Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

You don't work, do you?

for 40 years.
I'm wondering what other edicts will be handed down in the coming months leading to the election as O exploits races, ethnicities to harbor votes.
Forgiveness of student loans.
Mortgage forgiveness.
Total amnesty with the right to vote grandfathered in.
Legalization of Pot.
Total paycheck equality.

I predict if Obama continues to bleed in the polls, the next announcement will be to forgive the student loans. It's looking more and more like Obama will pander to whatever group he has to, to get them energized for November.

Obviously he has the black vote, but he needs to get them to the polls. If he senses many may stay home he'll probably announce he's for reparations.

This is how the Marxist operates. He purchases votes with US tax payer dollars (hence the nearly $6 trillion in debt he has racked up in only 3.5 years).

He bought votes for Obamacare with the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase" and now that he sees he has no chance of being re-elected, he is desperately trying to purchase the votes of the American people. You are dead-on, next will be student loans and after that, it will be mortgages. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. The electoral college elects the President, not the people, at the electoral college is owned by the GOP. Sorry Barry, you get to go home now and dream about what your Marxist utopia could have been...
Oh really, so all of those millions of union workers, teachers, minimum wage workers, Wall Street workers, etc. are all "republicans" now? What states send more tax dollars to the federal government , red states or blue states?

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.


30% of all welfare is paid to the state of California.. and who has the biggest population of illegals?

That's not addressing the main point about tax dollars sent and tax dollars received from the Federal Government and the fact that republican leaning states receive more than they give and democrat leaning states are the ones who fund that by giving more than they receive.

30% of all welfare is paid to the state of California.. and who has the biggest population of illegals?

That's not addressing the main point about tax dollars sent and tax dollars received from the Federal Government and the fact that republican leaning states receive more than they give and democrat leaning states are the ones who fund that by giving more than they receive.

california receives 30% of all welfare and guess who has the largest population of illegals? 60% then is shared by the other 56 states.
Forgiveness of student loans.
Mortgage forgiveness.
Total amnesty with the right to vote grandfathered in.
Legalization of Pot.
Total paycheck equality.

I predict if Obama continues to bleed in the polls, the next announcement will be to forgive the student loans. It's looking more and more like Obama will pander to whatever group he has to, to get them energized for November.

Obviously he has the black vote, but he needs to get them to the polls. If he senses many may stay home he'll probably announce he's for reparations.

This is how the Marxist operates. He purchases votes with US tax payer dollars (hence the nearly $6 trillion in debt he has racked up in only 3.5 years).

He bought votes for Obamacare with the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase" and now that he sees he has no chance of being re-elected, he is desperately trying to purchase the votes of the American people. You are dead-on, next will be student loans and after that, it will be mortgages. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. The electoral college elects the President, not the people, at the electoral college is owned by the GOP. Sorry Barry, you get to go home now and dream about what your Marxist utopia could have been...

Yeah. I hate when people buy elections.

30% of all welfare is paid to the state of California.. and who has the biggest population of illegals?

That's not addressing the main point about tax dollars sent and tax dollars received from the Federal Government and the fact that republican leaning states receive more than they give and democrat leaning states are the ones who fund that by giving more than they receive.

california receives 30% of all welfare and guess who has the largest population of illegals? 60% then is shared by the other 56 states.

We also are one of the most populated state, if not THE most populated state. You're trying to correlate numbers using conjecture. Don't be an idiot.

Oh. Sorry. Too late!
30% of all welfare is paid to the state of California.. and who has the biggest population of illegals?

That's not addressing the main point about tax dollars sent and tax dollars received from the Federal Government and the fact that republican leaning states receive more than they give and democrat leaning states are the ones who fund that by giving more than they receive.

california receives 30% of all welfare and guess who has the largest population of illegals? 60% then is shared by the other 56 states.

Can you please provide the source that you are garnering the above "stats" from? Thank you.
There's nothing illegal, unconstitutional, or bypassing the congress by this move, despite what all the bedwetting Republicans claim.

Under the new policy, effective immediately, immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally before they turned 16 and are under the age of 30 will be allowed to apply for work permits as long as they have no criminal history and meet other criteria, administration officials said.

