Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

He is nothing more than a a man out to destroy our way of life and our Country, he should be impeached for failure to protect its citizens from foreign invaders.....:cuckoo:

Welcome to your future America......

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I give this country one more generation, and then it's soooooooooooooo over. Glad I'll be gone.

Yes that is the solution.

hypocrites should LEAVE

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya on the way out, ya hear?
lol, and you all who voted for him thought he gave a shit about YOU legal American citizens..

nothing like adding close to MILLION of illegal invaders to the unemployment line for YOUR JOBS

enjoy your votes now
Awwww. Poor little Conservative babies. It's okay for Michigan to subvert democracy, and it's okay for the Koch brothers to buy elections, and it's even okay for Rick Scott to illegally purge voter records (when there have been almost 100% flaw rates in his data), but you get really pissed when Obama makes a bold step toward dealing with a problem that isn't going to go away and it isn't practical to "round up all the Mayxeecans and haul 'em bayck to Mayxheeco."

Ha ha.

Could you be any less mature?

Oh, most certainly, I can be. But I'd like you point out what about my post is immature, exactly.
To all the Libs who think these 800k illegals should stay here, how many of the 800k are you willing to have them live in your house and provide their support?

Just Curious :)


why, they have their own.

That's what I thought, it is OK for everyone else to support an Illegal, but you don't want them living with you ... not so liberal are you :)


liberalism has nothing to do with it, most illegals work and provide their own or live with host families.
why, they have their own.

That's what I thought, it is OK for everyone else to support an Illegal, but you don't want them living with you ... not so liberal are you :)


liberalism has nothing to do with it, most illegals work and provide their own or live with host families.

The hell it doesn't...


Part of the deal with Reagan signing that was that the Congress was going to enforce the laws and the border. Congress didn't fulfill thier obligation. [Reagan was dealing with Democrats...]

Tip ONeill, if I recall...

Yep...Thomas (Tip) O'Neill.

I need to bookmark this thread. Rightwingers actually putting some blame on one of their own, the Holy Saint Ronald. If you guys are so worried about illegals, why didn't you build America's version of the great wall of China when you had all three branches of Gov't under Shrub? Why didn't you round them all up and send them to the FEMA death camps? Or real easy solution, why don't you just penalize the sacred "job creators" that hire them in the first place? No jobs, no problem with illegals. Could it be that the sacred "job creators" want the illegals because they like cheap labor? Maybe the big business wing of the repugs should get together with the xenophobic wing and hash this all out.
lol, and you all who voted for him thought he gave a shit about YOU legal American citizens..

nothing like adding close to MILLION of illegal invaders to the unemployment line for YOUR JOBS

enjoy your votes now

No Dream Act or amnesty has been given to any illegal.
the only way that immigration laws can be changed is by an act of Congress.
Yeah, that's why they aren't getting a pass to citizenship, merely work permits and the ability to stop hiding.
Tip ONeill, if I recall...

Yep...Thomas (Tip) O'Neill.

I need to bookmark this thread. Rightwingers actually putting some blame on one of their own, the Holy Saint Ronald. If you guys are so worried about illegals, why didn't you build America's version of the great wall of China when you had all three branches of Gov't under Shrub? Why didn't you round them all up and send them to the FEMA death camps? Or real easy solution, why don't you just penalize the sacred "job creators" that hire them in the first place? No jobs, no problem with illegals. Could it be that the sacred "job creators" want the illegals because they like cheap labor? Maybe the big business wing of the repugs should get together with the xenophobic wing and hash this all out.

It was WRONG then as it is NOW. What part of that didn't you get Gracie?
He is nothing more than a a man out to destroy our way of life and our Country, he should be impeached for failure to protect its citizens from foreign invaders.....:cuckoo:

Welcome to your future America......

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I give this country one more generation, and then it's soooooooooooooo over. Glad I'll be gone.

We're all glad you'll be gone too. Progress is impossible with a bunch of goddamned Baby Boomers "me, me, me"ing it up.

Later, Gramps.
That's what I thought, it is OK for everyone else to support an Illegal, but you don't want them living with you ... not so liberal are you :)


liberalism has nothing to do with it, most illegals work and provide their own or live with host families.

They pay taxes too.

So illegal activity is nullified when you pay any form of a tax, whether it be sales tax, gas tax, or whatever??

Gonna make smiting my enemies easier and without fear of prosecution
So as I understand it, the hell with federal law, lets throw it out, it's time to play politics with immigration in the hope he will gain the upper edge in the upcoming election. So are we now to assume that the DOJ will prohibit challenges to illegals voting? What a fraud, but then again, the Democrat's are well versed in this area.
why, they have their own.

That's what I thought, it is OK for everyone else to support an Illegal, but you don't want them living with you ... not so liberal are you :)


liberalism has nothing to do with it, most illegals work and provide their own or live with host families.

Mostly illegals live off whatever jackpot babies they can pop out. That, and hanging around street corners trying to get day labor. Then there's always crime. A burglary here, a mugging there. They get by.

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