Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

What were the republicans doing for them all of this time? Hmmmmmm:


feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

I swear to god you fucking American liberals will always have a reason to excuse illegal immigration.
What were the republicans doing for them all of this time? Hmmmmmm:


feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.
feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

I swear to god you fucking American liberals will always have a reason to excuse illegal immigration.

Thanks for the LAUGH! Where did I allegedly "excuse illegal immigration" in that post you responded to?
That's what I thought, it is OK for everyone else to support an Illegal, but you don't want them living with you ... not so liberal are you :)


liberalism has nothing to do with it, most illegals work and provide their own or live with host families.

Mostly illegals live off whatever jackpot babies they can pop out. That, and hanging around street corners trying to get day labor. Then there's always crime. A burglary here, a mugging there. They get by.

And of course they are all just dying to be US citizens. That's why they insist in hanging the US flag upside down, and posting the Mexican flag and colors every chance they get. That's why they have their chicano pride shit, and insist that students displaying the stars and stripes be expelled from school. Oh, yeah, they're just the kind we want squatting in OUR country.
Curious....if guy robs a bank and he has his kid in the back seat of the getaway car....would you call the kid a criminal?

Point well taken, but the kid doesn't get to keep the money, thus get rewarded, for his father's crime, either, does he?

excellent point.

But we are not talking about rewarding the child.

We are talking about not punishing him and uprooting him and sending him to a place he barley knows...if he knows it at all..
Does he deserve the money his father stole, or not? It's really that simple, once you remove the emotional aspect. Brutal? yup. Sorry. My dad played by the rules. Has the government rewarded me for that?
feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

That's weird. I'm a Democrat. I work hard. I pay taxes. Hmm.

Sounds like you're just an idiot.

Survey says..........yes! You are an idiot!
feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers
, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

Oh really, so all of those millions of union workers, teachers, minimum wage workers, Wall Street workers, etc. are all "republicans" now? What states send more tax dollars to the federal government , red states or blue states?
Curious....if guy robs a bank and he has his kid in the back seat of the getaway car....would you call the kid a criminal?

Point well taken, but the kid doesn't get to keep the money, thus get rewarded, for his father's crime, either, does he?

It's not a point well taken. It's not Americas fault that some damn kids parents decided to break US law.

It's not really the kid's fault either. I give him that, but I refuse to give him the ill gotten gains.
Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

That's weird. I'm a Democrat. I work hard. I pay taxes. Hmm.

Sounds like you're just an idiot.

Survey says..........yes! You are an idiot!

the survey on this board is we know you are a idiot.
Point well taken, but the kid doesn't get to keep the money, thus get rewarded, for his father's crime, either, does he?

It's not a point well taken. It's not Americas fault that some damn kids parents decided to break US law.

It's not really the kid's fault either. I give him that, but I refuse to give him the ill gotten gains.

as I've said,, the kids of illegals have already used up a LOT of our treasure, by law we the taxpayers are FORCED to educate them, medicate them and incarcerate them.. they are stealing our wealth and receive the blessings of the libtarded people.
We don't need congress anymore.

How many times has Obama said in speeches that he intended on going around Congress?

It's been several. He doesn't like checks and balances.

Folks, let's be honest - Obama hates the United States. He hates the US Constitution. Daddy taught him that America was (and I quote here) "the great imperialist". So Obama's plan was to bring the United States down (you know, for "exploiting" other nations - which is assinine beyond words to believe) while propping other countries up. That is why he has a moratorium on off shore drilling in the US, but sends $40 billion per year of US tax payer money to South America for them to drill of their coasts. If his moratorium existed to protect the enviroment, he wouldn't approve of South America drilling off of their shores. He supports it, unconstitutionally with our money, because he wants to prop up the South American nations while bringing down the US with an energy crisis.

His daddy hated the US (it's well documented), and he taught Barack Hussein to hate the US. If you doubt that for a second (besides the facts posted above), you don't have to look any further than Michelle Obama's comment that "for the first time in <her> life, she is proud of <her> country" after Hussein was elected. You have to be a sad piece of garbage to grow up in this great nation and NEVER once be proud of it for 45+ years.
Obama didn't "bypass" congress. Congress (Rs) Do Nothing. President Obama waited more than three years for congress to do their job. They did not and have even SAID REPEATEDLY that they would not do their job he really had no choice.