Those who meet the criteria will be eligible to apply for deferred action on deportation for a period of two years, and that status will be renewable, one official said. They also will be able to apply for authorization to work.

Individuals have to meet numerous requirements to be eligible to apply. They must have come to the U.S. before they turned 16 and must have resided in the U.S. continuously for at least five years. They must be present in the U.S. now, be enrolled in school, and hold a high school diploma or GED or serve in the U.S. military. Veterans who have been discharged honorably also will be eligible.

Disqualified from application would be felons, immigrants convicted of violent crimes, and repeat offenders of immigration law. Also ineligible would be those convicted of a significant misdemeanor offense or more than one misdemeanor, or those who for some other reason pose a security or safety threat.
In election-year shift, Obama announces 'mend' to immigration policy - latimes.com
Wait here a minute, the law is the law, period end of sentence. This pathetic excuse of a president needs to be replaced. Heck I would vote for anyone else at this point. As for the children of illegal immigrants, let them petition the department of immigration on their own, but for gods sake don't compromise the law and legal system in the process.

You are dead on! Sadly though, liberals believe that laws don't matter. Aside from pissing all over the US Constitution in the name of Communism like they have for over 100 years now, have you seen the Occupy Wall Street movement? They rape women at an alarming rate during those "protests" and then other members ask the women not come forward. They've had shootings, and murders, endless thefts and vandalism.

A liberal is someone who wants to work the system for all it is worth, and once they can't work the system any further, they will rape and pillage like modern day Vikings.
There's nothing illegal, unconstitutional, or bypassing the congress by this move, despite what all the bedwetting Republicans claim.

Under the new policy, effective immediately, immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally before they turned 16 and are under the age of 30 will be allowed to apply for work permits as long as they have no criminal history and meet other criteria, administration officials said.

Those who meet the criteria will be eligible to apply for deferred action on deportation for a period of two years, and that status will be renewable, one official said. They also will be able to apply for authorization to work.

Individuals have to meet numerous requirements to be eligible to apply. They must have come to the U.S. before they turned 16 and must have resided in the U.S. continuously for at least five years. They must be present in the U.S. now, be enrolled in school, and hold a high school diploma or GED or serve in the U.S. military. Veterans who have been discharged honorably also will be eligible.

Disqualified from application would be felons, immigrants convicted of violent crimes, and repeat offenders of immigration law. Also ineligible would be those convicted of a significant misdemeanor offense or more than one misdemeanor, or those who for some other reason pose a security or safety threat.
In election-year shift, Obama announces 'mend' to immigration policy - latimes.com
Except the President or the DHS has the authority to do this ....Unlike you I dont want to live in a fascist country.
I love it when Obama jerks the tea party's chain and they start frothing at the mouth.

The INS needs to concentrate on securing the boarders and deporting those that are actually doing harm. We should not deport people that were brought to this country by their parents and are now productive members of society or are attempting to be. These people should be documented as all legal residents are, taxed, and monitored by the INS, and given a chance to make something of themselves in the country they call home.

Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

Good, let them return to their country of origin and demonstrate their intent to follow the immigration laws that others comply with by applying to come here using the proper bureaucratic channels.
How many times has Obama said in speeches that he intended on going around Congress?

It's been several. He doesn't like checks and balances.

Folks, let's be honest - Obama hates the United States. He hates the US Constitution. Daddy taught him that America was (and I quote here) "the great imperialist". So Obama's plan was to bring the United States down (you know, for "exploiting" other nations - which is assinine beyond words to believe) while propping other countries up. That is why he has a moratorium on off shore drilling in the US, but sends $40 billion per year of US tax payer money to South America for them to drill of their coasts. If his moratorium existed to protect the enviroment, he wouldn't approve of South America drilling off of their shores. He supports it, unconstitutionally with our money, because he wants to prop up the South American nations while bringing down the US with an energy crisis.

His daddy hated the US (it's well documented), and he taught Barack Hussein to hate the US. If you doubt that for a second (besides the facts posted above), you don't have to look any further than Michelle Obama's comment that "for the first time in <her> life, she is proud of <her> country" after Hussein was elected. You have to be a sad piece of garbage to grow up in this great nation and NEVER once be proud of it for 45+ years.

