Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

If you want to get their parents ....round them up and send them home

Do you think illegals who join the military should be given citizenship?

sure, why not?

If the military can turn a listless American teen into a hero then citizenship should be easy, it's just a matter of paperwork. Honorable military service deserves consideration as well as an exemplary record of education.

I led all 4 of my kids , 3 boys and 1 girl into military service. I believe it is important in the development of the citizen.
Demanding ideological purity of fellow party members is going to cost them everything, in the back rooms they were already sweating over this issue and dreading the day this gauntlet was thrown.

Sorry, but it is precisely because the Republicans do not demand ideological purity that keeps me in the party. It is the only option I have because the Democrats absolutely demonize anybody who doesn't demonstrate ideological purity.

Both parties suck big time. And both are taking us down the primrose path in a hand basket before we go plummeting off the cliff. But the Republicans are doing it a bit more slowly and at least they tolerate political views opposed to that. The Democrats do not.

Say that next time a republican breaks ranks on anything at all and the accusations of RINO start flying, there is even some RINO action on this thread. Say that when yet another Norquist thread comes up. The republican party has the most rigid codified set of beliefs that America has seen in a long time with their pledges and blanket statements, no moderate wing even exists anymore.

HEy Occupied you have to have different beliefs to have differences, The democrats just read the Manifesto and get their marching orders and hey Republicans let everyone speak at the convention even the RINOs, where as democrats hate those anti abortion democrats, they just stick duct tape on their mouths.
Yea that's the ticket, flood the Country with worthless mexicans, god knows we have plenty of food banks,free school lunches , jails , entitlements, section 8 housing and hosipals to serve them all , after all its all free shit for the taking........:clap2:

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Flood the country? All of the young people who could possibly qualify for temporary work visas under this plan must, by definition, have arrived in this country prior to Obama taking office.

Aside from that fact, maybe you would like to stop and think for a moment. I know it's not easy for you, but try.

Obama is making this announcement in the aftermath of Jeb Bush stating that conservatives need to do a better job of reaching out to other groups while also needing to compromise or at least come up with workable solutions regarding immigration issues.

If there's ONE segment of immigrants who would (and should) be viewed with the least amount of hostility, it would have to be the young people who arrived here as minors, have never been in trouble, and are otherwise young people who would be considered model citizens if they were, in fact, citizens.

Now, if conservatives can't find it within their compassionate conservative hearts to view the most sympathetic subsection of illegal immigrants as worthy of temporary work visas, then how do you think Hispanic Americans are going to view conservatives and the GOP? Do you think they're seriously going to consider voting for your candidates when then perceive you as strident, and possibly even hostile to their concerns?

Hispanics are the fastest growing Demographic group in this country and are already in the majority in states like Texas. And what are conservatives doing? You're alienating them as a group.

By all means, please continue on that track! You're probably just falling into Obama's trap. You've got nobody else but yourselves to blame if and when Hispanics conclude that your party is hostile (or worse) to them and their interests.

oh for crying out loud, you are replying to ONE person, not ALL conservatives... and the people are upset with how Obama went about things. maybe you will hail him as some hero like the others are, but please give us a break about how supposedly ALL CONSERVATIVES are thinking and feeling.
Yea that's the ticket, flood the Country with worthless mexicans, god knows we have plenty of food banks,free school lunches , jails , entitlements, section 8 housing and hosipals to serve them all , after all its all free shit for the taking........:clap2:

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Flood the country? All of the young people who could possibly qualify for temporary work visas under this plan must, by definition, have arrived in this country prior to Obama taking office.

Aside from that fact, maybe you would like to stop and think for a moment. I know it's not easy for you, but try.

Obama is making this announcement in the aftermath of Jeb Bush stating that conservatives need to do a better job of reaching out to other groups while also needing to compromise or at least come up with workable solutions regarding immigration issues.

If there's ONE segment of immigrants who would (and should) be viewed with the least amount of hostility, it would have to be the young people who arrived here as minors, have never been in trouble, and are otherwise young people who would be considered model citizens if they were, in fact, citizens.

