Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

To all the Libs who think these 800k illegals should stay here, how many of the 800k are you willing to have them live in your house and provide their support?

Just Curious :)


none, that's what you the "little" guy are supposed to do. They love halfway houses and getting criminals out of jail, but not in their neighborhood. They're hypocrites to the Nth degree.
AP sources: Immunity offered to certain immigrants | White House News | Political News | Comcast

The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.

The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act, a long-sought but never enacted plan to establish a path toward citizenship for young people who came to the United States illegally but who have attended college or served in the military.

Worthless president destroying this Country , he should be impeached for failure to protect is citizens from forgein invaders,he is a pathetic excuse for a president desperate for votes...
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Like anything of any good comes from this bullshit......:cuckoo:

All this means is AMNESTY. If the children will not be deported, there is no way in hell the parents are. The will be given work permits?There are not enough jobs for American children. Where do he plan to find jobs for them? He will stop all deportation unless they have been CONVICTED of a felony crime? CONVICTED only mean they have not been caught. Do they have to be convicted to be criminals? BS.
Does this mean he will round up all the others and deport them?
you idiots act like Obama really did pass the Dream Act, you idiots would jump off a bridge if your propaganda minister said so.

you idiots act like Obama really did pass the Dream Act, you idiots would jump off a bridge if your propaganda minister said so.

And you act like the completely political action he has taken is a good thing- it's base and admittedly exemplary of his over-all character- Our president is a slimy individual. I can hardly wait to cast a vote against him.
Will we ever get a President or Politician that cares more about this country then they do about getting elected or members of their party elected?
This Country is so screwed with this guy in office ,he is a one man wrecking ball on every front........from the financial side to the social side and everything in between.....
the only way that immigration laws can be changed is by an act of Congress.
This Country is so screwed with this guy in office ,he is a one man wrecking ball on every front........from the financial side to the social side and everything in between.....

ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh! Da scawy Mexicans!!!!
you idiots act like Obama really did pass the Dream Act, you idiots would jump off a bridge if your propaganda minister said so.

And you act like the completely political action he has taken is a good thing- it's base and admittedly exemplary of his over-all character- Our president is a slimy individual. I can hardly wait to cast a vote against him.

Yep, he would have done this a couple years back if he honestly felt it was the right thing to do.
He is simply and blatantly pandering in an election year. I despise him more today than I did yesterday.
This Country is so screwed with this guy in office ,he is a one man wrecking ball on every front........from the financial side to the social side and everything in between.....

true but no one has ever really stepped up on either side regarding the immigration issue. First come, first serve. This country has limited resources.
He is nothing more than a a man out to destroy our way of life and our Country, he should be impeached for failure to protect its citizens from foreign invaders.....:cuckoo:

Welcome to your future America......

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I give this country one more generation, and then it's soooooooooooooo over. Glad I'll be gone.

Yes that is the solution.

hypocrites should LEAVE

I'm sure if I asked a few other members here, we could pitch in and buy you a ticket to Canada.
you idiots act like Obama really did pass the Dream Act, you idiots would jump off a bridge if your propaganda minister said so.

And you act like the completely political action he has taken is a good thing- it's base and admittedly exemplary of his over-all character- Our president is a slimy individual. I can hardly wait to cast a vote against him.

The Dream Act was first introduced in 2001, the writters were dems and repubs, try again with ur failed message

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