Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

That's not addressing the main point about tax dollars sent and tax dollars received from the Federal Government and the fact that republican leaning states receive more than they give and democrat leaning states are the ones who fund that by giving more than they receive.

california receives 30% of all welfare and guess who has the largest population of illegals? 60% then is shared by the other 56 states.

We also are one of the most populated state, if not THE most populated state. You're trying to correlate numbers using conjecture. Don't be an idiot.

Oh. Sorry. Too late!

see the red dots....

see the BIG red dot....

Love how liberals are defending this act a fascism though......

I love how conservatives are being proven WRONG on every given turn!!! Do you even know what "fascism" means? Please explain how this is "fascist"? :lol:

By seizing power not granted him

What "power" did he "seize"? Was Ronaldus Magmus "seizing power not given to him" with these executive orders:
President Ronald Reagan Executive Orders

Was he (Reagan) a "fascist"?
The Rule of Law and the Constitution mean nothing to this President and his criminal lackeys. This guy has turned out to be such an awful fraud. All Americans should see 'The Obama Deception' film. It's the reason so many have lost all faith in our Electoral Process. This President does not have America's best interests at heart.

Agreed and it was common knowledge what he was about as long as you were looking. I feel alot of Dems are traitors anyone backing him is.
Right. Because illegal immigration is why our state has a big deficit.

Hey, Fuckos, if you don't live here, shut the fuck up, since you're just looking like idiots.

Wait, no, too late. Horse is outta the barn.
Obama has trashed this Country, remember that on election day, hell Charlie Brown would do a better job than that clown,frankly I think he enjoys destroying this Country,there can be no other explanation......:cuckoo:



I love how conservatives are being proven WRONG on every given turn!!! Do you even know what "fascism" means? Please explain how this is "fascist"? :lol:

By seizing power not granted him

What "power" did he "seize"? Was Ronaldus Magmus "seizing power not given to him" with these executive orders:
President Ronald Reagan Executive Orders

Was he (Reagan) a "fascist"?

The difference is all those orders where in the powers of the executive branch this is not. Amazing how retarded you are.
california receives 30% of all welfare and guess who has the largest population of illegals? 60% then is shared by the other 56 states.

We also are one of the most populated state, if not THE most populated state. You're trying to correlate numbers using conjecture. Don't be an idiot.

Oh. Sorry. Too late!

see the red dots....

see the BIG red dot....


States Obama stands to lose...
Right. Because illegal immigration is why our state has a big deficit.

Hey, Fuckos, if you don't live here, shut the fuck up, since you're just looking like idiots.

Wait, no, too late. Horse is outta the barn.

hey, no problemo, all the business people and people with money is leaving Commiefornia anyway...so you with "the hearts" deal with it..:badgrin:

what a shame what has been done to that once great state.
Unfortunately that can't be taken into consideration. It's worse than a slippery slope, it's a slippery cliff. Let any illegal immigrant stay for any reason and you will open the flood gates for it to happen en-mass. Any illegal immigrant caught inside the US should be deported. Whether or not they should be fined or jailed depends on the individual situation. If we are that worried about the children then waive the fine and jail time for the parents and send them home in a nice comfy bus.

This is my second choice of action though. My first choice would be to take away everything that draws them here (jobs, homes, welfare, ect.) and watch them leave of their own accord.
It's even worse than that....This is ruling by decree.

The president has the authority to direct his agencies how he sees fit, so long as he is not ordering them to engage in illegal activity. Not doing their job is not illegal, negligent and harmful yeah, but not illegal.

I beg to differ on this point. If they are being paid to do the job, and they fail to do that job but still accept their paychecks, they are stealing. Theft is illegal, last time I looked. Additionally, they are derelict in their duties.
The Rule of Law and the Constitution mean nothing to this President and his criminal lackeys. This guy has turned out to be such an awful fraud. All Americans should see 'The Obama Deception' film. It's the reason so many have lost all faith in our Electoral Process. This President does not have America's best interests at heart.

But thats the fundamental change and try telling someone he/they are chipping away at our freedoms like they have been for hundreds of years and you get labeled. Putting little changes in now sets up the punch later.
Right. Because illegal immigration is why our state has a big deficit.

Hey, Fuckos, if you don't live here, shut the fuck up, since you're just looking like idiots.

Wait, no, too late. Horse is outta the barn.

hey, no problemo, all the business people and people with money is leaving Commiefornia anyway...so you with "the hearts" deal with it..:badgrin:

what a shame what has been done to that once great state.

Exactly. California is gonna show us what happens when all the takers far outnumber the givers..
you have 12% of the population in the US and you receive 30% of all welfare. that leaves the other 56 states with 70 percent.. now divide that out..

Does California give to the federal government more than it receives, or are they like the other red states and receive more than they give?

what is California's budget deficit?

Why can't you or won't you:
A: Provide the source where you are getting these "stats" from?
B: Answer the questions I asked you?

Right. Because illegal immigration is why our state has a big deficit.

Hey, Fuckos, if you don't live here, shut the fuck up, since you're just looking like idiots.

Wait, no, too late. Horse is outta the barn.

I lived there for more than thirty years, thirty five years to be exact. Left in 2009.

And no, illegal immigration is not why California has a huge deficit. But one thing is for sure, it doesn't help.
Right. Because illegal immigration is why our state has a big deficit.

Hey, Fuckos, if you don't live here, shut the fuck up, since you're just looking like idiots.

Wait, no, too late. Horse is outta the barn.

I bet it puts a jingle in yer johnson that we don't have to "shut the fuck up" when you tell us to..
It's been several. He doesn't like checks and balances.

Folks, let's be honest - Obama hates the United States. He hates the US Constitution. Daddy taught him that America was (and I quote here) "the great imperialist". So Obama's plan was to bring the United States down (you know, for "exploiting" other nations - which is assinine beyond words to believe) while propping other countries up. That is why he has a moratorium on off shore drilling in the US, but sends $40 billion per year of US tax payer money to South America for them to drill of their coasts. If his moratorium existed to protect the enviroment, he wouldn't approve of South America drilling off of their shores. He supports it, unconstitutionally with our money, because he wants to prop up the South American nations while bringing down the US with an energy crisis.

His daddy hated the US (it's well documented), and he taught Barack Hussein to hate the US. If you doubt that for a second (besides the facts posted above), you don't have to look any further than Michelle Obama's comment that "for the first time in <her> life, she is proud of <her> country" after Hussein was elected. You have to be a sad piece of garbage to grow up in this great nation and NEVER once be proud of it for 45+ years.

I agree, there's no doubt in my mind if you could read the mind of Barack Obama, you would find that he has no love whatsoever for his country. Look at the company he has kept. See anyone there you would call a cheerleader for America ? I sure don't, instead he keeps the company of people who only wish to change their country, not people who wish to cherish it. But hey, he's an American lib, so it really goes without saying.

Great point! But, even by liberal standards, the company he has kept has been way over the top. Bill Ayers is a terrorist who bombed government buildings (something that I'm sure would have made daddy Obama proud). Jeremiah Wright hates white people. And George Soros hates capitalism (he also called working for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's "the best time of my life" - no kidding, look it up).

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