Hell, if it were up to the Rs, bin laden would still be watching porn and ordering hits on US citizens.

Its not "impeachable" and, in FACT, ReaganBushBush all three passed similar legislation.

This will force mitt to finally take a real stand. I'd bet that someone is telling him what he thinks right now.

If you want to whine, feel sorry for poor Marco Rubio. He had planned to announce the very same thing in order to get Latinos to vote for the worthless etch a sketch.

Are you really this stupid? Passed legislation means they signed bills that were approved by the House and Senate. The fact that immigration bills have been enacted in the past, does not mean that the President, no, not even barack obama, can enact law without Congress.

Ignoring the grade school name calling, you are correct.

Thank you.

My point stands.

OK??? I corrected you, you acknowledged it, but your point stands?:eusa_wall::eusa_wall:
Point well taken, but the kid doesn't get to keep the money, thus get rewarded, for his father's crime, either, does he?

It's not a point well taken. It's not Americas fault that some damn kids parents decided to break US law.

It's not really the kid's fault either. I give him that, but I refuse to give him the ill gotten gains.

It may not be the kid's fault...but still doesn't obscure the fact they are STILL illegal...them AND their parents need to go back to the line of those waiting to come here legally.
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This is an election year scam designed to steer the political debate in a direct they feel favors them.

It would mean something if it included every illegal.

Get back to talking about the economy he's screwing up.

First it was the homosexual dick he's sucking for votes. Now, he's sucking illegal invaders's dicks for votes. All the while, his DOJ is doing everything possible to prevent the various States from trying to clean up the electoral process to insure that legal, law-abiding CITIZENS are not disenfranchised by the votes cast by these cheaply bought criminals.
Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers
, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

Oh really, so all of those millions of union workers, teachers, minimum wage workers, Wall Street workers, etc. are all "republicans" now? What states send more tax dollars to the federal government , red states or blue states?

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

That's weird. I'm a Democrat. I work hard. I pay taxes. Hmm.

Sounds like you're just an idiot.

Survey says..........yes! You are an idiot!

you don't work hard, you hang around on message boards all day.
feeding them
clothing them
educating them
medicating them
incarerating them

Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

You don't work, do you?
Feeding them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Clothing them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Educating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

Medicating them with what? Government programs that you are allegedly against?

I thought all of the above were Democrat inspired and funded programs? Now you are stating that your party is the one responsible for all of the above "socialist" programs? :lol:

I do agree with you regarding the conservative and republican PIC (Prison Industrial Complex)..............

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

That's weird. I'm a Democrat. I work hard. I pay taxes. Hmm.

Sounds like you're just an idiot.

Survey says..........yes! You are an idiot!

First of all, if you're an idiot liberal, than you do NOT work hard and never have in your life. It's why your side of the aisle hides behind unions. So they don't have to work hard. They barely have to work at all.

Now, you may pay taxes, but 49% of this country does not pay any federal taxes at all, and that's certainly NOT the conservatives. Those are the liberals who feel that other people owe them food, housing, entertainment, cell phones, transportation, and healthcare.

Survey says..... you choose to live in an ideological lie and disgard reality!

Republicans are the hard working taxpayers
, democrats pass the mandates, Republicans have to pay for them. that's how that works..until you run out of givers that is.. and that's just coming down the pike.

Oh really, so all of those millions of union workers, teachers, minimum wage workers, Wall Street workers, etc. are all "republicans" now? What states send more tax dollars to the federal government , red states or blue states?

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.


30% of all welfare is paid to the state of California.. and who has the biggest population of illegals?
Wait here a minute, the law is the law, period end of sentence. This pathetic excuse of a president needs to be replaced. Heck I would vote for anyone else at this point. As for the children of illegal immigrants, let them petition the department of immigration on their own, but for gods sake don't compromise the law and legal system in the process.

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