
I hope idiots that support the illegal invasion become a victim of a crime by an illegal......nothing like reality waking you up.

Reality biting them in the proverbial ASS won't wake them up...they'll FIND a way to blame Repubs/Conservatives and treat the perp as a VICTIM.


more likely it will be a crime committed by a legal more than the chances of an illegal.
You're the typical dumbfuck Obamination supporter, so it's not shocking you don't have a clue.

Uh, telling illegals "here now" they get a pass, kinda sends up a red flag to others on the other side of the border that it can happen again so just come over. This is too deep for your idiot brain.

As for blacks voting for Obamination, those that did are idiots. Only intelligent blacks vote for Republicans.

Most whites didn't vote for him based on skin color like minorities did.

Any liberal that supports him is a dumbfuck.

He will throw blacks under the bus for the hispanic vote. Hell, he turned his back on blacks by openly supporting the gay agenda, something most blacks oppose.

He is the perfect example of a spineless politician trying a new tactic when he is losing in the polls. Sellout to the hispanic vote to see if they can save his ass.

Let's put one of your assertions in the garbage where it belongs. What percentage of Black people voted for Obama, Kerry, Gore, and Clinton? How many more percentage points did Obama get compared to the other Democrats?

He didn't turn his back on "the Blacks", that's just some stupid White right wing propaganda that WILL NOT WORK. "They" still know what they are all about. :lol:

How is this directive "inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages."? Do you even know the terms of the directive?

No, the Blacks who vote for republicans who harbor idiots like you, are the dumb fucks.
They are the dumb fucks who say things like below, so that get a pat on the head and a "good boy" from some asshole like you:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

"Did I do good masa white man. See how I be sayin "all of dem black people" massa?

I would laugh my ass off if joe the union tool woke up to a gun in his face from a Mexican in his bedroom at 3am.

I hope idiots that support the illegal invasion become a victim of a crime by an illegal......nothing like reality waking you up.

Reality biting them in the proverbial ASS won't wake them up...they'll FIND a way to blame Repubs/Conservatives and treat the perp as a VICTIM.

How much will it cost for them to stay?

Poor, Uneducated Immigrants tend to use a lot of Welfare, and state Aid Programs.

Just ask California how much they spend on Illegal Immigrants every year. Last year it was roughly the same as their Massive Deficit.
Based on estimates compiled by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), the Immigration Policy Center reported that the $11.2 billion in taxes paid by illegal immigrants in 2010 included $8.4 billion in sales taxes, $1.6 billion in property taxes and $1.2 billion in state personal income taxes.

"In spite of the fact that they lack legal status, these immigrants -- and their family members -- are adding value to the U.S. economy; not only as taxpayers, but as workers, consumers, and entrepreneurs as well," states the Immigration Policy Center in a press release.
Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes – Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes, Too, Says Immigration Policy Center

Yeah, I remember not to long ago that report was debunked. Illegals take several times more from the economy then they contribute. All of us paying taxes pay for them to be here and for them to receive many, many billions more in aid then they contribute to society. Illegals are a huge burden to our economy and have contributed to the decline in our citizens financial well being.
The executive order was never supposed to replace legislation. obama is using it to legislate because the doesn't like our political process.

He's doing more than that. Mocking the entire system of LAW that is our Constitution.

He needs to be called out on it post haste.
I hope idiots that support the illegal invasion become a victim of a crime by an illegal......nothing like reality waking you up.

Quite right. Nothing does.

I used to be conservative until my last boss let me go from my nice job because I ran up too many medical bills.

Now I know better.

Now I know the illegal bullshit and the aboriton bullshit and the gay bullshit and the gun bullshit is just a way of keeping stupid people like you angry while the Plutocrats rip us off.
Oh, so that's how you're going to try and 'splain away your virulent religious bigotry against LDS in general and Romney in particular.

I was wondering.

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