Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Here comes another wedge issue, RW reactionaries are too damned predictable to be playing this game.

well hey no problem, we'll just let those people in the 8.2% unemployed say how they like having close to a million ILLEGIAL people given preference over them..

elections in November folks

You don't seem to have much faith in our work force and their ability to be competitive. Not to mention your inability to comprehend what happened yesterday. The work permits in no way guarantee them a job.

Yes, the elections are in November. The fact that congress continues to obstruct isn't helping your guy any. That's why he was considering Rubio as his running mate and seeking the Hispanic vote. Sorry about your luck.

it's always just a game for you Democrats, isn't it?
Just like they play with our defense..

really sad
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are you KIDDING? Obama can't bypass Congress and just pick and choose which laws he wants to follow, what don't you get about that?

just contact your Representative and tell them to spank the shit out Obama his comrades in arms administration, K

Spank? I've contacted my Congressional reps and demanded they get off their butts, grow a backbone, and initiate impeachment proceedings.

Hell Yes...

You need to start your impeachment right before the election

What's the matter? Chicken?

Nahh... we will just vote him out in November
Hmmm. Is Joe a sock of JakeS? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Has he ever supported one of the GOP candidates? All I ever read from him, apart from his weird bigotry against Mormons, was his defense of everything Obama?

I've noticed the same phenomena. And I am really suspicious of somebody who claims to have been a Republican until. . . . .

It is legitimate to change parties. I've done so. I was a strong Democrat active in political campaigns and such as a young adult. But over the years the increasing liberalism of the Democratic Party made it less and less of a happy home for me and I could not rationalize away the harm I witnessed up close and personal in that. So I finally had to admit that my party had left me.

These days I'm not much happier with the Republicans, but at least I am allowed to be my conservative self in the Republican Party so I register Republican.

I have seen no conservative side to JoeB in any respect, so it is hard to believe that he has ever been a Republican.

Yes, and all those alleged Black callers to the Rush show yesterday claiming they won't be voting for Obama because of the announcement were so credible. The Teaparty haters have taken over your party and you conservatives have allowed it and you've lost support because of it.
Has he ever supported one of the GOP candidates? All I ever read from him, apart from his weird bigotry against Mormons, was his defense of everything Obama?

I've noticed the same phenomena. And I am really suspicious of somebody who claims to have been a Republican until. . . . .

It is legitimate to change parties. I've done so. I was a strong Democrat active in political campaigns and such as a young adult. But over the years the increasing liberalism of the Democratic Party made it less and less of a happy home for me and I could not rationalize away the harm I witnessed up close and personal in that. So I finally had to admit that my party had left me.

These days I'm not much happier with the Republicans, but at least I am allowed to be my conservative self in the Republican Party so I register Republican.

I have seen no conservative side to JoeB in any respect, so it is hard to believe that he has ever been a Republican.

Demanding ideological purity of fellow party members is going to cost them everything, in the back rooms they were already sweating over this issue and dreading the day this gauntlet was thrown.

Sorry, but it is precisely because the Republicans do not demand ideological purity that keeps me in the party. It is the only option I have because the Democrats absolutely demonize anybody who doesn't demonstrate ideological purity.

Both parties suck big time. And both are taking us down the primrose path in a hand basket before we go plummeting off the cliff. But the Republicans are doing it a bit more slowly and at least they tolerate political views opposed to that. The Democrats do not.
Yeah, I remember not to long ago that report was debunked. Illegals take several times more from the economy then they contribute. All of us paying taxes pay for them to be here and for them to receive many, many billions more in aid then they contribute to society. Illegals are a huge burden to our economy and have contributed to the decline in our citizens financial well being.

No report is needed, because by definition, paying an illegal under the table means no wage taxes paid by the employer, and no income taxes paid by the illegal alien.
I've noticed the same phenomena. And I am really suspicious of somebody who claims to have been a Republican until. . . . .

It is legitimate to change parties. I've done so. I was a strong Democrat active in political campaigns and such as a young adult. But over the years the increasing liberalism of the Democratic Party made it less and less of a happy home for me and I could not rationalize away the harm I witnessed up close and personal in that. So I finally had to admit that my party had left me.

