Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?
that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.

works for me
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

A real leader would find a way to work with Congress. but not this dude, he's like most left wingers a big assed whiner.
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Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.
both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

I have no idea what you are talking about..........so I guess all that legislation like shrinking the military, the welfare reform etc. signed by clinton after compromise and negotiation with a REPUBLICAN house and senate was....what again?

No it was Rubio, not Romney, had that plan and bi partisan sponsors etc. for pretty much exactly what obama just announced. Yes he did pull the rug out from under rubio and it was a clever move but its not sweetness and light, its a naked political pay, hey thats fine BUT...........

lets take a ride in the way back machine and revisit 2007 when obama gave his sppt., at first, to a comprehensive immigration reform bill that had bi partisan sppt., then pulled it and wound up sppting the Dorgan amendment ( and others ) which was a classic poison pill amendment, killing the temporary worker prgm. , which killed the bill, Ted Kennedy yes that one, was livid......

Oh and Obama had 2 years and the power he needed in the house and senate to perform immigration reform....what happened?
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.
both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

I have no idea what you are talking about..........so I guess all that legislation like shrinking the military, the welfare reform etc. signed by clinton after compromise and negotiation with a REPUBLICAN house and senate was....what again?

No it was Rubio, not Romney, had that plan and bi partisan sponsors etc. for pretty much exactly what obama just announced. Yes he did pull the rug out from under rubio and it was a clever move but its not sweetness and light, its a naked political pay, hey that's fine BUT...........

lets take a ride in the way back machine and revisit 2007 when obama gave his support., at first, to a comprehensive immigration reform bill that had bi partisan support., then pulled it and wound up supporting the Dorgan amendment ( and others ) which was a classic poison pill amendment, killing the temporary worker program. , which killed the bill, Ted Kennedy yes that one, was livid......

Oh and Obama had 2 years and the power he needed in the house and senate to perform immigration reform....what happened?

Now come on let's be fair- Obama needs to steal ideas- it's not like he can come up with good ones on his own.
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

So you agree that Rs are deliberately refusing to work with him even if it means bring the economyjob creation to a screeching halt?

Good, the voters think that too.
They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

So you agree that Rs are deliberately refusing to work with him even if it means bring the economyjob creation to a screeching halt?

Good, the voters think that too.

oh yeah right, another excuse..poor Obama just can't get all them people to bow down to him...
They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

So you agree that Rs are deliberately refusing to work with him even if it means bring the economyjob creation to a screeching halt?

Good, the voters think that too.

No what the voters think,, roll eyes is that this dude has just one damn "excuse" right after another.. he's lame
So Rubio wanted to go the route of getting bipartisan support via congress (you know the proper authority) to allow a pathway for legal residency for children of illegal immigrants.

When he wished to do this he was attacked by democrats as wanting to take the Dream out of the Dream Act. Now that Obama has enacted by fiat the very same proposal as Rubio's, it's democrats being noble and good... The stench of democratic hypocrisy is alive and well~
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I just hope we can get through until November with this man in the white house..

He and his comrades in arms want to see full blown race riots in this country..

First it was woman, then blacks, then homosexuals, now illegal immigrants..
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.


He just lost my vote and I was planning to work at the democrat headquarters here is Reno. He may have gained the Hispanic vote but he will loose a lot of other votes. Those who are going to be hurt economically by this act. My vote for Romney will be a vote against Obama. I am not so sure that Romeny will do anything different.
I just hope we can get through until November with this man in the white house..

He and his comrades in arms want to see full blown race riots in this country..

First it was woman, then blacks, then homosexuals, now illegal immigrants..

Explain.:mad: How the fuck do you compare blacks, gays and women to illegal aleins?:cuckoo:
What he did was perfectly legally and I had the feeling he would do something like this when the time was right. The time was right and he played his hand. But it may well come back to bite him in the ass in Nov.
They all pit people against each other, that's the point of our two party system. Did you want them to help each other get votes?

Obama is one of the more fair presidents we've had in recent years. Clinton is another, both have reached out to Republicans countless times and you all just let hate and greed become your thrust.

Obama has out maneuvered his opponent, Romney was planning a push to gain the Hispanic vote and Obama had the sense to take action now and not wait for more obstruction from the Right to that end.

yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

A real leader would find a way to work with Congress. but not this dude, he's like most left wingers a big assed whiner.

How the hell do you work with some one who is hell bent on you failing? and made it clear from day one. If Romney was in he place, he would do the same damn thing. Just watch if he get in office. Amnesty
I just hope we can get through until November with this man in the white house..

He and his comrades in arms want to see full blown race riots in this country..

First it was woman, then blacks, then homosexuals, now illegal immigrants..

Explain.:mad: How the fuck do you compare blacks, gays and women to illegal aleins?:cuckoo:

I'm talking about how they have stirred the pot on all of these people..
the so called war on women, the Zimmerman case which should of never been made into a national media frenzy and fed into by the race hustlers, Obama evolving on homosexual marriage, and now this..
I just hope we can get through until November with this man in the white house..

He and his comrades in arms want to see full blown race riots in this country..

First it was woman, then blacks, then homosexuals, now illegal immigrants..

Explain.:mad: How the fuck do you compare blacks, gays and women to illegal aleins?:cuckoo:

It's the pandering he is doing for votes that they all have in common...

Only the deliberately blind or pathetically stupid would deny the blatant pandering he is doing~
so exactly why do libtards favor illegals over Americans?
Because they tell them they will get everything for free if they vote Democrat.

Instead of using fair play, Democrats scrounge millions of votes by importing illegals and indoctrinating them to follow their redistribution of wealth campaign of chaos at the expense of voters who are Republicans.

Now that Republicans are taking measures to prevent hardcore Dems from voting 30x each, it's cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat to get votes any which way they can.

Illegals can't really vote shit for brains. And Dems vote 30x each? Really? Jeez, I geuss that must be true if they say so on "I'm a Moronic Righty and My Listeners are Even Dumber" radio. Or did you get it in an email forward? Those email forwards have never been wrong.

God you people are fucking dumb. Its a real testament to the problem with education in this country.
Not legally, of course. Why are you covering Democrats' rear enders for them?

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