Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

No sorry, I have to admit I rarely go through and read Posts line by Line. If it came before my comment responding to the OP I probably did not read it.

No denying there are Racists on the Right, But not all of us. Like I said, I am for the Dream act, It makes sense, I just don't think the way Obama wants to achieve it is Frankly Legal. and no I do not believe the ends Justify the Means, Like I said next time it could be a right wing loon President deciding which laws to ignore. I am sure you would not like that.

If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.

It's not the Executive Order I find Unconstitutional. It's what the Order Implies. He suggests the Executive has the power to Simply not Enforce law. He does not. To me it's that simple, and clearly violates at the very Least the Spirit of the Constitution. Which in Now way Envisions or Creates an Executive with the Power to Interpret, or Selectively Enforce the Law.

As far as Peoples Hippocracy on Display. we have been seeing a lot of that from Both Sides lately. I mean Come on dude. If Bush had said he is no longer going to enforce a law that is on the books. Are you going to tell me you would have said that was ok?

Finally I have no problem with Either Side Pandering to Groups for Votes, That's the Nature of Politics. My Comment on that Subject was simply that I don't think it will be all that Effective for him, and in fact could be a Net negative in the Current Economy with so many people out of work, and wondering if they now have to Compete with An Extra Million people with new Work Permits for what Jobs there are.

It's all about Perception. I just don't see the majority Of American's Being Happy with this Move, Either because they are against the Idea itself or if they are like me, and have no Problem with the Dream Act, and simply see this as another Example of Obama abusing his Power, and ignoring the Law.

I have problems with BOTH Administrations and their record regarding Civil Liberties. I'm disappointed with the current Administration's support of the PA, the SA, and the other one I forget at the moment. How do you explain Reagan's similar action with the illegal aliens who served during the Grenada conflict? Did the President actually issue an Executive Order?
Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.
Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

What about Whites with no jobs? What do you think that the people in question have been doing this whole time, sleeping and not working already?
Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

His parameters are that children up to age 30, who have been here for ten years meaning they got here at 20, won't be deported. We aren't talking about infants carried in mommy's arms, but men and women who didn't come here with parents at all but sneaked in on their own.

This is the most arrogant flim flam that has ever been perpetrated on the American people. He needs to be punished by putting him and his gargantuan spouse out on the street come November.
Most whites didn't vote for him based on skin color like minorities did.

Any liberal that supports him is a dumbfuck.

He will throw blacks under the bus for the hispanic vote. Hell, he turned his back on blacks by openly supporting the gay agenda, something most blacks oppose.

He is the perfect example of a spineless politician trying a new tactic when he is losing in the polls. Sellout to the hispanic vote to see if they can save his ass.

Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

What about Whites with no jobs? What do you think that the people in question have been doing this whole time, sleeping and not working already?
Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

His parameters are that children up to age 30, who have been here for ten years meaning they got here at 20, won't be deported. We aren't talking about infants carried in mommy's arms, but men and women who didn't come here with parents at all but sneaked in on their own.

This is the most arrogant flim flam that has ever been perpetrated on the American people. He needs to be punished by putting him and his gargantuan spouse out on the street come November.

How do you know? A guy could have come here at age twenty, gets busted at age twenty three, claims hes been here since he was fifteen, we don't know if he's lying or not. It's not like they register when they cross the border...
Once they get caught on this side of the border, they have a "good" story to tell the authorities so that Grandpa Obamination will protect them.

Others coming this way right now see this as a door opening for more amnesty again once this becomes the norm. It's like if you let certain bums sleep in your backyard, soon you have the whole city's worth of bums in your backyard.

Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

His parameters are that children up to age 30, who have been here for ten years meaning they got here at 20, won't be deported. We aren't talking about infants carried in mommy's arms, but men and women who didn't come here with parents at all but sneaked in on their own.

This is the most arrogant flim flam that has ever been perpetrated on the American people. He needs to be punished by putting him and his gargantuan spouse out on the street come November.