Now, if conservatives can't find it within their compassionate conservative hearts to view the most sympathetic subsection of illegal immigrants as worthy of temporary work visas, then how do you think Hispanic Americans are going to view conservatives and the GOP? Do you think they're seriously going to consider voting for your candidates when then perceive you as strident, and possibly even hostile to their concerns?

Hispanics are the fastest growing Demographic group in this country and are already in the majority in states like Texas. And what are conservatives doing? You're alienating them as a group.

By all means, please continue on that track! You're probably just falling into Obama's trap. You've got nobody else but yourselves to blame if and when Hispanics conclude that your party is hostile (or worse) to them and their interests.

oh for crying out loud, you are replying to ONE person, not ALL conservatives... and the people are upset with how Obama went about things. maybe you will hail him as some hero like the others are, but please give us a break about how supposedly ALL CONSERVATIVES are thinking and feeling.

It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.
Flood the country? All of the young people who could possibly qualify for temporary work visas under this plan must, by definition, have arrived in this country prior to Obama taking office.

Aside from that fact, maybe you would like to stop and think for a moment. I know it's not easy for you, but try.

Obama is making this announcement in the aftermath of Jeb Bush stating that conservatives need to do a better job of reaching out to other groups while also needing to compromise or at least come up with workable solutions regarding immigration issues.

If there's ONE segment of immigrants who would (and should) be viewed with the least amount of hostility, it would have to be the young people who arrived here as minors, have never been in trouble, and are otherwise young people who would be considered model citizens if they were, in fact, citizens.

Now, if conservatives can't find it within their compassionate conservative hearts to view the most sympathetic subsection of illegal immigrants as worthy of temporary work visas, then how do you think Hispanic Americans are going to view conservatives and the GOP? Do you think they're seriously going to consider voting for your candidates when then perceive you as strident, and possibly even hostile to their concerns?

Hispanics are the fastest growing Demographic group in this country and are already in the majority in states like Texas. And what are conservatives doing? You're alienating them as a group.

By all means, please continue on that track! You're probably just falling into Obama's trap. You've got nobody else but yourselves to blame if and when Hispanics conclude that your party is hostile (or worse) to them and their interests.

oh for crying out loud, you are replying to ONE person, not ALL conservatives... and the people are upset with how Obama went about things. maybe you will hail him as some hero like the others are, but please give us a break about how supposedly ALL CONSERVATIVES are thinking and feeling.

It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.

oh brother, some of you are so shallow you think most people can't make up their own minds
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oh for crying out loud, you are replying to ONE person, not ALL conservatives... and the people are upset with how Obama went about things. maybe you will hail him as some hero like the others are, but please give us a break about how supposedly ALL CONSERVATIVES are thinking and feeling.

It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.

oh brother, some of you are so shallow you think most people can't make up their own minds

Most especially blacks and Hispanics. But it's US who are the racists doncha know. :)
It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.

oh brother, some of you are so shallow you think most people can't make up their own minds

Most especially blacks and Hispanics. But it's US who are the racists doncha know. :)

of course
With the real unemployment rate around 12% and Democraps catering to non-Americans to stay here to take jobs from Americans, it shows Democraps don't give a shit about the working American. Democraps put getting re-elected above YOU having a job.
oh for crying out loud, you are replying to ONE person, not ALL conservatives... and the people are upset with how Obama went about things. maybe you will hail him as some hero like the others are, but please give us a break about how supposedly ALL CONSERVATIVES are thinking and feeling.

It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.

oh brother, some of you are so shallow you think most people can't make up their own minds

Actually what he meant to say was to annoint some leaders and orginizations as the head of hispanics and then just buy them off and then call anyone who belives different, not "brown" enough, not authentic. I has worked for them in the past.
With the real unemployment rate around 12% and Democraps catering to non-Americans to stay here to take jobs from Americans, it shows Democraps don't give a shit about the working American. Democraps put getting re-elected above YOU having a job.

very true, but their cult members hail them as heroes
I hope the voters take this and all the other divisions this administration has intentionally heaped on us to polls in November
oh for crying out loud, you are replying to ONE person, not ALL conservatives... and the people are upset with how Obama went about things. maybe you will hail him as some hero like the others are, but please give us a break about how supposedly ALL CONSERVATIVES are thinking and feeling.

