Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

well let's see, obamaCare is now up in the courts..now why would THAT be

Maybe you're confused, here is the topic: Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Healthcare reform made it through congress, Rs are wasting time trying to repeal it to suit their agenda. It remains to be seen how much of it is left but that doesn't mean it was unconstitutional. That's just another one of the wingnutty talking points.

:cuckoo: Loopy.

are you KIDDING? Obama can't bypass Congress and just pick and choose which laws he wants to follow, what don't you get about that?

Think again. Harder..
Maybe you're confused, here is the topic: Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Healthcare reform made it through congress, Rs are wasting time trying to repeal it to suit their agenda. It remains to be seen how much of it is left but that doesn't mean it was unconstitutional. That's just another one of the wingnutty talking points.

:cuckoo: Loopy.

are you KIDDING? Obama can't bypass Congress and just pick and choose which laws he wants to follow, what don't you get about that?

Think again. Harder..

many republicans supported it also.

they were looking at something coming out of Congress, not something that is DICTATED by the wannabe dictator..

you people just don't care that Obama oversteps his bounds from the oath he swore to uphold

Congress can't seem to get their collective asses together, oh they get paid to do a job but are miserable failures and should all be fired. So when the ass refuses to move the cart, you get out the truck.
That's what you think. While you liberals are painting the donothin' sign on Republicans, they are not cooperating with Obama's orbital spending.

And somehow through all the smokescreen, voters have figured the liberal blah-blah game out, and you are consequentially going to get yourselves a heated pants-down spanking from the American people for that; and the Avatar, Moonglow? You'll be first in line. :tongue:
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.
Maybe you're confused, here is the topic: Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Healthcare reform made it through congress, Rs are wasting time trying to repeal it to suit their agenda. It remains to be seen how much of it is left but that doesn't mean it was unconstitutional. That's just another one of the wingnutty talking points.

:cuckoo: Loopy.

are you KIDDING? Obama can't bypass Congress and just pick and choose which laws he wants to follow, what don't you get about that?

Think again. Harder..
I beleive you honestly DO believe that the POTUS is above the law.




(This is a perfect example of how Obama got elected - ignorance.)
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Preventing the political abuse of children is a high crime or misdemeanor in your mind? Or, is it only because the President is a Democrat that makes it so? In a sense you brought into the light an element of truth, anything done by President Obama will be criticized by conservatives and many of them are motivated by hate, racism, blind partisanship, ideology, ignorance - willful and otherwise - and in some cases abject stupidty.
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Preventing the political abuse of children is a high crime or misdemeanor in your mind? Or, is it only because the President is a Democrat that makes it so? In a sense you brought into the light an element of truth, anything done by President Obama will be criticized by conservatives and many of them are motivated by hate, racism, blind partisanship, ideology, ignorance - willful and otherwise - and in some cases abject stupidty.
Becoming a dictator is a high crime. Breaking the Constitution also is. Obama is not above the law. He does not make law.

That is the Constitution.
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Preventing the political abuse of children is a high crime or misdemeanor in your mind? Or, is it only because the President is a Democrat that makes it so? In a sense you brought into the light an element of truth, anything done by President Obama will be criticized by conservatives and many of them are motivated by hate, racism, blind partisanship, ideology, ignorance - willful and otherwise - and in some cases abject stupidty.

spare us the sob stories, obama is not above the laws of our country
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​
Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.
That reminds me of a story ...

Once a farmer found a crashed jetliner on one of his fields, so he, not knowing what else to do began burying the bloodied bodies and the plane rubble before the sun set.

The following day, several large vans pulled up to the farmer's cottage and asked whether he had seen the Air Force One crash, on or near his land.

"Yep," said the farmer, "the crash happened in the northeast field, where I buried all their bodies and the plane yestiddy."

"Were there any survivors, did anyone make it through alive?" asked one of the Men in Black.

"Well," said the farmer, "Some of them said they was, but you know how them politicians lie."
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Preventing the political abuse of children is a high crime or misdemeanor in your mind? Or, is it only because the President is a Democrat that makes it so? In a sense you brought into the light an element of truth, anything done by President Obama will be criticized by conservatives and many of them are motivated by hate, racism, blind partisanship, ideology, ignorance - willful and otherwise - and in some cases abject stupidty.

What a bunch of BS! Obama stole an idea from Marko Rubio that democrats condemned. Marco Rubio was attempting the almost identical thing via congress (the legal and therefor moral route). What Obama has done is pander to the Hispanic vote- the vote he all but ignored when he had total political majority for two years.

Obama thinks Hispanics are stupid and won't know or understand the facts- Your hypocrisy is showing~
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Why should it be?

Frankly, I'm wondering what the objection here is, exactly.

Even Mitt Romney has admitted that we can't round up and deport 11 million people.

It won't happen.

So Obama has said, "We aren't going to bother trying to hunt down people who've been here since they were children, speak English as their first language, and had no say in being brought here. Until Congress finally gets off its ass and acts, I'm going to put our resources into actually finding recent illegals and more importantly, ones that are committing crimes."

It's a matter of priorities, isn't it?
What a bunch of BS! Obama stole an idea from Marko Rubio that democrats condemned. Marco Rubio was attempting the almost identical thing via congress (the legal and therefor moral route). What Obama has done is pander to the Hispanic vote- the vote he all but ignored when he had total political majority for two years.

Obama thinks Hispanics are stupid and won't know or understand the facts- Your hypocrisy is showing~

So what's your objection. He's adopted your idea.

Or is this going to be another one of those "We Republicans were totally for that Until The Black Guy Did It" routines.
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Yes, it is. It will be on his record. He should be impeached for breaking his oath of office. Wasn't it just a year ago he told a crowd of lations he could not by law do this? So it's obvious to me he knowingly and with malice aforethought broke a law of the US Government.
What a bunch of BS! Obama stole an idea from Marko Rubio that democrats condemned. Marco Rubio was attempting the almost identical thing via congress (the legal and therefor moral route). What Obama has done is pander to the Hispanic vote- the vote he all but ignored when he had total political majority for two years.

Obama thinks Hispanics are stupid and won't know or understand the facts- Your hypocrisy is showing~

So what's your objection. He's adopted your idea.

Or is this going to be another one of those "We Republicans were totally for that Until The Black Guy Did It" routines.

oui, mon ami.
What a bunch of BS! Obama stole an idea from Marko Rubio that democrats condemned. Marco Rubio was attempting the almost identical thing via congress (the legal and therefor moral route). What Obama has done is pander to the Hispanic vote- the vote he all but ignored when he had total political majority for two years.

Obama thinks Hispanics are stupid and won't know or understand the facts- Your hypocrisy is showing~

So what's your objection. He's adopted your idea.

Or is this going to be another one of those "We Republicans were totally for that Until The Black Guy Did It" routines.

The objection is asswipe. he broke the law and deemed it done instead of allowing the Congessional Body of the United States do it as dictated by US Law.
What a bunch of BS! Obama stole an idea from Marko Rubio that democrats condemned. Marco Rubio was attempting the almost identical thing via congress (the legal and therefor moral route). What Obama has done is pander to the Hispanic vote- the vote he all but ignored when he had total political majority for two years.

Obama thinks Hispanics are stupid and won't know or understand the facts- Your hypocrisy is showing~

So what's your objection. He's adopted your idea.

Or is this going to be another one of those "We Republicans were totally for that Until The Black Guy Did It" routines.

holy smokes...

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