These days I'm not much happier with the Republicans, but at least I am allowed to be my conservative self in the Republican Party so I register Republican.

I have seen no conservative side to JoeB in any respect, so it is hard to believe that he has ever been a Republican.

Demanding ideological purity of fellow party members is going to cost them everything, in the back rooms they were already sweating over this issue and dreading the day this gauntlet was thrown.

Sorry, but it is precisely because the Republicans do not demand ideological purity that keeps me in the party. It is the only option I have because the Democrats absolutely demonize anybody who doesn't demonstrate ideological purity.

Both parties suck big time. And both are taking us down the primrose path in a hand basket before we go plummeting off the cliff. But the Republicans are doing it a bit more slowly and at least they tolerate political views opposed to that. The Democrats do not.

Say that next time a republican breaks ranks on anything at all and the accusations of RINO start flying, there is even some RINO action on this thread. Say that when yet another Norquist thread comes up. The republican party has the most rigid codified set of beliefs that America has seen in a long time with their pledges and blanket statements, no moderate wing even exists anymore.
Demanding ideological purity of fellow party members is going to cost them everything, in the back rooms they were already sweating over this issue and dreading the day this gauntlet was thrown.

Sorry, but it is precisely because the Republicans do not demand ideological purity that keeps me in the party. It is the only option I have because the Democrats absolutely demonize anybody who doesn't demonstrate ideological purity.

Both parties suck big time. And both are taking us down the primrose path in a hand basket before we go plummeting off the cliff. But the Republicans are doing it a bit more slowly and at least they tolerate political views opposed to that. The Democrats do not.

Say that next time a republican breaks ranks on anything at all and the accusations of RINO start flying, there is even some RINO action on this thread. Say that when yet another Norquist thread comes up. The republican party has the most rigid codified set of beliefs that America has seen in a long time with their pledges and blanket statements, no moderate wing even exists anymore.

You're wrong because they accept me. And I rail against the Republicans all the time. It is the party that nominated a John McCain, one of the most liberal Republicans to come down the Pike in awhile, who chose as his running mate one of the most conservative Republicans who has made it into the broad public view.

You don't find that in the Democratic Party.
Demanding ideological purity of fellow party members is going to cost them everything, in the back rooms they were already sweating over this issue and dreading the day this gauntlet was thrown.

Sorry, but it is precisely because the Republicans do not demand ideological purity that keeps me in the party. It is the only option I have because the Democrats absolutely demonize anybody who doesn't demonstrate ideological purity.

Both parties suck big time. And both are taking us down the primrose path in a hand basket before we go plummeting off the cliff. But the Republicans are doing it a bit more slowly and at least they tolerate political views opposed to that. The Democrats do not.

Say that next time a republican breaks ranks on anything at all and the accusations of RINO start flying, there is even some RINO action on this thread. Say that when yet another Norquist thread comes up. The republican party has the most rigid codified set of beliefs that America has seen in a long time with their pledges and blanket statements, no moderate wing even exists anymore.

oh bull, it's not like Democrats aren't the same way...look at what they did to Booker, even Clinton they went after for speaking against Obama..and what is so wrong with having beliefs and principles you live by...
Democrats just seem to go with whatever way the polls are showing.
Sorry, but it is precisely because the Republicans do not demand ideological purity that keeps me in the party. It is the only option I have because the Democrats absolutely demonize anybody who doesn't demonstrate ideological purity.

Both parties suck big time. And both are taking us down the primrose path in a hand basket before we go plummeting off the cliff. But the Republicans are doing it a bit more slowly and at least they tolerate political views opposed to that. The Democrats do not.

Say that next time a republican breaks ranks on anything at all and the accusations of RINO start flying, there is even some RINO action on this thread. Say that when yet another Norquist thread comes up. The republican party has the most rigid codified set of beliefs that America has seen in a long time with their pledges and blanket statements, no moderate wing even exists anymore.

You're wrong because they accept me. And I rail against the Republicans all the time. It is the party that nominated a John McCain, one of the most liberal Republicans to come down the Pike in awhile, who chose as his running mate one of the most conservative Republicans who has made it into the broad public view.