How do you know? A guy could have come here at age twenty, gets busted at age twenty three, claims hes been here since he was fifteen, we don't know if he's lying or not. It's not like they register when they cross the border...
They are in the country illegally and illegal immigration is a crime and the punishment for illegal immigration, no matter who you are or how long you have been here or if you are a convicted criminal or without criminal conviction, is deportation. If the punishment is not carried out, why should they not continue to enter illegally?
Why is temporary legalization status and work permits the “right” thing to do for the children of illegals? It is not the right thing to do because it encourages more illegal immigration with no end. Unfair and not the right thing to do for Americans and their children.
Obama and Napolitano is not the law and Napolitano’s jobs and Obama’s job is to enforce the law and not to change the law with policies. Making laws is the job of Congress.
These children are citizens of Mexico and they should be taken care of my Mexico and not the American tax payers.
In this economy which no near end in sight and 14 million Americans are unemployed, millions of American children homeless, we should not even be considering anything but deportation. Deportation was used twice in this country to release jobs for Americans and it is absolutely necessary and the right thing to do again.
Obama works for the American people and should do the right thing for Americans, the job he was hired to do by the American people. If he an Napolitano cannot do their jobs then they need to be replaced with someone who can do the job.
If Napolitano don’t have enough money for deporting all illegal aliens than she should ask Congress for more money so she can. I am sure they will be glad to approve it. Deportation of all illegal aliens would cost $94 billion and amnesty by any name would cost $2.6 trillion and on going.
The best thing and the right thing for those young, strong and educated children of illegal aliens would be to go back to Mexico and make Mexico a better place for all Mexicans. Young men could join the Mexican military and help rid the country or drug cartels and related crime. They are needed there more than we need them in Afghanistan. Then they would have a better life and would not have to leave their country for a better life. Mexico has the resources to take care of their own and the children are not strangers to Mexico. They already know the language and the culture and they have family there that they have been separated for decades. Grand parents, etc. Deportation unites families and illegal immigration separate families. They are more familiar with Mexico than their parents were when they came here when they were 30 years old not knowing the language or the culture and not assimilating yet. And some have been here for decades and still not speaking the language.
Obama this pig don’t fly and never will fly. Do the right thing for American families and deport all illegal alien families. Deportation is not a punishment and children of illegal aliens should not be given special privileges when children of Americans who commit crimes and are incarcerated are not given special privileges. Sins of the parents are often visited upon the children. Unforeseen circumstances befall us all.
Who does illegal immigration benefit anyway beside illegal aliens, candidates and businesses? We are no longer into nation building and uncontrolled immigration is not needed and no longer an asset but a liability and must be controlled. A county without borders and controlled immigration is not a country.
Obama is not only out of touch with Americans but out of touch with reality.
Have you been reading the last 7 or 8 pages?

No sorry, I have to admit I rarely go through and read Posts line by Line. If it came before my comment responding to the OP I probably did not read it.

No denying there are Racists on the Right, But not all of us. Like I said, I am for the Dream act, It makes sense, I just don't think the way Obama wants to achieve it is Frankly Legal. and no I do not believe the ends Justify the Means, Like I said next time it could be a right wing loon President deciding which laws to ignore. I am sure you would not like that.

If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.
I have to agree with you on that. I think they should make the executive order a thing of the past. Doesn't matter which side uses it, I think it is wrong to bypass congress. Sorry for the name calling, I just get fired up.
Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

What about Whites with no jobs? What do you think that the people in question have been doing this whole time, sleeping and not working already?

Ha ha ha. ZING!

Well played. Well.fucking.played.
The excuse to not harm the "innocent children" of illegals is bullshit.

So Jose gets to stay here through high school and college, so what about his parents that are illegal and paying for his living expenses. Oh, they get to stay here too?

What about when Jose takes a job at McDonalds and Gerome the black guy can't find a job in town as a teen? Is that fucking fair? An American can't get a job because the kid of an illegal takes it away from him?
Dumbfuck....studies show blacks are harmed more by illegals stealing jobs than whites.

Now get back to fucking your cat.

Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

What about Whites with no jobs? What do you think that the people in question have been doing this whole time, sleeping and not working already?

Ha ha ha. ZING!

Well played. Well.fucking.played.

Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

No, we don't necessarily. It is entirely possible to commit an unlawful act without intending to do so. And in the civil arena, intent is often totally irrelevant. Illegal status does not need to be intended. If someone overstays their visa due to an extended illness, do you think that should qualify them for a work visa?
Also, based on your irredeemably stupid if heartfelt basis for supporting this virtual amnesty, why the hell should a criminal history have anything to do with the decision? Your basis is that they did not intend to be brought here illegally, and so should stay. Why should a conviction for, say AggDUI change your position?
Intent is an important factor in our judicial system. Often if there is no intent there is no prosecution or the prosecution will be on a lesser charge. An intent to commit murder carries a far stiffer penalty, than unintentionally and unknowingly causing a death. Likewise, the punishment for unintentionally and unknowing breaking our immigration law should not be the same as a person who willfully breaks the law. It's not logical to hold a person responsible for the action of their parents.

