Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

what is the inscription on the statue of liberty?

What is the writing in the LAW?

Which law? The immigration law? As far as I know actually being here illegally is a relatively minor infraction. I think it's like a thousand dollar fine, six months in jail and deportation. At least that's the impression I got from what I've read.

As for the Constitution, it absolutely protects all humans, regardless of legal status. There are are a few enumerated powers just for citizens, most most Constitutional scholars, on both sides of the aisle, admit that the Constitution's protections are not specific to citizens only.
That's what I thought, it is OK for everyone else to support an Illegal, but you don't want them living with you ... not so liberal are you :)


liberalism has nothing to do with it, most illegals work and provide their own or live with host families.

They pay taxes too.


Many murderers, pedophiles and Congressman pay takes too, does paying taxes make them the good guys..... try again please :)

Hey all you LEGAL citizens in the 8% unemployment...how do you like him now?

November just around the corner.
what is the inscription on the statue of liberty?

What is the writing in the LAW?

Which law? The immigration law? As far as I know actually being here illegally is a relatively minor infraction. I think it's like a thousand dollar fine, six months in jail and deportation. At least that's the impression I got from what I've read.

As for the Constitution, it absolutely protects all humans, regardless of legal status. There are are a few enumerated powers just for citizens, most most Constitutional scholars, on both sides of the aisle, admit that the Constitution's protections are not specific to citizens only.

So where is the fine, jail and/or deportation going on?? Not hard to find the illegals...

And all humans huh??? Even the unborn ones?? Good to hear

And nobody is saying that even the illegals don't have a right to be alive or whatever... what is being said is they do not have a right to be here, they do not have a right to suck off the government tit, and they do not have a right to get away with their crimes
Yeah! What a scumbag he is for actually trying to help mitigate a problem that guns and walls will never fix! What a dick!
This is an election year scam designed to steer the political debate in a direct they feel favors them.

It would mean something if it included every illegal.

Get back to talking about the economy he's screwing up.
This is an election year scam designed to steer the political debate in a direct they feel favors them.

It would mean something if it included every illegal.

Get back to talking about the economy he's screwing up.

Deflection borne out of desparation again for the O.
First it was amnesty, then path to citizenship, the Deam Act and that all failed he planned work permits which is more than those who GRADUATED COLLEGE OR SERVED IN THE MILITARY.
He stopped processing deportation because it cost to much but how much will it cost the U.S. taxpayers NOT to deport but to investigate and process those who would qualify of work permits?

Amnesty would cost at least $2.6 TRILLION.
Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion

Cost of deporting all illegal aliens would be $92 billion.
Costs will rein in Arizona's immigration crackdown - CSMonitor.com
$2.6 trillion would be just processing amnesty and not the long term cost.
What is the writing in the LAW?

Which law? The immigration law? As far as I know actually being here illegally is a relatively minor infraction. I think it's like a thousand dollar fine, six months in jail and deportation. At least that's the impression I got from what I've read.

As for the Constitution, it absolutely protects all humans, regardless of legal status. There are are a few enumerated powers just for citizens, most most Constitutional scholars, on both sides of the aisle, admit that the Constitution's protections are not specific to citizens only.

So where is the fine, jail and/or deportation going on?? Not hard to find the illegals...

And all humans huh??? Even the unborn ones?? Good to hear

And nobody is saying that even the illegals don't have a right to be alive or whatever... what is being said is they do not have a right to be here, they do not have a right to suck off the government tit, and they do not have a right to get away with their crimes

Okay, your points are all built on some seriously high-piled bullshit.

For starters, immigration, legal or otherwise, has been stagnant for YEARS. There is not a big invading force, and there aren't waves of people surging over the border.

Secondly, the abortion jab is lame and irrelevant to this discussion. I would argue that it's better to care for that human life once it's you know, born, than it is to put all the emphasis on its rights when it is scientifically not much more than a microscopic symbiote. Maybe if you could prove to me that a zygote could live if we took it from its host uterus at less than 20 weeks I'd buy your religious dogma. Until then?

Lastly, there is no possible way to distinguish, from a statistical point of view, the legal from the illegal immigrants in terms of what kind of goods and services they use. So this nonsense of them sucking us dry is just that...nonsense.

Who do you think costs the taxpayers more: illegal immigrants or Exxon?
I will have an issue with this if it passes in Colorado:

For example, while an in-state student at the University of Colorado at Boulder would pay $9,152 for 30 hours of credit under the bill, an illegal immigrant would pay $11,012 for the same number of hours.
An out-of-state student would pay $30,330 per year in tuition.

Read more: Colorado tuition bill for illegal immigrants clears House committee but still faces death threat - The Denver Post Colorado tuition bill for illegal immigrants clears House committee but still faces death threat - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post
why didnt you think it was wrong when Bush did it?