You don't find that in the Democratic Party.

well I have not found that in the democratic party either.
Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?

that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.

The worst president of your lifetime is currently in office.
Once you gain control you can go back to hunting down and deporting kids who have spent their lives in this country

And why are they or their illegal alien parents special? Why shouldn't they be deported?

If you want to get their parents ....round them up and send them home

Do you think illegals who join the military should be given citizenship?
Sorry, but it is precisely because the Republicans do not demand ideological purity that keeps me in the party. It is the only option I have because the Democrats absolutely demonize anybody who doesn't demonstrate ideological purity.

Both parties suck big time. And both are taking us down the primrose path in a hand basket before we go plummeting off the cliff. But the Republicans are doing it a bit more slowly and at least they tolerate political views opposed to that. The Democrats do not.

Say that next time a republican breaks ranks on anything at all and the accusations of RINO start flying, there is even some RINO action on this thread. Say that when yet another Norquist thread comes up. The republican party has the most rigid codified set of beliefs that America has seen in a long time with their pledges and blanket statements, no moderate wing even exists anymore.

You're wrong because they accept me. And I rail against the Republicans all the time. It is the party that nominated a John McCain, one of the most liberal Republicans to come down the Pike in awhile, who chose as his running mate one of the most conservative Republicans who has made it into the broad public view.

You don't find that in the Democratic Party.

Did you fill out some kind of application before being "accepted"? Any party will accept your vote no questions asked, but what about your ideas? If the everyday reality of republican control happens to match most of your political beliefs then congratulations, you have the luxury of actually thinking you are represented in any meaningful way.
What a bunch of BS! Obama stole an idea from Marko Rubio that democrats condemned. Marco Rubio was attempting the almost identical thing via congress (the legal and therefor moral route). What Obama has done is pander to the Hispanic vote- the vote he all but ignored when he had total political majority for two years.

Obama thinks Hispanics are stupid and won't know or understand the facts- Your hypocrisy is showing~

So what's your objection. He's adopted your idea.

Or is this going to be another one of those "We Republicans were totally for that Until The Black Guy Did It" routines.

The objection is asswipe. he broke the law and deemed it done instead of allowing the Congessional Body of the United States do it as dictated by US Law.

which laws did he break?
And why are they or their illegal alien parents special? Why shouldn't they be deported?

If you want to get their parents ....round them up and send them home

Do you think illegals who join the military should be given citizenship?

sure, why not?

If the military can turn a listless American teen into a hero then citizenship should be easy, it's just a matter of paperwork. Honorable military service deserves consideration as well as an exemplary record of education.
Yea that's the ticket, flood the Country with worthless mexicans, god knows we have plenty of food banks,free school lunches , jails , entitlements, section 8 housing and hosipals to serve them all , after all its all free shit for the taking........:clap2:

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Flood the country? All of the young people who could possibly qualify for temporary work visas under this plan must, by definition, have arrived in this country prior to Obama taking office.

Aside from that fact, maybe you would like to stop and think for a moment. I know it's not easy for you, but try.

Obama is making this announcement in the aftermath of Jeb Bush stating that conservatives need to do a better job of reaching out to other groups while also needing to compromise or at least come up with workable solutions regarding immigration issues.

If there's ONE segment of immigrants who would (and should) be viewed with the least amount of hostility, it would have to be the young people who arrived here as minors, have never been in trouble, and are otherwise young people who would be considered model citizens if they were, in fact, citizens.

Now, if conservatives can't find it within their compassionate conservative hearts to view the most sympathetic subsection of illegal immigrants as worthy of temporary work visas, then how do you think Hispanic Americans are going to view conservatives and the GOP? Do you think they're seriously going to consider voting for your candidates when then perceive you as strident, and possibly even hostile to their concerns?

Hispanics are the fastest growing Demographic group in this country and are already in the majority in states like Texas. And what are conservatives doing? You're alienating them as a group.

By all means, please continue on that track! You're probably just falling into Obama's trap. You've got nobody else but yourselves to blame if and when Hispanics conclude that your party is hostile (or worse) to them and their interests.

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