I agree, there's no doubt in my mind if you could read the mind of Barack Obama, you would find that he has no love whatsoever for his country. Look at the company he has kept. See anyone there you would call a cheerleader for America ? I sure don't, instead he keeps the company of people who only wish to change their country, not people who wish to cherish it. But hey, he's an American lib, so it really goes without saying.
Bet they'll be raising the Mexican flag in L.A. tonight. And American liberals will be cheering it.
There's nothing illegal, unconstitutional, or bypassing the congress by this move, despite what all the bedwetting Republicans claim.

Under the new policy, effective immediately, immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally before they turned 16 and are under the age of 30 will be allowed to apply for work permits as long as they have no criminal history and meet other criteria, administration officials said.

Those who meet the criteria will be eligible to apply for deferred action on deportation for a period of two years, and that status will be renewable, one official said. They also will be able to apply for authorization to work.

Individuals have to meet numerous requirements to be eligible to apply. They must have come to the U.S. before they turned 16 and must have resided in the U.S. continuously for at least five years. They must be present in the U.S. now, be enrolled in school, and hold a high school diploma or GED or serve in the U.S. military. Veterans who have been discharged honorably also will be eligible.

Disqualified from application would be felons, immigrants convicted of violent crimes, and repeat offenders of immigration law. Also ineligible would be those convicted of a significant misdemeanor offense or more than one misdemeanor, or those who for some other reason pose a security or safety threat.
In election-year shift, Obama announces 'mend' to immigration policy - latimes.com

well good then, I hope the American people have been clobbered over the head enough by this administration.
8.2 % unemployment and this is what Obama believes is MORE important folks..
get a clue
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That's not addressing the main point about tax dollars sent and tax dollars received from the Federal Government and the fact that republican leaning states receive more than they give and democrat leaning states are the ones who fund that by giving more than they receive.

california receives 30% of all welfare and guess who has the largest population of illegals? 60% then is shared by the other 56 states.

We also are one of the most populated state, if not THE most populated state. You're trying to correlate numbers using conjecture. Don't be an idiot.

Oh. Sorry. Too late!

you have 12% of the population in the US and you receive 30% of all welfare. that leaves the other 56 states with 70 percent.. now divide that out..
Really? And so what do you say to all of those people from other countries who are still waiting in line to get in LEGALLY?
We're discussing those who were illegally brought to the United States as children who "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks. In our courts we make a distinction between those who chose to violate our laws and those who had no choice.

Good, let them return to their country of origin and demonstrate their intent to follow the immigration laws that others comply with by applying to come here using the proper bureaucratic channels.

This is their country of origin, if they were born here, fucktard. And if they were brought here before the age of 3, they don't remember Mexico.

Don't worry, we'll be the heart of the country, you keep being the asshole.
There's nothing illegal, unconstitutional, or bypassing the congress by this move, despite what all the bedwetting Republicans claim.

Under the new policy, effective immediately, immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally before they turned 16 and are under the age of 30 will be allowed to apply for work permits as long as they have no criminal history and meet other criteria, administration officials said.

Those who meet the criteria will be eligible to apply for deferred action on deportation for a period of two years, and that status will be renewable, one official said. They also will be able to apply for authorization to work.

Individuals have to meet numerous requirements to be eligible to apply. They must have come to the U.S. before they turned 16 and must have resided in the U.S. continuously for at least five years. They must be present in the U.S. now, be enrolled in school, and hold a high school diploma or GED or serve in the U.S. military. Veterans who have been discharged honorably also will be eligible.

Disqualified from application would be felons, immigrants convicted of violent crimes, and repeat offenders of immigration law. Also ineligible would be those convicted of a significant misdemeanor offense or more than one misdemeanor, or those who for some other reason pose a security or safety threat.
In election-year shift, Obama announces 'mend' to immigration policy - latimes.com

well good then, I hope the Amercian people have been clobbered over the head enough by this administation.
8.2 % unemployment and this is what Obama believes is MORE important folks..
get a clue

With every tic upward of unemployment, he needs as much deflection as he can generate.

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