First, pointing to bad behavior to justify bad behavior is the tactic of children- but I digress- how about articulating a similar act. And I do not mean his by-passing congress to give commercial airlines a few military aviation routes or allowing passengers of commercial airlines compensation for passengers who are bumped from overbooked flights- I mean something as politically motivated 6 months before an election- come on you can do it.

I understand you stepped into it with your Nixon analogy and now you have to walk that back-
Which law? The immigration law? As far as I know actually being here illegally is a relatively minor infraction. I think it's like a thousand dollar fine, six months in jail and deportation. At least that's the impression I got from what I've read.

As for the Constitution, it absolutely protects all humans, regardless of legal status. There are are a few enumerated powers just for citizens, most most Constitutional scholars, on both sides of the aisle, admit that the Constitution's protections are not specific to citizens only.

So where is the fine, jail and/or deportation going on?? Not hard to find the illegals...

And all humans huh??? Even the unborn ones?? Good to hear

And nobody is saying that even the illegals don't have a right to be alive or whatever... what is being said is they do not have a right to be here, they do not have a right to suck off the government tit, and they do not have a right to get away with their crimes

Okay, your points are all built on some seriously high-piled bullshit.

For starters, immigration, legal or otherwise, has been stagnant for YEARS. There is not a big invading force, and there aren't waves of people surging over the border.

Secondly, the abortion jab is lame and irrelevant to this discussion. I would argue that it's better to care for that human life once it's you know, born, than it is to put all the emphasis on its rights when it is scientifically not much more than a microscopic symbiote. Maybe if you could prove to me that a zygote could live if we took it from its host uterus at less than 20 weeks I'd buy your religious dogma. Until then?

Lastly, there is no possible way to distinguish, from a statistical point of view, the legal from the illegal immigrants in terms of what kind of goods and services they use. So this nonsense of them sucking us dry is just that...nonsense.

Who do you think costs the taxpayers more: illegal immigrants or Exxon?

1) WRONG.. numbers of illegals are increasing vastly... and illegals are not actively pursued to enforce the law... there are MILLIONS and MILLIONS of illegals

2) It is not lame.. you flat out stated the constitution protects all humans.... I argue that it is better to preserve the life of all humans under the law.. and that as a parent, I take care of children seriously.. and those who do not, should have their kids taken away as we did with my brother when he would rather not work and do drugs than take care of his kids

3) Ummm... even legal visitors are not entitled to government services such as welfare, governmental college grants, or whatever else...

Tax payers keep Exxon afloat?? Funny.. seems like they earn their money as a registered corporation.... they do not suck the coffers dry.. as a matter of fact, even though you don't like to believe it, they pay enormous amounts in taxes (I believe over 21 BILLION in 2010)

nice try though, troll
children should not be treated as criminals because of something their parents did

They're not citizens, and the laws should apply to them regardless of their age or circumstance.

thank goodness the Constitution does regard them as human as should be treated as such. You on the other hand would treat them with as a tyrant.

HAHAHAHA Now applying our immigration laws to illegal aliens is a tyrannical act. The enforcement of immigration laws is to treat the recipients of our duly enacted laws as less than human. Lefties are pathetic.
Which law? The immigration law? As far as I know actually being here illegally is a relatively minor infraction. I think it's like a thousand dollar fine, six months in jail and deportation. At least that's the impression I got from what I've read.

As for the Constitution, it absolutely protects all humans, regardless of legal status. There are are a few enumerated powers just for citizens, most most Constitutional scholars, on both sides of the aisle, admit that the Constitution's protections are not specific to citizens only.

So where is the fine, jail and/or deportation going on?? Not hard to find the illegals...

And all humans huh??? Even the unborn ones?? Good to hear

And nobody is saying that even the illegals don't have a right to be alive or whatever... what is being said is they do not have a right to be here, they do not have a right to suck off the government tit, and they do not have a right to get away with their crimes

Okay, your points are all built on some seriously high-piled bullshit.

For starters, immigration, legal or otherwise, has been stagnant for YEARS. There is not a big invading force, and there aren't waves of people surging over the border.
Secondly, the abortion jab is lame and irrelevant to this discussion. I would argue that it's better to care for that human life once it's you know, born, than it is to put all the emphasis on its rights when it is scientifically not much more than a microscopic symbiote. Maybe if you could prove to me that a zygote could live if we took it from its host uterus at less than 20 weeks I'd buy your religious dogma. Until then?

Lastly, there is no possible way to distinguish, from a statistical point of view, the legal from the illegal immigrants in terms of what kind of goods and services they use. So this nonsense of them sucking us dry is just that...nonsense.

Who do you think costs the taxpayers more: illegal immigrants or Exxon?

Totally uninformed assertion. Any resident of southeastern AZ will tell you otherwise. A simple observation of the area exposes your bullshit.

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