It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.

oh brother, some of you are so shallow you think most people can't make up their own minds

They certainly will. Just don't be surprised if and when it's a PR fiasco for the GOP.
It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.

oh brother, some of you are so shallow you think most people can't make up their own minds

Actually what he meant to say was to annoint some leaders and orginizations as the head of hispanics and then just buy them off and then call anyone who belives different, not "brown" enough, not authentic. I has worked for them in the past.

You has?
All it really took was one communist mexican to turn mexicans against illegals in the first place. Today we have schools named after the illegal hating commie, Cesar Chavez. His daughter rails against illegals to this day.

To imagine that all hispanics support illegals coming here to take their jobs and the college slots away from their children is superbly short sighted.
One needs to put it into basic ape terms for them....like:

Say there is a plague and a group of families came to together with their food and water to survive, but somehow Jose, Manuel and Raul got into their group and started eating the food of the group. The families have a choice to let the "illegals" to steal their food and water which causes some of the families to starve OR kick their ass out of the home so the families can keep the original intent of their group.

The illegal loving liberals here would change their minds if they were in a family above or maybe they would allow illegals to steal food and water from their family.....

With the real unemployment rate around 12% and Democraps catering to non-Americans to stay here to take jobs from Americans, it shows Democraps don't give a shit about the working American. Democraps put getting re-elected above YOU having a job.

very true, but their cult members hail them as heroes
I hope the voters take this and all the other divisions this administration has intentionally heaped on us to polls in November
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I agree with the policy, but disagree with how the president did it. He is not a unitary executive who gets to rule by fiat. This needs to go through Congress.
It doesn't take all conservatives, or even MOST conservatives, to give Hispanics the impression that conservatives as a group AND the GOP as a party are hostile to them. All it will take is several well-known (or not so well-known) vocal conservatives who get on the airwaves to demonize Hispanics even if it's only in an effort to assail Obama and his policies.

All it takes is somebody like Rush Limbaugh, or any relatively small number of very outspoken conservatives with a radio show or a TV guest appearance, to get Hispanics to think that they're viewed with hostility by the GOP which already has a reputation for being the party of angry white males.

oh brother, some of you are so shallow you think most people can't make up their own minds

They certainly will. Just don't be surprised if and when it's a PR fiasco for the GOP.

yeah, just another game for you people, the hell with what is the best for this country
I think the people will see this for what it is, Obama just gave preference to a million people who are here illegally to compete for their jobs and it's was all done now for his RE-ELECTION..you all can sling your bleeding hearts till you are blue in the face, but the real world still exist
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Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?

that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.

Obama got his ASS KICKED in November 2010 and nothing has changed since then. He's still a radical Marxist. He still has presided over the longest period of +8% unemployment since the great depression. He still unconstitutionally spends like a drunken sailor on failed ideas (like green energy). He still hates the US Constitution with every fiber of his being, and loathes capitalism and America. And Obama just got his ASS KICKED again in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is uber liberal, after you idiot liberals dumped hundreds of millions from unions cross the nation, you still got slaughtered.

Jillian, even Obama knows he's not getting re-elected. It's over sweetie. If you want your precious little Communist utopia, you're going to have to move your ass to Cuba (where you can see first hand how "well" your ignorant liberal policies are working).
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Why don't they just charge him with a host of criminal charges? He has violated the US Constitution on multiple occassions (a Constitution which he took an oath to uphold). He has broken the law numerous times - why don't we just charge him and remove him from office? I suppose the thought of drunk Joe Biden running the country scares everyone too much to actually stop Barack Hussein from breaking the law.
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Why don't they just charge him with a host of criminal charges? He has violated the US Constitution on multiple occassions (a Constitution which he took an oath to uphold). He has broken the law numerous times - why don't we just charge him and remove him from office? I suppose the thought of drunk Joe Biden running the country scares everyone too much to actually stop Barack Hussein from breaking the law.

Republicans should do that right now. Seriously.. :lol:
many republicans supported it also.

And what the fuck does that mean? Who gives a fuck? If they agree with it maybe they should follow the Constitution process and vote on it. and show they support it in a vote.

What part of the Constitution allows Filibusters?

Deflection try again

If they agree with it maybe they should follow the Constitution process and vote on it. and show they support it in a vote.

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