Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Hey Latino's, how do you like the president that apparently could have done this all along. Are you going to ask him why he's using you as an election year ploy ?
How does it feel to be used like a pawn ?

What were the republicans doing for them all of this time? Hmmmmmm:

He did it once. He can do it again.

Please don't ever wonder why people think of Conservatives as heartless cocks. Because this post should go right in the Heartless Cock Hall of Fame. Right next to every speech ever given by Dick Nixon.


He did it once. He can do it again.
is simply not true. Not even close.

Some of these people currently serve in our own military. Deporting them back to the country where their parents were born would be more than cruel. It would be against our own best interests.

Thing is, most here seem to think that all illegals are brown and came from Mexico.

Those same people are getting ready to vote for an anchor baby, but of course, that's different. One way its different is that it would indeed be to our best interest to deport mitt. :eusa_whistle:

what ewe people want is a no borders policy why don't you just say it?
The Great Divider has struck again. :clap2:

I'm wondering what other edicts will be handed down in the coming months leading to the election as O exploits races, ethnicities to harbor votes.
Forgiveness of student loans.
Mortgage forgiveness.
Total amnesty with the right to vote grandfathered in.
Legalization of Pot.
Total paycheck equality.
Hey Latino's, how do you like the president that apparently could have done this all along. Are you going to ask him why he's using you as an election year ploy ?
How does it feel to be used like a pawn ?

What were the republicans doing for them all of this time? Hmmmmmm:


feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them
Nope...not Americas fault. I agree.

But Americans have compassion.....except folks like you.

Partisan assholes like you ruin it for true conservatives just as partisan assholes like rdean ruin it for true progressives.

you may have missed this asshole.

Let me just tell ya folks.. people broke into this country illegaly dragging their children in with them. The American taxpayer was FORCED to educate them, feed them, clothe them and to provide medical care for them. We've done enough for them. Now they need to go back to their country of origin and get in line just the way all those who have waited patiently to enter legally are doing. We've done plenty for the kids of the illegals. Don't try to lay a damn guilt trip on us. Me.

Nope. Didnt miss it.

I read it and laughed.

We were not forced to do any of that crap. We opted to do it.

Over the years we have had R and D presidents and R and D majorities and nothing was done about it.

So now we should punish the children?

Get real.

show how stupid you are,, the supreme court says otherwise. asshole.
Hey Latino's, how do you like the president that apparently could have done this all along. Are you going to ask him why he's using you as an election year ploy ?
How does it feel to be used like a pawn ?

What were the republicans doing for them all of this time? Hmmmmmm:


Pretty much the same thing, but they like to ignore that.

Marco Rubio as a possible VP pick, and Rubio calling for the Dream to be passed. Both election year ploys.
Point well taken, but the kid doesn't get to keep the money, thus get rewarded, for his father's crime, either, does he?

excellent point.

But we are not talking about rewarding the child.

We are talking about not punishing him and uprooting him and sending him to a place he barley knows...if he knows it at all..

It's something parents should think about before they commit a crime that would later have an undesirable affect on the child. Children do not get to keep the proceeds of a parental crime because taking those proceeds away would punish the child. The bank robber's children do not get to keep the money just because taking it away would impoverish them. Suppose a criminal parent steals an IPad and gives it to their child. If the parent is caught, does that child get to keep the Ipad because it's too much of a punishment to take it away? No. The property is returned to its rightful owner.

Sure...use the iPad example.

If that money was used to give a child a heeart transplant.....should the child have the heart ripped out of him?

lol...I understand your point......but I know you understand mine as well......

I really dont know if there is a right or wrong here.....

Techinically.....deporting them is the right.

Humanity wise? Letting the stay is right.

In this case, I side with the humanity side. They really are victims more than they are criminals.
Please don't ever wonder why people think of Conservatives as heartless cocks. Because this post should go right in the Heartless Cock Hall of Fame. Right next to every speech ever given by Dick Nixon.


He did it once. He can do it again.
is simply not true. Not even close.

Some of these people currently serve in our own military. Deporting them back to the country where their parents were born would be more than cruel. It would be against our own best interests.

Thing is, most here seem to think that all illegals are brown and came from Mexico.

Those same people are getting ready to vote for an anchor baby, but of course, that's different. One way its different is that it would indeed be to our best interest to deport mitt. :eusa_whistle:

what ewe people want is a no borders policy why don't you just say it?

Obama wishes to sell us out...our Soverignty...GONE.
liberalism has nothing to do with it, most illegals work and provide their own or live with host families.

They pay taxes too.

So illegal activity is nullified when you pay any form of a tax, whether it be sales tax, gas tax, or whatever??

Gonna make smiting my enemies easier and without fear of prosecution

Based on that bit of libturd logic: since I really would like to improve my life, and robbing banks is an expedient means to the end I have in mind, as long as I pay taxes on my "earnings", I should be just fine.
We don't need congress anymore.

In its current form, no. See, a real separate but equal branch of government, one that actually cared about enforcing laws, would call Obama out on this. But thanks to corruption, idiot voters, and partisan games that will never happen.

Oh well, this is what you idiot two party voters wanted.
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The Great Divider has struck again. :clap2:

I'm wondering what other edicts will be handed down in the coming months leading to the election as O exploits races, ethnicities to harbor votes.
Forgiveness of student loans.
Mortgage forgiveness.
Total amnesty with the right to vote grandfathered in.
Legalization of Pot.
Total paycheck equality.

I predict if Obama continues to bleed in the polls, the next announcement will be to forgive the student loans. It's looking more and more like Obama will pander to whatever group he has to, to get them energized for November.

Obviously he has the black vote, but he needs to get them to the polls. If he senses many may stay home he'll probably announce he's for reparations.
We don't need congress anymore.

How many times has Obama said in speeches that he intended on going around Congress?

It's been several. He doesn't like checks and balances.

His narcissism and arrogance as seen in the presser today telegraphs it.

He thinks he can Do what he wants, when he wants.

He's in for a RUDE awakening in November.

Americans don't like nor appreciate Dictators...especially ones masquerading as POTUS.
Hey Latino's, how do you like the president that apparently could have done this all along. Are you going to ask him why he's using you as an election year ploy ?
How does it feel to be used like a pawn ?

What were the republicans doing for them all of this time? Hmmmmmm:


feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............
It will be interesting to see any polling on white Democrats over this announcement.
Be interesting to see if they also support selling out America.

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