Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

So what it boils down to is that our fascist dictator Obama decided that his election trumps our kids getting jobs........Progressives are scumbags and liberals who support this are scumbags as well . You should all be ashamed of yourself.

many republicans supported it also.

they were looking at something coming out of Congress, not something that is DICTATED by the wannabe dictator..

you people just don't care that Obama oversteps his bounds from the oath he swore to uphold

Congress can't seem to get their collective asses together, oh they get paid to do a job but are miserable failures and should all be fired. So when the ass refuses to move the cart, you get out the truck.
many republicans supported it also.

they were looking at something coming out of Congress, not something that is DICTATED by the wannabe dictator..

you people just don't care that Obama oversteps his bounds from the oath he swore to uphold

Congress can't seem to get their collective asses together, oh they get paid to do a job but are miserable failures and should all be fired. So when the ass refuses to move the cart, you get out the truck.

so you don't mind that Obama is acting like a dictator and stirring up division AGAIN..and all this RIGHT before a election...of course no stink in that.
So what it boils down to is that our fascist dictator Obama decided that his election trumps our kids getting jobs........Progressives are scumbags and liberals who support this are scumbags as well . You should all be ashamed of yourself.

many republicans supported it also.

And what the fuck does that mean? Who gives a fuck? If they agree with it maybe they should follow the Constitution process and vote on it. and show they support it in a vote.

What part of the Constitution allows Filibusters?
So what it boils down to is that our fascist dictator Obama decided that his election trumps our kids getting jobs........Progressives are scumbags and liberals who support this are scumbags as well . You should all be ashamed of yourself.

ur lazy kid get a job?! really, what other trades does he know besides video gaming?

Actually he hasnt gotten a job yet ...Cause where ever he goes who would hire a new employee with no experience they are full of illegals. That is a fact.
Obama decided that his election trumps our kids getting jobs

Yea, like you have a kid that wants to work on a roof for 12 hours/7days a week for 100 dollars a day.

Or your kid wants to carry hod and lay block.

Or your kid wanta to pick fruit.

All that fun work for an amazing amount of earnings. Yes, all those jobs would be filled by todays youth if only Obama hadn't taken those jobs away. Bull shit.

I have worked in and around construction since 1978. In the later 70's blacks refused to work, why not they got govt freebies. The 80's rolled around and all the white kids wanted was a corvette and a high paying job where they didn't have to get dirty.
Then comes the '90's mostly all the white people I hired to do large jobs could not function because of drug or alcohol abuse. In the later '90's you could not get any hired hands that were white that were not wothless.
2000 comes around and still little to no white people to hire, even the bad ones.
By the later 2000 the white folks was on welfare and didn't want to work cause, well I can get paid to stay at home. Just last week I saw a guy that said he needed to work, hadn't been able to find any in two years, I tell him to show up and I would work him, he never showed up. but Mexicans drive by my job site, get out, walk up and are ready to go to work. Huh, wonder why there are so many willing workers illegal in this nation. I say we get rid of those that will not work and keep anyone that is willing to work.
go ahead and tell me about how them white kids that don't want to work will not have a job they don't want. And it is Obamas fault, hell it's obama's fault if you don't like your job and quit too.
Obama decided that his election trumps our kids getting jobs

Yea, like you have a kid that wants to work on a roof for 12 hours/7days a week for 100 dollars a day.

Or your kid wants to carry hod and lay block.

Or your kid wanta to pick fruit.

All that fun work for an amazing amount of earnings. Yes, all those jobs would be filled by todays youth if only Obama hadn't taken those jobs away. Bull shit.
Hey you shit head before I was employed I would have done all of those and more to feed my family. I am not a scumbag liberal who thinks he is better than hard work. Dont tell me what my kids will do cause they would do a fucking damn sight more than your fat lazy ass sitting in your mommas basement eating Cheetos.

I fucking hate people who think real Americans dont work hard...Truth is it is welfare queen liberals who are the lazy fucks.
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go ahead and tell me about how them white kids that don't want to work will not have a job they don't want. And it is Obamas fault, hell it's obama's fault if you don't like your job and quit too.

You are a dumb ass who wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. My kids have a work ethic . I dont raise lazy cray baby ignorant liberals like you. Unlike you my kids respect hard work and love their country.
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I have never seen any proof, of these illegal kids are getting deported in large numbers of any kind.
Where is the Presidents proof that these kids are being picked out and deported by the hundreds or thousands?
It's a typical move by Obama, announce this on Fri. right before the Supreme Court ruling, coming out this week on SB1070.
Then has the audacity to say this isn't a political move.
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

The vast majority are still against a "back door amnesty," and an over reaching, power happy, dictator, junior hitler president. This will back fire.


Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?

that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.
Obama decided that his election trumps our kids getting jobs

Yea, like you have a kid that wants to work on a roof for 12 hours/7days a week for 100 dollars a day.

Or your kid wants to carry hod and lay block.

Or your kid wanta to pick fruit.

All that fun work for an amazing amount of earnings. Yes, all those jobs would be filled by todays youth if only Obama hadn't taken those jobs away. Bull shit.
Hey you shit head before I was employed I would have done all of those and more to feed my family. I am not a scumbag liberal who thinks he is better than hard work. Dont tell me what my kids will do cause they would do a fucking damn sight more than your fat lazy ass sitting in your mommas basement eating Cheetos.

I fucking hate people who think real Americans dont work hard...Truth is it is welfare queen liberals who are the lazy fucks.

hey u fucking low life I am a liberal and worked myself into a wheel chair. So gfy and your dumbass ideas about liberals.
Obama is a very despicable man that will do anything to get reelected..

This is going to pit the people of this country against each other, just as he wanted.

The vast majority are still against a "back door amnesty," and an over reaching, power happy, dictator, junior hitler president. This will back fire.



and u will get throat STD's if you don't stop sucking off men at the truck stop and gym.
Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?

that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.

good grief jilly, you know what Obama just did is to cause division..I hope to gawd Obama is a one term President, our country couldn't take four more years of the hate he stirs up
Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?

that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.

Yep, anyone but Obama in '12. Don't like it, too bad. He sucks at the job, he doesn't give a sh*t about anyone but himself. Keep kidding yourself that he does, keep believing he loves America, keep thinking he's gonna kick anyone's butt. He's a Chicago punk, in way over his head. America is not his Choom Gang. He doesn't even rate the title of "Thug".
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I have never seen any proof, of these illegal kids are getting deported in large numbers of any kind.
Where is the Presidents proof that these kids are being picked out and deported by the hundreds or thousands?
It's a typical move by Obama, announce this on Fri. right before the Supreme Court ruling, coming out this week on SB1070.
Then has the audacity to say this isn't a political move.

SB1070, now there is a nice tyrannical law by conservatives that hold those christian values about loving your enemies and fellow man.

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