If your parents violated the law by bringing you into this country, why should you be punished for their actions? For young kids brought into the US illegally, this country becomes their only home. To take these people away from their home, family, school, or job and dump them in a strange country is just plain wrong.

The president did the right thing, something congress should have done years ago.
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Most whites didn't vote for him based on skin color like minorities did.

Any liberal that supports him is a dumbfuck.

He will throw blacks under the bus for the hispanic vote. Hell, he turned his back on blacks by openly supporting the gay agenda, something most blacks oppose.

He is the perfect example of a spineless politician trying a new tactic when he is losing in the polls. Sellout to the hispanic vote to see if they can save his ass.

Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

What about Whites with no jobs? What do you think that the people in question have been doing this whole time, sleeping and not working already?

Let's put one of your assertions in the garbage where it belongs. What percentage of Black people voted for Obama, Kerry, Gore, and Clinton? How many more percentage points did Obama get compared to the other Democrats?

He didn't turn his back on "the Blacks", that's just some stupid White right wing propaganda that WILL NOT WORK. "They" still know what they are all about. :lol:

How is this directive "inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages."? Do you even know the terms of the directive?
No sorry, I have to admit I rarely go through and read Posts line by Line. If it came before my comment responding to the OP I probably did not read it.

No denying there are Racists on the Right, But not all of us. Like I said, I am for the Dream act, It makes sense, I just don't think the way Obama wants to achieve it is Frankly Legal. and no I do not believe the ends Justify the Means, Like I said next time it could be a right wing loon President deciding which laws to ignore. I am sure you would not like that.

If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.
I have to agree with you on that. I think they should make the executive order a thing of the past. Doesn't matter which side uses it, I think it is wrong to bypass congress. Sorry for the name calling, I just get fired up.

My apologies to you too, it's all in good fun for me. I was laughing and showing my wife the posts while she looks at me like I'm crazy. :)

I will add that my normally sweet wife does get a little fired up when some folks call me names. :lol:
Blacks with no jobs and "American" hispanics with no jobs should be going ape shit today.

He is pretty much inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages, so that Americans will have to sit at home on welfare benefits.

What about Whites with no jobs? What do you think that the people in question have been doing this whole time, sleeping and not working already?

Ha ha ha. ZING!

Well played. Well.fucking.played.

Thanks! :)
You're the typical dumbfuck Obamination supporter, so it's not shocking you don't have a clue.

Uh, telling illegals "here now" they get a pass, kinda sends up a red flag to others on the other side of the border that it can happen again so just come over. This is too deep for your idiot brain.

As for blacks voting for Obamination, those that did are idiots. Only intelligent blacks vote for Republicans.

Most whites didn't vote for him based on skin color like minorities did.

Any liberal that supports him is a dumbfuck.

He will throw blacks under the bus for the hispanic vote. Hell, he turned his back on blacks by openly supporting the gay agenda, something most blacks oppose.

He is the perfect example of a spineless politician trying a new tactic when he is losing in the polls. Sellout to the hispanic vote to see if they can save his ass.

What about Whites with no jobs? What do you think that the people in question have been doing this whole time, sleeping and not working already?

Let's put one of your assertions in the garbage where it belongs. What percentage of Black people voted for Obama, Kerry, Gore, and Clinton? How many more percentage points did Obama get compared to the other Democrats?

He didn't turn his back on "the Blacks", that's just some stupid White right wing propaganda that WILL NOT WORK. "They" still know what they are all about. :lol:

How is this directive "inviting illegals from across the border to come here to steal American jobs at low wages."? Do you even know the terms of the directive?
If it came off like I thought or implied that all people on the right are Racists, my apologies. I certainly don't think that. My main point is that it's nothing more than a directive or Executive order and that it's not unconstitutional. I don't want a "monarchy" from ANY side of the aisle. I just don't like the hypocrisy that some people have been displaying here.
For example, why complain about Obama or the Democrats courting the "Latino vote", when the Republicans are doing the same thing themselves??? Previous Republican and Democrat Administrations have also made PLENTY of directives and Executive Orders.
I have to agree with you on that. I think they should make the executive order a thing of the past. Doesn't matter which side uses it, I think it is wrong to bypass congress. Sorry for the name calling, I just get fired up.

My apologies to you too, it's all in good fun for me. I was laughing and showing my wife the posts while she looks at me like I'm crazy. :)

I will add that my normally sweet wife does get a little fired up when some folks call me names. :lol:

Tell your wife it's hard to be civil with Americans like yourself who always side with people who sneek into our country.

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