Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Here comes another wedge issue, RW reactionaries are too damned predictable to be playing this game.
Never fear Conservatives

Once you gain control you can go back to hunting down and deporting kids who have spent their lives in this country
Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?

that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.

You'll get over it just fine when your king packs his backs and moves his buffalo-butt wife and their kids back to the digs in Cheecogo, then?

You can tell a democrat by his pandering to the lowest possible denominator (racism)

No, my problem is that our president is a vote pandering slimy character who has put his political ambitions above proper Constitutional restraints- it's disheartening and shameful.

The fact that Marco Rubio was attempting legislation via the route provided by our Constitution and was criticized by democrats as "taking the Dream out of the Dream Act", but now that the president has done it (having stolen the idea because he has none of his own) people like you cheer him on. This makes you not only despicable but disloyal to our Constitution-

Sorry, I was a Republican until you dumbasses nominated Romney.

And a lot of sensible Republicans like George W. Bush and John McCain thought this was a good idea.

Finally, this guy is realizing you can't play nice with these jokers. He's finally hitting back. It's about fucking time.

So which GOP candidate did you support Joe?
They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

A real leader would find a way to work with Congress. but not this dude, he's like most left wingers a big assed whiner.

Well there's the rub, obama is not now, never has been, and never will be anything even vaguely resembling a leader.

You can tell a democrat by his pandering to the lowest possible denominator (racism)

No, my problem is that our president is a vote pandering slimy character who has put his political ambitions above proper Constitutional restraints- it's disheartening and shameful.

The fact that Marco Rubio was attempting legislation via the route provided by our Constitution and was criticized by democrats as "taking the Dream out of the Dream Act", but now that the president has done it (having stolen the idea because he has none of his own) people like you cheer him on. This makes you not only despicable but disloyal to our Constitution-

Sorry, I was a Republican until you dumbasses nominated Romney.

And a lot of sensible Republicans like George W. Bush and John McCain thought this was a good idea.

Finally, this guy is realizing you can't play nice with these jokers. He's finally hitting back. It's about fucking time.

So which GOP candidate did you support Joe?

Hmmm. Is Joe a sock of JakeS? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

A real leader would find a way to work with Congress. but not this dude, he's like most left wingers a big assed whiner.

Well there's the rub, obama is not now, never has been, and never will be anything even vaguely resembling a leader.

In your opinion.
Sorry, I was a Republican until you dumbasses nominated Romney.

And a lot of sensible Republicans like George W. Bush and John McCain thought this was a good idea.

Finally, this guy is realizing you can't play nice with these jokers. He's finally hitting back. It's about fucking time.

So which GOP candidate did you support Joe?

Hmmm. Is Joe a sock of JakeS? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Has he ever supported one of the GOP candidates? All I ever read from him, apart from his weird bigotry against Mormons, was his defense of everything Obama?
I just hope we can get through until November with this man in the white house..

He and his comrades in arms want to see full blown race riots in this country..

First it was woman, then blacks, then homosexuals, now illegal immigrants..

He's got another voting block to pander to yet. I'm waiting for him to "evolve" on the abortion issue. He'll adopt an anti-abortion stance in order to secure the votes of those inutero voters.
Here comes another wedge issue, RW reactionaries are too damned predictable to be playing this game.

well hey no problem, we'll just let those people in the 8.2% unemployed say how they like having close to a million ILLEGIAL people given preference over them..

elections in November folks
Here comes another wedge issue, RW reactionaries are too damned predictable to be playing this game.

well hey no problem, we'll just let those people in the 8.2% unemployed say how they like having close to a million ILLEGIAL people given preference over them..

elections in November folks

Yes and now the republicans can explain how this policy is a bad thing, can't do that without seeming even more like heartless bastards. Our opinions do not count, it's those in the middle who count in an election and this is a losing argument for republicans, especially since I do not think they are going to get broad support for harsh treatment of these particular immigrants.
well let's see, obamaCare is now up in the courts..now why would THAT be

Maybe you're confused, here is the topic: Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Healthcare reform made it through congress, Rs are wasting time trying to repeal it to suit their agenda. It remains to be seen how much of it is left but that doesn't mean it was unconstitutional. That's just another one of the wingnutty talking points.

:cuckoo: Loopy.

are you KIDDING? Obama can't bypass Congress and just pick and choose which laws he wants to follow, what don't you get about that?

just contact your Representative and tell them to spank the shit out Obama his comrades in arms administration, K

Spank? I've contacted my Congressional reps and demanded they get off their butts, grow a backbone, and initiate impeachment proceedings.
Here comes another wedge issue, RW reactionaries are too damned predictable to be playing this game.

well hey no problem, we'll just let those people in the 8.2% unemployed say how they like having close to a million ILLEGIAL people given preference over them..

elections in November folks

You don't seem to have much faith in our work force and their ability to be competitive. Not to mention your inability to comprehend what happened yesterday. The work permits in no way guarantee them a job.

Yes, the elections are in November. The fact that congress continues to obstruct isn't helping your guy any. That's why he was considering Rubio as his running mate and seeking the Hispanic vote. Sorry about your luck.
So which GOP candidate did you support Joe?

Hmmm. Is Joe a sock of JakeS? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Has he ever supported one of the GOP candidates? All I ever read from him, apart from his weird bigotry against Mormons, was his defense of everything Obama?

I've noticed the same phenomena. And I am really suspicious of somebody who claims to have been a Republican until. . . . .

It is legitimate to change parties. I've done so. I was a strong Democrat active in political campaigns and such as a young adult. But over the years the increasing liberalism of the Democratic Party made it less and less of a happy home for me and I could not rationalize away the harm I witnessed up close and personal in that. So I finally had to admit that my party had left me.

These days I'm not much happier with the Republicans, but at least I am allowed to be my conservative self in the Republican Party so I register Republican.

I have seen no conservative side to JoeB in any respect, so it is hard to believe that he has ever been a Republican.
I voted for reagan and repubs in the eighties but saw Reagan selling away america and selling out american business, not to mention his lies about being a conservative yet increasing spending.But the real kicker was his tax hikes and his arms sells to Iran.
Maybe you're confused, here is the topic: Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Healthcare reform made it through congress, Rs are wasting time trying to repeal it to suit their agenda. It remains to be seen how much of it is left but that doesn't mean it was unconstitutional. That's just another one of the wingnutty talking points.

:cuckoo: Loopy.

are you KIDDING? Obama can't bypass Congress and just pick and choose which laws he wants to follow, what don't you get about that?

just contact your Representative and tell them to spank the shit out Obama his comrades in arms administration, K

Spank? I've contacted my Congressional reps and demanded they get off their butts, grow a backbone, and initiate impeachment proceedings.

Hell Yes...

You need to start your impeachment right before the election

What's the matter? Chicken?
Hmmm. Is Joe a sock of JakeS? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Has he ever supported one of the GOP candidates? All I ever read from him, apart from his weird bigotry against Mormons, was his defense of everything Obama?

I've noticed the same phenomena. And I am really suspicious of somebody who claims to have been a Republican until. . . . .

It is legitimate to change parties. I've done so. I was a strong Democrat active in political campaigns and such as a young adult. But over the years the increasing liberalism of the Democratic Party made it less and less of a happy home for me and I could not rationalize away the harm I witnessed up close and personal in that. So I finally had to admit that my party had left me.

These days I'm not much happier with the Republicans, but at least I am allowed to be my conservative self in the Republican Party so I register Republican.

I have seen no conservative side to JoeB in any respect, so it is hard to believe that he has ever been a Republican.

Demanding ideological purity of fellow party members is going to cost them everything, in the back rooms they were already sweating over this issue and dreading the day this gauntlet was thrown.

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